Question for day one owners. What are your top games on the system right now? I know that journalists are trashing Ryse, but I can't help to think the opposite of the game, only because I've known PLENTY of games that we're amazing to me even though they were rated poorly. With regards to next gen, I own a Wii U on the console side, and a Vita, and 3DS on the handheld side. As you can see, I don't belong to any one particular platform. That being said, I can probably own either a PS4 or Xbox One at the beginning of this gen so I am making my choice on either or based on the GAMES! So far, neither Xbox or PS4 have that MUST HAVE for me, though ones that DO peak my interest are Ryse and Dead Rising 3.
Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"
Should I just wait until after next years E3 with the hopes of seeing some GREAT games, or should I dive in this holiday? The gamer in me says to wait for the games, but the tech guy in me says "YOU BUY NOW!"