I've been waiting for my Xbox One since 8:53 AM
Oh man, connecting my PC through HDMI is so awesome. I'm watching the Giant Bomb livestream while playing Forza right now. Nvidia control panel even recognizes my Xbox One and treats it like a monitor.
UWS here, mine was dropped off at my building this morning.
I'm in midtown manhattan and mine came this morning as well which is odd since packages from UPS tend to arrive in the late afternoon for me.
Finally UPS dropped it off. Took about 5 minutes to update, and the first thing that happened was a friend sent me a party chat invite, and started giving me the play by play of the UI. When I asked him where the download queue was he said he didn't know, so I said xbox download queue, and sure enough there it was. Super intuitive.
In the Chrimson Dragon OT the talk about a patch that softens a lot of the grindy mechanics - more XP per mission, more items, more ingame-currency. If you are looking forward to it, keep at it!
User scores are a joke.What's up with the user scores at metacritic? Oo
It keeps games suspended even when you put the console into standby so you can quickly resume them. I have tried it with DR3 and it worked pretty well.
I got the xbox one and have hooked it up, not sure how i feel about kinect and i will make people upset but it is not needed and feels forced.Sorry my opinion
KI is great and i won first 4 matches online.
I've been waiting for my Xbox One since 8:53 AM
What's up with the user scores at metacritic? Oo
Alright, DR3 is installing pretty fast. It seems like it installs the patch first which is weird, makes it seem like it's stuck at 0 for awhile.
I am however getting atrocious DL speeds for now. Guess I lucked out as the update was fast, but KI has been going for awhile and is only 35%.
Also, how do I switch color for the dashboard tiles?
Forza or DR3?
can't decide. Can only afford one.
When I say Xbox turn off why dose it not shut off my tv or cable box? Any one know if it is made to do this or not?
The downloaded sizes for the Xbox One game updates are massive. 1.1 GB for Ghost... and now I have to install it as well. Still 0% after a minute, can I play a game like Forza while it installs?
When I say Xbox turn off why dose it not shut off my tv or cable box? Any one know if it is made to do this or not? Also is the turn off command putting it into sleep mode or completely off?
Forza or DR3?
can't decide. Can only afford one.
When I say Xbox turn off why dose it not shut off my tv or cable box? Any one know if it is made to do this or not? Also is the turn off command putting it into sleep mode or completely off?
best launch title
figured it would be good. I'm quite jealous...kinda makes me wonder why I don't own one if the only launch games I want from either system are on it (KI along with DR3). Sigh...have be patient.Legit good. Really easy to pick up and bust out combos. Playing against real people is more fun than I thought it'd be too.
In all the Snap videos, one piece of content is always really small. Is there a way to snap them evenly?