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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


I finally got an opportunity to play Ryse not only for the first time, but I also had enough time with an Xbox One brought over by one of my friends to play through the first four chapters of the game. No other way to say it, I think the game is fucking awesome. Definitely feel, as some others have said, that this is one of my favorite games this year. I'm enjoying the combat even more than I expected I would, because I clearly underestimated just how satisfying it would feel to play the game once I got my hands on it, which is surprising enough as is, because I was quite convinced that I would like it, but it feels a lot better in hand than I thought. It's simple, but I think there's plenty enough depth available to keep me satisfied throughout the entire experience, or even throughout multiple playthroughs. It isn't doing too many things at once, but what it does do, it does extremely well in my opinion, and there's enough tossed your way to get you to think about how you apply those combat basics in different situations, and with different enemies. The fights never stop feeling satisfying, not even a little bit.

It's especially fun because I was purposely putting myself into more challenging situations without taking the easy route out by triggering the focus mode too much. When you get surrounded by a specific set of enemies, I can make it easy on myself by maybe rolling out of the way, and drawing out the easier to defeat opponents first, which require less thought about how you mix up your attacks, but I like being in the thick of the fight with enemies packing different skills, and having to work harder to keep them from interrupting the nice little combat cadence I have going. A fun little challenge that I kept giving myself was that, at times, I totally refused to do the combat roll to avoid the more powerful heavy attacks even while surrounded by enemies in hopes of getting a perfect deflection while keeping the other enemies from taking advantage. It feels really rewarding, especially while alternating sword and shield combinations between multiple opponents. I recorded this really kick ass combo on my friends xbox one that he's going upload to skydrive when he gets a chance. I was surrounded by 4 enemies, and I performed a combo that I'm almost certain I've never seen online before while alternating between sword and shield attacks, with each of the 4 enemies surrounding me being hit with a different and even more cool looking part of the combo in really quick succession. The timing just felt so perfect. The combo looked so cool that I question as to whether it's even possible to pull off such a thing while focusing on a single opponent. It seems tailor made for dealing with and hitting multiple different targets, and not so much for piling punishment onto one enemy. It felt so good to pull something like that off, I didn't want to put the controller down. And what makes me more excited about this is the fact that as I continued playing, I would pull off even more impressive looking combos simply by throwing a few more attacks in on a specific enemy before heading off to the next one, and even how and when you trigger the run animation while comboing can add subtle differences there as well.

The executions, no matter how many times I saw some, or no matter how many times I was executing a similar looking enemy, they never stopped feeling good. The same goes for my impressions of the combat system in general. It can feel so good at times I would just hang back a bit, and let them coordinate their assaults in whichever manner that they're able to bring the fight to me as best as they can, and I don't know if anyone else realized, but depending on the enemies surrounding you, it definitely feels like there's a clear difference of gameplan in place for how to create trouble for the player, and it was really interesting to watch what seemed, at times, like clear attack patterns designed to compliment the most skilled opponent among the pack. I immediately started playing on Centurion difficulty, so I really felt good about the level of challenge throughout my time with the game. I'm also quite enjoying the story so far, which made my time with the game even better. I've never had a more fun overall experience with a Crytek title, and, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best game they've ever made. I think all involved would be crazy if a sequel isn't already being seriously discussed.

I was never going to put much stock into the reviews to begin with, but I'm actually more than a bit surprised by just how much I think this game legitimately got robbed in reviews. I won't even hold back the praise even just a tiny bit. This isn't just some okay, or decent game, it's a great game, and it's just another example of why it's so incredibly difficult to rely on reviews. I'm stunned they could somehow find this game as terrible as they did. This game is by no means perfect, but based on what I played, very little stood in the way of this feeling like one of the stronger and more promising new IP that I've played in some time. The game would have to get much worse than what it has been throughout the first four chapters that I've completed to even justify some of those harsher impressions now. It will probably be awhile before I beat the game, because my friend just dropped by with his xbox one over the weekend, wanting to see what the fuss was about with Ryse, and of course that worked out just perfectly for me since I finally got to try my copy of the game. 4 chapters and a very tiny bit of chapter 5 is all I got with the game, but my god was it worth it! And holy shit at the graphics. Seriously, what a beautiful game. My living room television got its first next gen game test, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I couldn't believe the game looks as good as it does. The streams and a lot of other media released really weren't doing this game any justice. I think at about the middle part of chapter 4, my friend just said, "Dude, we're headed to best buy. I refuse to go back home without this game." I offered him my copy to borrow, since I won't have my own Xbox One for some time anyway, but he declined, thinking that if he just had my copy, he may not feel it's as important to go out and buy his own, and plus he wants to support the game in hopes of seeing a followup.

