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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


REALLY want Microsoft to hurry up and start fixing the little things about the OS.

I want to KNOW when my friends are on
I want to be able to check achievements QUICKLY, not leave my game and start a whole new app
I want to be able to NOT to have to manually turn chat on in a party
I want to KNOW my battery is dying

So many baffling decisions.

Ewww really? What a huge step backwards from the 360.


Not knowing when my controller will die is annoying! I almost lost when my controller shut off during an online race in Forza seeing my car slam against a wall, I almost lost it!

while it doesn't excuse the missing battery indicator, the rumble shuts off when the battery is low


Hmm...this probably has been answered before but can we select themes for the dashboard like the 360? I don't see any option for it. I was only able to change my color theme and gamer pic.


Hmm...this probably has been answered before but can we select themes for the dashboard like the 360? I don't see any option for it. I was only able to change my color theme and gamer pic.

No, only colors and Gamerpics. With the way the dash is setup, you wouldn't be able to see a background anyways with all the tiles.


Put me in the group of folks who fucking love Ryse. Really fantastic game. Very rewarding and unexpectedly deep. Easily the best game on the Xbox One. I can't get enough. Please make campaign and MP DLC.

Posts like this make me want to check it out so much. Wish it was on sale black friday, would have nabbed it so quick.
I'm having serious Kinect problems. No commands work for me except "Xbox On". When I mean they don't work I mean saying Xbox brings up nothing it doesn't even register my voice. I have tried to recalibrate it several times under settings, I am afraid to reset everything because I don't want to lose my game saves.

Any advice guys?


I'm having serious Kinect problems. No commands work for me except "Xbox On". When I mean they don't work I mean saying Xbox brings up nothing it doesn't even register my voice. I have tried to recalibrate it several times under settings, I am afraid to reset everything because I don't want to lose my game saves.

Any advice guys?

Did you do a full power cycle on the system? Set it to energy saving and power off, and then I pull the plug until the power brick light goes off.


I really hope Crytek makes a sequel where you play as Damocles or a prequel where you play as a young Marius. That would amazing. Just give me more enemy variants, 4 player coop, customizable weapons, armor and more moves and you have a perfectly worthy successor to Ryse.


Love DR3 at night time!!!

Put me in the group of folks who fucking love Ryse. Really fantastic game. Very rewarding and unexpectedly deep. Easily the best game on the Xbox One. I can't get enough. Please make campaign and MP DLC.
Whoa, another? I should play it this or next month.

K1ng P3n

I'm having serious Kinect problems. No commands work for me except "Xbox On". When I mean they don't work I mean saying Xbox brings up nothing it doesn't even register my voice. I have tried to recalibrate it several times under settings, I am afraid to reset everything because I don't want to lose my game saves.

Any advice guys?

Sounds like what happened to me but my Kinect died shortly after that. It stopped taking any of my commands than it just quit.


Seriously. A big FUCK YOU to all the members of the press who shat on Ryse (and Knack...great game too). They have no idea what the hell they're talking about. If you're don't play on Centurion or bother to learn the combos, you're doing it wrong. This game has hidden depth. The combat is simple but there is a huge satisfying sense of risk and reward. You could roll around and take out enemies one by one, or you could purposefully get yourself surrounded, perform perfect deflects and end your combos with flashy, bad ass executions and feel like a boss. Choice is yours, but I always chose the latter.

Give it a try. Buy it, rent it, borrow it. Whatever. Just try it. Play on Centurion and really focus on learning patterns and setting up combos. Trust me. You'll love it.

C Jones

What "hooks" does the Ryse multiplayer have? Can you earn weapons or something? If it just had some kinda loot mechanic I'd be all over it.


What "hooks" does the Ryse multiplayer have? Can you earn weapons or something? If it just had some kinda loot mechanic I'd be all over it.

You can upgrade your gladiator's gear. It's a bit grindy and takes a while to level up and earn gold. But none of that really matters all that much. There are a lot of arena variants to play in all with different scenarios and layouts. Definitely play it with a friend.


What "hooks" does the Ryse multiplayer have? Can you earn weapons or something? If it just had some kinda loot mechanic I'd be all over it.

Honestly there really isn't one other than earning the damn rank 100 achievement. You can buy random loot bags with the gold you earn but the gear is unnecessary so it doesnt feel that satisfying

It would be cool if you could at least earn more skins in MP (ie without buying them from the store)

edit: oh yeah, you can use the gold to buy upgrades in SP too


Seriously. A big FUCK YOU to all the members of the press who shat on Ryse (and Knack...great game too). They have no idea what the hell they're talking about. If you're don't play on Centurion or bother to learn the combos, you're doing it wrong. This game has hidden depth. The combat is simple but there is a huge satisfying sense of risk and reward. You could roll around and take out enemies one by one, or you could purposefully get yourself surrounded, perform perfect deflects and end your combos with flashy, bad ass executions and feel like a boss. Choice is yours, but I always chose the latter.

