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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


There was an option to send either one of them in. Since my console is working fine, I believe it to be the Kinect. So it gave me the option to just choose the Kinect. They're sending me a fresh new one on the 19th to 22nd. So they say. And then I put my dead one in that box and ship back to them.

Okay, that's what I was worried about. At first I only had the option to service the whole thing. I just didn't want a $500 hold on my checking account in December. I just submitted a service request for the same thing.
Okay, that's what I was worried about. At first I only had the option to service the whole thing. I just didn't want a $500 hold on my checking account in December. I just submitted a service request for the same thing.

Ya, the email you get back from them after you request that is more assuring of what's going on. They tell you to only include your Kinect. Do not send anything else with it. Just Kinect.

It hit my Discover card with about 160 dollars of a hold, but then they returned that instantly. Seems they only wanted to make sure I had that credit card in case I try to fraud them. Hoping it gets here on the 22nd like it says on their site. That will be a nice fast turn around for me.

But I am jonsing for some voice commands. Using my controllers is so uncivilized.


You guys complaining about your internet speeds and here I am an hour later not even 200mb downloaded.

Fuck you TalkTalk, fuck you.

Chitown B

so, as far as I can tell, the X1 DOES download updates automatically in the background. I just started AC4 and it said there was a 974MB update. I said OK, and it immediately jumped to the apps screen and then 95%. The rest is just installation of the already downloaded update.

Still wish it would auto install though.
Getting ready to go pick up a game for my Xbox One before it gets to me. Originally, I was just going to pick up Dead Rising 3 because it looks awesome but some of the positive reactions people have been giving Ryse has me going back and forth between the two. What do you guys think?
Getting ready to go pick up a game for my Xbox One before it gets to me. Originally, I was just going to pick up Dead Rising 3 because it looks awesome but some of the positive reactions people have been giving Ryse has me going back and forth between the two. What do you guys think?

That's a tough one, because to me both are fun, but due to length and variation I'd suggest DR3. But honestly I think you can't go wrong w/ either.


Getting ready to go pick up a game for my Xbox One before it gets to me. Originally, I was just going to pick up Dead Rising 3 because it looks awesome but some of the positive reactions people have been giving Ryse has me going back and forth between the two. What do you guys think?
Tough decision, both are great games.
DR3: Mindless fun and all kinds of crazy stuff
Ryse: Stunning graphics and a showcase of what these new consoles are capable of.

Both are really worth it.


Getting ready to go pick up a game for my Xbox One before it gets to me. Originally, I was just going to pick up Dead Rising 3 because it looks awesome but some of the positive reactions people have been giving Ryse has me going back and forth between the two. What do you guys think?

DR3 all the way as it's the better game and not as repetitive.
so, as far as I can tell, the X1 DOES download updates automatically in the background. I just started AC4 and it said there was a 974MB update. I said OK, and it immediately jumped to the apps screen and then 95%. The rest is just installation of the already downloaded update.

Still wish it would auto install though.

Pretty sure it just downloads the update at that point. Had BF4 at 98% and it took a while till it was done.

Chitown B

Pretty sure it just downloads the update at that point. Had BF4 at 98% and it took a while till it was done.

hmm maybe. But it took about 1 minute to get from 95% to 97% and playable. I don't think I could download 1GB in one minute, but it's possible I had the connection.


Goldbox One!!!
DR3 looks and feels like a Xbox360 game.

Open world games don't usually look as good, it achieves so much with tons of zombies on screen without any frame rate/tearing issues and no loading. I think the game looks nice, definitely the most ambitious launch title on offer


regarding the hand gestures, I could only wish they weren't working for me. I have no use for them, yet every evening I'll be sitting at the tablet and kinect will be going nuts, constantly detecting hand movements, activating the menu and once in a while pausing or attempting to exit apps. Initially I was annoyed with Amazon asking me to confirm exiting a video, now I'm glad.

They seriously need to add the option to disable this shitty feature, it's useless and either doesn't work or takes on a life of its own. This is easily my biggest problem with the console right now.


