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Xbox One Download Games |OT| News, Announcements, Reviews, and Impressions Thread


Pumped BMX+ $9.99/£7.99 with 20% off so $7.99/£6.39 520mb

Page is going up and down for now on Xbox.com but its up on the console


Little off topic but I assume someone here can confirm.. the X1 is region free correct? I have my eye on WRC5 and want to import the game.. is this possible digitally (within the rules) or even on disc when it releases next month?


Little off topic but I assume someone here can confirm.. the X1 is region free correct? I have my eye on WRC5 and want to import the game.. is this possible digitally (within the rules) or even on disc when it releases next month?

I bought Zombie Army Trilogy from UK when it released physically there first, had no issues on my NA console.

It eventually released here but..oh well.
Little off topic but I assume someone here can confirm.. the X1 is region free correct? I have my eye on WRC5 and want to import the game.. is this possible digitally (within the rules) or even on disc when it releases next month?
Yes it's region free.

Even digitally! But you have to switch regions (it's as easy as changing a setup item and restarting the console), and a valid way of payment on the desired market.

Not sure if it's available on all regions, but ms has a gift card app for windows store and win phone, that i use when I want to charge a few points on my account to make purchases. Other than that, on ebay and other similar sites you should be able to find pre paid cards for the region you are interested.


Yes it's region free.

Even digitally! But you have to switch regions (it's as easy as changing a setup item and restarting the console), and a valid way of payment on the desired market.

Not sure if it's available on all regions, but ms has a gift card app for windows store and win phone, that i use when I want to charge a few points on my account to make purchases. Other than that, on ebay and other similar sites you should be able to find pre paid cards for the region you are interested.

Great info... appreciate it! Once you purchase it do you have to play the game under that region or will it show up in your games once you switch back over to your home region?


Sketchbook Picasso
Really hope Earth Wars can confirm potential of a worldwide release soon. Seems we have more staggered int'l releases of smaller titles on XB1 than we've ever had in the 360 days.

While I'm one of the first to understand the lack of Demos and Trials now, one thing I miss from the 360 years is how the availability of such things generated conversation in the old XBLA Thread whenever ANYTHING released on Live Wednesday.

Now, games come out left and right, and unless it's already an indie darling, instant Game-with-Gold, or someone has some pre-seeded interest in it, no one says much about a large amount of the titles.


Really hope Earth Wars can confirm potential of a worldwide release soon. Seems we have more staggered int'l releases of smaller titles on XB1 than we've ever had in the 360 days.

Tempted to just dive in, love the Vanillaware style, but just a bit worried about the language barrier, and was hoping someone else might have taken the plunge.........
Great info... appreciate it! Once you purchase it do you have to play the game under that region or will it show up in your games once you switch back over to your home region?

It shows up (and even updates) in your games section no matter which region you are set.
Earth Wars looks cool, and I even spotted some English words in the gameplay I watched, but the language barrier seems like it'd be an issue.
Great info... appreciate it! Once you purchase it do you have to play the game under that region or will it show up in your games once you switch back over to your home region?

You have to stay in that region only to start the download (and only if the game isn't available in your region), afterwards you can switch back to your actual region even before the download finishes.

Some games have a single word wide version, and some has different packages for each region. If the game you want is available in your region, and you are just switching due the price, you may cancel the automatic download and download again when your console is on the right region to ensure it will be on your correct language. That's assuming you want it localized of course.
Well, I've just bought an Xbox One :D

Really excited. Still keeping my PS4 but this is definitely going to get some love.

Friend has changed his FIFA pre-order to XB1 from PS4 too, he's considering trading in his PS4.

I'm going to tell you what I tell everyone else who buys a XB1: Get Ori and the Blind Forest and Sunset Overdrive. Those two are must haves.


I am really struggling with this BMX game... it controls in a very odd way and its annoying. I expect it to be more like Trials.. gonna take a while to get used to it.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm going to tell you what I tell everyone else who buys a XB1: Get Ori and the Blind Forest and Sunset Overdrive. Those two are must haves.
I want Sunset. What's Ori?

Just purchased Mad Max, Titanfall and Battlefield:Hardline earlier.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Spent a few hours with Plague INC Evolved, from what played it seems great. My only concern is that so far The same stragey seems to work on all the different types of bugs. I powered through Fungus on normal just by picking isolated land, keep systoms low until how world is infected, Then work my way to total organ failure and kill everyone off before they have 50% of a cure. Hopefully the harder option force me ti change my stratagy


I don't get annoyed much by pricing BUT
US Book of Unwritten Tales is $19.99
UK price is £23.99, how did they even manage that?

