I had a clip of a long chip in during a playthrough of power star golf which I saved because I was proud of myself. I was messing around on smart glass and noticed that it got 30 views in the past day. Pretty bizarre.
I might wait on BF4. Its current state is pretty glitchy. It's crashed on me and sometimes it just refuses to log into the EA BF servers.
I recommend Forza.
Once you get the dash figured out it is way better than the guide button. It still takes the same number of button pressed to get to anything you need.
However the party system and matchmaking IS more cumbersome in my opinion. It'll get better over time with feedback. But for now it is a step back.
Agreed -- I wouldn't say the dash is "much better" than the Xbox mini guide on the Xbox 360, but it's the same in terms of button presses.
Heck, in some cases it's faster. To check out a fresh message or achievement on the Xbox 360 while you were in a game, you had to scroll a lot. On the Xbox One though, all you have to do is hit the Xbox button, move up two times, hit A, and boom -- everything's there.
Does the TV integration work for OTA antenna broadcasts or will it only work with a cable/satellite box?
I haven't set up my Xbone yet, so is their a way to fully shut down the system?
I haven't set up my Xbone yet, so is their a way to fully shut down the system?
I fall for sim-racers about once every 3 years and am not going to do it again.
I play them for a bit and then move on. Arcade racers are my bread and butter. A PGR would have been a no brainer day 1 for me (or RR).
These are all obviously short term problems as Titanfall will probably be my main squeeze in 4 months time.
I always only get arcade racers, because I'm not good at sims (I love Blur, for instance). however I wanted to give this a shot because it looked so pretty - and I found that the assists on it really help you play as a beginner. Love it so far.
I might wait on BF4. Its current state is pretty glitchy. It's crashed on me and sometimes it just refuses to log into the EA BF servers.
I recommend Forza.
Got a question for you guys. You can buy a 3 year hardware warranty for the Xbox One through the Microsoft Store.
If you buy your console elsewhere, is there a piece of paper or flyer or anything in the box that lets you buy the same warranty?
I bought a launch Xbox 360 and I bought the warranty inside the box for $60. Microsoft replaced about 8 or 9 Xbox's because of that warranty.
Is Need for Speed good? Look good and play good? I am the same ... I fall for Sims (I got Forza) but I just ... suck. I don't know why. I am really good at PGR and such.
love the clip feature, xbox record that, though sometimes it records a clip even without my command, is that normal?
A few glitches where I had to unplug the power and restart the box to get TV working again, another couple times it will forget my wifi info and I have to put it in again, not sure it's because I'm connecting it to a 5ghz band from my router
After a good sitdown, i realised what i need to do with my Xbox One HDMI passthrough
How did you get that to work?
love the clip feature, xbox record that, though sometimes it records a clip even without my command, is that normal?
Is anyone here able to play an NBA2K game online?
I constantly see, "2K sports server is not available at this time." 99% of the time since launch. The 1% of the time it finds a match then disconnects out at some point.
Ugh, I hate the dashboard. It's a mess. It doesn't help that Kinect responds only 60% of the time on a good day. Resorting to browsing with a controller is barely an option though, because it's such a convoluted mess. I hate it.
Oh yeah, and the party functionality is ridiculous.
Turn this around Microsoft. As someone who played the 360 99% of the time over the PS3, I'm pretty bummed out about how piss poor the Xbox One's UX is right now.
The dashboard, if anything, is too simple. Not a mess. There aren't enough things on it. However, Kinect works almost flawlessly for me - so maybe your setup is less than ideal. In order to work around less tiles, you just speak what you want it to do or open. Which is much faster than controller function in most cases.
What's your particular problem with parties? I haven't tried it yet.
And my Kinect setup couldn't be more ideal. It's in a basement living room where it's dead silent aside from my own gaming activity. There's no reason why Kinect should be such a hit and miss experience.
Ugh, I hate the dashboard. It's a mess. It doesn't help that Kinect responds only 60% of the time on a good day. Resorting to browsing with a controller is barely an option though, because it's such a convoluted mess. I hate it.
Oh yeah, and the party functionality is ridiculous.
