beats by dreWhich headset do you guys use?
beats by dreWhich headset do you guys use?
In general, extended warranties aren't a good value.
Is there any word on when we will get an OS update to fix some issues?
So I just contacted Microsoft about the faint noise my X1 fan/hard drive was making. They said it wasn't normal and are sending out a new machine.
So I just contacted Microsoft about the faint noise my X1 fan/hard drive was making. They said it wasn't normal and are sending out a new machine.
I'll post back here once I compare them.
I guess every machine should pretty much be silent.
I only downloaded like 600 MBs at launch in the US. Was actually surprised.I don't know if the US got the full 1.2G day one patch, but in Europe we only got a 500M one and we should receive the remaining 700M update "soon" (I've heard december 3rd, but no direct source).
Can you describe the noise you were hearing? Was it at start-up? Was it all the time?
Does anyone know if there is an app or program that can use a webcam or camera to read text and then convert that text to a QR code?
I tested a DLC code for Battlefield today - converting it to a QR code and holding that code up to my Kinect works perfectly. To make the process 100% foolproof, I figure it would be awesome if I could use a camera to read text and then input that into the QR code.
I know the technology exists - on iDevices most of the new ones can read iTunes Credit straight off the card using the camera only. Wondering if something exists for any computer just to make redeeming codes easy.
All the time. It's hard to describe - like a faint scratching noise or fan rubbing slightly. Sounds a bit like an old hard drive when it constantly reads.
Edit: The same as this guy
Oh, so it was that loud? I can hear my fan moving, when idle even, but I have to put my ear up to the console to really hear it. It isn't particularly noticeable when I'm a few feet away from it. I just hear a small clicking sound (presumably the fan) when I put my ear up to it directly. RROD has made me extremely paranoid when it comes to Xbox hardware so I just want to make sure my console is fine.
I would think that if you have to put your ear up against the machine to hear a noise, it is hardly a problem. There are moving parts in this machine, so it's always going to make some noise. If you cannot hear it a few feet away you should be ok. At least that's my opinion.
That's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking my Xbox is fine, but like I said, RROD just has me paranoid with new Xbox hardware! =
I mean, I can hear my Xbox One running a few feet away, but my gaming laptop is honestly louder. I don't hear the fan clicking or anything like in that video though. It's basically silent compared to that.
I can't hear mine from a few feet away.. At all.. It is 100% silent from that distance. When I put my ear on the top of the box I hear like a flowing airy sound, which is very faint.
All the time. It's hard to describe - like a faint scratching noise or fan rubbing slightly. Sounds a bit like an old hard drive when it constantly reads.
Edit: The same as this guy
Does anybody know if this is legit? The picture doesn't match the listing, but the description says they're XO Fours that are compatible with the Xbox One.
Here's the link.
Is that when it's idle or even when the system
Is on? I hear what sounds like a clicking sound when I put my ear directly to the box (even when idle) but I can't hear it at all a few feet away. When it's actually on, I can hear it running from a few feet away (but there's really not any machine that I haven't heard running before).
I'll have to try it again when I get home from work just to be sure. I'll PM you the results.
Had the same problem. Got a new one from Amazon. Now to insert a potential sacrificial Blu-ray to see if the new one has a disc drive problem....
I've only had one letdown graphically so far and that's Forza 5. It looks kind of meh.
You guys are making me paranoid with the noise issue. I can hear mine humming when everything is silent easily but it's not that loud. Seeing some of you say you have to put your ear next to the system to hear it at all is making me wonder.
So I just contacted Microsoft about the faint noise my X1 fan/hard drive was making. They said it wasn't normal and are sending out a new machine.
I'll post back here once I compare them.
I guess every machine should pretty much be silent.
Well it seems ive joined the illustrious club of people whos achievements have stopped toasting.
Have never taken the thing offline and i can actually pinpoint the moment it happened. I flipped my car in Forza (which is an achievement) and the game decided to record that particular achievement moment. It toasted that it had recorded that, based on the achievement, but the achievement was never unlocked and after that moment, all toasts no longer work.
The joys of beta i guess...
Should have went with 900p and added some damn AA.
I wouldnt mind seeing 900p and 60fps in the next Horizon
I wouldnt mind seeing 900p and 60fps in the next Horizon
whoa Ryse is 0_o, looks really good and the combat is good, im having fun.
already on chapter 3 and i know its short but that might be a good thing in this case.
surprised really, thought it would be worse.
Glad they sorted it out for you! Hopefully the new one will be silent. My replacement should arrive sometime next week.
happening to me now. with DR3. then with all games i try to boot.
Mine hums noticeably too but doesn't overpower low volume game audio. My concern is that if the console works I could potentially be trading for something worse. I really wonder if some consoles are literally dead silent. Even the quietest noctua pc fans make some noise up close.Actually, listening to it now and I can definitely hear mine humming when it's on. I hear a small clicking sound when it's idle when I put my ear directly up to the console (but I guess that might be the fan running on a low power state). Ours are probably fine. Unless you hear that same humming when idle, then that may be a problem.
Does anybody know if this is legit? The picture doesn't match the listing, but the description says they're XO Fours that are compatible with the Xbox One.
Here's the link.
Curious as well. I may bite! That's the headset I've been waiting for.
Mine hums noticeably too but doesn't overpower low volume game audio. My concern is that if the console works I could potentially be trading for something worse. I really wonder if some consoles are literally dead silent. Even the quietest noctua pc fans make some noise up close.
Decided to call MS after all of this fan discussion. The guy at customer support said he literally had to put his head near the console to hear it which is definitely not the case for me. I can hear it about 6 feet away even when it just powered up.
I live chatted with TigerDirect and they said it was in stock. I'm still not convinced. I ordered them, still, I'm expecting to be sending them back because they're not the right pair. It really doesn't make sense how TigerDirect could possibly have them 3 months ahead of time.
Fingers crossed.
That's pretty much how mine is. It never really overpowers low game audio, and the clicking sound when it's idle is most likely the fans on low power because I can definitely only hear that when I put my ear right up against the system. The only real scare I had with my Xbox One was initial set-up when I plugged everything in but it wouldn't turn on. I think that was due to the power cord not being completely plugged in to either the console or power brick.
Was yours humming or was it making that loud fan noise like in this YouTube video: