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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Me neither

Found a solution:

Set your xbox to sleep mode (where you can say xbox on to start it) instead of standby and turn it off. After a few minutes I got the update. You can tell by the colour of the power brick LED. As soon as it turns yellow the update was downloaded and you can start the xbox again. (Not by saying xbox on though)


This post is for those that own both the Xbox One and PS4....

Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light). Can't really explain it.

And then I've gotten used to the impulse triggers. And hell, I think the overall rumble in the Xbox One controller is better (it feels more subtle). Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but I feel like the controller's rumble is more dynamic.

Lastly, I'm just having so much fun with the games. Can't stop playing Peggle 2. Killer Instinct on xbox live is great (although getting destroyed). And while Battlefield 4 is buggy as hell, I'm still able to play a lot of matches without any crash. I booted up my PS4 the other day, and I actually love the UI. I love the feel of the PS4. But I just had no desire to keep playing.


I was going to make a thread about this because I am very curious of everyone's opinion, however, being a junior I believe this is the next best place.

Early Xbox One early adopters re: Kinectless SKU

I, for one, enjoy the added features that Kinect adds to the Xbone. My favorite Kinect feature is player recognition (Being able to give my son the controller and it automatically switches to his game saves/layout) Also, Voice commands work pretty well even when I am sitting 20+ feet from the system. I believe it has a lot of future potential if handled correctly bringing me to my original topic. I will feel betrayed by MS if they decide to offer a Kinectless SKU to the marketpalce. By dumping Kinect they will segregate the user base, therefore leaving developers with a decision to develop for an secluded product of not (a la Kinect 1.0). If a Kinect is in every Xbox One household then I believe game devs will actively look for ways to improve their product with this extra resource. What are other early adopters thoughts on this?
I was going to make a thread about this because I am very curious of everyone's opinion, however, being a junior I believe this is the next best place.

Early Xbox One early adopters re: Kinectless SKU

I, for one, enjoy the added features that Kinect adds to the Xbone. My favorite Kinect feature is player recognition (Being able to give my son the controller and it automatically switches to his game saves/layout) Also, Voice commands work pretty well even when I am sitting 20+ feet from the system. I believe it has a lot of future potential if handled correctly bringing me to my original topic. I will feel betrayed by MS if they decide to offer a Kinectless SKU to the marketpalce. By dumping Kinect they will segregate the user base, therefore leaving developers with a decision to develop for an secluded product of not (a la Kinect 1.0). If a Kinect is in every Xbox One household then I believe game devs will actively look for ways to improve their product with this extra resource. What are other early adopters thoughts on this?

Love it to! Honestly not worried about whether games come to it I just love how I can control everything with my voice and use skype etc with no effort! I'm sold, hook line and sinker


I was going to make a thread about this because I am very curious of everyone's opinion, however, being a junior I believe this is the next best place.

Early Xbox One early adopters re: Kinectless SKU

I, for one, enjoy the added features that Kinect adds to the Xbone. My favorite Kinect feature is player recognition (Being able to give my son the controller and it automatically switches to his game saves/layout) Also, Voice commands work pretty well even when I am sitting 20+ feet from the system. I believe it has a lot of future potential if handled correctly bringing me to my original topic. I will feel betrayed by MS if they decide to offer a Kinectless SKU to the marketpalce. By dumping Kinect they will segregate the user base, therefore leaving developers with a decision to develop for an secluded product of not (a la Kinect 1.0). If a Kinect is in every Xbox One household then I believe game devs will actively look for ways to improve their product with this extra resource. What are other early adopters thoughts on this?

They won't dump Kinect..at least, I hope not.
I hope they don't dump Kinect. The way I see it is it's all or nothing. I mean if MS plan for the "Xbox Two" to have Kinect, then they need to put 100% effort into it now.

It just being an optional accessory is too wish washy IMO. Either go all in and prove it's worth for better or worse, or don't bother at all.
Just got part of my Xbox One Bundle (Walmart is sending it individually, I guess), which was the extra controller. God, those triggers feel so damn good (love them more than the PS4 triggers) but I see what people were saying about the bumpers. Has it been an issue for anyone or have people gotten used to it?