I'm not paying that!
It's the equivalent of ~£10 if you buy from the Canadian store.
So I'm trying buy Canadian MS money from play-asia at the moment...
Seems to be taking a while though.

edit, ended up getting The Book Of Unwritten Tales, Fruit Ninja 2, Fibbage and Gunworld for 30 pounds worth of Canadian dollars.
Not bad.


I finally beat So Many Me. Fuck what an absolutely incredible game.

The final level was a load of bullshit though... so difficult compared to the rest of the game. But I was sooooo happy once I finally beat it.

This is definitely among my favourite puzzle games now. I just need to go through the Chrono Castle side levels and them I should have the 1000 gs.


I watched a stream of Inside My Radio the other night and I was sold - I bought the game. I'm at work though, but when I get home, I'll definitely give Inside My Radio a go. I love the focus on music and timing your jumps to the music's beat. I remember Beatbuddy seemed intriguing for the same reason but I thought the game looked too busy and the game play itself didn't really grab me. But Inside My Radio looks a lot simpler and more fun. I'll have impressions later in the week.

It sucks that there are no demos, but I really like how Twitch is integrated so seamlessly into the XB1 OS - with just one click on the store page I'm watching an Inside My Radio stream and getting a feel for whether or not the game is worth a purchase.
I watched a stream of Inside My Radio the other night and I was sold - I bought the game. I'm at work though, but when I get home, I'll definitely give Inside My Radio a go. I love the focus on music and timing your jumps to the music's beat. I remember Beatbuddy seemed intriguing for the same reason but I thought the game looked too busy and the game play itself didn't really grab me. But Inside My Radio looks a lot simpler and more fun. I'll have impressions later in the week.

It sucks that there are no demos, but I really like how Twitch is integrated so seamlessly into the XB1 OS - with just one click on the store page I'm watching an Inside My Radio stream and getting a feel for whether or not the game is worth a purchase.
Personally I could care less about demos. I'm perfectly fine watching others play and making a judgment. It was nice to go to the Pumped BMX store page and find a streamer. Watching them convinced me the game isn't like Trials and is all about tricks which I hate just because memorizing button combos is not interesting to me. Sold me off of the game without me having to download anything :p

Chitown B

Personally I could care less about demos. I'm perfectly fine watching others play and making a judgment. It was nice to go to the Pumped BMX store page and find a streamer. Watching them convinced me the game isn't like Trials and is all about tricks which I hate just because memorizing button combos is not interesting to me. Sold me off of the game without me having to download anything :p

agreed. Twitch is the new demo

I can't believe I just died to the last boss (from the second campaign) on Quest of Dungeons. Right before I killed him he cast death on me, but it was ok, I had enough to get it's loot and them go to the chest to finish the game, and I did, but I didn't realized I left his key there and couldn't open the chest :(

It was the stupidest death ever, and I was mega powerful :(


Inside My Radio is really good. It's hard to describe what makes the game play so... cool. A demo would have helped so much.

In this game there is a consistent beat happening in the background. I'm sure there is a real musical term for this - fuck if I know. But there is this constant beat happening in the background, and your main character pulses to that beat. All four actions that your character can perform have to be in lockstep with that beat. the four actions you can perform are: jump, dash, stomp, and pulse.

In something like Super Meat Boy, it doesn't matter when you push the jump button, but in Inside My Radio if your jump button press does not occur when the beat occurs then the jump button doesn't do anything.

The music is incredible, and that helps. So it ends up being really fun trying to jump, dash, stomp, and pulse to the beat of each level's song.

What bumped this up to a 4/5 (i.e. really good territory) was the time attack mode. In the regular campaign (which is incredibly short btw... completed it in 2-3 hours) you aren't punished much for mistiming your jumps, stomps, dashes, etc... But in time attack you start off with 30 or so seconds, and time is constantly ticking down toward zero. It ticks down faster if you screw up your button presses. In THAT mode the game play truly shines, because you're actually constantly (throughout the whole level) compelled to play to the proper beat.

I just wish they had selectable difficulty levels for the time attack mode. I would've liked the current time attack mode to be called Hard Time Attack - you can have an achievement for that. But it's too god damn hard. I can't beat the first level without running out of time. Would've been cool to have some more time to play with in an Easy Time Attack mode - that way you could see the game shine AND you can actually beat these levels...
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