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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


why the heck would you ever cold boot? That's a moot point as you should always have it on quick start. The Store takes about 3 seconds. Not slow. I can't comment on elements of the UI in comparison as I haven't used a PS4, but the instant swapping and snapping is pretty fast.

Maybe your TV is set to too high a sharpness because I don't see very many jaggies in KI.

I think if you use your 360 controller again and pay attention you may realize that it too needs pressure on the outside edges of the bumpers, and that's how most people actually press them.

The Kinect should already have a super wide vision - so wide that it can see all of your room. Where are you sitting? You should be able to manually tilt and calibrate it to where you normally sit.

I cold boot on PS4 because it takes mere seconds to do so (SSHD). I don't want to leave the XB1 in standby because it has crazy power consumption to do so. There's no reason why a cold boot should take so long. My Panny 50" VT65 plasma is calibrated and sharpness set at a minimum setting, there's no problems there. I still prefer the 360 controller to both DS4 and XB1. And how does 'super-wide' help with the fact it can't see in 'super-tall' vision. I'm 6'2" and I need to stand well back for it to see all of me.


Killer Instinct looks like a 360 game IMHO. Jaggies galore and nothing there at all that stands out as next-gen.
Except for the amazing particles!!!



I crash every once and a while, but its rare. Seriously, it only happens when the server switches maps to Dawn Breaker. There is something wrong with Dawn breaker.

Strangely enough I don't seem to have a problem with that one on PS4. It's that Locker level with the insane hallway clusterfucks that always errors on me.
Strangely enough I don't seem to have a problem with that one on PS4. It's that Locker level with the insane hallway clusterfucks that always errors on me.

Its not even when im in the game, as soon as i see its switching to dawn breaker, boom, crash to the dash. happy it doesnt lock up the whole console like 360 used to though.


I'm liking how the store is beginning to become alive. They've begun adding trailers for new games and have a little hub for Titanfall. Speaking of which, I need to find Vince Zampella's gamertag and follow him to see when he's playing Titanfall so I can pin it to my start screen.

I was thinking of starting a thread that was a list of "famous" people's gamertags, since it's now more of a Twitter-style follow feature. Of course, by famous, I mean developers, journalists or other public figures in gaming.
I was thinking of starting a thread that was a list of "famous" people's gamertags, since it's now more of a Twitter-style follow feature. Of course, by famous, I mean developers, journalists or other public figures in gaming.

That would be kind of cool -- just a master list of how to follow the industry's most important figures. I'd be into it.
I've just got my Xbox One today after having a PS4 since the 29th. The lure of Peggle 2 was just too much and I couldn't therefore resist the urge to jump in.

But I'm disappointed. Everything seems so bloody slow compared to PS4, whether it's booting up from cold, moving around between different elements of the UI or loading up the Store.

Killer Instinct looks like a 360 game IMHO. Jaggies galore and nothing there at all that stands out as next-gen. I'm downloading the DR3 demo right now so I'll give that a go, and I should be picking up Forza 5 later.

I really hate the bumpers on the controller - it's like the pressure point is on the opposite end of the buttons to where it should be. I like everything else about it though, including the asymmetrical sticks which make me feel back at home again.

Also tried routing Sky through it and it's stuttering hell, I thought they'd have fixed the 50hz issue by now.

Ugh, on the positive side I like the noise it makes when you press the Xbox logo, but it feels like a step-back after PS4. I'm sure I'll change my mind when I get some Peggle 2 and Forza 5 going later though.

EDIT: Kinect can't see my face as it's tilting too low down, is there a way to make it zoom out further? On my 360 Kinect could be adjusted with the motor, but I can only manually tilt Kinect 2.0 down, not up? Unless I prop it up with something perhaps.
The UI took me a while to get used to but if you learn to use the voice commands its blazing fast if you use the controller its a serious pain.
Is there any way to not hear voice chat through your TV when the mic is unplugged? I tried starting a party by myself but that didn't work.

The complaining about the controller is hilarious to me. I hold it and play the same way i did with 360 and its comfortable. Idk how you guys are holding it.

I played the hell out of the 360 controller and this doesn't feel as good.


Yea, I've become aware of how much easier it is to navigate a huge list of apps and games using voice commands. In as little as 2 weeks I had gotten used to jumping directly into ESPN, NFL, Netflix and games. Now that my Kinect is completely dead, the system seems incredibly antiquated. I despise the way both PS4 and Xbox One display your library of stuff. Demo's should never be displayed as part of a library.
The UI took me a while to get used to but if you learn to use the voice commands its blazing fast if you use the controller its a serious pain.

I dont really get why its a pain, it reminds me of the last 360 UI. Voice is faster, but I dont have any problem getting around with controller either.


I was thinking of starting a thread that was a list of "famous" people's gamertags, since it's now more of a Twitter-style follow feature. Of course, by famous, I mean developers, journalists or other public figures in gaming.

