It's July 6th! That means today when I get home from work I'll play a Halo 4 multiplayer match in MCC with my brother for the "Play Halo 4 on the 6th of any month" achievement.
I didn't realize this was a thing. Will have to get it next time.
It's July 6th! That means today when I get home from work I'll play a Halo 4 multiplayer match in MCC with my brother for the "Play Halo 4 on the 6th of any month" achievement.
Price is $9.99Now i want to see the price.
Thanks for reminding me on this one. Not sure if I have this achievement or not.
Thanks for the reminder! Just went and got it.
I didn't realize this was a thing. Will have to get it next time.
Price is $9.99
No review embargo, so once the review code goes live tomorrow I'll hopefully have some impressions up leading up to release
Thank Christ.
My brother and I played Halo CE's fourth level (The Silent Cartographer) in online co-op (not splitscreen co-op) and all relevant achievements popped normally for both us. Yay. =)
Our progress was INCREDIBLY slow lately (we're only up to level 4) because of how discouraging the achievement issues were. Hopefully we're up to Halo 2 by this weekend.
We're going to stick to online co-op and go back to splitscreen co-op once we're done with playlists. Seems like playlists make achievements buggy with splitscreen.
Yes, 2 max for CE and 2.
Released today,
Spectra: 8-bit Racing 7.50$, 272MB.
The devs live in Hull, everyone needs to support them so they can leave that shithole.
Project Spark
--Void Corruptor - 5$ (or 500 Tokens/20,000 credits with premium)
World of Tanks (pre-load now available)
--Assault pack- 35$
--Battalion pack - 49$
--Vanguard pack - 20$
Has anyone heard anything about a release date for Super Mega Baseball? I believe they said summer 2015, but that's pretty vague.
I know it's sad that I'm excited for this, but that's how badly I'm itching to play a "decent" baseball game on X1.
FFVII remake rumoured to come out on XB1. Yay? The topic has already been closed, darn.
The reveal trailer did say play it first on PS4, to me that screams timed exclusive.
The reveal trailer did say play it first on PS4, to me that screams timed exclusive.
Kagari says FFVII Remake is a SFV scenario, so no Xbone version.
I don't know who Kagari is but all this tells me is that the parties involved are happy to obsfucate the issue with vague messaging.
An official involved with the game should come right out and say the game will never come out on XB1.
Nice I've been waiting for Onigiri to come west. I played a little bit of the Japanese version but don't know the language so it was a bit tough and I had to stopThe World of Tanks beta servers are up. If you get the G22 error check here.
And people that had previously downloaded Onigiri should be seeing the english version in their ready to install list (the servers aren't live yet).
I highly doubt it will be a PS4 exclusive, I'm sure Sony would be more than happy to put it as a "console exclusive" if that's the case, just like SFV.Kagari is a well known Square insider, she hinted at FFVII Remake before the PS4 was revealed. When it comes to Square stuff, I'd honestly rather listen to her than the Square boss himself.
I highly doubt it will be a PS4 exclusive, I'm sure Sony would be more than happy to put it as a "console exclusive" if that's the case, just like SFV.
This is more or less like Rise of Tomb Rider.
There's another downloadable Xbox One game coming out next week as well. It's embargoed - will probably just show up at the beginning or middle of the week.
Let's see then...maybe 5-10 years later? HeheYou doubt out of assumptions, Kagari however knows that FFVII Remake is a SFV scanerio.
She was the one saying that, if nothing has changed, Rise of the Romb Raider on PS4 4-6 months after Xbone version.
Comments from or about her:
Let's see then...maybe 5-10 years later? Hehe
There's another downloadable Xbox One game coming out next week as well. It's embargoed - will probably just show up at the beginning or middle of the week.
Embargoed to the point where you can't tell us the name?!
That is correct. It's coming on July 15 though.
Is this something completely unannounced or something we knew was coming already?
If it's the latter I'm going to guess Octodad.
It has already been announced. It's not Octodad, though that would be cool! The developer is indie but not one of the smallest ones. I have no idea why they don't want to announce the date yet - maybe they'll announce it on their own slightly before the 15th.
Wish I could share more info, but them embargoes.
Maybe part of Summer Spotlight series?
Nah, I asked them on twitter about E3 time and they said if it needs the time it will be a 2016 release, its not coming so soon.
Strange decision not to announce when its due so soon, my money is on Don't Starve (I don't know what it is, fwiw)
Fair enough. Don't Starve seems logical. I'm trying to think what else could be featured in the Summer Spotlight stuff.
Smite, King's Quest and Toy Soldiers are likely candidates for summer spotlight. But I doubt it's that, since MS are usually better at hyping stuff up.
Is it Final Fantasy: The bickering snorefest that doesn't belong in this thread ZzZ??
It would be Magical if it was that.