I tried Xbox Fitness for the first time last night, and really enjoyed it.
It seemed the stacking up against other people in your age group wasn't on the screen long enough. Any way to bring that back up and compare?
Admittedly, I didn't look for it long because the boyfriend was begging for a turn.
Yeah, this thing sold my wife on the box too.
You can check back, there is a lot of statistics showing your progress. Comparisons with age group, your own prior best etc. included. You get there from the main screen.
Any idea why my Xbox One might be getting such piss-poor wifi performance? 85% signal strength but on most tests less than 5mbps down. My iPhone right next to it, 25mbps down.
Your X1 hates your iPhone

Seriously now: check your connection settings. In the middle of the screen, under the name for your network, is either "NAT: open" or "NAT: strict". If you read strict, you need to open the ports for the box on your router, this seems to help with performance.
If this doesn´t help, go to your router and change the frequency and/or channel it broadcasts its signal.
Are there anyone from GERMANY in here? Do you guys know if they have it in stock anywhere in the country right now? Cause we are a bunch of guys from Denmark who plan on driving there and importing it right away, as a Danish retailer screwed up.
I can´t vouch for this, but its said there are some available in large cities. Your friend from Denmark should check Hamburg out.
Okay someone help me out. This is downloading slower than a PS3. I started downloading at around 2:40pm and it is now 8:09 and I'm only at 32%. My internet should be much faster than this. Downloading DR3 for reference too, so it's not the biggest Xbox One game out there.
It's definitely just a problem on my Xbox One though, just tried downloading a random game on Steam and I'm hitting my normal 2.9-3.3MB/s. My Xbox is wired too. How can I figure out what's going on? I've already completely reset my modem and router.
Look above, what does your NAT say?
Guys, Has any of you bought a movie yet on X1 store?
I did that yesterday, It did not download at all. Just purchase and play right away.
Are they saved in da cloud or something ?
Is it possible to use a European CC with a USA account? U know cuz it's region free!?
Yes it is, you just need an American address.
Caboose made a thread with detailed instructions.