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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


What are some good sites to snap on my xbox one?
I tried tvcatchup but does not work...

Are there any good sites which stream video?


Seriously, KI, dr3 and Ryse have to be the best launch trio ever. Dead rising is so much fun and that frame rate stuff was bullshit. I've been in huge crowds of zombies and the game is smooth as.

How much crap did Ryse and dr3 cop before it was even released or played on this forum?

All 3 of those games are solid 8/10 for me easy.

Don't have KI but after reviewing DR3 and Ryse I have to say I don't remember being that satisfied with a release set of titles before. DR3 had no FPS issues in the singleplayer at all but a couple in the MP. It handled the zombie count and open world way better than I was told to expect and Ryse is just...well its actually a blast and easily keeps up with any of my PS4 titles.

TRios Zen

Anyone here had trouble with their launch unit AND already received a replacement?

My Xbox One was basically DOA (gpu issue) and I reported it first thing Saturday morning (Nov 23rd); as of today, I haven't even been notified that my replacement system has shipped, and honestly, getting a little frustrated.

Chitown B

Anyone here had trouble with their launch unit AND already received a replacement?

My Xbox One was basically DOA (gpu issue) and I reported it first thing Saturday morning (Nov 23rd); as of today, I haven't even been notified that my replacement system has shipped, and honestly, getting a little frustrated.

same thing with my good friend. he's beyond pissed off. Chat seems to know nothing and won't give him any solid dates

TRios Zen

same thing with my good friend. he's beyond pissed off. Chat seems to know nothing and won't give him any solid dates

I'm a fan of the Xbox, have been on Live for going on 8 years now. Generally speaking the 360 was my favored platform last gen (1 week ago, haha). I don't hate my PS3 by any means, but for context, I'm a fan of MS - and they haven't handled this well at all and it IS frustrtating.


All I want for Christmas is youuuuuuu

Seriously, KI, dr3 and Ryse have to be the best launch trio ever. Dead rising is so much fun and that frame rate stuff was bullshit. I've been in huge crowds of zombies and the game is smooth as.

How much crap did Ryse and dr3 cop before it was even released or played on this forum?

All 3 of those games are solid 8/10 for me easy.

I honestly had a hard time deciding what to play this weekend between Ryse, Dead Rising 3, and Killer Instinct. Three excellent launch games, in my opinion.


Neo Member
Anyone here had trouble with their launch unit AND already received a replacement?

My Xbox One was basically DOA (gpu issue) and I reported it first thing Saturday morning (Nov 23rd); as of today, I haven't even been notified that my replacement system has shipped, and honestly, getting a little frustrated.

Who did you get it through? I had a busted disk drive on my Day One edition from Gamestop. I called them Friday afternoon when I discovered it. I had a new Day One edition waiting for me on Monday afternoon, before Microsoft even announced the 'free game' offer. I wonder if retailers kept a reserve stock for instances like this or if Microsoft is giving the fresh batches to retailers first....seems kind of backwards.
I cant believe im having this much fun with Ryse. Just beat Chappter 5. By the Gods, death smiled at me multiple times, but i responded by smiling back. For a game with limited weapons and moves, it sure does show you fresh ways of tackling foes. Loved fighting around camp fire.

Story is good so far too.

So damn satisfying!!

Also, i did an odd thing last night, i was about to head to bed but started to check my friends activity feed, watching games that i'll not buy but enjoyed watching their achievements. Lots of BF clips of stunning kills, Killer Instinct ultras, Forza clean passes (Modus feed)... i set for bed an hour later than intended. Love this system god damn.
That canned animation transition at 0:09 is jarring as all hell, otherwise the graphics look great.


Neo Member
Is it going to be any good? WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? I PREORDERED THIS!

The Preseason demo actually turned this game into a must buy for me. It worked almost to well, minus a missed trick here or there and the occasional delayed speed boost. But the steering worked almost flawlessly for me and the wife.
Anybody else can't use the Kinect for Rivals because it can't see the floor? Like seriously I moved it so it pretty obvious it can see the floor, but it ain't.