I like the idea. It would be cool to follow devs because as games reach states where it's being played on the public version of Live and not dev net, we will start seeing game clips popping up.


It's an interesting idea, but you'd have to make sure that those "famous" people are ok with their gamertag being made public. Some of them may not want to be stalked or harrassed with messages.


It's an interesting idea, but you'd have to make sure that those "famous" people are ok with their gamertag being made public. Some of them may not want to be stalked or harrassed with messages.

They can manage that from their privacy settings
Is there any way to not hear voice chat through your TV when the mic is unplugged? I tried starting a party by myself but that didn't work.

I played the hell out of the 360 controller and this doesn't feel as good.

As did I, feels about the same to me. Maybe a difference in holding style.
I played the hell out of the 360 controller and this doesn't feel as good.

After 60+ hours of play on the console, I can definitely say the controller is an improvement. Going back to the 360 controller feels terrible now. Just don't play Killer Instinct with the analog for 20 hours. That HURTS!


Would a sealed launch edition Xbox One be worth something someday? I assume the one mtn dew is sending me is that like they all have been so far so I was thinking maybe I'll keep that sealed and buy a standard whenever I want to play it


It's an interesting idea, but you'd have to make sure that those "famous" people are ok with their gamertag being made public. Some of them may not want to be stalked or harrassed with messages.

Yeah, and I, myself, don't really have a huge pool to start with. Major Nelson, Garnett Lee and Jeff Cannata. They've all provided theirs publicly.


why the heck would you ever cold boot? That's a moot point as you should always have it on quick start. The Store takes about 3 seconds. Not slow. I can't comment on elements of the UI in comparison as I haven't used a PS4, but the instant swapping and snapping is pretty fast.

Maybe your TV is set to too high a sharpness because I don't see very many jaggies in KI.

I think if you use your 360 controller again and pay attention you may realize that it too needs pressure on the outside edges of the bumpers, and that's how most people actually press them.

The Kinect should already have a super wide vision - so wide that it can see all of your room. Where are you sitting? You should be able to manually tilt and calibrate it to where you normally sit.
I have to agree with pswii60 on some of his points.
The Kinect FOV isn't as big as I hoped it would. The vertical vision is just a tad to small for me to normally stand-up and play Kinect with, and that's with my back to the wall. The horizontal FOV is good, no complaints there.

The UI is faster than the 360, but that wasn't exactly a speedy UI unless you disconnected from XBL. The Xbox One UI is a welcome upgrade but I expected it a tad faster. I blame the app based design for the clunky feeling of the UI. (I don't have any problems with the design of the UI aside from the missing options/info/features)

And yes the cold boot time is a problem. I don't want my consoles in a 10+ watt idle power state running all day and night. But I've hope that the boot times and maybe even the power consumption will be fixed in a future update just like the UI.

Wow this post came out more negative than I expected. And it probably sounds more negative than I intend it to.
I dont really get why its a pain, it reminds me of the last 360 UI. Voice is faster, but I dont have any problem getting around with controller either.
Honestly they just need more tabs and the friends and party system needs to be overhauled. I think things just take one or so too many movements. The guide button made messages party, and invites etc were way better in my opinion. The guide button is gone so I have to return to my home and go to a separate app to do anything. Its pretty frustrating but mostly because it worked so well before.


People like to judge based on screenshots :( And screenshots don't do KI any justice. It looks great in motion.
On RGB Full it has crushed blacks on my PC monitor so I have to use RGB Limited which is odd since I used RGB Full on 360, PS3 and PS4 with no problems, then again there's a sharpening filter for sub 1080p games except Ryse.


Is there any way to not hear voice chat through your TV when the mic is unplugged? I tried starting a party by myself but that didn't work.

No, not right now. Per an xbox support link when I googled this, there is supposed to be a toggle under settings --> sound, but it doesn't exist yet (unless they added it with the update, I haven't checked lately).

Chitown B

I cold boot on PS4 because it takes mere seconds to do so (SSHD). I don't want to leave the XB1 in standby because it has crazy power consumption to do so. There's no reason why a cold boot should take so long. My Panny 50" VT65 plasma is calibrated and sharpness set at a minimum setting, there's no problems there. I still prefer the 360 controller to both DS4 and XB1. And how does 'super-wide' help with the fact it can't see in 'super-tall' vision. I'm 6'2" and I need to stand well back for it to see all of me.

The X1 is made to be in standby. It was built around being on all the time or bootable with Kinect instantly. Which needs standby.


Xbox One standby - 15W
PS4 standby - 8W

X1 wins in every power consumption except standby, and I'll bet that is because of the Kinect.