I was going to make a thread about this because I am very curious of everyone's opinion, however, being a junior I believe this is the next best place.

Early Xbox One early adopters re: Kinectless SKU

I, for one, enjoy the added features that Kinect adds to the Xbone. My favorite Kinect feature is player recognition (Being able to give my son the controller and it automatically switches to his game saves/layout) Also, Voice commands work pretty well even when I am sitting 20+ feet from the system. I believe it has a lot of future potential if handled correctly bringing me to my original topic. I will feel betrayed by MS if they decide to offer a Kinectless SKU to the marketpalce. By dumping Kinect they will segregate the user base, therefore leaving developers with a decision to develop for an secluded product of not (a la Kinect 1.0). If a Kinect is in every Xbox One household then I believe game devs will actively look for ways to improve their product with this extra resource. What are other early adopters thoughts on this?

I really like it. I hope they dont do a kinectless sku. I really want devs to use it

What kind of magic did Microsoft include with the batteries? I still haven't had to change them.

Havent you heard of all that cloud power?
I hope they don't dump Kinect. The way I see it is it's all or nothing. I mean if MS plan for the "Xbox Two" to have Kinect, then they need to put 100% effort into it now.

It just being an optional accessory is too wish washy IMO. Either go all in and prove it's worth for better or worse, or don't bother at all.

Seems to me that by including it in the box, they've gone all-in on the Kinect. Even launched with Xbox Fitness, which (very effectively) uses the Kinect to measure your progress in workouts. I can't see them dumping it.

Just got part of my Xbox One Bundle (Walmart is sending it individually, I guess), which was the extra controller. God, those triggers feel so damn good (love them more than the PS4 triggers) but I see what people were saying about the bumpers. Has it been an issue for anyone or have people gotten used to it?

Definitely got used to it. Didn't really have an issue in the first place -- felt pretty natural to me. Good thing is you can press in the bumpers from almost any finger position, moving naturally from the triggers to the bumpers. I'm digging the bumpers now.


could never
My Xbox One order is processing...



Why does Kinect need to be all or nothing? Personally, I don't want Kinect to be integrated into games. I really enjoy it for voice commands, and overall I really like it with the OS. But outside of that, I could care less if they remove it from the box, and let people choose to have it or not have it. It's not like it impacts me directly.


Why does Kinect need to be all or nothing? Personally, I don't want Kinect to be integrated into games. I really enjoy it for voice commands, and overall I really like it with the OS. But outside of that, I could care less if they remove it from the box, and let people choose to have it or not have it. It's not like it impacts me directly.
To prevent this: "Hello Mr. Developer, here's this great new toolset. 33% of your customers can use it. And here's another toolset. A different 20% can use that one. 15% can't use anything at all, but the rest can use the full monty! Now go spend $20M and make a great game!"

Shamelessly copied from hoos30
This post is for those that own both the Xbox One and PS4....

Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light). Can't really explain it.

And then I've gotten used to the impulse triggers. And hell, I think the overall rumble in the Xbox One controller is better (it feels more subtle). Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but I feel like the controller's rumble is more dynamic.

Lastly, I'm just having so much fun with the games. Can't stop playing Peggle 2. Killer Instinct on xbox live is great (although getting destroyed). And while Battlefield 4 is buggy as hell, I'm still able to play a lot of matches without any crash. I booted up my PS4 the other day, and I actually love the UI. I love the feel of the PS4. But I just had no desire to keep playing.

I can't relate to you at all on the controller. I think the XB1 sticks are super annoying for shooters, and I've enjoyed playing Ghosts far more on my PS4 because of it (yes, I have the game on both consoles). I'm still trying to figure out why Microsoft made the sticks so different from the 360. As far as I'm concerned Sony nailed the sticks on the DS4. Even the triggers feel weird to me on the XB1. I do like the rumble in the triggers though.

However, I do like having my TV integrated into the XB1, and I love the followers system for friends, and the activity feed stuff. So for those reasons I do find myself enjoying the XB1 UI more.

Why does Kinect need to be all or nothing? Personally, I don't want Kinect to be integrated into games. I really enjoy it for voice commands, and overall I really like it with the OS. But outside of that, I could care less if they remove it from the box, and let people choose to have it or not have it. It's not like it impacts me directly.