Anybody else can't use the Kinect for Rivals because it can't see the floor? Like seriously I moved it so it pretty obvious it can see the floor, but it ain't.

This was happening to me and I put the sensor above the tv instead of below it like it was and it worked perfectly from that point on.


Anybody else can't use the Kinect for Rivals because it can't see the floor? Like seriously I moved it so it pretty obvious it can see the floor, but it ain't.

You need to adjust the software too. What the Kinect thought was the floor was higher than the actual floor. When I adjusted it, I lowered the Kinect floor to match the actual floor and it worked flawlessly after that,


Anybody else can't use the Kinect for Rivals because it can't see the floor? Like seriously I moved it so it pretty obvious it can see the floor, but it ain't.

did you try going through the calibration again in the settings? It will let you manually set the floor height if Kinect is having issues and it should tell you how much to tilt your camera if necessary

TRios Zen

Who did you get it through? I had a busted disk drive on my Day One edition from Gamestop. I called them Friday afternoon when I discovered it. I had a new Day One edition waiting for me on Monday afternoon, before Microsoft even announced the 'free game' offer. I wonder if retailers kept a reserve stock for instances like this or if Microsoft is giving the fresh batches to retailers first....seems kind of backwards.

I got my system through Amazon, however when I was trying to figure out how screwed it was, I called MS support. (Aside, if you need to talk to MS support stay on the line regardless of how hard they try to get you in the "call-back" queue.) They stated that their advance replacement service would get me a new box in 2-5 days, and that I would get an e-mail to track it, as soon as it was sent, so I went ahead and signed up for that.

Given the Thanksgiving day holiday, if you count 5 business days from last Saturday, TODAY is the latest I should have possibly received my new system, but I haven't even been notified that it has shipped yet. The lack of information from support is as maddening as the lack of information on when my new one will ship.
Thanks to whoever said Xbox One automatically downloads game purchases. Expected AC4 ready to play on my console and nothing. Didn't download shit. Seems like it's for updates only like the setting says.



I can't, Kinect doesn't like my play space.

Played in an incredible beautiful area in Ryse last night, damn the lighting is good in that game.
the fight under the burning wickerman

And as the above poster noticed, I too was miffed to discover it didn't auto download a purchased game for me. Hopefully that is something that gets put it in one of the OS updates.


UI question: Is there a way to get to the challenges/progress screen for a game WITHOUT comparing your achievements against your friends? None of my friends have played Need for Speed on the Xbone, but I'm still interested in the stats about how much I've played, etc., and hate having to dig into achievements to get to this screen.

For reference, I mean this screen:

I pulled that out from the SmartGlass app.


2 things I want eventually:

-Being able to see how many people are playing a game from the Game Store. It was in the pre-launch dash that the one guy showed and I thought it was really cool.

-Take the Trophy rarity section from PSN and apply it to achievements. Hell actually make looking through achievements easier. Its a giant clusterfuck and I hate that it has to launch its own app to just view them.

I think it's bugged. It says I've played CoD for 49 hours and DR3 for 30. No way I played that much. Could games in standby be adding to these numbers possibly?

I noticed this the other day with Battlefield. It said I had like 40+ hours but there is absolutely no way I have.


2 things I want eventually:

-Being able to see how many people are playing a game from the Game Store. It was in the pre-launch dash that the one guy showed and I thought it was really cool.

-Take the Trophy rarity section from PSN and apply it to achievements. Hell actually make looking through achievements easier. Its a giant clusterfuck and I hate that it has to launch its own app to just view them.

Yeah tons of improvements needed in profile section (Friends/followers/achievement).
2 things I want eventually:

-Being able to see how many people are playing a game from the Game Store. It was in the pre-launch dash that the one guy showed and I thought it was really cool.

-Take the Trophy rarity section from PSN and apply it to achievements. Hell actually make looking through achievements easier. Its a giant clusterfuck and I hate that it has to launch its own app to just view them.

I noticed this the other day with Battlefield. It said I had like 40+ hours but there is absolutely no way I have.

I have the same issue with BF4 as well.
How the heck do you play this game anyways? I keep crashing, just seems like it would be much smoother using the controller

There should be controls listed in the game (alternatively say Xbox Help and in there should be controls as well).

Basic controls are that you hold both hands in front of you. Use your right hand to squeeze the throttle like a motorcycle. To turn, again pretend it's a motorcycle. To turn left, move your right hand out and your left hand inwards (like it's on a handlebar). You can make a sharper turn by leaning into it.

My roommate had problems when she was playing because she was just leaning into the turns and wasn't really moving her hands much. Make sure you aren't doing that.

The other advanced controls that I can remember is that slamming one foot on the ground will activate your boost, and when you're jumping, lean back to do a spin move.

I was impressed by the controls tbh. They worked really well for me and picked up fairly tiny movements in my turns. Can't wait to play bowling in the final game!

Nori Chan

2 things I want eventually:

-Being able to see how many people are playing a game from the Game Store. It was in the pre-launch dash that the one guy showed and I thought it was really cool.

-Take the Trophy rarity section from PSN and apply it to achievements
. Hell actually make looking through achievements easier. Its a giant clusterfuck and I hate that it has to launch its own app to just view them..
Yes I would love this feature. I want to see how many people completed mile high club along with myself or even 7 day survivor. This shit is crucial to me as an achievement whore.

Please Major Nelson hear my cries ;___;


I think it's bugged. It says I've played CoD for 49 hours and DR3 for 30. No way I played that much. Could games in standby be adding to these numbers possibly?

yeah, I'm pretty sure it's counting standby if you have the beta feature enabled. No way DR3 took me 22 hours to beat

def sim

I think it's bugged. It says I've played CoD for 49 hours and DR3 for 30. No way I played that much. Could games in standby be adding to these numbers possibly?

I think it's the quick resume option that's in beta. I like knowing how many hours I've put into a game so I've turned it off.


Well, I was having a weird GPU and/or possibly RAM/storage issue. Basically, no matter the game, they would freeze for several seconds, sometimes with large chunks of the world not rendering, then suddenly everything would pop back in and the game would start going again. Nothing I tried worked.

I went with expedited shipping and the standard repair option, and sent the unit back this afternoon. It's a little weird that there's nowhere on the form to indicate the exact problem you're having, but maybe that's not super important on their end. Hopefully I'll get one back before spring! :)
Anyone here had trouble with their launch unit AND already received a replacement?

My Xbox One was basically DOA (gpu issue) and I reported it first thing Saturday morning (Nov 23rd); as of today, I haven't even been notified that my replacement system has shipped, and honestly, getting a little frustrated.

same thing with my good friend. he's beyond pissed off. Chat seems to know nothing and won't give him any solid dates

PM me a reference number. I may be able to make enquiries. No promises though!


Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

A woman was arrested today for stabbing to death three shoppers at a Chicago-area Wal-Mart in order to secure the store's last X-Box One.

Mary Robbins, a married mother of two, reportedly wrestled her competitors to the ground before fatally wounding them with a sharpened Phillips head screwdriver.

The victim's names have not yet been released, but are said to include a sociology student at Northwestern University, a chemistry teacher at at local high school and a young pregnant woman buying a system for her brother.

Robbins fled the scene and was apprehended at home hours later after police identified her license plates on the store's surveillance camera. Although many are shocked by the senseless violence, the alleged perpetrator is unrepentant.

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."


nvm this looks fake LMAO


Hail to the KING baby
2 things I want eventually:

-Being able to see how many people are playing a game from the Game Store. It was in the pre-launch dash that the one guy showed and I thought it was really cool.

-Take the Trophy rarity section from PSN and apply it to achievements. Hell actually make looking through achievements easier. Its a giant clusterfuck and I hate that it has to launch its own app to just view them.

I noticed this the other day with Battlefield. It said I had like 40+ hours but there is absolutely no way I have.
Trophy rarity is awesome. I'm surprised Sony beat MS to the punch on that MS being the real driving force behind Cheevos originally. I think Sony could even do away with developer set bronze/silver/gold/platinum and just base those on rarity, and I'd like MS to then copy the whole thing. :)

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

A woman was arrested ]
Per Googling this is some sort of fake Onion.


Don't have KI but after reviewing DR3 and Ryse I have to say I don't remember being that satisfied with a release set of titles before. DR3 had no FPS issues in the singleplayer at all but a couple in the MP. It handled the zombie count and open world way better than I was told to expect and Ryse is just...well its actually a blast and easily keeps up with any of my PS4 titles.
Pretty sure DR3 has a lot of framerate drops. Granted, it runs a hell of a lot better than the old games but try running through the streets at night using Ultimate Shout.

With this and Killer Instinct though I've been really staisfied wiht the launch games.


Ryse is actually really fun, dead rising 3 is amazing and forza is the biggest disappointment by far. I was expecting so much out of forza and it's utterly the worst forza in the series.....I actual hate it, think I'm going to sell it and grab need for speed instead
Ryse is actually really fun, dead rising 3 is amazing and forza is the biggest disappointment by far. I was expecting so much out of forza and it's utterly the worst forza in the series.....I actual hate it, think I'm going to sell it and grab need for speed instead

what's wrong with forza?


Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

A woman was arrested today for stabbing to death three shoppers at a Chicago-area Wal-Mart in order to secure the store's last X-Box One.

Mary Robbins, a married mother of two, reportedly wrestled her competitors to the ground before fatally wounding them with a sharpened Phillips head screwdriver.

The victim's names have not yet been released, but are said to include a sociology student at Northwestern University, a chemistry teacher at at local high school and a young pregnant woman buying a system for her brother.

Robbins fled the scene and was apprehended at home hours later after police identified her license plates on the store's surveillance camera. Although many are shocked by the senseless violence, the alleged perpetrator is unrepentant.

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."


nvm this looks fake LMAO

Definitely fake:

The Daily Current: The Global Satirical Newspaper of Record.
Agreed 100%.

This might sound crazy but Ryse is easily one of my favorite games this year. The combat has much more depth than I expected. I really dont get the hate for Ryse. I actually enjoyed the story. The multi player is fun but the grinding to level gets tiring.

Killer instinct is fantastic. I'm terrible at it, but its still a great game.

I finally got an opportunity to play Ryse not only for the first time, but I also had enough time with an Xbox One brought over by one of my friends to play through the first four chapters of the game. No other way to say it, I think the game is fucking awesome. Definitely feel, as some others have said, that this is one of my favorite games this year. I'm enjoying the combat even more than I expected I would, because I clearly underestimated just how satisfying it would feel to play the game once I got my hands on it, which is surprising enough as is, because I was quite convinced that I would like it, but it feels a lot better in hand than I thought. It's simple, but I think there's plenty enough depth available to keep me satisfied throughout the entire experience, or even throughout multiple playthroughs. It isn't doing too many things at once, but what it does do, it does extremely well in my opinion, and there's enough tossed your way to get you to think about how you apply those combat basics in different situations, and with different enemies. The fights never stop feeling satisfying, not even a little bit.

It's especially fun because I was purposely putting myself into more challenging situations without taking the easy route out by triggering the focus mode too much. When you get surrounded by a specific set of enemies, I can make it easy on myself by maybe rolling out of the way, and drawing out the easier to defeat opponents first, which require less thought about how you mix up your attacks, but I like being in the thick of the fight with enemies packing different skills, and having to work harder to keep them from interrupting the nice little combat cadence I have going. A fun little challenge that I kept giving myself was that, at times, I totally refused to do the combat roll to avoid the more powerful heavy attacks even while surrounded by enemies in hopes of getting a perfect deflection while keeping the other enemies from taking advantage. It feels really rewarding, especially while alternating sword and shield combinations between multiple opponents. I recorded this really kick ass combo on my friends xbox one that he's going upload to skydrive when he gets a chance. I was surrounded by 4 enemies, and I performed a combo that I'm almost certain I've never seen online before while alternating between sword and shield attacks, with each of the 4 enemies surrounding me being hit with a different and even more cool looking part of the combo in really quick succession. The timing just felt so perfect. The combo looked so cool that I question as to whether it's even possible to pull off such a thing while focusing on a single opponent. It seems tailor made for dealing with and hitting multiple different targets, and not so much for piling punishment onto one enemy. It felt so good to pull something like that off, I didn't want to put the controller down. And what makes me more excited about this is the fact that as I continued playing, I would pull off even more impressive looking combos simply by throwing a few more attacks in on a specific enemy before heading off to the next one, and even how and when you trigger the run animation while comboing can add subtle differences there as well.

The executions, no matter how many times I saw some, or no matter how many times I was executing a similar looking enemy, they never stopped feeling good. The same goes for my impressions of the combat system in general. It can feel so good at times I would just hang back a bit, and let them coordinate their assaults in whichever manner that they're able to bring the fight to me as best as they can, and I don't know if anyone else realized, but depending on the enemies surrounding you, it definitely feels like there's a clear difference of gameplan in place for how to create trouble for the player, and it was really interesting to watch what seemed, at times, like clear attack patterns designed to compliment the most skilled opponent among the pack. I immediately started playing on Centurion difficulty, so I really felt good about the level of challenge throughout my time with the game. I'm also quite enjoying the story so far, which made my time with the game even better. I've never had a more fun overall experience with a Crytek title, and, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best game they've ever made. I think all involved would be crazy if a sequel isn't already being seriously discussed.

I was never going to put much stock into the reviews to begin with, but I'm actually more than a bit surprised by just how much I think this game legitimately got robbed in reviews. I won't even hold back the praise even just a tiny bit. This isn't just some okay, or decent game, it's a great game, and it's just another example of why it's so incredibly difficult to rely on reviews. I'm stunned they could somehow find this game as terrible as they did. This game is by no means perfect, but based on what I played, very little stood in the way of this feeling like one of the stronger and more promising new IP that I've played in some time. The game would have to get much worse than what it has been throughout the first four chapters that I've completed to even justify some of those harsher impressions now. It will probably be awhile before I beat the game, because my friend just dropped by with his xbox one over the weekend, wanting to see what the fuss was about with Ryse, and of course that worked out just perfectly for me since I finally got to try my copy of the game. 4 chapters and a very tiny bit of chapter 5 is all I got with the game, but my god was it worth it! And holy shit at the graphics. Seriously, what a beautiful game. My living room television got its first next gen game test, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I couldn't believe the game looks as good as it does. The streams and a lot of other media released really weren't doing this game any justice. I think at about the middle part of chapter 4, my friend just said, "Dude, we're headed to best buy. I refuse to go back home without this game." I offered him my copy to borrow, since I won't have my own Xbox One for some time anyway, but he declined, thinking that if he just had my copy, he may not feel it's as important to go out and buy his own, and plus he wants to support the game in hopes of seeing a followup.

One last thing I found strangely more satisfying than I expected, was switching between the different perks during combat, such as health regen, focus regen, exp gain, and more damage. It made a more simple and straightforward combat system feel surprisingly more varied than I thought it should. I was using it a lot between execution kills. Using a specific enemy for added exp, then taking out the next to give me the damage bonus, and then finally using the damage bonus on the more powerful enemy while getting the health bonus after a more challenging than normal fight. It's good that I finally got to play this thing some, because the wait was just brutal. I needed to actually get my hands on this thing before Christmas. :)


Got my replacement system today and just got home to set it up.

Holy shit this thing is quiet now.

For reference my old system's fan made this noise.


I could hear that clearly from my seating position about 2,1m away from the console during quiet scenes and load times etc.

The new system? I can't even hear it once I get away 30cm from it. I literally have to put my ear on top of the grill to hear the air flow from the fan.

I am blown away. Now I understand what people talked about when they said that it was silent.

Couple this with the fact that I took out the fan from the PSU myself, this is now the quietest console I own currently, handily beating the 360 slim (which I considered the quietest system on the market) and it blows the PS4 out of the water. Sounds like a jet compared to the Xbox.

Seriously guys if your system makes any noise apart from the little clicking noise the HDD makes and the air flow coming out of the fan, get it exchanged.
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