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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]

So I got a PS4 at launch, and picked up an X1 earlier this week because... eh.. why not? And while Forza is OK, and Peggle 2 is fun enough, and Dead Rising 3 is alright, I find myself totally addicted to...

... Just Dance 2014.

Seriously. That game is stupid in *all* the right ways. And there's actually a ton of content (a whole mess of songs, with 3 or 4 different "versions" of most of them for basic, party play, hard play, exercise play, etc). It's sort of weird in that it doesn't give you that much instruction on each move, but the "scoring" system is so laid-back it doesn't really matter all that much anyway.

It's weird that as of now, my X1 is going to be a Just Dance - Titanfall - Fantasia Evolved machine over the next 6 months or so. Strange, strange world.


Having the same issue on mine trying to get the day 1 update. Downloading the OSUDT1 update for USB install. Darren_z33, it looks like if you never updated the console before (like brand new out of the box), you use OSUDT1.


Neo Member
I too received my Xbox today and cannot update. Definitely seems to be a problem on MS's end.

If you look at their server page they have been updating about the problems.

This was five minutes ago:

Are you unable to download the system update on your console? Hang in there, we’re on it! Thanks for your understanding while we work. Another update is coming your way in half an hour.


Junior Member
So I bought Dead Rising 3 today (finally) and am currently trying to install it. I have literally been sitting here for a good 30+ minutes waiting for it to install and it is only at 1%. They really need to speed this shit up somehow. Not even Xbox 360 installs were this slow.
Does anyone out there use a coax -> HDMI adapter to watch broadcast TV on the Xbox One? Wondering if any of the channel change commands would work, etc.
So I bought Dead Rising 3 today (finally) and am currently trying to install it. I have literally been sitting here for a good 30+ minutes waiting for it to install and it is only at 1%. They really need to speed this shit up somehow. Not even Xbox 360 installs were this slow.

This is apparently a known issue, to kickstart the install, disconnect from your network, hard-reboot, and it should install at the normal rate. This happened to me with digital releases as well, but the solution worked to get it going.


So I bought Dead Rising 3 today (finally) and am currently trying to install it. I have literally been sitting here for a good 30+ minutes waiting for it to install and it is only at 1%. They really need to speed this shit up somehow. Not even Xbox 360 installs were this slow.
1. Go offline.
2. Install game.
3. Go online.
4. Install update.


Wait, is kinect supposed to be catching my hand movements for UI functions o_O?

While in TV mode I've had a little hand icon pop up a few times. I never used kinect 1.0 so I honestly am not sure what to expect, but I remember from a few friends that kinect navigation on the dash via hand movements was a thing, so yeah, just curious. ATM my xbone is around 3/4 feet from where I'm sitting, so maybe that's why it's not seeing my hand gestures?. Should I move it back some?

Blech, seems I got buried at the end of the page. Repost^^^^


Neo Member
And I can confirm that my Xbox still will not update, and that they have changed the server page once again.

Xbox members, are you unable to download the system update on your console? We’d like to assure you that we’re diligently working to resolve this issue right away. Thanks for your understanding in the meantime. We’ll update you again in 30 minutes.

I think I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry for the false hopes.



I'm improving already and I suck at this game.o_O


Yeah no matter what I do I can't get kinect to recognize my hand movements on the dashboard. Anyone have any advice on how I get it to work right?
So I got a PS4 at launch, and picked up an X1 earlier this week because... eh.. why not? And while Forza is OK, and Peggle 2 is fun enough, and Dead Rising 3 is alright, I find myself totally addicted to...

... Just Dance 2014.

Seriously. That game is stupid in *all* the right ways. And there's actually a ton of content (a whole mess of songs, with 3 or 4 different "versions" of most of them for basic, party play, hard play, exercise play, etc). It's sort of weird in that it doesn't give you that much instruction on each move, but the "scoring" system is so laid-back it doesn't really matter all that much anyway.

It's weird that as of now, my X1 is going to be a Just Dance - Titanfall - Fantasia Evolved machine over the next 6 months or so. Strange, strange world.
play killer instinct.
I am cry.

Last night while playing 2K basketball I noticed my Kinect camera light not on. Hmmmm I thought to myself. "This is bullshit!" I yell out, hoping I receive a technical foul from the referee.


