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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Shouldn't there be audio options in the menus?
There is but it's sort of a hassle. Just didn't know if there was a way to do it through the system.

Also, can you really not run Xbox Music without it being snapped? Can't have songs playing in the background? Weak.
It's now saying my NAT is open.. I still can't connect to any mp game on XB1. I found an opponent in KI but it still says connection lost every time
A friend with an Xbox One told me that in the Xbox settings app if you hit LB, RB, LT, and then RT you can access the developer menu. Could somebody here test/verify that?


A friend with an Xbox One told me that in the Xbox settings app if you hit LB, RB, LT, and then RT you can access the developer menu. Could somebody here test/verify that?

I haven't bothered trying it, but there was a big thread on reddit and gaf about it, so it seems to be true


Once I started saying the correct commands, the box has performed near flawlessly. I didn't know I had to say "Ryse, son of rome" and was just saying ryse and getting irritated when it didn't work. Also IFC is Independent Film Channel. Took a while to figure that out.

I also have the bad habit of saying "go to" when wanting to change channels and it launches an app based on what it thinks I said.

I am enjoying it.


I had my WiiU connected through my Xbox One and I couldn't get any sound to come out of the tv. Sound came out of the gamepad just nothing out of the tv. Any help would be appreciated.


A friend with an Xbox One told me that in the Xbox settings app if you hit LB, RB, LT, and then RT you can access the developer menu. Could somebody here test/verify that?
Holy shit it works!

You have to be in the System tab in Settings.


Well, tried removing my ethernet plug, added my wireless settings, now my downloads plummeted even further, NAT went from open or w/e to strict. I just don't know what's going on and it's getting on my nerves extremely bad. I've worked nonstop because of stupid black friday, so it's just making me a lot crankier, but my freaking 360 never had any speed problems, downloaded just as fast as Steam pretty much all the time. The only thing that has changed is the console, my router and modem are the same, tv is the same. Ugh.

Trying to find out what's going on and staying level headed, but I really don't want to be dealing with this shit after a long day of work I kind of just want to kick back and play DR3, not have to deal with this stupid networking problems that ONLY happen with my Xbox One in my house.

In case anyone is interested in how I resolved everything:

I factory reset my router, turned UPnP off(it was on), let it reset/power cycle, then turned it back on again. This was supposed to clear the something table, forget the word. Haven't had a single problem then, NAT is open, download speeds are where they're supposed to be. Went from 2-6Mbps to 22-24Mbps which is in line with my actual speeds.


Ok, so Xbox One Party system.

I feel like they asked themselves "What parts of our party system on the 360 work the best?" and proceeded to make them as obscure or broken as possible. I invite a friend to my party. He joins up, but neither of us could hear each other. I said "Oh, we have to join Party Chat, that's weird," so I text him to do that, and I join up. Well, he gets a message saying that he couldn't start party chat. Ok... so I told him to leave the party and invite me, maybe it just messed up. Now, he gets into party chat but I can't join, as I get the same message. Out of about 15 attempts, we got it to work one time, but only for about 20 minutes before I was booted out of the party, and again told it couldn't start party chat.

This isn't even touching the invite features, which for some reason defaults to pulling everyone in a party to a game when I start to play, even if we're just in a party to talk.

Please tell me this is some sort of dumb bug that's going to be patched out soon...

Party chat works fine if you have either open or moderate NAT. One of you guys has a strict NAT that is why you can't enable party chat. You would have had the same problems on the 360.


Party chat works fine if you have either open or moderate NAT. One of you guys has a strict NAT that is why you can't enable party chat. You would have had the same problems on the 360.

Me and two of my friends all have open NAT and none of us can party chat with each other

Completely broken

Also am I missing something or does netflix search limit you to 9 results?


I believe I like this controller more than the PS4 controller, but it still felt odd using it the other day. I think the Analog Sticks could be bigger, and the grip could be less sharp. Also, the triggers kind of poke the side of my finger due to the shape of it. Needs to be more rounded out.

360 controller still seems to be king controllers.

Me and two of my friends all have open NAT and none of us can party chat with each other

Completely broken

Also am I missing something or does netflix search limit you to 9 results?

This may sound stupid but you know you have to manually click "Start party chat" once you are connected to be able to talk right?
So hey, I've got a copy of Battlefield 4 still sealed and I'm thinking about returning it for something else (been hearing it's not as fun as BF3 from a lot of people I played that with).

