OMG, white & orange one!!! Holy mother of god
Kotaku just put out an article about some of the first custom Xbox One controllers that are coming out.
Do want.
Kotaku just put out an article about some of the first custom Xbox One controllers that are coming out.
Do want.
Damn that's slick
It's hardly a coincidence. Most Americans watch Bloodsport two to three times a week. And Highlander.
I'm not sure what you want me to say, I provided a real scenario. I also find it quite remarkable you've never heard of anyone complain of Apple's built-in battery, as nearly every Android user I know says that is one of the biggest reasons they avoid the iOS platform.
Having a rechargeable battery makes it exactly like the DS4, except that battery can be quite easily replaced. I just cannot find an issue with that at all.
That orange one. Mmmm
So fucking pricey. I want the white one but no way am I paying that much.
Damn that's slick
Might have to get that... Fair price too..
Kotaku just put out an article about some of the first custom Xbox One controllers that are coming out.
orange looks great
How long will it be after 12 before gaf goes down?
orange looks great
How long will it be after 12 before gaf goes down?
Depends on review scores. If they're awful it'll go down immediately. If they're too high, it will go down immediately.
Depends on review scores. If they're awful it'll go down indefinitely. If they're too high, it will go down immediately .
Considering that GAF was down for half an hour just because of the twitch announcement GAF should recover sometime shortly after Thanksgiving.... or after New Years if the reviews are bad.
You provided a scenario that is highly unrealistic and made a bad comparison so I offered a rebuttal from a different perspective, that's how a dialogue works.
I'm 23, all of my peers own at least one Apple device and not once have I heard them complain about the built-in battery or heard of one dying.
I'm not trying to turn this into a "MS is dumb for not including a built-in battery LOL" type thing, I just think it was an odd design choice for a supposedly next generation console. Like I said earlier, it won't affect my enjoyment of the X1.
Hardware/UI embargo drops.What happens at 12?
What happens at 12?
orange looks great
This 7 mins. Need to hurry up I want to see some stuff.
What happens at 12?
Embargo ends on console reviews.What happens at 12?
What happens at 12?
What happens at 12?
I knew it was Evil Controllers. Good guys.
UI embargo up, lets go...
It's hardly a coincidence. Most Americans watch Bloodsport two to three times a week. And Highlander.
UI embargo up, lets go...
People are goingto wait until exactly 12 to make a review thread?
People are goingto wait until exactly 12 to make a review thread?
while we wait, listen to ke$ha's tik-tok