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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"
a) get a prepaid US CC (those are available on the interwebs)
b) use points/gift cards -> it might be a little inconvenient, but paying 45€ instead of 60€ is worth the "hassle" for me

How do I get a prepaid US card? Is this straight through Visa or MasterCard? I have no experience with it so pointing me in the right direction would be nice. Do I fill up money on it using my own card or PayPal or something?
Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"

I got Dead Rising 3 and Fifa, and I'm having a BLAST with Dead Rising 3. I've never enjoyed a launch game this much


How do I get a prepaid US card? Is this straight through Visa or MasterCard? I have no experience with it so pointing me in the right direction would be nice. Do I fill up money on it using my own card or PayPal or something?

Those are available in every drugstore, Walmart etc. - in the US. Either get one on your next holiday there, or ask someone to send you one. You can reload them online, cost 3$ a month which will be deducted either from the money on them, or when you next put something on.
One example: https://www.walmartmoneycard.com/walmart


Neo Member
Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"

Dead Rising 3 has my PS4 collecting dust right now. It's not a perfect game, but it's addictively fun.


Junior Member
Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"

all three games I got, to me are must haves.

Ryse, DR3, and KI.

The reviewers were smoking crack when reviewing ryse, that's the only explanation I can come up with.
Dead Rising 3 is getting so much better. Now that I switched fully from Forza I am glad I listened to gaf this game is pretty dang fun.

all three games I got, to me are must haves.

Ryse, DR3, and KI.

The reviewers were smoking crack when reviewing ryse, that's the only explanation I can come up with.

Ryse is ass. Reviews were spot on. If it didn't have the visuals it does it would be so panned on gaf its not even funny. Its uncanny how much it reminds me of The Bouncer. I chalk it up to launch day goggles which a couple months from now when people are playing actually great games will take off and realize it was just a beautiful shell of a game.
Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"

I'm having a hard time finding something I don't like to be honest.

Need for Speed, NBA 2k14, BF4, COD: Ghosts, DR3, Ryse, and KI have all been just awesome.

All of this is easily enough to last me until Titan Fall.
Those are available in every drugstore, Walmart etc. - in the US. Either get one on your next holiday there, or ask someone to send you one. You can reload them online, cost 3$ a month which will be deducted either from the money on them, or when you next put something on.
One example: https://www.walmartmoneycard.com/walmart

Most of those will require you to have a valid social security number, just be aware of that.

Too much hassle for me then. My current way to buy is to load my MS account with cheap MS Points codes from simplycdkeys. I have PayPal and a Borderlinx UK address tied to my account. I read people complaining about the UK prices but they're still quite a bit cheaper than rest-of-Europe prices.

A disc-based game costs 700 SEK at Game and Gamestop but 500 SEK at Electroworld where I usually shop. Considering MS sell games for € 70 I'm guessing Swedes will have to pay 700 SEK on the marketplace when it goes online. I pay around 550 SEK for a game with my current method, which is fine.

I would love to be able to buy codes for games from my usual retailers though.


Dead Rising 3 is a lot of fun. I ended up restarting after the second chapter because I felt like I was missing stuff.

I've enjoyed the hell out of Ryse. Already doing a second play through. The Gladiator mode has been really fun too. It's basically a beat em up and I don't have a issue with that. I guess I'm just not as jaded as some people are. Ryse really made me excited about how a Gears game could look on the X1.

Forza looks really nice also. I really like the impulse rumble in the triggers. It's really the first innovation in rumble in a while. I do think if I had followed the changes and lack of standard features I would have skipped buying it. I figured it would be more the same so I bought the CE. I would actually recommend Need for Speed over Forza. I picked it up on the PS4 and it is solid and a lot of fun.

I also bought the $39 Ultimate KI pack. I kinda regret it a bit but I haven't played much of it either.

I'm really impressed with the build quality of the hardware. My only gripes are I still don't care about the TV stuff, UI feature issues, and the microtransaction stuff worries me. That said I can ignore the mt as long as the game progression and features don't suffer.
Dead Rising 3 is getting so much better. Now that I switched fully from Forza I am glad I listened to gaf this game is pretty dang fun.

Ryse is ass. Reviews were spot on. If it didn't have the visuals it does it would be so panned on gaf its not even funny. Its uncanny how much it reminds me of The Bouncer. I chalk it up to launch day goggles which a couple months from now when people are playing actually great games will take off and realize it was just a beautiful shell of a game.

It's one of those games where it was reviewed exactly as it should have been, but don't let their reviews detract your enjoyment of the game.
Ughh I keep leaving the console on!!

I'm used to just turning off the TV when I'm done watching it and going to bed. Second time I've woken up to the console still being on the next morning because I just turned the TV off.


I got Dead Rising 3 and Fifa, and I'm having a BLAST with Dead Rising 3. I've never enjoyed a launch game this much

Dead Rising 3 has my PS4 collecting dust right now. It's not a perfect game, but it's addictively fun.

all three games I got, to me are must haves.

Ryse, DR3, and KI.

The reviewers were smoking crack when reviewing ryse, that's the only explanation I can come up with.

I'm having a hard time finding something I don't like to be honest.

Need for Speed, NBA 2k14, BF4, COD: Ghosts, DR3, Ryse, and KI have all been just awesome.

All of this is easily enough to last me until Titan Fall.

Thanks to all who replied! Man, I knew Ryse wasn't as bad as they made it out to be. Ima huge Zombie fan so DR3 I will definitely enjoy, I loved the original KI so I would hope this one does it justice and some. Now I gotta talk to the wife about getting it for Christmas! Lol


I would have bought an XBOne with Dead Rising 3 today *if* I could. This purposeful strangling of the supply is beyond ridiculous, especially as we know Microsoft will 'miraculosly' release a load of stock the week before Christmas. Same as nintendo did in the heyday of the Wii.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yeah, that's true. It IS lacking in the gameplay department. Everyone should be aware of this. But it still can be enjoyed, if for the graphics alone.