All I'm saying is that DR3 could be possible on the Xbox360. 720p/30fps (and not even stable) with lack of AA and avarage graphics, we have seen this in a lot of games on the Xbox360. And the amount of zombies is not a big deal when you look at Ninety Nine Nights.
It should run in 1080p with more than avg 25fps and have some AA.
With hundreds of zombies on screen?

I'd like it to as well, but no chance of that happening. The frame rate is fine as well. The game is great fun and the drop in resolution really didn't detract from my enjoyment of the game for me.
All I'm saying is that DR3 could be possible on the Xbox360. 720p/30fps (and not even stable) with lack of AA and avarage graphics, we have seen this in a lot of games on the Xbox360. And the amount of zombies is not a big deal when you look at Ninety Nine Nights.

not on an open world map that big with no load times
So, I've taken the plunge. I collect my Xbox One on Tuesday.

I'm just getting a little bored of my PS4 already. Resogun is fun but just doesn't have the Geometry Wars vibe for me. And Killzone feels like work rather than entertainment.

I just can't wait to get stuck in to Forza, DR3, KI, Peggle etc. So much more appealing to me, but I bought in to the hype of PS4. Really I should have waited and got the PS4 a little later on in 2014 when Infamous hits.

Anyway, that aside I'm wondering what peeps here think the first thing I should play or do is when I get my Xbox One set up? As a huge fan, Peggle is top of the list at the moment :)

I only got my ps4 yesterday with Killzone and I'm already bored.....The games line up is just not there. Free to play games/multiplats I already have on pc (that I can play at resolutions higher than 1080p) are not going to help. Reso-gun really did surprise me as id written it off, but its not a reason for me to turn on the PS4.

The extra curricular part is lacking even further imo. I can spend the whole day interacting with my XB1 in some way, be it watching TV/using my TV as a pc screen via the hdmi in from my windows tablet (and controlling it with a wireless keyboard/touchpad combo), games, music, browsing the internet while using a tablet/phone as a mouse and keyboard, pushing music/video to it from any device in my house or any combination of the above. My PS4 turns on to play a game, then gets turned off because its a totally separated experience.

I also quickly missed not having voice and motion controls readily available at all times. Its good enough to say 'plug in a headset', but by the time I've even thought about doing something like that the opportunity for that to actually provide me with any convenience is long gone.
And I'm not going to buy the camera to use comparatively limited voice commands when ill still need to pick up a controller to do the other half of what I'm trying to do.
The other half of it is that again unlike the xb1 where you can jump straight from second pc monitor/chromecast browser tab sharing/TV etc straight into your Xbox world from your couch, the fact that I'd only ever turn on the ps4 to do things that require me to have the controller in my hand pretty much makes other methods of control non issues, but not in a good way.

I had already told myself that resolution didn't matter to me, that I felt the XB1 would offer me more and that PS4 felt like PS3.5 to me, but with the constant shitting on XB1 and PS4 being praised so much it made me feel like I was in denial or something. Now I feel even stronger about how I felt before. Next gen needs to be more than pretty pictures for me. A lot more.

I'm once again feeling how I did when I listened to 'the crowd' when I bought a 360 just for MW2 instead of just sticking with my PS3 because the online community and features were supposedly ooooooh so much better on 360. Short of a large amount of money.

Then there's the fact that I want to go all digital this gen and PSN games are £52........I can pay £37 for the same game on XB1 from the US store so even expanding my library past Killzone (which is just an okay game) feels tough. The sole reason I never went all digital last gen was because I refused to pay PSN/XBL prices on principle alone.

A word of advice for those feeling like you're missing out in any big way if you don't have a PS4 based on 'community consensus'. You're not. You're really not. (imo).

/end rant

Edit: Id also like to find the person who decided on how they were going to do the dead rising demo and kick them square in the balls.


Ryse isn't really worth it as a $60 game. It's pretty fun, but the single-player campaign is like maybe 6 hours and the combat is not really that varied.

Give it a few months and used copies will be going for less than $30-40.


Ryse isn't really worth it as a $60 game. It's pretty fun, but the single-player campaign is like maybe 6 hours and the combat is not really that varied.

