Yeah, this thing sold my wife on the box too.
You can check back, there is a lot of statistics showing your progress. Comparisons with age group, your own prior best etc. included. You get there from the main screen.
Your X1 hates your iPhone
Seriously now: check your connection settings. In the middle of the screen, under the name for your network, is either "NAT: open" or "NAT: strict". If you read strict, you need to open the ports for the box on your router, this seems to help with performance.
If this doesn´t help, go to your router and change the frequency and/or channel it broadcasts its signal.
I can´t vouch for this, but its said there are some available in large cities. Your friend from Denmark should check Hamburg out.
Look above, what does your NAT say?
Yes it is, you just need an American address. Caboose made a thread with detailed instructions.
Can I just buy an XB1 controller and it'll work on my PC?
Looking to replace my 360 controllers for PC usage and it looks like the Steam controller is still a ways off.
My brother has, it seems some Xbones are not responding to "Xbox ON", everything else works fine after it's on though. He has been trying viciously to get it to work, not sure the problem.
Last night he did redo his Kinect commands, I did talk to him today but forgot to ask if it worked?
Is this the same problem your having?
My brother texted me saying that mine is working perfect because Im closer to my TV, so in return I sent him 4 video's via Phone showing him me being almost 20 feet away at one point, and saying "Xbox ON", in a very low tone voice, with my Xbox turning on no problem from far away.
Reset your Kinect, and make sure when your going through the sequences, to have your TV as loud as your Kinect will allow.
Guys, my XBone is ignoring me while in standby mode. I can no longer turn it on with voice. Anyone encountered this?
Reset your Kinect, and make sure when your going through the sequences, to have your TV as loud as your Kinect will allow.
Going to grab another game today after finishing Ryse yesterday. I already have DR3, FIFA and Powerstar Golf.
Any recommendations? I've played Forza and KI and they are cool but not my thing.
Torn between BF4, Ghosts and NFS Rivals. Or should I hang fire for something else? When is Peggle 2 coming?
:/iirc there's no wireless adaptor yet for PC
Have they said when they might start cranking those out? Has anyone even asked?
I like the look of the new controller, would be a shame if I couldn't use it.
Will the controller work on PC if you use a USB cable?
Not yet, they say spring 2014 - still working on the drivers, I guess.
Thanks.Not yet, they say spring 2014 - still working on the drivers, I guess.
Does the Kinect being calibrated with your TV on really loud actually make a difference? I have to speak really loud to get it to hear me even though I'm sat pretty close, and Xbox ON doesn't work unless I'm right next to the Kinect.
Does the Kinect being calibrated with your TV on really loud actually make a difference? I have to speak really loud to get it to hear me even though I'm sat pretty close, and Xbox ON doesn't work unless I'm right next to the Kinect.
Does the Kinect being calibrated with your TV on really loud actually make a difference? I have to speak really loud to get it to hear me even though I'm sat pretty close, and Xbox ON doesn't work unless I'm right next to the Kinect.
I'll third this. When I first set it up it was late so I only turned up the volume as little as required. Voice recognition was decent, but not great. Then yesterday I redid the calibration with a higher volume and the difference is impressive.
iirc there's no wireless adaptor yet for PC
I prefer the new bumper buttons over the old ones by far.
I can now easily press them with the same finger that I rest on the triggers, without hardly having to move them at all. It's a lot quicker and more intuitive for me.
Surprised that so many people don't seem to like them.
Guys, my XBone is ignoring me while in standby mode. I can no longer turn it on with voice. Anyone encountered this?
Because that is not how many people hold the controller. I'm just not comfortable with idea that MS wants me to hold the controller a certain way.
I prefer the new bumper buttons over the old ones by far.
I can now easily press them with the same finger that I rest on the triggers, without hardly having to move them at all. It's a lot quicker and more intuitive for me.
Surprised that so many people don't seem to like them.
Anyone using headphones for when someone is in the room with you? I have a sleeping wife and baby, but I don't need to be blasting through my speakers!
If so, what do you use? I would have to pug into my receiver.
Just a bump. Anyone? I am also concerned I will buy something and some official headset will come out or something.
I don´t understand exactly? There was a headset in the box of my Day One?
I would wait on Ryse unless you just like that style of game and an absolute visual feast. Ryse is not a bad game though (play it on the hardest settings). My wife surprised me with a copy of it and I'm happy she did. I'm the kind of person that LOVES admiring all the details and artwork that goes into a game though. I literally will stand in a spot and look at everything in the
I have two more gifs if anyone wants me to post them...trying to keep the bandwidth hit down.
For long lasting game-play (aka months to year(s)) go for BF4...if you want a quick, but entertaining, blast and insane graphics..go with Ryse.
I mean for game sound... So I do not need to blast through my speakers
I mean for game sound... So I do not need to blast through my speakers
Official headsets are coming from Turtle Beach and from Polk Audio, but not until February for some dumb reason.Just a bump. Anyone? I am also concerned I will buy something and some official headset will come out or something.
Ah, so you want to take the sound coming from your AV? I´d go with some nice surround ones, preferably wireless. Just take ones with normal cinch adapters, as the optical out from the X1 is not the best solution right now.
So I just turned my xbox on, and I tried to play fifa, and it kicks me back to the home/dash/whatever saying fifa took too long to start? Odd?
Try giving the system a cold boot (not booting from standby), I had that same issue with KI until I restarted the system.
The xbox is asking me to sign in with the controller instead of facial recognition , whats wrong?
Any suggestions? I can plug into my receiver, or however wireless phones will work.
Its weird cause I just launched it from cold boot, should I not keep the discs in there? I always figured there was no problem since they were installed.
But I did just try to put 2k in and it loaded and let me start a game. I'm gonna turn it all the way off and try fifa again after work.
So I just turned my xbox on, and I tried to play fifa, and it kicks me back to the home/dash/whatever saying fifa took too long to start? Odd?
Official headsets are coming from Turtle Beach and from Polk Audio, but not until February for some dumb reason.
Depends on your budget. Go to Amazon and search for "Turtle Beach Wireless".
The xbox is asking me to sign in with the controller instead of facial recognition , whats wrong?