So . . . I decided to finally crack into Dead Rising 3 about 36 hours ago. When I haven't been sleeping or eating, I've pretty much been unable to tear myself away from it. Why did I wait so long?!
I wasn't doubting my Day One purchase of an Xbox One before. Now I'm *really* happy I bought it on day one. Now, the Playstation 4 . . . that thing hasn't seen any playtime in awhile already. I'm kind of sad for it.
Seriously though. Dead Rising 3. The second I saw a sea of zombies for the first time, I almost cried tears of joy. I will say, it does take a long time to load into the game . . . but not experiencing any load times for transitions? AMAZING! Abso-fucking-lutely amazing!
I wasn't doubting my Day One purchase of an Xbox One before. Now I'm *really* happy I bought it on day one. Now, the Playstation 4 . . . that thing hasn't seen any playtime in awhile already. I'm kind of sad for it.
Seriously though. Dead Rising 3. The second I saw a sea of zombies for the first time, I almost cried tears of joy. I will say, it does take a long time to load into the game . . . but not experiencing any load times for transitions? AMAZING! Abso-fucking-lutely amazing!