Got a PS4 at launch, picked up a Xbox One earlier this week... and i'm having the opposite experience from you; I keep going back to my PS4. My Kinect is working just fine, but for me, the Xbox OS is a complete mess that is very, very counterintuitive at every turn. I can get how, down the road, it's going to be far more flexible, but right now it's this confusing mish-mash of about 4 different design philosophies jumbled together than frequently don't make any sense. And the party system is *trash*, especially when you consider how easy and intuitive parties were on the 360.
As for controllers, eh, I like 'em both. I might have a minor preference for the DS4, but it's not major. They both feel fine. As for the games, I've been lucky in that my BF4 got very stable on the PS4 last week, and I find myself playing a lot of Warframe and AC: Black Flag on the PS4 as well.
Fundamentally, both consoles are fine. They both feel somewhat early and undercooked. But since the One is trying to do a lot more than the PS4 is, out of the gate, that undercooked-ness feels very, very noticable, and occasionally veers into outright frustration.