while we wait, listen to ke$ha's tik-tok
HAHA bottom of page!Nah, here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGmAmJFUvzM
Phil Spencer said:But he did tease more information about Remedy Entertainment's Quantum Break coming soon.
"We did a pretty deep dive [on Quantum Break] last week while we were in Europe, and I'm feeling really good about the creative. It may be before the end of the year when we talk more about what the story and the gameplay is... We have a pretty good piece that I'm trying to coerce people into putting out before the end of the year ... showing the full Remedy vision, with Sam [Lake] giving a pretty good description of how the game works with some new gameplay footage.
"Maybe VGX would be a good place for that."
GAF goes down in t-minus one minute.
Depends on review scores. If they're awful it'll go down immediately. If they're too high, it will go down immediately.
while we wait, listen to ke$ha's tik-tok
or chinese food, wfie's favorite
orange looks great
An entire half of the One's roof is taken up by a slotted vent, which helps cool the custom system-on-a-chip, 8GB of RAM and 500GB HDD within. On that note, the console is very, very quiet.
while we wait, listen to ke$ha's tik-tok
or chinese food, wfie's favorite
Verge snapshot comparison with PS4 and WiiU.
WiiU - 7.0
PS4 - 7.7
XB1 - 7.8
Design- 6.5- Should get knocked for being so large. I don't care if MS did that to prevent another RRoD, it's still a downside. Aesthetically it's ok.
Software- 8-9- Depending on well the different apps work. It should be higher then both PS4 or WiiU, since it has the most apps at launch.
Game Selection- 8-8.5- Good lineup, depends on game scores.
Controls- 7.5-9- We know the controller will be well recieved, but if the kinect dosn't work as well as advertised the control score could take a big hit.
Performance- 7-7.5- Should take a big hit for lack of power, could make up or lose ground depending on how smooth the UI is.
Heat/Noise- 8-8.5- Probably similar to the PS4 since the Blu-ray players are the noisiest parts of them, maybe a little cooler.
Final score- 7.2-8.2