I'm thinking either Ryse or AC4 (already have DR3). I've heard mixed things about Ryse but I am intrigued by the setting at least, and I've played every AC game but all of them post-Brotherhood have been kind of lackluster (and AC3 in particular was a big letdown). Anyone have anything to say about either of these?


So hey, I've got a copy of Battlefield 4 still sealed and I'm thinking about returning it for something else (been hearing it's not as fun as BF3 from a lot of people I played that with).

I'm thinking either Ryse or AC4 (already have DR3). I've heard mixed things about Ryse but I am intrigued by the setting at least, and I've played every AC game but all of them post-Brotherhood have been kind of lackluster (and AC3 in particular was a big letdown). Anyone have anything to say about either of these?

AC4 is really good. I think it's close to AC2 in terms of quality and in my opinion a little bit better (but that has to do more with it being pirates).


Just checking in to say that so far I can't decide if I like the XB1 or DS4 controller better. I am in love with the XB1 triggers and overall controller feel. Also really starting to enjoy DR3 the more I play it. Also dig how quiet the console is at all times. Also YouTube and ESPN. . .
So I just had a fun experience trying to get a party to work properly. I usually just join a party and party chat with 1 other person and let him invite the party to Dead Rising 3. Doing this always works and we never have problems.

A friend was playing Battlefield 4 and invited me to a party. Neither of us could join party chat. He had to shut down Battlefield before starting the party to get it to work.

Then we had 3 people all on the dashboard, with no games running in the background. we all joined the same party and turned on party chat. One person started up Battlefield 4 and was still able to chat with us. Myself and the 3rd person tried to start up a coop game of Dead Rising 3, but I never got the invite, no matter how many times it was sent. At some point when the other guy sent the invite, it said "a game of Battlefield has been found for your party". This is while trying to send a game invite from Dead Rising 3. We ended up using Skype instead, and the 2 of us that wanted to play DR3 joined a party (but couldn't join party chat because we were in a Skype call). That sort of worked, but then we could hear DR3 game chat as well, and couldn't find a way to turn it off.

I really hope they just change things closer to how they worked on the 360. It was great being able to chat with people regardless of what they were doing.
Jumping way in after some Amazon credits on other orders. Have Forza, Need for Speed and Killer Instict right now. Orders are out for Madden, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Assassin's Creed, and Battlefield 4. I'm done with the 360. Loved the games and I'm retiring it. Love this console.


Is anybody else finding the black levels in all the games atrocious?

BF4 is particularly bad, compared to the PS4 version. I have trouble seeing anything, regardless of what settings I tweak.


Is anybody else finding the black levels in all the games atrocious?

BF4 is particularly bad, compared to the PS4 version. I have trouble seeing anything, regardless of what settings I tweak.

They are only bad in the games that use the upscaler. Ryse, Forza and the other 1080p games are fine. Just set the box to 720p when playing Battlefield, Dead Rising and stuff as a workaround.
They are only bad in the games that use the upscaler. Ryse, Forza and the other 1080p games are fine. Just set the box to 720p when playing Battlefield, Dead Rising and stuff as a workaround.
Ryse is 900p with no scaler issues, but it's certainly not 1080p.


What sound option are you using in Battlefield 4 when using a surround sound setup, not head phones? I used to use War Tapes but it doesn't sound right. HiFi? Surround?

Anfony O

Hey guys does anyone know if there's anyway to transfer my music on the Lumia to my Xbox one? I'm talking about directly transferring it from the device to the console bypassing the whole redownload everything again ordeal.

Daffy Duck

Has there been an update?

I swear it's different now when you go into marketplace, it brings up which section (like games etc) before you go into it now, swear that never happened before.


Has there been an update?

I swear it's different now when you go into marketplace, it brings up which section (like games etc) before you go into it now, swear that never happened before.

Was always this way for me when you start the store after it was closed.


How is everyone's controller's battery life holding up? The way Kinect tells the controller to go into a low power mode when you put the controller down sounds awesome.


I've got this now too mate. These bugs are fucked. I had an open NAT this morning.. Now it's back to moderate. Can't play online. Can't party chat.

It's so frustrating,
Anyway can't be bothered trying to get party chat to work now so my friends and I just make a skype voice call instead, it's a decent workaround if you want a backup way to chat with friends in game
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