Short summary of my first few hours with the X1:
- setup and day one update went very smooth. I expected XBL to be down during launch day.
- controller feels very good (loving those impulse triggers) although it's a little bit too small for my hands. The 360 controller feels more comfortable for me. (Maybe because I used it for years now)
- Kinect voice control works nearly flawless for me. Every time I turn on the console via voice I have that little grin on my face
- OS is very fast and switching/snapping of apps works without any stutter but there is still a lot of stuff missing and some things feel like a step back. (No list of games only, no data management, store feels dumbed down a bit, Download queue handling)
Forza 5 - looks and plays wonderful. Was my main reason to get the console. Head tracking feels natural after some fine tuning. Impulse triggers give valuable feedback and actually improve my driving.
Kinect Sports Rivals PreSeason - best looking game I've played today. Kinect steering works well enough for me but my arms did hurt after 3 sessions.

Dead Rising 3 - well... It's still downloading. I was able to play the first 20 minutes which were alright. Game is not the best looking but I'm looking forward to the open world.
Killer Instinct - very good tutorial. Not a huge fighting game fan but the few matches I've played were quite fun.
FIFA 14 - only played one match while still downloading (I love that feature). Looked good, played good. It's FIFA alright. (60FPS only during gameplay - close ups feel slower)