Agreed. I think people are going to see in a couple years that the Kinect is still not a great gaming device. You'll get your occasional Kinect only game, like Fantasia, and that's about it. It will be very similar to the original Kinect in terms of it's usefulness for games.

To prevent this: "Hello Mr. Developer, here's this great new toolset. 33% of your customers can use it. And here's another toolset. A different 20% can use that one. 15% can't use anything at all, but the rest can use the full monty! Now go spend $20M and make a great game!"

So instead we all get stupid shit forced upon us we don't feel like using? This idea that developers are all going to use Kinect if it's included is rather amusing to me. The development kits have had Kinect in them since the very beginning, and yet at launch of the XB1 we don't see a damn thing in the games that uses it in interesting ways.

I bought the first Kinect, and I've long given up on it being some sort of amazing tool for videogames. I think it's great for the occasional dance or fitness game, and that's about it. The voice stuff is cool, but that could be done with any microphone.

I'm happy using voice commands for some TV stuff, and maybe unsnapping an app or two, but that's about it. The Kinect has actually been annoying at times too, as it demands to see my face perfectly to log me in, when I wish it would just log in me regardless. I'm the only person in my house using this stupid thing!

Chitown B

Ah thanks -- I'll check. Is there a setting for what "off" actually means?

off shuts it down, like you'd hit the power button on a PC. standby is like suspend mode - it probably writes the current settings to a file and keeps some processes running to get updates, etc.
This post is for those that own both the Xbox One and PS4....

Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light). Can't really explain it.

And then I've gotten used to the impulse triggers. And hell, I think the overall rumble in the Xbox One controller is better (it feels more subtle). Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but I feel like the controller's rumble is more dynamic.

Lastly, I'm just having so much fun with the games. Can't stop playing Peggle 2. Killer Instinct on xbox live is great (although getting destroyed). And while Battlefield 4 is buggy as hell, I'm still able to play a lot of matches without any crash. I booted up my PS4 the other day, and I actually love the UI. I love the feel of the PS4. But I just had no desire to keep playing.

Really ? I used extensively the DS4 and XB1 controllers and again, DS4 is way better, more precise shots, faster reaction and overall better feel, in my opinion of course. I'm way better with it in COD than i am with the XB1 controller. My huge problem with the XB1 controller are the sticks, something is off with them. Not mentioning the bumpers and the d-pad...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh, BF4...what are you doin. I keep getting audio glitches when I first join a match and I've had a handful of random dashboards, fucking annoying. The game itself seems great which is the worst part.

Also, the kinect lean when zoom is...surprisingly good? Subtle movements are picked up instead of some dumb over exaggerated motion.
This post is for those that own both the Xbox One and PS4....

Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light). Can't really explain it.

And then I've gotten used to the impulse triggers. And hell, I think the overall rumble in the Xbox One controller is better (it feels more subtle). Maybe it's just a placebo effect, but I feel like the controller's rumble is more dynamic.

Lastly, I'm just having so much fun with the games. Can't stop playing Peggle 2. Killer Instinct on xbox live is great (although getting destroyed). And while Battlefield 4 is buggy as hell, I'm still able to play a lot of matches without any crash. I booted up my PS4 the other day, and I actually love the UI. I love the feel of the PS4. But I just had no desire to keep playing.
I have both, I enjoy both but find the DS4 to be superior in my hand. All around, I've had a better experience gaming on my PS4 but am impressed with what the Xbox One delivers. Not going to call a winner or anything this early, just two different experiences.


Im having trouble with bf4. I can't join any matches. This is the third date in a row.

The X1 update isn't coming either. I have tried everything.

I have turned it off by my voice and waited since yesterday, nothing.

I have hard booted by holding the power button, waited few minutes and turned it back on by holding the power button and off with my voice, also nothing.

Last but not least I've tried the second method again, only this time I turned off instant on, turned the X1 off, on again and instant on also on, and off with the controller / voice. NOTHING...
Im having trouble with bf4. I can't join any matches. This is the third date in a row.

The X1 update isn't coming either. I have tried everything.

I have turned it off by my voice and waited since yesterday, nothing.