One last thing I found strangely more satisfying than I expected, was switching between the different perks during combat, such as health regen, focus regen, exp gain, and more damage. It made a more simple and straightforward combat system feel surprisingly more varied than I thought it should. I was using it a lot between execution kills. Using a specific enemy for added exp, then taking out the next to give me the damage bonus, and then finally using the damage bonus on the more powerful enemy while getting the health bonus after a more challenging than normal fight. It's good that I finally got to play this thing some, because the wait was just brutal. I needed to actually get my hands on this thing before Christmas. :)

I'm really glad this game lived up to your expectations. For all the time you spent defending it I feel like you deserve having some fun with it.

However I'm still torn between picking this or Forza up. I absolutely love Forza but I also love the Roman setting and I wouldn't mind playing something new. I just don't know :S


Got my replacement system today and just got home to set it up.

Holy shit this thing is quiet now.

For reference my old system's fan made this noise.


I could hear that clearly from my seating position about 2,1m away from the console during quiet scenes and load times etc.

The new system? I can't even hear it once I get away 30cm from it. I literally have to put my ear on top of the grill to hear the air flow from the fan.

I am blown away. Now I understand what people talked about when they said that it was silent.

Couple this with the fact that I took out the fan from the PSU myself, this is now the quietest console I own currently, handily beating the 360 slim (which I considered the quietest system on the market) and it blows the PS4 out of the water. Sounds like a jet compared to the Xbox.

Seriously guys if your system makes any noise apart from the little clicking noise the HDD makes and the air flow coming out of the fan, get it exchanged.

Will do so tomorrow, that's the exact same noise my One does make now.


Man how fucking much do they save on their servers?

Scary man. I signed in with my account and everything was there. It remembered all my settings. All games and apps I had downloaded on my console showed up in the exact same position with a cloud sign to redownload them. It also downloads the save games, any DLC you bought etc.


Finished Ryse today on the highest difficulty (well now there is a higher one) and although I didn't really get why and how
Nero brought the Barbarians to Rome to kill Marcus' father and start a war
, the game was really fun - especially if you were going for legendary executions and blocking "red" attacks. Story was better than expected - nothing too special but satisfying in the end. I really hope for a successor.
Would agree with above posts that Ryse is definitely a contender for my game of the year, i've put almost 40 hours into it I think...

On another note, the party system. I only really play with one of my friends so just two of us in a party, we play Fifa against each other and co-op seasons as well as Ryse as our Xbox One games (used to play Fifa/Gears on 360).

Before I start i'll say its definitely not currently as good as it was on 360 incase what I'm about to say comes off otherwise.

The party is linked to each game so when we play Fifa, we can just go in and it works like normal but when we switch to Ryse rather than doing invites, notifications, join game etc, the "host" person goes to (in this case) custom multiplayer, and it switches from a Fifa party to a Ryse party, they then choose the individual game settings. The other person getting a message in-game saying its a Ryse party now, game found do you want to join?

In this case, its actually simpler than on 360, as it just basically drags you in. So I can see what Microsoft were trying to do but they wrong assumed people only go into parties.

All they need that I can think of is automatic chat (I don't personally know why they ever took that out...) and to give people the chance to choose a "global" party or a "specific" game party. Global being going into Ryse (where you can only have a party of 2) and when you send an invite just choose one of your friends from the party and have it split the party up to show Player A & B in Ryse and Player C on Fifa.

I don't think from a functionality point of view its that far away from being pretty good but its certainly not there yet. I think my suggestion for "Global" and "Specific" parties makes a lot of sense.
Im also representing for RYSE. From initial media reports it seemed like a pretty looking trifle that played itself. However, it's got a great story, challenging gameplay and brilliant performances.

I very much hope it sells well enough to warrant a sequel.
I'm really glad this game lived up to your expectations. For all the time you spent defending it I feel like you deserve having some fun with it.

However I'm still torn between picking this or Forza up. I absolutely love Forza but I also love the Roman setting and I wouldn't mind playing something new. I just don't know :S

Haha, thanks. I felt pretty safe believing that I would enjoy the game even before playing it myself, but the game based on what I've played over the first four chapters, has exceeded those expectations, and it's even more fun than I hoped. I went into this game thinking, "Oh well, all that matters is that I like it, and I feel pretty confident that I will, so it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks," and to a large degree, that's still true. However, I'm now thinking there's almost no way that I should somehow be in the minority, even if people don't come away as pleased with the game as I was. Ryse is a pretty damn strong game at launch, stronger than I think a lot of people expected. Stronger than even I expected, and I was already among those excited about this game, but actually getting to play it for an extended period of time at the second highest difficulty in the game has been quite the eye opener, and I can't wait to see where else the story goes, even if the book I was sent already spilled some cool details.
Ive had huge issues with controllers so far, its really crazy. I even have my launch 360 wired controller that I used a fuck load during the first year or so, and have been using it again a lot on PC the last couple years, and it still works perfectly.

But the controller I got in the box had a fucked up non-clicking left bumper, and when I went to exchange it the first box I opened there also had this issue, and now the second controller I grabbed seems to not be able to register quarter circle attacks on the dpad. I didnt even notice it had this issue until I played some Killer Instinct. I quickly checked if my other controller had this issue, and luckily it does not. Its just this weird big click when you try to do a fireball motion, its fucked up. The same controller even has the back of the left handle peeling apart a bit if you grip it hard.

I never had any issues with any of my 360 controllers, its so weird that ive had such bad luck with these ones, haha.


So I got my console day 1 and been using the voice commands every day. For the most part they work fine, few don't register here and there but nothing too bad. Anyways I had 2 friends over today to show them the console and today of course is the day Kinect decides to have a mad half hour!

'Show my stuff' worked fine for all 3 of us. Voice commands weren't registering much (maybe it's because I don't hide my accent around my friends) and when they were, it was doing the wrong thing. Movement controls were fine as we had a few good rounds of kinect sports rivals preseason.

Then when all 3 of us had our accounts signed in, one friend was playing Killer Instinct whilst me and the other watched. My other friend got up to go into the kitchen and as she did, there was a notice on the screen saying the signed in profile had changed. My friend playing on the XBO went to the dashboard and saw it had randomly changed to the settings for my friend who left the room!

Much laughs were had of course as nothing bad happened but it's always the way that when i'm alone it works fine and when I want to show it off it's being awkward.

It's behaving again now that my friends have gone home hehe.


Im also representing for RYSE. From initial media reports it seemed like a pretty looking trifle that played itself. However, it's got a great story, challenging gameplay and brilliant performances.

I very much hope it sells well enough to warrant a sequel.

Need add into the love for Ryse. To me it is the most visually impressive games made with so much detail. As I said many times, play this game on the hardest current mode (Centurion). It is so amazing when surrounded by 5 enemies to block one, attack another, see another incoming attack and counter that one is just like watching a kick ass martial arts movie, but you are controlling it.

This game was given a lot of crap and I think the majority, if not all the reviews played it on normal or easy. The way that some describe the fighting as just hitting the "X" or "Y" and then doing executions was all that there was..and yes, it can be that way if you play it on easy. But play it on Centurion and the game really shines.

I am on the last chapter and have put in a good 10 hours now, some of the boss fights have been tough on the higher setting, but still rewarding. I figure it will be a good 12 hour game for me and that is without finding all the secret stuff. Since I love the game so much, do wish it had maybe 2 more chapters! :)
Has anyone else noticed that the amount of friends they have online is generally higher than it was on 360?

Its almost as if....Xbox One was designed to just be on, all of the time....


For anyone who got a replacement xbox one, do we have to remove our account or anything from the original to transfer it???

Like how do we transfer licenses and stuff??? I had downloaded killer instinct one to my launch xbox one but have to send it back


For anyone who got a replacement xbox one, do we have to remove our account or anything from the original to transfer it???

Like how do we transfer licenses and stuff??? I had downloaded killer instinct one to my launch xbox one but have to send it back

I'm pretty sure you just log in and then select "This is my home Xbox" from the settings menu.


I have encountered a weird problem with my Xbox One that has happened twice now.

I leave my Xbox One in Stand By mode and have it control the Cable Box, TV and my Audio receiver. 1 week after launch it would not turn on the TV or the Receiver/Cable Box. When I manually turned on the TV, Receiver/Cable Box when I would say "Watch TV" it would show the TV Icon and just sit there.

I manually shut down the system and whatever the issue was it cleared itself and worked perfectly until just now. Came home from work, said Xbox On and the only thing that would turn on was the Xbox One. Manually turning on the other items to find out that it would not watch TV again. Once I did the power cycle thing again it cleared itself up.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue with their system? It is really annoying as it was designed to be "on" all the time. I am just hoping it is a software thing, but not sure. I know a lot of people do not have it always in stand by mode, but those that do can you report if you have a similar problem?



For anyone who got a replacement xbox one, do we have to remove our account or anything from the original to transfer it???

Like how do we transfer licenses and stuff??? I had downloaded killer instinct one to my launch xbox one but have to send it back

As I just did this myself here is what you do.

On your old Xbox before unplugging and putting it in the box, go to settings -> System -> reset to factory defaults.

This will delete your profile, saves and apps and stuff.

Then once you downloaded your profile on the new box, you go into settings again and set your new Xbox to your "Home" console by selecting the option in the lower left corner in the settings menu.

Bam you are done. They have made this really simple compared to the 360.


REALLY want Microsoft to hurry up and start fixing the little things about the OS.

I want to KNOW when my friends are on
I want to be able to check achievements QUICKLY, not leave my game and start a whole new app
I want to be able to NOT to have to manually turn chat on in a party
I want to KNOW my battery is dying

So many baffling decisions.


Anyone having issues with Twitch streaming?

I was watching Dan's Gaming and it said the stream ended, but I know it didn't because I either have it open on my laptop (for chat questions) or it actually gives me an option to watch it on the little screen that pops up after a stream is "complete." This has happened dozens of times. :(
Well guys I picked up Lego Marvel for $40 and I've played through two levels and I recommend so far! Especially at that price point.

It looks like I'm still going with discs this gen so far though. Really hoping Microsoft can let us opt in for the online check sometime in the future. Quickly switching through my entire library of games would be really awesome.


Pretty sure DR3 has a lot of framerate drops. Granted, it runs a hell of a lot better than the old games but try running through the streets at night using Ultimate Shout.

With this and Killer Instinct though I've been really staisfied wiht the launch games.

Yep no issues so far even while recording and going back and forth. That's why I posted. Its odd.

REALLY want Microsoft to hurry up and start fixing the little things about the OS.

I want to KNOW when my friends are on
I want to be able to check achievements QUICKLY, not leave my game and start a whole new app
I want to be able to NOT to have to manually turn chat on in a party
I want to KNOW my battery is dying

So many baffling decisions.
Hmm never noticed the achievements bit. I am not checking them all the time so it never dawned on me you do indeed go to another app. Odd as heck though.

I have encountered a weird problem with my Xbox One that has happened twice now.

I leave my Xbox One in Stand By mode and have it control the Cable Box, TV and my Audio receiver. 1 week after launch it would not turn on the TV or the Receiver/Cable Box. When I manually turned on the TV, Receiver/Cable Box when I would say "Watch TV" it would show the TV Icon and just sit there.

I manually shut down the system and whatever the issue was it cleared itself and worked perfectly until just now. Came home from work, said Xbox On and the only thing that would turn on was the Xbox One. Manually turning on the other items to find out that it would not watch TV again. Once I did the power cycle thing again it cleared itself up.

Just curious if anyone else has had this issue with their system? It is really annoying as it was designed to be "on" all the time. I am just hoping it is a software thing, but not sure. I know a lot of people do not have it always in stand by mode, but those that do can you report if you have a similar problem?

This is pretty heavily reported. Basically the story is that the Xbox One's memory isn't cleared sufficiently in standby and occasionally needs to be shut down completely and that's why that usually fixes it. MS and their hibernate woes:)
Finished Ryse today on the highest difficulty (well now there is a higher one) and although I didn't really get why and how
Nero brought the Barbarians to Rome to kill Marcus' father and start a war
, the game was really fun - especially if you were going for legendary executions and blocking "red" attacks. Story was better than expected - nothing too special but satisfying in the end. I really hope for a successor.
Agreed. I hope this has some good legs because it didn't break down the gates on day one. Its well well worth a sequel or...well whatever they decide to do.


Has there been any comment from MS on digital copies not getting any day one content except for DR3?

It's pretty annoying seeing that locked map in Ryse, especially since the day one disc is currently cheaper than I paid on XBL

I see Major Nelson has quietly updated his blog to cross out the promise that digital versions would include the day one content.

It's still on news.xbox.com though: http://news.xbox.com/2013/08/games-day-one

Guess I will have to fight with support over it. Awesome.
I want to get an Xbox One for either Christmas or my birthday in February. Will there be a decent supply by then? I'm hoping that Microsoft ramps up production before Titanfall.


I'm really glad this game lived up to your expectations. For all the time you spent defending it I feel like you deserve having some fun with it.

However I'm still torn between picking this or Forza up. I absolutely love Forza but I also love the Roman setting and I wouldn't mind playing something new. I just don't know :S

Roman Forza. Where dreams are riden

Man how fucking much do they save on their servers?

Scary man. I signed in with my account and everything was there. It remembered all my settings. All games and apps I had downloaded on my console showed up in the exact same position with a cloud sign to redownload them. It also downloads the save games, any DLC you bought etc.

Okay, this made me happy. I was worried that I would have to do some magic to have it load because of the lack of xbox.com not working.

All they need that I can think of is automatic chat (I don't personally know why they ever took that out...) and to give people the chance to choose a "global" party or a "specific" game party. Global being going into Ryse (where you can only have a party of 2) and when you send an invite just choose one of your friends from the party and have it split the party up to show Player A & B in Ryse and Player C on Fifa.

I don't think from a functionality point of view its that far away from being pretty good but its certainly not there yet. I think my suggestion for "Global" and "Specific" parties makes a lot of sense.

Thats actually a great idea. I like that. And the terminology you used "Global" and "specific" actually makes 100% sense!
Paging Major Nelson


Hey guys,

what other games than Forza use the ruble triggers so far?

I really like them in forza and im curious as to how they are implemented in other games?
REALLY want Microsoft to hurry up and start fixing the little things about the OS.

I want to KNOW when my friends are on
I want to be able to check achievements QUICKLY, not leave my game and start a whole new app
I want to be able to NOT to have to manually turn chat on in a party
I want to KNOW my battery is dying

So many baffling decisions.

wtf you cant tel when they are on? Dont they have a little green dot and also say what they are playing?


wtf you cant tel when they are on? Dont they have a little green dot and also say what they are playing?

if you go to the friends app you can of course. which is annoying because it has to load, then you have to go to friends, then you have to filter it if you so choose :-/

the bigger issue is no notifications when a friend (or at least favorite friend) comes online or is playing the same game as you


wtf you cant tel when they are on? Dont they have a little green dot and also say what they are playing?

I think he means as a notification
Edit: beaten in NY

I want to get an Xbox One for either Christmas or my birthday in February. Will there be a decent supply by then? I'm hoping that Microsoft ramps up production before Titanfall.

I dont know about Christmas time, although Microsoft said they will pump out more so you would not have to wait -- but the demand is high so whatever they pump is probably going to be sold. Im pretty sure you can get your hands on one though before Titanfall


dead rising, ryse and I believe zoo tycoon all use them though none particularly well

I like how they use them in Dead Rising. Using it as an indicator that your ranged weapon (usually guns) are about to run out of ammo is neat. I'm excited to see what future games do with them.


I'm pretty sure you just log in and then select "This is my home Xbox" from the settings menu.

As I just did this myself here is what you do.

On your old Xbox before unplugging and putting it in the box, go to settings -> System -> reset to factory defaults.

This will delete your profile, saves and apps and stuff.

Then once you downloaded your profile on the new box, you go into settings again and set your new Xbox to your "Home" console by selecting the option in the lower left corner in the settings menu.

Bam you are done. They have made this really simple compared to the 360.

thanks guys, appreciate it. Sounds much simpler than the 360


I can hear my Xbox's fan whirring. I can also hear the powerbrick make a feint ticking noise.

Both aren't that loud but it's pretty annoying and worrying. If I wait it out, will it get worse? The brick is getting pretty hot while the console is slightly warm.


Will do so tomorrow, that's the exact same noise my One does make now.

Can anyone post a normal quiet sounding Xbox one up close in the same style the noisy videos are recorded so we can hear what it typically sounds like? Thanks for all the updates guys...


I can hear my Xbox's fan whirring. I can also hear the powerbrick make a feint ticking noise.

Both aren't that loud but it's pretty annoying and worrying. If I wait it out, will it get worse? The brick is getting pretty hot while the console is slightly warm.

The power brick probably shouldn't be making a ticking noise. Mine makes some fan noise, but that's it.


I can hear my Xbox's fan whirring. I can also hear the powerbrick make a feint ticking noise.

Both aren't that loud but it's pretty annoying and worrying. If I wait it out, will it get worse? The brick is getting pretty hot while the console is slightly warm.

I would say to turn it off, that does not sound normal, I've had by box on for 3 days straight and it has never felt warm.


I can hear my Xbox's fan whirring. I can also hear the powerbrick make a feint ticking noise.

Both aren't that loud but it's pretty annoying and worrying. If I wait it out, will it get worse? The brick is getting pretty hot while the console is slightly warm.

Mine is the same way. Oh well. If it shits the bed, MS will be sending me a new one.
The framerate and resolution in DR3 is awful. Sub-30 fps seems common, but I've been a PC gamer for a while and I'm definitely sensitive to changes. It's prety bad, the worst thing about DR3 though is the texture and object pop-in. You can be driving and crash into nothing and THEN have the wall/car/barrier pop in. It happens way too often. If you deny that you are either ignorant or blind. The boss fights are also plain awful. They have cool character designs and are voice acted pretty well, but the actual fights themselves are too easy. You can sit there and point blank them with guns with the occasional dodge-roll from time to time until they are dead. I also found the music unforgettable and turned it off after about an hour or so and just used my own. On the 7the chapter on my nightmare run my game reset out of nowhere, I lost about 30 mins. of progress which was very annoying.

That said, I love the game. It's a ton of fun. I probably have at least 30 hours in it or so. I love being able to create wepons on the fly and the amount of zombies is staggering. After I beat it a second time on Nightmare I had a blast with the Mega-Buster. It's a beast. Co-op also seems like it has the possibilty for some crazy antics with the few games Iplayed. How do you check for recent players who joined your game and were disconnected? Of the 8 new games for the Xbone and PS4 I bought in Nov. I'd put it number 2 behind Resogun and just ahead of AC4. Definitely above KZ4 and Knack. Though AC4 on PS4 is fantastic. Ryse is pretty and fun but very short, I can see myself getting into Forza, just haven't had the time yet to play it properly.


Put me in the group of folks who fucking love Ryse. Really fantastic game. Very rewarding and unexpectedly deep. Easily the best game on the Xbox One. I can't get enough. Please make campaign and MP DLC.
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