Just a follow-up to my issues I had from the other day, and for any that may have a similar issue... My controller was malfunctioning, and I couldn't get past the initial setup on my Xbox One. The screen with the controller and the flashing Xbox button was where my journey ended, evidently due to a faulty controller that couldn't connect wirelessly with the system, only via USB cable. All was well once I connected the controller directly, but I could still only use it when it was plugged in.
I spoke with MS support and they're going to send me another controller after I ship out the faulty one. I don't know if my wireless-less controller issue is a one-off problem or if it's more widespread than I'm aware of, but for those that may have the issue at startup, connect it via USB, and if that works, try disconnecting it and seeing if it works after... If not, you'll have to contact MS support.
Hope this helps someone else!
Weird. I hit the same issue at setup time. But After the Xbox was setup, the controller could sync perfectly fine over wifi.