I posted a long spiel earlier about my Xbox One Kinect not working and eventually dying completely. After dealing with Microsoft for hours my choices were either give them my credit card for an advance replacement (they send me the item first) or wait for a coffin, send it in, wait for repair/replacement, wait for return, or nothing. In all these scenarios the burden is on me for any issues. I have no control over the package once it leaves my hands, so I'm to be held responsible for getting their mistake resolved if it gets lost? That or wait weeks for them to get me a replacement?
After dealing with the rep he finally just said that he would respect my decision to return the device for a refund. Okay.
So I get on Amazon to return the thing, and lo and behold this is the service I immediately get: "I'm sorry for your problem. I apologize for the agitation. I'm going to have a new device out to you by Friday, just ship the defective unit back when you receive it". Shocking, right? I'm not treated like a potential thief for trying to get this $500 defect fixed. I didn't even have to ask, they just corrected the problem immediately.
I love games so I'm inclined to keep it because of that and the ease that Amazon provided. At the same time fuck Microsoft for treating their customers like they're the ones who shouldn't be trusted. If it were anywhere else I probably would have returned it and washed my hands of it. If I do end up keeping the thing it's because of the respect Amazon has shown their customers. Microsoft should really thank Amazon for cleaning up their mess.