I'm not saying there aren't issues but to say it is garbage is silly. At most they are minor annoyances which can be fixed with a patch. However at a basic level navigation with a controller works fine. There are also lots of improvements.
I quite like how you conviniently ignored half my post detailing why I think it's a success. It's not the individual features but the experience taken as a whole which makes it so good.
I wasn't ignoring it at all, it's just I already addressed this issue. Most people who disagree with me say the same as you... they simply do value the few seconds here and there voice commands save as a rule, and they have the idea that things like leaning or whatever are 'enough.' If that is 'enough', then our value judgments are incredibly different. I evaluate it on the way it actually improves games. For me, just like Kinect 1.0, the little stuff added to the games frequently makes games worse from a gameplay perspective (leaning in BF4 with the Kinect, for example, was demonstrably less efficient and reliable than a simple button press would be. Shaking for Ryse would be less effective and reliable than a simple button press, and I say the same thing actually for SixAxis use in that way). And, even allowing for Fitness, we have Fighters Within, a sequel to one of the worst games of last gen also being the worst rated game of the new gen or Just Dance 4 as actual full Kinect games right now. I think Zoo Tycoon has the best use of Kinect from my experience, but it's not very broad or impressive. How can this not be considered a failure of strategy when Kinect is so central to their vision?
My entire point was that because of how important Kinect is to the system, because of how they emphasize it and because of the added cost and trade-offs that occurred because of it, was it worth it? That was my point and why I criticize it. Was it worth, for example, most XBO games being at 720p because the hardware is significantly less powerful so they could get the system out at the price it is? Or the endless ways in which that extra hardware power could have been used? Are the little conveniences worth the losses, in other words? Because there were trade off due to it.
Which brings us back to where the conversation started: Most people are not yet missing out on much if they decide not to use Kinect, because these are games consoles and it does not yet have a really compelling library of Kinect software, really at all. I was responding to someone saying another gamer was missing half the experience by not using it until a compelling game comes out for it. My point was when that software started coming, then I think that's when we can discuss if that statement of 'missing out' would be true for most people.
I don't know why anyone would think this is an unfair assessment.
Also claiming that we could only possibly like the new system if we had very low standards is ridiculous.
I don't know why this point is offensive to you (and it's just Kinect, by the way) - having a low standard for something is not
necessarily a bad thing. For example, you may value voice commands so much - as you apparently do - that this was all that was ever required for you to be happy, regardless of if it could be done with a headset or not. That would be a low standard, but it wouldn't be a negative. The reason I put it that way is simply because we are having a discussion for which either side tries to persuade the other of their points. If someone has a standard which is considerably 'lower' than others, than criticism would not ring strong for such a person in general. By definition, they'd always find it confusing that others have such problems. They would call such things 'nitpicking.'
Anyway, I REALLY have to run now. Just didn't want to leave without giving you the respect to respond, since you spent the time responding to me.
Hammer24 said:
But not concentrating on controller use, as this is pointless with Kinect. But for the Kinect use, like adding more voice commands, or giving the possibility to add your own commands, stuff like that.
You can do both. Not doing both, however, would actually be a disservice to all their customers.