I have hard booted by holding the power button, waited few minutes and turned it back on by holding the power button and off with my voice, also nothing.

Last but not least I've tried the second method again, only this time I turned off instant on, turned the X1 off, on again and instant on also on, and off with the controller / voice. NOTHING...

seems like a pretty common problem with bf. Last night at a friends house we had to go through the server browser with conquest large clicked to show (they are the only ones that show up) then click what ever server. click on one server and give it a second, seems like it isnt doing anything but it will eventually pull you into a game.


How do you even know if you've gotten the update? lol

I'm pretty sure I got it as I had to manually turn on my Xbox last night, but it didn't turn on my TV, by the time I turned on my TV it was still on the Xbox One boot up screen for like 30 seconds then it went to the dash like normal.


How do you even know if you've gotten the update? lol

I'm pretty sure I got it as I had to manually turn on my Xbox last night, but it didn't turn on my TV, by the time I turned on my TV it was still on the Xbox One boot up screen for like 30 seconds then it went to the dash like normal.
You should see a progress bar if its updating
How do you even know if you've gotten the update? lol

I'm pretty sure I got it as I had to manually turn on my Xbox last night, but it didn't turn on my TV, by the time I turned on my TV it was still on the Xbox One boot up screen for like 30 seconds then it went to the dash like normal.

You probably got it.


How do you even know if you've gotten the update? lol

I'm pretty sure I got it as I had to manually turn on my Xbox last night, but it didn't turn on my TV, by the time I turned on my TV it was still on the Xbox One boot up screen for like 30 seconds then it went to the dash like normal.
Go to settings -> System -> Console Info. Here is your firmware version displayed. If it says "6.2.10217.0 (xb_rel_launch.131205-2200)" than you've already got the updated installed.

You can't miss it when it installs this update, a progress bar is shown on the first power-on after the update is downloaded.


Can someone help me?

Maybe it's an option I chose in the start or something but I don't know. I haven't turned on my Xbox One for days but the fan is hot and it seems the console is running but it's turned off?

When I press the power button, how do I make it go into a proper shutdown instead of I guess being in standby/idle mode?


Go to settings -> System -> Console Info. Here is your firmware version displayed. If it says "6.2.10217.0 (xb_rel_launch.131205-2200)" than you've already got the updated installed.

You can't miss it when it installs this update, a progress bar is shown on the first power-on after the update is downloaded.

Yeah, same firmware version. I didn't get to see any progress bar though. My TV didn't turn on when I turned on my Xbox through my control, so it was a couple of seconds before I found the remote and turned on my TV, but when I did all I saw was the green Xbox One boot screen then went to the normal dash after that.


seems like a pretty common problem with bf. Last night at a friends house we had to go through the server browser with conquest large clicked to show (they are the only ones that show up) then click what ever server. click on one server and give it a second, seems like it isnt doing anything but it will eventually pull you into a game.

Thanks for replying Silver. Believe me I did that several times. Nothing. 4 days ago everything went smooth. :|
Thanks for replying Silver. Believe me I did that several times. Nothing. 4 days ago everything went smooth. :|

No problem, their server system right now seems like a mess. With that said though, we probably played 2 hours and only crashed once. Seems like an improvement.


Can someone help me?

Maybe it's an option I chose in the start or something but I don't know. I haven't turned on my Xbox One for days but the fan is hot and it seems the console is running but it's turned off?

When I press the power button, how do I make it go into a proper shutdown instead of I guess being in standby/idle mode?

In power settings turn on energy saver.


This post is for those that own both the Xbox One and PS4....

Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light).

I've played a lot of Killzone and the DS4 pad is a big improvement on DS3, however last night I played Battlefield 4 on PS4 after a couple of weeks playing it on Xbox One and I found that the triggers and grip on the top of sticks are inferior on DS4. I've gone back to playing it on X1 even though it is lower res as the pad just feels a better fit.
Anyone else having trouble going back to the PS4? Honestly, I think the controller on PS4 is worse, after gaming for weeks on the Xbox One. The One controller just has more weight, and feels a lot more quality made. The biggest problem I have with the DS4 is the thumbsticks. I actually think they have better resistance (the Xbox One's analog sticks are too loose). But there is something about how they feel when I put my thumb on top (they feel really plastic and too light). Can't really explain it.

