So, I've taken the plunge. I collect my Xbox One on Tuesday.
I'm just getting a little bored of my PS4 already. Resogun is fun but just doesn't have the Geometry Wars vibe for me. And Killzone feels like work rather than entertainment.
I just can't wait to get stuck in to Forza, DR3, KI, Peggle etc. So much more appealing to me, but I bought in to the hype of PS4. Really I should have waited and got the PS4 a little later on in 2014 when Infamous hits.
Anyway, that aside I'm wondering what peeps here think the first thing I should play or do is when I get my Xbox One set up? As a huge fan, Peggle is top of the list at the moment
I only got my ps4 yesterday with Killzone and I'm already bored.....The games line up is just not there. Free to play games/multiplats I already have on pc (that I can play at resolutions higher than 1080p) are not going to help. Reso-gun really did surprise me as id written it off, but its not a reason for me to turn on the PS4.
The extra curricular part is lacking even further imo. I can spend the whole day interacting with my XB1 in some way, be it watching TV/using my TV as a pc screen via the hdmi in from my windows tablet (and controlling it with a wireless keyboard/touchpad combo), games, music, browsing the internet while using a tablet/phone as a mouse and keyboard, pushing music/video to it from any device in my house or any combination of the above. My PS4 turns on to play a game, then gets turned off because its a totally separated experience.
I also quickly missed not having voice and motion controls readily available at all times. Its good enough to say 'plug in a headset', but by the time I've even thought about doing something like that the opportunity for that to actually provide me with any convenience is long gone.
And I'm not going to buy the camera to use comparatively limited voice commands when ill still need to pick up a controller to do the other half of what I'm trying to do.
The other half of it is that again unlike the xb1 where you can jump straight from second pc monitor/chromecast browser tab sharing/TV etc straight into your Xbox world from your couch, the fact that I'd only ever turn on the ps4 to do things that require me to have the controller in my hand pretty much makes other methods of control non issues, but not in a good way.
I had already told myself that resolution didn't matter to me, that I felt the XB1 would offer me more and that PS4 felt like PS3.5 to me, but with the constant shitting on XB1 and PS4 being praised so much it made me feel like I was in denial or something. Now I feel even stronger about how I felt before. Next gen needs to be more than pretty pictures for me. A lot more.
I'm once again feeling how I did when I listened to 'the crowd' when I bought a 360 just for MW2 instead of just sticking with my PS3 because the online community and features were supposedly ooooooh so much better on 360. Short of a large amount of money.
Then there's the fact that I want to go all digital this gen and PSN games are £52........I can pay £37 for the same game on XB1 from the US store so even expanding my library past Killzone (which is just an okay game) feels tough. The sole reason I never went all digital last gen was because I refused to pay PSN/XBL prices on principle alone.
A word of advice for those feeling like you're missing out in any big way if you don't have a PS4 based on 'community consensus'. You're not. You're really not. (imo).
/end rant
Edit: Id also like to find the person who decided on how they were going to do the dead rising demo and kick them square in the balls.