Chicago average KwH is about 12.6 (probably higher than national average). With that, 24 hours a day at 15W is about $16 a year, or $1.33 a month. So please don't state that it uses crazy amounts of power to do so.



on the view part - it unfortunately doesn't move itself anymore. However, I have it below my TV and stood 3 feet back from it and played Xbox Fitness and it saw me fine. I'm 6'4".


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
So my impressions on setting up a second XB1 in the house. First, and slightly unrelated, does anyone else have a Day One controller and a standard one? On both the one that came in the standard box and the extra that I bought the bumpers have a noticeable click when I press them whereas on the Day One controller they are much softer with barely any audible click. Don't know if it's just different that way or if it's different from controller to controller.

Anyway, the second XBox is working out really well. I can confirm that you can definitely be playing with a second person over live with a single game purchase. My girlfriend and I played Peggle 2 against each other and did a co-op session in Zoo Tycoon. It did give me a couple of errors saying it couldn't create the game session or something like that but I don't think that was related.

The cloud stuff works really well, whenever I go from one Xbox to the other it syncs all my game info so that my saves are just there. It's quite slick and much much easier than on the 360.

It's also quite impressive that Kinect works well for the facial recognition despite the fact we're very close to it and tend to be laying down.

The only issue we're having is that since we live in a loft space which is basically one room the voice commands occasionally get picked up by both Kinects. Hopefully that gets sorted in the future with Kinect being able to determine if you're talking or if it's someone from somewhere else and ignore them.


On RGB Full it has crushed blacks on my PC monitor so I have to use RGB Limited which is odd since I used RGB Full on 360, PS3 and PS4 with no problems, then again there's a sharpening filter for sub 1080p games except Ryse.
I think it is a problem with the full RGB settings in the One. My PS3, and PC are both on full RGB and show no problems but the One gets crushed blacks on my TV when I enable full RGB.

Did the 360 support full RGB? (I've got mine running in standard HDMI mode)
And I've got no clue what my WiiU uses.

Chitown B

I can confirm that you can definitely be playing with a second person over live with a single game purchase. My girlfriend and I played Peggle 2 against each other and did a co-op session in Zoo Tycoon.

I would image it still has to be a certain way - she would have to use the box it was purchased on, while you had to use the other one because then she's on the home console and you are "signed in away"

I think it is a problem with the full RGB settings in the One. My PS3, and PC are both on full RGB and show no problems but the One gets crushed blacks on my TV when I enable full RGB.

Did the 360 support full RGB? (I've got mine running in standard HDMI mode)
And I've got no clue what my WiiU uses.

360 didn't use full RGB. It did use bluray movie color space though, if you wanted.

My screen is also much darker if I use full on the One, so I don't. Only with TV though.


I think it is a problem with the full RGB settings in the One. My PS3, and PC are both on full RGB and show no problems but the One gets crushed blacks on my TV when I enable full RGB.

Did the 360 support full RGB? (I've got mine running in standard HDMI mode)
And I've got no clue what my WiiU uses.
360 did something similar. I played Ryse with Full RGB and it worked perfectly so it's definitely the upscaler's fault for games under 1080p without a custom scaler. Limited and Full here:



And I did beat the game in 5 hours though.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I would image it still has to be a certain way - she would have to use the box it was purchased on, while you had to use the other one because then she's on the home console and you are "signed in away"

No, that's what's better about the new way, you can designate any console as your home console and where you purchased the games doesn't matter. All my games were purchased on the machine in the living room but I just set my bedroom unit as the home console and she can download and play all my games on her account while I'm logged in on the machine in the living room and can play them as well. If we wanted to do the opposite and can just switch my other console to the home console. AFAIK there is no limit to this like there was with the 360.


360 did something similar. I played Ryse with Full RGB and it worked perfectly so it's definitely the upscaler's fault for games under 1080p without a custom scaler. Limited and Full here:

And I did beat the game in 5 hours though.
The lower screen looks much better. Is there a list of known games that are affected by the upscaler? Or is it every game that uses the out-of-the-gate MS upscale solution?


I would image it still has to be a certain way - she would have to use the box it was purchased on, while you had to use the other one because then she's on the home console and you are "signed in away"

360 didn't use full RGB. It did use bluray movie color space though, if you wanted.

My screen is also much darker if I use full on the One, so I don't. Only with TV though.
RGB Full works with 1080p games fine for me or ones with custom scalers like Ryse, but when I played DR3 and KI with RGB Full it crashed the blacks so I had to set it to Limited.


The lower screen looks much better. Is there a list of known games that are affected by the upscaler? Or is it every game that uses the out-of-the-gate MS upscale solution?
I know DR3 and KI are affected, but it should be pretty much any game below 1080p except Ryse.


So I just got my new replacement (via the advanced option thing), is there anything I should do to the faulty console before loading up my new one?
I feel like some gaffer said to disable something, but I can't seem to find his message among all these pages...
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