Lastly, I'm just having so much fun with the games. Can't stop playing Peggle 2. Killer Instinct on xbox live is great (although getting destroyed). And while Battlefield 4 is buggy as hell, I'm still able to play a lot of matches without any crash. I booted up my PS4 the other day, and I actually love the UI. I love the feel of the PS4. But I just had no desire to keep playing.

Got a PS4 at launch, picked up a Xbox One earlier this week... and i'm having the opposite experience from you; I keep going back to my PS4. My Kinect is working just fine, but for me, the Xbox OS is a complete mess that is very, very counterintuitive at every turn. I can get how, down the road, it's going to be far more flexible, but right now it's this confusing mish-mash of about 4 different design philosophies jumbled together than frequently don't make any sense. And the party system is *trash*, especially when you consider how easy and intuitive parties were on the 360.

As for controllers, eh, I like 'em both. I might have a minor preference for the DS4, but it's not major. They both feel fine. As for the games, I've been lucky in that my BF4 got very stable on the PS4 last week, and I find myself playing a lot of Warframe and AC: Black Flag on the PS4 as well.

Fundamentally, both consoles are fine. They both feel somewhat early and undercooked. But since the One is trying to do a lot more than the PS4 is, out of the gate, that undercooked-ness feels very, very noticable, and occasionally veers into outright frustration.
I've played a lot of Killzone and the DS4 pad is a big improvement on DS3, however last night I played Battlefield 4 on PS4 after a couple of weeks playing it on Xbox One and I found that the triggers and grip on the top of sticks are inferior on DS4. I've gone back to playing it on X1 even though it is lower res as the pad just feels a better fit.

I prefer the XB1 sticks as well. The grip is better and I actually like the range of motion better than the DS4.
Got a PS4 at launch, picked up a Xbox One earlier this week... and i'm having the opposite experience from you; I keep going back to my PS4. My Kinect is working just fine, but for me, the Xbox OS is a complete mess that is very, very counterintuitive at every turn. I can get how, down the road, it's going to be far more flexible, but right now it's this confusing mish-mash of about 4 different design philosophies jumbled together than frequently don't make any sense. And the party system is *trash*, especially when you consider how easy and intuitive parties were on the 360.

As for controllers, eh, I like 'em both. I might have a minor preference for the DS4, but it's not major. They both feel fine. As for the games, I've been lucky in that my BF4 got very stable on the PS4 last week, and I find myself playing a lot of Warframe and AC: Black Flag on the PS4 as well.

Fundamentally, both consoles are fine. They both feel somewhat early and undercooked. But since the One is trying to do a lot more than the PS4 is, out of the gate, that undercooked-ness feels very, very noticable, and occasionally veers into outright frustration.

I wonder how much of this is the friends you have on each console. I have way more LIVE friends than PSN friends, so it may be pushing me more towards XB1, but really I think it's just the games and TV integration mostly.


Im having trouble with bf4. I can't join any matches. This is the third date in a row.

The X1 update isn't coming either. I have tried everything.

I have turned it off by my voice and waited since yesterday, nothing.

I have hard booted by holding the power button, waited few minutes and turned it back on by holding the power button and off with my voice, also nothing.

Last but not least I've tried the second method again, only this time I turned off instant on, turned the X1 off, on again and instant on also on, and off with the controller / voice. NOTHING...
None of the 'tricks' worked for me yesterday either. I left my Xbox off (instant on mode) over night, and the update was waiting when I woke this morning.


I wonder how much of this is the friends you have on each console. I have way more LIVE friends than PSN friends, so it may be pushing me more towards XB1, but really I think it's just the games and TV integration mostly.

Can you define "Friends" on your xbox live ? The last thing I use to check "Friend" is to check how many of they am particularly playing a new game that just came out. I usually ask them how the game is.

If I want to play, something togather you can just post on gaming forums and what not!




None of the 'tricks' worked for me yesterday either. I left my Xbox off (instant on mode) over night, and the update was waiting when I woke this morning.

I did that yesterday, But I will try it again today. Thanks bro anyway.
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