Give it a few months and used copies will be going for less than $30-40.
Took me 5.D=



First game I beat was Ryse. Next to Forza, battlefield, ghosts, fifa and nba2k, I kept coming back to Ryse night after night until done. It kept me interested and entertained just enough.


I'm asking for a friend's sake, but he's running into a lot of issues with Dead Rising 3 crashing to dashboard on him repeatedly and I've been trying to help. I've been led to believe this can be solved by hard rebooting, which has been tried. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
This was solved by disabling the internet.

I don't even know.
Build 2014

Off-topic I know, but I hope that that means Microsoft are finally going to open the app store to everyone, allowing all sorts of apps to come to the XB1.

VLC and Plex would be a nice start.

I don't care if MS have to send people into these companies to develop the apps, they need to take advantage of their app ecosystem. As small as it is right now, its comparatively huge for what has ever been available for a games console.

I think the problem comes in when apps need to be created with voice and gesture navigation in mind.

Google for instance definitely took a 'fuck you and your OS' approach when it comes to their YouTube app as the gesture commands only take you so far before actually becoming useless and saying 'Xbox: select' shows that they've put absolutely zero effort into voice command support.


Getting ready to go pick up a game for my Xbox One before it gets to me. Originally, I was just going to pick up Dead Rising 3 because it looks awesome but some of the positive reactions people have been giving Ryse has me going back and forth between the two. What do you guys think?

Ryse is great, and I enjoyed it immensely. But Dead Rising 3 provides more variety and IMO is overall a lengthier game if you do side quests and replay stuff. Get Dead Rising 3 first if you are only going to get one game. Ryse isn't worth paying $60 but is totally worth playing eventually.


Hhhmm trying to decide between ac4 and forza for my next purchase. Forza wasn't super on the radar until they said they were balancing the credits earning. Ac3 left such a bad taste in my mouth and maybe I could pick it up on the ps4 for cheaper whenever I get a ps4 (those extra p's).

Or I could get a Link between worlds since my 3ds hasn't had any lovin' since Luigis Mansion came out.

1st world problems/decisions guy's.


I only got my ps4 yesterday with Killzone and I'm already bored.....The games line up is just not there. Free to play games/multiplats I already have on pc (that I can play at resolutions higher than 1080p) are not going to help. Reso-gun really did surprise me as id written it off, but its not a reason for me to turn on the PS4.

The extra curricular part is lacking even further imo. I can spend the whole day interacting with my XB1 in some way, be it watching TV/using my TV as a pc screen via the hdmi in from my windows tablet (and controlling it with a wireless keyboard/touchpad combo), games, music, browsing the internet while using a tablet/phone as a mouse and keyboard, pushing music/video to it from any device in my house or any combination of the above. My PS4 turns on to play a game, then gets turned off because its a totally separated experience.

I also quickly missed not having voice and motion controls readily available at all times. Its good enough to say 'plug in a headset', but by the time I've even thought about doing something like that the opportunity for that to actually provide me with any convenience is long gone.
And I'm not going to buy the camera to use comparatively limited voice commands when ill still need to pick up a controller to do the other half of what I'm trying to do.
The other half of it is that again unlike the xb1 where you can jump straight from second pc monitor/chromecast browser tab sharing/TV etc straight into your Xbox world from your couch, the fact that I'd only ever turn on the ps4 to do things that require me to have the controller in my hand pretty much makes other methods of control non issues, but not in a good way.

I had already told myself that resolution didn't matter to me, that I felt the XB1 would offer me more and that PS4 felt like PS3.5 to me, but with the constant shitting on XB1 and PS4 being praised so much it made me feel like I was in denial or something. Now I feel even stronger about how I felt before. Next gen needs to be more than pretty pictures for me. A lot more.

I'm once again feeling how I did when I listened to 'the crowd' when I bought a 360 just for MW2 instead of just sticking with my PS3 because the online community and features were supposedly ooooooh so much better on 360. Short of a large amount of money.

Then there's the fact that I want to go all digital this gen and PSN games are £52........I can pay £37 for the same game on XB1 from the US store so even expanding my library past Killzone (which is just an okay game) feels tough. The sole reason I never went all digital last gen was because I refused to pay PSN/XBL prices on principle alone.