I quit to dash real quick. "Kinect not plugged in" it says in the top corner.

Poo doo I think to myself. I know it to be true. My Kinect has died. I go through all the trouble shooting stuff, but I know it's dead and ya, it's dead. So I go to Xbox.com where my console is registered. Go to my X1 area, see I can replace the Kinect for free until 2015, same with the X1... I go with the fast send option. Where they send me a new Kinect and I send them my broken one in the box the new one came in. And they put a phantom hold on a credit card in case I don't return my broken Kinect. Easy and painless to get the fix, but holy shit am I going through Kinect voice recognition withdraw.

I find myself wanting to turn everything on and off with just the words. I was getting so used to leaving my house with four magical words. "Xbox turn off. Yes."

I'm so used to just saying what game I want it to go to.... there was a moment in BF4 last night I wanted to record and found myself shouting out the command to record that. And all I was doing was talking into the darkness of night.

My new Kinect will be back on the 19th to 22nd... I hope so. I need it. I want it. Damn. My Kinect and the voice commands have really worked excellent too. And just like that out of the blue. Gone.

Launch baby! This is what we do. My console still works great. *knocks on wood*


Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.


Junior Member
Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.

If you're enjoying all the PS4 games then stick with that for now. I've got both and while multiplats with undoubtedly be a little better on PS4, the XB1 feels like the more next-gen system to me. Also a matter of opinion but I think Dead Rising and Ryse are awesome while Knack and Killzone are totally lackluster.
Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.


Stick to your PS4, get money back on your X1 and let someone who wants it and knows about the games coming out for it. They'll enjoy it more.
It appears that the X-Box Live servers are back up. I just turned my system back on, and I am now downloading the update required to use the system.

Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as it seems? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.

1) Im not a huge racing game fan, didn't feel the need to use micro transactions, they're doing an update next week which "fixes" the economy - changes prices of cars, increases credits for winning races, and Forza rewards if you connect it to the your gamer tag (might just require logging in) is giving away lots of credits when you level up which you do just through playing the game normally. Personally I'm really enjoying it.

You can press Y on all the menus to "accelerate" your levels, I don't think it ever asks you to do it. I think the graphics are quite nice but I've not played any racers except F1 since 2007.

2) Ive put over 40 hours into Ryse, 2 campaign playthroughs and level 87 in multiplayer, I really like it, I think its a very good game. Ive read some of the reviews and find them incredibly baffling, if you do it on the highest difficulty (centurion at the start) its a lot of fun, theres a bit of exploring to do to get all of the collectibles, I didn't get many first time through took me about 7-7.5 hours? Also multiplayer is good, slow levelling up at first but when you use in-game gold earned in rounds (co-op or solo) you get better gear level up quicker etc

3) Halo: Spartan Assault (twin stick downloadable game) (24/12), Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (28/1), Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare - 360/XBO timed exclusive (20/2~), Rayman Legends/Thief (24/2) Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (another downloadable game, exclusive as MS own the developer) is due "very soon" probably January or February.

Worth noting Peggle 2 just came out as well if you're a Peggle fan, its great...

Something I will say, getting sick of EA and their policy of just chucking out games with no Q&A. I've had 1 crash on DR3 and I think one on Ryse but the system stopped and needed rebooting so I don't think that was a game issue. Outside of those incidences a while back only games i've had crash are EA games - Battlefield, Fifa and Peggle 2. BF being the worst, Peggle 2 second and Fifa locked up a few times before the recent patch that made co-op seasons playable. Such a shitty company.
Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.

Xbox One does have the must have killer title. It's Killer Instinct.


Okay, so I've rearanged my entire living room to accommodate this thing and I'm still roughly 5.5-5.75 feet away from my kinect, and the hand motions still only seem to work when they want to =\

You guys think my kinect is busted? Or is my living room just too small for the thing?

Xbox One does have the must have killer title. It's Killer Instinct.

I'd say Dead Rising is the game to own for the thing atm, but then again I'm more than a little biased :p

BTW how's crimson dragon? I saw on the store it's averaging around a 7 on the rating system, which usually means it's not very good >.>
Thought I'd ask about this in here as well as the Dead Rising 3 thread isn't as busy.