Turn this around Microsoft. As someone who played the 360 99% of the time over the PS3, I'm pretty bummed out about how piss poor the Xbox One's UX is right now.
don't ahve either of the consoles but I watched a setup video and psn asked the guy for his credit card number before he could claim the 30 days free trial and a message popped up warning him that he will get billed for a new moth if he doesn't disable auto renewThe PS4 comes with a code for 30 days Plus and a code for $10 PSN credit. At the end of the 30 days, I don't have PSN Plus.
The Xbox One comes with a 30 day trial that requires a credit card to be added to the account. At the end of 30 days, I get charged unless I cancel.
How MS does business is sleazy, especially in comparison to its closest competitor.
The system is still sold out everywhere I checked this morning. Bummer, I want to get an extra one for my brother.
So, is there a consensus about this noise: ?
My XBox One does something similar, but only when playing games. It's a small noise. On the dash/home, apps it is silent.
Is this something to worry?
Nobody seems to have called mortimer out on all his shameful FUD either. Pretty despicable.They definitely did, all the FUD was bullshit. Doubt CBOAT will ever show his face again. Haven't been this impressed by a system at launch in a long time.
a guy with a blog said:The short story is that Xbox Live and the OS, especially in functions that involve XBL, are a complete fucking mess. One source says we aren’t talking weeks until it works correctly but “months.”
a guy with a blog said:I’m putting it all out on the line here. I enjoy breaking leaks but if this is wrong I’m fucked. I know this."
I had a clip of a long chip in during a playthrough of power star golf which I saved because I was proud of myself. I was messing around on smart glass and noticed that it got 30 views in the past day. Pretty bizarre.
Redo your Kinect calibration and crank your sound up really loud. I had mine to where I was covering my ears it was so loud and I have no issues with kinect hearing me.
Nobody seems to have called mortimer out on all his shameful FUD either. Pretty despicable.
Anyone remember this,
And this,
His only response to the fact that he *was* wrong and that everything seems just fine with the Xbox One overall is something along the lines of "Hey, the giant bomb guys had some issues with the party system."
Freaking pathetic considering the incredible amount of FUD that came from his "leaks". Really, really gross. I say this as a guy who only owns a PS4 right now and probably won't get an Xbox One for a few months.
Getting away from mortimer and back to the cboat for a sec, perhaps elevating a disgruntled, deceptive employee to hero status isn't the best idea. It's not like he's a whistle blower who's trying to save our country from corruption. He's a malcontent employee who has been violating his NDAs for years on an internet forum as a sad, deceitful, back door way to try to take out his apparent grievances on his employers. Sometimes with truth, sure, but often times with straight FUD and falsehoods, hyping up supposed "ass storms" and giant, terrible upcoming reveals that either never happen or are such a fart in the wind no one really notices. It's not exactly admirable.
It was loud. Kinect just isn't great, guys. I don't think calibrating is the issue here. It's just a bad way to make you navigate content. It should be secondary, not primary.
I think it's great. So, I guess we're at an impasse...
Your clips will appear in the product page, so when people are looking at "trailers" for the game, they can be watching your clips. Which is kind of awesome.
The wife loves Xbox Fitness. I hate it. I was only able to get through half of the first Beach Body work out before I threw in the towel. My wife completed all of it. She loves it as well as the KSR demo which she keeps beating me at because my 2 year old keeps getting in the way.
MS needs some kids games for this stat!
I guess I'm just struggling with how slow it all is. You can launch stuff with Kinect, but there's this 1-2 second "did it work?" delay while you see if it caught what you said. If it managed to work, you still wait for it to process your words and then execute the action. Obviously if it didn't work you have to try again.
I'd much rather have a dashboard where I can easily memorize where things are and just fly through the menus and screens with a controller and then use voice search to find something I'm not used to launching regularly or in place of text input.
Even with a controller the scrolling through screens is kind of slow. You can move through the PS4's screens lighting quick, but on the XB1 I've found it to be a slow march, and you get frame stutters when you're moving about.
I hope that future updates speed up controller-based navigation. I don't like how they took away the mini guide. I don't like how spread out content is across screens and tiles, and I don't like how slowed down everything became.
I'm sure I'll adjust, but it's still not ideal.
Ugh, YES! I had to go get a knife and then be super careful about not cutting the cord itself. Where was THAT in Major Nelson's unboxing video?The tape keeping the plastic on the power brick drove me crazy, :lol