A word of advice for those feeling like you're missing out in any big way if you don't have a PS4 based on 'community consensus'. You're not. You're really not. (imo).

/end rant

As someone who only owns a PS4 I feel the same way. Sony played it so safe and focused with PS4 and made the greatest version of a last gen console. There's not much to do other than play games, which I have to fight for the TV with my wife. At least if she used it for Netflix or Hulu I would feel better, instead she uses the TV apps because she doesn't want to use a controller. I had a guy who was going to trade me his Xbox One today for my PS4, but my wife vetoed it because she heard about the whole DRM thing last summer from me.

No one is missing some amazing experience by going with a Xbox One instead of a PS4.


I only got my ps4 yesterday with Killzone and I'm already bored.....The games line up is just not there. Free to play games/multiplats I already have on pc (that I can play at resolutions higher than 1080p) are not going to help. Reso-gun really did surprise me as id written it off, but its not a reason for me to turn on the PS4.

The extra curricular part is lacking even further imo. I can spend the whole day interacting with my XB1 in some way, be it watching TV/using my TV as a pc screen via the hdmi in from my windows tablet (and controlling it with a wireless keyboard/touchpad combo), games, music, browsing the internet while using a tablet/phone as a mouse and keyboard, pushing music/video to it from any device in my house or any combination of the above. My PS4 turns on to play a game, then gets turned off because its a totally separated experience.

I also quickly missed not having voice and motion controls readily available at all times. Its good enough to say 'plug in a headset', but by the time I've even thought about doing something like that the opportunity for that to actually provide me with any convenience is long gone.
And I'm not going to buy the camera to use comparatively limited voice commands when ill still need to pick up a controller to do the other half of what I'm trying to do.
The other half of it is that again unlike the xb1 where you can jump straight from second pc monitor/chromecast browser tab sharing/TV etc straight into your Xbox world from your couch, the fact that I'd only ever turn on the ps4 to do things that require me to have the controller in my hand pretty much makes other methods of control non issues, but not in a good way.

I had already told myself that resolution didn't matter to me, that I felt the XB1 would offer me more and that PS4 felt like PS3.5 to me, but with the constant shitting on XB1 and PS4 being praised so much it made me feel like I was in denial or something. Now I feel even stronger about how I felt before. Next gen needs to be more than pretty pictures for me. A lot more.

I'm once again feeling how I did when I listened to 'the crowd' when I bought a 360 just for MW2 instead of just sticking with my PS3 because the online community and features were supposedly ooooooh so much better on 360. Short of a large amount of money.

Then there's the fact that I want to go all digital this gen and PSN games are £52........I can pay £37 for the same game on XB1 from the US store so even expanding my library past Killzone (which is just an okay game) feels tough. The sole reason I never went all digital last gen was because I refused to pay PSN/XBL prices on principle alone.

A word of advice for those feeling like you're missing out in any big way if you don't have a PS4 based on 'community consensus'. You're not. You're really not. (imo).

/end rant

I just posted something similar a couple pages back.

Sums up my thoughts exactly. I had both consoles preordered since E3 and was debating until a couple weeks before launch on which one to get. Reflecting on this past generation shows that it was the Xbox360 that led the way in innovation in the console space and looking at the vision of both companies shows that the X1 is attempting to do the same.

Like you mentioned, all the X1 bashing started to make me feel like I had Stockholm syndrome. So I cancelled my X1 preorder and stuck with the PS4. Well it's been nearly a month now and I've grown fairly bored of it. It does seem like PS3.5 and there's nothing wrong with that, that's what Sony has been marketing it as. A pure games machine. Well, I want something more. I've been a PC gamer forever so everything the PS4 is doing has already been around for a long time now on the PC(streaming, indies, FTP games). It's nothing exciting to me. Sony does house some of my favorite developers though so I am excited about exclusives that will come in the future.