Give it a try. Buy it, rent it, borrow it. Whatever. Just try it. Play on Centurion and really focus on learning patterns and setting up combos. Trust me. You'll love it.

I am looking forward to playing Ryse, but this is nuts. 'If you have to explain the joke, it isn't funny'... If you have to create fun with your own choice of play style, the game has issues.


If you have a XB1 and don't have Ryse your doing it completely wrong IMO.

Agree. To me it is the best game on earthier platform (I have both) hands down. Like the poster above said, there is a lot of depth to the game if you play it on Centurion and with all the unlockable stuff to add more killing moves is really good that I think has been overlooked by reviewers.

I just beat the game about 30 min ago and easily one of the better games I have played in a very long time.


I am looking forward to playing Ryse, but this is nuts. 'If you have to explain the joke, it isn't funny'... If you have to create fun with your own choice of play style, the game has issues.

It's like a fighting game. Do you get a better of sense of a character and the game's mechanics by mashing buttons or actually learning the intricacies and finding out how things work? It's much more satisfying to finally pull off a 14 hit combo in Street Fighter or kill six dudes in Ryse than it is to just hit random buttons and hope things work. You wouldn't play Halo or CoD randomly running around, shooting at walls, only to get mad that it doesn't work and that the game had a rigid sense of what fun is. No one would.


The pins going missing is a known issue, but they do come back.

As for Ryse, it's a fantastic game. The combat is very satisfying, particularly as you begin to master it.

You can't just mash buttons, for what it's worth. Yeah, you can get away with that during executions early on, and on the easiest difficulties, but maximizing your executions is critical on Legendary mode.


Finished Ryse campaign today and will echo all the praise. It was great, and while I did rent it from Gamefly, it's something I'll consider buying for the arena multiplayer when there's a game drought.


Thank you so much! It worked like a charm!

Awesome! Good to hear. I think after a while for whatever reason the Kinect just gets super bogged down. Hopefully Microsoft fixes it. As a precautionary thing, I have done the full power cycle every other day. It's a little inconvenient but has kept anything from getting screwy.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I do hope Ryse becomes a series, there's a solid foundation to build on here. Mostly want more enemy variety for now.

C Jones

You can upgrade your gladiator's gear. It's a bit grindy and takes a while to level up and earn gold. But none of that really matters all that much. There are a lot of arena variants to play in all with different scenarios and layouts. Definitely play it with a friend.

Honestly there really isn't one other than earning the damn rank 100 achievement. You can buy random loot bags with the gold you earn but the gear is unnecessary so it doesnt feel that satisfying

It would be cool if you could at least earn more skins in MP (ie without buying them from the store)

edit: oh yeah, you can use the gold to buy upgrades in SP too
Thanks for the replies. Wish there was some kind of loot element to it but I still think I'm gonna grab this at some point.
I finally got an opportunity to play Ryse not only for the first time, but I also had enough time with an Xbox One brought over by one of my friends to play through the first four chapters of the game. No other way to say it, I think the game is fucking awesome. Definitely feel, as some others have said, that this is one of my favorite games this year. I'm enjoying the combat even more than I expected I would, because I clearly underestimated just how satisfying it would feel to play the game once I got my hands on it, which is surprising enough as is, because I was quite convinced that I would like it, but it feels a lot better in hand than I thought. It's simple, but I think there's plenty enough depth available to keep me satisfied throughout the entire experience, or even throughout multiple playthroughs. It isn't doing too many things at once, but what it does do, it does extremely well in my opinion, and there's enough tossed your way to get you to think about how you apply those combat basics in different situations, and with different enemies. The fights never stop feeling satisfying, not even a little bit.

It's especially fun because I was purposely putting myself into more challenging situations without taking the easy route out by triggering the focus mode too much. When you get surrounded by a specific set of enemies, I can make it easy on myself by maybe rolling out of the way, and drawing out the easier to defeat opponents first, which require less thought about how you mix up your attacks, but I like being in the thick of the fight with enemies packing different skills, and having to work harder to keep them from interrupting the nice little combat cadence I have going. A fun little challenge that I kept giving myself was that, at times, I totally refused to do the combat roll to avoid the more powerful heavy attacks even while surrounded by enemies in hopes of getting a perfect deflection while keeping the other enemies from taking advantage. It feels really rewarding, especially while alternating sword and shield combinations between multiple opponents. I recorded this really kick ass combo on my friends xbox one that he's going upload to skydrive when he gets a chance. I was surrounded by 4 enemies, and I performed a combo that I'm almost certain I've never seen online before while alternating between sword and shield attacks, with each of the 4 enemies surrounding me being hit with a different and even more cool looking part of the combo in really quick succession. The timing just felt so perfect. The combo looked so cool that I question as to whether it's even possible to pull off such a thing while focusing on a single opponent. It seems tailor made for dealing with and hitting multiple different targets, and not so much for piling punishment onto one enemy. It felt so good to pull something like that off, I didn't want to put the controller down. And what makes me more excited about this is the fact that as I continued playing, I would pull off even more impressive looking combos simply by throwing a few more attacks in on a specific enemy before heading off to the next one, and even how and when you trigger the run animation while comboing can add subtle differences there as well.