The core gameplay isn't actually that bad. The main problem is that there is little enemy variety and that the campaign is ridiculously short. The game is good for the 4-5 hours it takes to beat it.

The story is a mixed bag. The presentation is very good and the heroes are interesting enough. The villains are too cheesy, and the story itself takes a dump on real Roman history and ancient mythology. Many scenes are just obvious rip-offs of well-known movies, but there are also some good moments.

sith ewok

Exactly. I understand why people are enjoying it because it is a spectacle of a game but lets not get crazy.

It also depends on what genres you are personally into. If you're into old-school side scrolling brawlers, you are most likely going to enjoy Ryse a good bit as that's basically what it is at heart.

I'm enjoying it a lot, myself. Dead Rising is probably my favorite so far, followed by Forza, Killer Instinct, and Battlefield
Really loving the One still. Ryse is excellent, dont agree with the reviewers on that one. It's graphically stunning as well. Huge leap over what we had last gen and it's a launch title.

Sadly I've not had much time with DR3 yet will get stuck into that once I'm done with Ryse.

Powerstar Golf is a nice change of pace that I throw on for an hour here and there.

Only issue I've had is the Xbox not always signing me straight in when I power it on

So tempted to go all digital with the ease of jumping from game to game. Can see that MS was onto something with that model

It's even passed the girlfriend test, she loves the voice navigation when we are using Netflix
I'm having a blast with my one but it really can't be understated how bad the UI is right now. When you start considering Skype to chat with friends on a console, you've got problems.


Did anyone figure out if you get Day One content downloading the games on Xbox Live? I downloaded Forza, but can't figure out if I have the stuff, or if I need to download it somehow.


There is no demo section in the Marketplace?

Yeah, very unpleasant.

The core gameplay isn't actually that bad. The main problem is that there is little enemy variety and that the campaign is ridiculously short. The game is good for the 4-5 hours it takes to beat it.

The story is a mixed bag. The presentation is very good and the heroes are interesting enough. The villains are too cheesy, and the story itself takes a dump on real Roman history and ancient mythology. Many scenes are just obvious rip-offs of well-known movies, but there are also some good moments.

OK, I´m no fan of brawlers, so I really suck at this game. Which has the upside, that for me its quiet longer than 5 hrs, as I have to repeat many sections even on lower difficulty.
But as for the story, I disagree a bit. Just take it for what it is, entertainment. Don´t expect a History Channel featurette. I had to chuckle when
Boudicca came riding on an elephant

Naked Lunch

Ive been gaming a long time but XB1 has been my favorite console launch ever - even surpassing the Marios of SNES and N64.

BF4 is a dream come true to me having 64 players finally on consoles - there is so much content, unlocks, and game modes that its completely overwhelming for a launch title. An expansion came out on launch and a new one is due in 2 weeks. Ridiculous.

Killer Instinct is amazingly well done. I havent played KI since the 90s in the arcade. Nostalgia overload. Its took me an hour or 2 to figure out how to play it again. Performing an ultra on Thunders stage when the rains pour down is so badass. The core gameplay is so fun that I overlook the small character count - that is telling.

Forza 5 easily has the best driving gameplay of any racing game Ive played. I have barely scratched the surface of the game yet. Not enough time in the day.

That is 3 games with near limitless replay value for me. And its all tied together with the Xbox record that feature - I have been having a blast editing clips of Battlefield moments and rage quitters on KI. I bought but have yet to play Crimson Dragon. Gaming times are good indeed :)


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
But as for the story, I disagree a bit. Just take it for what it is, entertainment. Don´t expect a History Channel featurette. I had to chuckle when
Boudicca came riding on an elephant

Sure, I just mentioned it because Crytek themselves that everything is based on Roman history
but Damocles is a Greek myth, goddammit.


Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.

Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"

I own Forza, FIFA & Ryse.

Forza is Forza, it´s great fun, but I wish they had taken it further. No weather and nighttime racing is a huge disappointment.

Don´t care for FIFA - it was free.

Having fun with Ryse, but mainly because it looks good and the story is pretty interesting. Still hope they get a chance to make a sequel, there is a great game somewhere in there. I´d rate it 7/10.
When your account is loaded with points, it should work when you buy from the console. Try setting the X1 to en-US, and then try to buy something from the marketplace.

I have tried going to en-US but it just tells me to add a credit card whenever I try to buy anything.
For some reason it does not let me add PayPal, has that not been added yet?
PayPal and MS funds (in £) only show when it is set to en-UK.

TRios Zen

I think I won the Xbox One lottery, in a bad way. My system was diagnosed as having a bad GPU, a complaint the service guy said he or none of his colleagues had heard reported.

Basically during gameplay, numerous random polygons are displayed on screen. It is different for every game, which is strange, but present in all.

KI has MISSING polygons and chugs to a standstill during gameplay.
COD: Ghosts has thousands of triangles emanating from your gun, and
Powerstar Golf has random patterns of black boxes displayed while playing.
I did not bother installing Dead Rising, or purchasing any other digital games.

Regardless, having a new box sent to me from MS, I hope it gets here soon, though I think the Thanksgiving holiday is likely to mess with that.

From what I've been able to do (excluding games as they are unplayable); the Xbox One is a mixed bag right now. A promise maybe of things to come but inter-mixed with silly things. In other words, I love some things, and scratch my head on others.


Is there any way to add kids to the XBox One? After signing myself in, I created a profile for my wife, but I want to add my kids as well. They don't have email addresses or anything. I'm hoping I don't have to create some for them.
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