Tried playing DR3 yesterday with a mate, and both of us had the same problem where the game would randomly pause, or go to the map screen. Neither of us were hitting the start or select buttons (just what are they called now?) but the game would keep doing it anyway.

Seems strange it happened to both of us while playing though. We never lost voice chat or anything like that, so it wasn't a connection issue. Happened totally randomly as well. It could happen a few times over the space of a few minutes, or be fine for half an hour or so.

Anyone else had similar problems? Thanks.


Okay, so I've rearanged my entire living room to accommodate this thing and I'm still roughly 5.5-5.75 feet away from my kinect, and the hand motions still only seem to work when they want to =\

You guys think my kinect is busted? Or is my living room just too small for the thing?


Hand gestures suck on my Kinect too. If I sit up on edge of my couch it works pretty well but ...reclining back, very difficult to work well

Btw I sit 8-10 feet away


I posted the other day about getting an X1, and well, I just got it :)

I also have a PS4 and I must say, so far, I like the X1 much better off first impressions. It could be because it's the new shiny toy in the house, but it feels more next gen. Although I've enjoyed my PS4, at the moment it just feels like a upgraded PS3.

Going all digital on the X1. Downloading Forza and KI as we speak. Is there a thread for sharing Xbox Live gamer tags? I'm new to the MS family so I could use some friends!


Okay, so I've rearanged my entire living room to accommodate this thing and I'm still roughly 5.5-5.75 feet away from my kinect, and the hand motions still only seem to work when they want to =

You guys think my kinect is busted? Or is my living room just too small for the thing

I've posted this a few times but I'm in the same boat. The gestures on the dashboard don't work at all for me. No problems in games, (including ones with annoying 360 kinect menus like Zumba) or with voice.

It (barely) works if I sit on the very edge of my couch or stand up though

Chitown B

Acoustics of your room weigh a lot on how well Kinect works. Ours works great, but we have a lot of rugs and furniture. My buddy's room is really open and echoey and the Kinect barely hears him

Chitown B

Hand gestures suck on my Kinect too. If I sit up on edge of my couch it works pretty well but ...reclining back, very difficult to work well

Btw I sit 8-10 feet away

they don't work at all for me. I don't even try. I sit 9 feet away and waving at the screen does nothing.


I am cry.

Last night while playing 2K basketball I noticed my Kinect camera light not on. Hmmmm I thought to myself. "This is bullshit!" I yell out, hoping I receive a technical foul from the referee.


I quit to dash real quick. "Kinect not plugged in" it says in the top corner.

Poo doo I think to myself. I know it to be true. My Kinect has died. I go through all the trouble shooting stuff, but I know it's dead and ya, it's dead. So I go to Xbox.com where my console is registered. Go to my X1 area, see I can replace the Kinect for free until 2015, same with the X1... I go with the fast send option. Where they send me a new Kinect and I send them my broken one in the box the new one came in. And they put a phantom hold on a credit card in case I don't return my broken Kinect. Easy and painless to get the fix, but holy shit am I going through Kinect voice recognition withdraw.

I find myself wanting to turn everything on and off with just the words. I was getting so used to leaving my house with for magical words. "Xbox turn off. Yes."

I'm so used to just saying what game I want it to go to.... there was a moment in BF4 last night I wanted to record and found myself shouting out the command to record that. And all I was doing was talking into the darkness of night.

My new Kinect will be back on the 19th to 22nd... I hope so. I need it. I want it. Damn. My Kinect and the voice commands have really worked excellent too. And just like that out of the blue. Gone.

Launch baby! This is what we do. My console still works great. *knocks on wood*

Okay so just to be clear. You only sent the Kinect in? Because the same thing happened t0 my kinect. I was literally just watching Netflix and wondered why I couldn't pause the damn movie. No light, no power, nothing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The gesture stuff seems lame. It 'works' for me but seems to have issues seeing my hand close, so I can't pull around. Either way, voice is fine so it's not really needed.

Also, I have a pretty solid collection for now, some quick thoughts:

1. Dead Rising 3 is the main standout. A beefy, quality title(took me ~19 hours for the first run) that while it's a lot different from the previous 2, still appeal to me in a way only this series seems to. Had a blast with it and it's not something in a few years you'll look back and laugh at.