The executions, no matter how many times I saw some, or no matter how many times I was executing a similar looking enemy, they never stopped feeling good. The same goes for my impressions of the combat system in general. It can feel so good at times I would just hang back a bit, and let them coordinate their assaults in whichever manner that they're able to bring the fight to me as best as they can, and I don't know if anyone else realized, but depending on the enemies surrounding you, it definitely feels like there's a clear difference of gameplan in place for how to create trouble for the player, and it was really interesting to watch what seemed, at times, like clear attack patterns designed to compliment the most skilled opponent among the pack. I immediately started playing on Centurion difficulty, so I really felt good about the level of challenge throughout my time with the game. I'm also quite enjoying the story so far, which made my time with the game even better. I've never had a more fun overall experience with a Crytek title, and, as far as I'm concerned, this is the best game they've ever made. I think all involved would be crazy if a sequel isn't already being seriously discussed.

I was never going to put much stock into the reviews to begin with, but I'm actually more than a bit surprised by just how much I think this game legitimately got robbed in reviews. I won't even hold back the praise even just a tiny bit. This isn't just some okay, or decent game, it's a great game, and it's just another example of why it's so incredibly difficult to rely on reviews. I'm stunned they could somehow find this game as terrible as they did. This game is by no means perfect, but based on what I played, very little stood in the way of this feeling like one of the stronger and more promising new IP that I've played in some time. The game would have to get much worse than what it has been throughout the first four chapters that I've completed to even justify some of those harsher impressions now. It will probably be awhile before I beat the game, because my friend just dropped by with his xbox one over the weekend, wanting to see what the fuss was about with Ryse, and of course that worked out just perfectly for me since I finally got to try my copy of the game. 4 chapters and a very tiny bit of chapter 5 is all I got with the game, but my god was it worth it! And holy shit at the graphics. Seriously, what a beautiful game. My living room television got its first next gen game test, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I couldn't believe the game looks as good as it does. The streams and a lot of other media released really weren't doing this game any justice. I think at about the middle part of chapter 4, my friend just said, "Dude, we're headed to best buy. I refuse to go back home without this game." I offered him my copy to borrow, since I won't have my own Xbox One for some time anyway, but he declined, thinking that if he just had my copy, he may not feel it's as important to go out and buy his own, and plus he wants to support the game in hopes of seeing a followup.

One last thing I found strangely more satisfying than I expected, was switching between the different perks during combat, such as health regen, focus regen, exp gain, and more damage. It made a more simple and straightforward combat system feel surprisingly more varied than I thought it should. I was using it a lot between execution kills. Using a specific enemy for added exp, then taking out the next to give me the damage bonus, and then finally using the damage bonus on the more powerful enemy while getting the health bonus after a more challenging than normal fight. It's good that I finally got to play this thing some, because the wait was just brutal. I needed to actually get my hands on this thing before Christmas. :)

Holy shit man. AWESOME impressions. I'm glad you finally got a chance to play.

You nailed it man. Ryse is a DAMN GOOD GAME, PERIOD. The combat is incredibly deep. On the surface you can just bash buttons and "win" with ease on the lower difficulties. All honestly my first experience with the combat was disappointing. Once everything "clicks" its a great feeling.

My first play through was on Centurion difficulty and I didn't use ANY focus. Felt like a bad ass the entire game. Plus it made me truly appreciate the many layers within the combat.

I also enjoyed the story. Yea it has some pretty cheesy moments but overall it kept me interested the entire time. The whole Roman empire theme is cool, sure not accurate but Ryse has some bad ass characters that I'll remember. I've already been youtubing some of my favorite cut scenes. Marius is easily one of the most vicious protagonists.

What I want for a sequel:

-MORE WEAPON CHOICES! (Battle axe, 2 handed weapons, daggers, dual wield swords spears, hand to hand)
-The ability to grab enemies
-More dynamic execution system


One last thing I want to add to the list of eventual wants:

A very active Game Store pricing. Work to match or beat retail prices to make going all digital a reality for a lot of people. Something that is holding me back from going all digital is that even with games on sale for $49 right now, the Game Store doesn't match these. If Microsoft could get the digital pricing to be super flexible then I would be 100% digital from here on out.

Day one digital is a step forward and really like that. Once and if they get preloading/preordering going in the Game Store, getting those day one digital games will be super satisfying.
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