I've had my X1 for a couple days now and I've been in dream land. Kinect works flawlessly for me(even the hand gestures). The UI is great and intuitive. The launch lineup is much better(my opinion) as well. Killer Instinct is amazing from my short time I've played it, and Forza plays and looks great as well. The rumble triggers are a very nice touch. All in all, I'm much more excited for the future of the X1 then I am with the PS4. It's only the beginning though and much will change on both platforms. Either way it'll be a fun 5+ years.


I just posted something similar a couple pages back.

Sums up my thoughts exactly. I had both consoles preordered since E3 and was debating until a couple weeks before launch on which one to get. Reflecting on this past generation shows that it was the Xbox360 that led the way in innovation in the console space and looking at the vision of both companies shows that the X1 is attempting to do the same.

Like you mentioned, all the X1 bashing started to make me feel like I had Stockholm syndrome. So I cancelled my X1 preorder and stuck with the PS4. Well it's been nearly a month now and I've grown fairly bored of it. It does seem like PS3.5 and there's nothing wrong with that, that's what Sony has been marketing it as. A pure games machine. Well, I want something more. I've been a PC gamer forever so everything the PS4 is doing has already been around for a long time now on the PC(streaming, indies, FTP games). It's nothing exciting to me. Sony does house some of my favorite developers though so I am excited about exclusives that will come in the future.

I've had my X1 for a couple days now and I've been in dream land. Kinect works flawlessly for me(even the hand gestures). The UI is great and intuitive. The launch lineup is much better(my opinion) as well. Killer Instinct is amazing from my short time I've played it, and Forza plays and looks great as well. The rumble triggers are a very nice touch. All in all, I'm much more excited for the future of the X1 then I am with the PS4. It's only the beginning though and much will change on both platforms. Either way it'll be a fun 5+ years.

Lol same exact story. Canceled my X1 pre-order. But I ended up getting one. I actually am enjoying my PS4 a bit more than you two. But I find myself having a hard time pulling away my Xbox One. The games are overall more fun, and there is more stuff to do with the system.
Build 2014

Off-topic I know, but I hope that that means Microsoft are finally going to open the app store to everyone, allowing all sorts of apps to come to the XB1.

VLC and Plex would be a nice start.

Finally! Shame that the conference being only in April, means that there's no way they are going to open up the xbone app store until the first half of the year, but it will be a welcome addition no matter when it hits.
Just installed FIFA 14 and there is no rumble EA? Come on....this is fubar :/ Seems there's also no controller vibration on PS4. Hope EA will patch this otherwise I'm not gonna bother playing this...what a letdown :(
Hhhmm trying to decide between ac4 and forza for my next purchase. Forza wasn't super on the radar until they said they were balancing the credits earning. Ac3 left such a bad taste in my mouth and maybe I could pick it up on the ps4 for cheaper whenever I get a ps4 (those extra p's).

Or I could get a Link between worlds since my 3ds hasn't had any lovin' since Luigis Mansion came out.

1st world problems/decisions guy's.

With regards to Forza or Ac, you're in a win win. Just go with the type of genre you feel like playing with though I have to say, for me, AC4 is game of the year tier. I do not particulalrly care for the series as a whole but the attention to detail, exploration and overall immersiveness is incredible imho.
Having problems getting Kinect to turn Xbox on. The mark is checked in settings. everything else works perfectly.

For whatever reason, I have to say "Xbox On" in a more forceful, clear, and measured way of speaking than any other voice command in order to get it to work.

Everything else works relatively casually though.


Oh it definitely needs AA, I agree, one of the more jaggy games on X1.

Can't wait to get an Xbox One next year for this game!!! Unfortunately it's the ONLY game that I want on the system right now, so I'm going to wait till after E3 to see what else gets announced or released by then. But at least they have my attention better than PS4 which currently doesn't have anything that I'm too interested in. But that could change by next year, we'll see. I hope there are various games so that I can own all 3 platforms this new gen.
so, as far as I can tell, the X1 DOES download updates automatically in the background. I just started AC4 and it said there was a 974MB update. I said OK, and it immediately jumped to the apps screen and then 95%. The rest is just installation of the already downloaded update.

Still wish it would auto install though.

That progress bar is always a total of the entire installation (game + updates). so it wasn't 95% done with the update, it was 95% done with the entire installation. (The new 5% being the update).
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