2. Killer Instinct is legit, as it always appeared. Does appear super rushed and will be building throughout the years, but in my experience seems a little buggy for now. Payment stuff is good in theory but still isn't fully there, they only had 4 at launch to buy separately, added sadira now, but still no orchid. I also have been wanting to jump into the $40 pack from the $20 and it still won't let me without just paying the full amount. Hope they iron that out soonish, but this game will have staying power either way and I'm glad to see that.

3. Ryse is pretty fun. Character action games are one of my favorite genres, so I've gone very indepth with them ranging from DMC, Bayonetta, God of War, Bayonetta, whatever. The game is lacking in moveset and enemy variety but the core of the game is totally solid, it's very timing centric and satisfying to clear without a scratch. Obviously a visual showcase as well, though some of it feels very rigid, as Ryse has a good amount of detail in the environments but you can't interact/break any of it beyond pots. Reminds me of God of War a bit which pumps out amazing stuff at the expense of physics, which is fine, but stuck out after Dead Rising where you can just plow through whatever. I would probably not pay $60 for this, but on a discount it's a good pickup.

4. Peggle 2 I have dumped way more time than I expected. It's pretty much just more peggle, but the bug bit me and I can't stop.

5. Battlefield 4 seems really good but the game is buggy as shit. Got audio issues, random dashboards in/after a match. EA/Dice should be ashamed of this product, it's pathetic, and I'm glad I only gameflied it. There is a patch out today and I haven't tried it yet, but hopefully some of it is better. The core is solid atleast.

6. Crimson Dragon, I have very little experience with games like this beyond Starfox 64 pretty much. It's fun, the main adjustment is the movement and camera take some getting used to as it swings around a good bit, and I've gotten other dragons that move way better than the initial dragon. The game got slammed hard for microtransactions, but they seemed to have patched it when it actually came out as if I didn't hear about it I wouldn't have known it was here. Oh, this game has voice controls and they're weird as hell. You have to put your hand...on/by your head I guess? Then a mic icon shows up, it does this when I scratch my head, which I seem to do way more than I realized. Not a big deal, but really odd implementation.

7. Need for Speed: Rivals hasn't done much for me. Looks beautiful, but there's a lot of visual noise that to me makes it hard to follow at times. Sometimes I found myself in a getaway, I would bust through a fence, it would be fun as hell in the moment then I try to go through another fence and that one is solid and crashes my car. Maybe I just suck at games like this though, I haven't played it beyond a few hours.

I enjoyed the Zoo Tycoon demo as well. Might check it out.
Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.

1.) Yes. It might not seem next-gen looking at first, but play it, then go back to GT5/GT6/Forza 4 and you'll see how gorgeous it looks. It's hard to tell going 200mph. And about the microtransactions, I have had ZERO issues with them. I went onto Forza rewards and have gotten 4 millions credits. I have an Aventador, another Lamborghini, a Indy car, an Aston, 2 Ferraris, a BMW, a Audi and 6-8 other cars and I haven't spent all my credits and I haven't bought any credits. Just play for awhile and go to forzamotorsports.net and collect your credits.

2.) I fucking loved Ryse! I played on the 2nd hardest difficulty and thought the game was fun. The combat is addicting and relies on a lot of rhythm and timing. You CANNOT just play the game by button mashing, you will get slaughtered (on easy you probably can get away with it) and the QTE's affect your health, damage, xp or power-up reward regen. The combat complaints by reviewers have been completely overblown. I honestly believed they were playing the game on easy and just flailed through \the game without doing a normal/higher difficulty and actually having a challenge.I personally give the game an 8/10. Plus I forgot to mention that the game is just beautiful and is probably the best looking next-gen game out now for any platform.

3.) Exclusives? I just believe it's PvZ: GW and Spartan Assault. Tomb Raider is coming out in January and Thief is February.


Neo Member
For hand gestures they moved away from waving to activate, now you put your hand up, back down, then up again. I can really only get it to work while standing.


Okay I need some help here.

Bought an X1 and a PS4 at launch. Playing my PS4 a lot, AC4, BF4, KZ, etc. etc. I keep WANTING to open my X1 and set it up but I am having a hard time justifying it. I have a few questions:

1. Is Forza a next gen looking racer or is it just okay looking (graphics wise)? Also, how bad are the micro transactions?

