Got my Xbox One yesterday.
Overall, great experience !
Even though i played most of the games released at my friend's house. I was amazed how some games looked very good on my tv. Colors feel more vivid on Xbox One than PS4. On PS4, games have that washed out look to them but have better resolution. Maybe that doesn't say much but games on Xbox One definitely look great !
Killer Instinct is amazing, haters can say whatever they want but i'm getting a grip on the game and it's mad mad fun !
Tried some Battlefield 4 and that also looks very good on my tv.
I didn't have any problems with crushed blacks, games look great on my tv as i said.
Downloads were extremely fast, i think they were even faster than my PS4. Downloaded Killer Instinct in 12 minutes, Kinect Sports Rivals in like 10 minutes... i was impressed !
My Kinect doesn't seem to work well all the time though, had some difficulties in Kinect Sports Rivals recognizing my gestures, especially in the menu...
Controller is great but i'm still not sure if it's better than the PS4 controller, triggers and sticks are definitely better, they feel so good !!! Bumpers on the other hand, RB and LB, suck big time though, many times i press with the tip of my fingers and it just doesn't feel right.
Overall, i would say the system is great, i'm enjoying the games more because there's variety compared to PS4. People did exaggerate how the XB1 is, there is way too many negativity towards the XB1 that is not deserved imo. Playing Killer Instinct alone felt so good ! Seriously, this game is underrated, it's probably one of the best remakes in fighting games i've ever seen, the music, the announcer, the combos are so fun to execute !
The system definitely needs to be refined, some sections are hard to find, navigating the menus with the controller needs to be more intuitive and easy, some things need to be faster also... but that's no big deal as the games play right and an update will come to rectify this.
Now, i'm probably gonna buy Forza 5 as i need my racing games fix asap ! Also looking forward to Ryse but i will not pay 60$ for the game as i heard it's short. Will wait for a deal...