Hrm, says $50 for me. Missed it?
$50 for me, too, unfortunately.
EDIT: Looks like they had a certain amount set aside for $29.90, and then it reverted it to $49.90, which is still a pretty good deal.
Hrm, says $50 for me. Missed it?
Copy one from a hotel in the US?Needs US address
This is such a cool console. Forza 5 looks fantastic and Record that is awesome.
What game should I get next Gaf?
I'm downloading the KI free version and I got Fifa 14 with the console. Not sure which game I should look at picking up next...
Price is now $50..
Do they send you something or is it just a code per email ?
Crimson Dragon is not a turd! The CR reviews were about as off the mark as the Ryse ones IMHO.
I agree, shit like this should never happen. With it being MS too I can only imagine the shitty drives they've used.Why the hell do discs keep spinning in the drive, even when there is no need? I've got my Forza disc in the drive, but I'm playing my digital copy of Ghosts and the Forza disc is still spinning away several minutes later. This is the kind of stupid shit Nintendo does. I'm surprised to see my Xbox having the same problem.
I notice the spinning because that is the only time I can hear my Xbox.
Funny enough out of all the X1 exclusives I played, it's my least favorite, but still isn't bad, just needed better controls and less grinding. This is all what I played on X1 so far(in terms of full games):Crimson Dragon is not a turd! The CR reviews were about as off the mark as the Ryse ones IMHO.
I agree, shit like this should never happen. With it being MS too I can only imagine the shitty drives they've used.
The free flight controls still aren't great but manageable.Controls need some time to get used to, and they also improve a lot when you upgrade your dragon (although there are still issues with the boss fights). I struggled at first, but it quickly became enjoyable.
The grinding itself is part of the game, and not really an issue IMO, dragons gain experience quite quickly. The only potentially annoying parts are the required ingredients to make them evolve.
This isn't related to the type or brand of drive. The console OS should tell the disc drive to stop spinning the moment it isn't necessary. If I'm playing a different game, it's definitely not necessary.
So my cousin's XB1 has been giving him problems. Whenever he turns it on it goes to a frozen Assassin's Creed 4 splash screen instead of the home screen. Anyone else have this issue or know how to resolve it? I told him to hold the power button to give it a little reset because that solved a problem for me, it didn't work for him. This doesn't happen everytime for him though.
My wife bought the last xbone at my local tesco.
The console is showing a build date of 13th Nov but is there any issues I should be aware of at the moment?
How do you check download progress for like a DLC.
Throw a disc in that you don't mind possibly getting beat up. It's not too common but there has been issues with the disc drive. Also, if your fans are loud, contact Microsoft or go exchange the system if you can. The fans should be practically silent at all times. Neither issue is really common but those seem to happen more than all out system or Kinect failures.
Thank you.
All I ask for is a Gears trilogy HD.
So I bought BF4 Premium and it won't let me in to any Premium servers, just says "Buy DLC". Anybody else had this problem? The rest of the Premium stuff works like unlocks etc.
Is there a fix or are some people just shut out and that's it?That's been happening on both consoles
A Gears HD trilogy with Unreal Engine 4 would be amazing.
Re-download the premium add-on and re-download everything else from within the game. That did the trick for me.Is there a fix or are some people just shut out and that's it?
How do I re-download it? When I'm in the store and click premium it just says I already own it.Re-download the premium add-on and re-download everything else from within the game. That did the trick for me.
BF4 is a perfect example of how not to apply QA to your product.
I'd buy that. Ideally I'd like to see two things. I know neither will happen but I'd love to see Gears HD set with all 3 of the games. Then I'd actually love to see them do a Halo collection with all the Halo games ported to xbox one. I know neither of these would be profitable or worth the effort but I so would.
I'd buy that. Ideally I'd like to see two things. I know neither will happen but I'd love to see Gears HD set with all 3 of the games. Then I'd actually love to see them do a Halo collection with all the Halo games ported to xbox one. I know neither of these would be profitable or worth the effort but I so would.
Gears is already in HD.
I could see Gears coming over in an HD collection since it seems like they will be giving the series a much needed break. I would be fine with a $60 package that has Gears 1-3 with all DLC content all redone on UE4.
One huge disappointment for me is that not only do we not have access to BC (not something I expected) but we cant play XBLA games either
Like why cant I buy and play arcade games?
They should sell them on the xbox one marketplace and if it knows your account had it then at least give a discount.
One huge disappointment for me is that not only do we not have access to BC (not something I expected) but we cant play XBLA games either
Like why cant I buy and play arcade games?
So they ARE in the store? I don't see them at all.
remake is not necessary,they can just put it on xbox one in 1080p. cheaper for them too.
The more I use the new Xbox One controller, the more I hate it. The bumpers kill it for me. I find the bumpers extremely awkward to press. I didn't really have any major issues until I started playing Dead Rising 3 and trying to run using the left bumper is a pain.
So I have a question, maybe one of you guys can help me out,
When your signed in and at the home screen your profile pic is in the top right, sometimes the profile pic has a coloured bar underneath it (the colour of your theme) other times there isn't a bar there. Anyone know what it means?