2. Is Ryse as bad as reviewers say? Some seem to be trying to defend it to justify their purchase more than it actually being a decent game. I am not a completionist and do not mind a game that is only 8 hours or so.

3. What games are coming out between now and February? I plan to get all multi-platform games on whichever platform is superior according to reviewers and analysis (I expect it will be PS4).

Please don't take this post the wrong way, not trying to bash on the X1. I've never been a huge Playstation guy, I usually just buy every system regardless but honestly both systems seem to be lacking that real killer must have title.

Just get rid of it. It already seems like you have preconceived notions about the system without even trying it out. As someone who has both systems I find myself using the Xbox a lot more than my PS4 but that's just my preference at the moment because of the games.
Thought I'd ask about this in here as well as the Dead Rising 3 thread isn't as busy.

Tried playing DR3 yesterday with a mate, and both of us had the same problem where the game would randomly pause, or go to the map screen. Neither of us were hitting the start or select buttons (just what are they called now?) but the game would keep doing it anyway.

Seems strange it happened to both of us while playing though. We never lost voice chat or anything like that, so it wasn't a connection issue. Happened totally randomly as well. It could happen a few times over the space of a few minutes, or be fine for half an hour or so.

Anyone else had similar problems? Thanks.

Go into.in game options and make sure Kinect options are all turned off. See if that helps.
Picked up my Xbone today. Not gonna open it until Christmas, but I can't wait. First games will be: Ryse, Dead Rising 3, & Powerstar (have AC IV on PS4). I love both systems, but the Xbox has always been my favorite child (though I try to make them both think they're my favorite). Weird thing is I kind of hate Microsoft for everything else . . .
Okay so just to be clear. You only sent the Kinect in? Because the same thing happened t0 my kinect. I was literally just watching Netflix and wondered why I couldn't pause the damn movie. No light, no power, nothing.

There was an option to send either one of them in. Since my console is working fine, I believe it to be the Kinect. So it gave me the option to just choose the Kinect. They're sending me a fresh new one on the 19th to 22nd. So they say. And then I put my dead one in that box and ship back to them.


Got a $20 RWZ expiring in early January and deciding what to get with it.
Ghosts or BF4?
The metal Day One gold card which is on sale for $50 right now (I know that is over-priced), because Shago is tempting.


Does anyone out there use a coax -> HDMI adapter to watch broadcast TV on the Xbox One? Wondering if any of the channel change commands would work, etc.

It works with the HomeWorX HW150PVR.

Check this video on how to get the XB1 to recognize it.

Pretty awesome for cord cutters as that means with the proper setup, anyone can take advantage of the XB1's TV capabilities without paying your cable company a dime.


Got a Networking issue I need help with.

My Xbox One is fine and dandy and the Nat is open. Prior to my Xbox One, my Xbox 360 also had Open nat. For some reason, today I turned on the Xbox 360 and it was saying it was strict. So I did the power down of the modem/router, re-ran the test on the 360 and boom, open nat. Things are great now! But....

When I go back to my Xbox One, not it is saying it is Strict and not open like it was before. So I do the same thing, power down the modem/router, retest and I get open nat, but now I go back to the 360 and now it is back to strict nat.

What is going on? Main reason I ask is that my fiancée and I are thinking of getting a second Xbox One for our bedroom and I don't want to have issues with one have open nat and the other having a strict nat. As it is now, my One and 360 cant both have open nat for some reason.


Got a Networking issue I need help with.

My Xbox One is fine and dandy and the Nat is open. Prior to my Xbox One, my Xbox 360 also had Open nat. For some reason, today I turned on the Xbox 360 and it was saying it was strict. So I did the power down of the modem/router, re-ran the test on the 360 and boom, open nat. Things are great now! But....

When I go back to my Xbox One, not it is saying it is Strict and not open like it was before. So I do the same thing, power down the modem/router, retest and I get open nat, but now I go back to the 360 and now it is back to strict nat.

What is going on? Main reason I ask is that my fiancée and I are thinking of getting a second Xbox One for our bedroom and I don't want to have issues with one have open nat and the other having a strict nat. As it is now, my One and 360 cant both have open nat for some reason.

Turn off UPNP on your router? Worked for me.
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