sticks on the controller are too small, my left thumb keeps slipping, anyone else?
Not here. The controller is a freaking dream!
sticks on the controller are too small, my left thumb keeps slipping, anyone else?
Incorrect, there are other ways of using this DLNA feature besides just W8.
I've been streaming music from my iphone to my Xbox One today.
sticks on the controller are too small, my left thumb keeps slipping, anyone else?
Question...does the console have suspend save active yet or is that coming later? Like can I shut it off and then resume it without going through the other screens?
Go pick it up at the distribution center
Xbox (pause) volume up or volume down works for me
Happy to report no disc munching!!
This was officially the first thing I booted up on Xbox One
Do you think they will have a separate game library later on? Having apps and games in one place is kind of a clusterfuck. What do you think?
Anyone wanna part with a day one code achievement at a decent rate?
Can you explain? Should I increase this option?
This system is amazing
BF4 crashed back to dashboard 4 times straight on me.
I don't know how Kinect is for you guys but it has worked 99% of the time for me. Really loving this so far.
I don't know how Kinect is for you guys but it has worked 99% of the time for me. Really loving this so far.
Is the redeem code having issues?
I'll just leave this here! Looks like we are Crewsing along
Hey gaf. anyone having issues being able to Play Kinect Sports rivals? it keeps telling me that Kinect needs a clean game space or something to that effect.
I'll just leave this here! Looks like we are Crewsing along
Starting Dead Rising 3 right now... the game actually looks pretty nice, graphically. Wish more of my friends jumped on the Xbox One at launch, so I'd have someone to play Co-Op with.
Holy shit.
Got my cable box to work with the Xbox. The experience is magical.
How do I get past the stuck at 0% installation issue.
How do I get past the stuck at 0% installation issue.