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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


As I said, if this bare effort is a 'success' for you guys, then none of these opinions are particularly valuable - they could have obviously done virtually anything and been a success. They launched with almost no compelling Kinect software - even if we GIVE you fitness - and basically have a glorified voice thing that either doesn't work in all launch territories, fails to work for many gamers correctly and has its own issues.
We know that Microsoft intended for Kinect Sports Rivals to be available on launch, but they simply couldn't make it. What do you want then? An unfinished game that's broken and only helps in showing off that bad coding doesn't work with Kinect, making people think that the new Kinect is bad/horrble/etc.

It wasn't the smartest move for MS to bet on one horse from their own studios. But as I've said and others to, there's plenty here that's shows us that we didn't threw the extra "100" bucks into the drain.
Why can't there just be one thread for people to come and be happy and positive with their XB1 purchase without getting abuse.
Amir0x has every right to criticize the XB1, and so do others. At least he isn't coming in here using the same old boring stupid drive-by posts that you see in 99% of the XB1 related threads such as "720p hur dur", "PS4 strogner hud dur" and the lists goes on. I'd say it is refreshing to see someone that isn't a fan of the new road MS took explain himself and not fall down to troll level.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Fucking christ. Again, you do not exist in a rainbow, lolipop and fairy dust world. We are having a discussing about genuine issues that LEGIONS of gamers have complained about, whether you personally have those issues or not. There is no 'haven' from that critical analysis, any positive discussion is allowed in equal measure to negative. I have been positive about the things i love - like Xbox One's superior launch offerings and its positive 2014 look in games - and negative about the things I don't. I would also recommend detaching yourself emotionally from videogame purchases you make: critiquing a piece of technology is not the same as making a statement about you.

The issues with the UI navigation for controllers are demonstrable and have been itemized, and even Nelson replied they've seen them and are taking these things seriously and we'll likely see tons of it fixed in future updates.

If you cannot take that, then you obviously do not want a 'discussion' forum. You want a fanboy forum.

I don't have an XB1, I do enjoy coming here to read about it though whilst I wait.


Right.. except it's not. I navigate just fine. That there are problems sure, but for the main part it does the job. They did make some weird decisions.

As Interaction Designer I am pretty critical about ui's and this one does the job.

It's also your opinion, which you are entitled to, but to state it as a fact that it's crap.. come on.

To me, it is crap with a controller. But, we don't even need to utilize my opinion. There is a list out there you guys can see, it was publicized on GAF and there was a topic about it, that itemizes all the ways the UI has regressed if you're trying to use a controller. It is really obtuse in many ways now, where the 360 simply wasn't. This is as objective as it gets: it illustrates fairly well in how many ways it is actively worse for UI navigation with controllers than what came before. Why should this be?

Should we not be complaining now that the UI is not even as good as 360's was for a controller? What is the line here? Is this actually NITPICKING to you guys?

Caayn said:
We know that Microsoft intended for Kinect Sports Rivals to be available on launch, but they simply couldn't make it. What do you want then? An unfinished game that's broken and only helps in showing off that bad coding doesn't work with Kinect, making people think that the new Kinect is bad/horrble/etc.

It wasn't the smartest move for MS to bet on one horse from their own studios. But as I've said and others to, there's plenty here that's shows us that we didn't threw the extra "100" bucks into the drain.

They should wait. Absolutely. This is where the nuance of this discussion comes into. Someone said "you're missing out" to another user who said they didn't use Kinect until the games start coming. I disagreed, saying until they have compelling flagship software, nobody is really missing much. Some quaint conveniences with Kinect and (for some here) that fitness thing. I think that alone is a pretty good and fair position to take. So I was basically saying WHEN Kinect Rival Sports comes, that is when I think conversation and its importance to the system itself will start to be a real factor for the larger market. I think - but maybe I'm wrong! - that most people would at least agree it is software that is going to be needed to sell the device to people.


Well that's a load of bullshit. The UI is absolutely fine with the controller, it just takes some getting used to because it works very differently to the 360's.

Also it seems voice commands are a really weird issue. Mine work perfectly fine 9/10 times. And most of the time it doesn't work because I say the command completely wrong or mumble loads.

He is clearly not doing it correctly and you probably aren't either if about 30% of yours don't work.

UI is usable but it's just not as good as the in-game 360 guide, certain things such as parties and achievements are implemented pretty terribly.

Also with voice commands I've noticed that mine work perfectly if I'm less than ~5 metres from kinect, but beyond that the success rate just plummets.


It's not bullshit at all. If you are saying it's bullshit, you're seriously not being objective. There is a list that people have put together from hardcore fans that analyze the entire UI, and there are so many ways it has regressed versus what we had before for controller support it's literally insane.

This is you either being intentionally non-critical to justify or defend your purchase or simply choosing to ignore the endless mountains of ways in which this UI is a load of complete garbage for navigation with a controller. It just fucking is dude.

As I said, if this bare effort is a 'success' for you guys, then none of these opinions are particularly valuable - they could have obviously done virtually anything and been a success. They launched with almost no compelling Kinect software - even if we GIVE you fitness - and basically have a glorified voice thing that either doesn't work in all launch territories, fails to work for many gamers correctly and has its own issues.

Seriously, with standards that low, what's the point in debating? You'll be happy with anything. Which I guess should be good for you guys. It's just not very interesting for critical analysis.

It works perfectly fine for me, I'd like to see this list as I haven't heard of it before. Also I consider it a success purely because it's cool.

It's awesome to walk into the room and have the Xbox turn on, switch my TV on and sign me in all from just saying 'Xbox On'. It only saves a few seconds of time however it feels awesome. It legitimately feels next gen. Then there's the Kinect features in games. No it hasn't got a flagship Kinect game yet but all the added features are great. Shoving the controller to knock Zombies away instead of a stupid stick waggle or button press, headtracking in Forza and Battlefield.

None of these are game changers but they all add up to make a really great experience.

Seriously, with standards that low,

Also why is this guy unbanned again?


It's not bullshit at all. If you are saying it's bullshit, you're seriously not being objective. There is a list that people have put together from hardcore fans that analyze the entire UI, and there are so many ways it has regressed versus what we had before for controller support it's literally insane.

This is you either being intentionally non-critical to justify or defend your purchase or simply choosing to ignore the endless mountains of ways in which this UI is a load of complete garbage for navigation with a controller. It just fucking is dude.

As I said, if this bare effort is a 'success' for you guys, then none of these opinions are particularly valuable - they could have obviously done virtually anything and been a success. They launched with almost no compelling Kinect software - even if we GIVE you fitness - and basically have a glorified voice thing that either doesn't work in all launch territories, fails to work for many gamers correctly and has its own issues.

Seriously, with standards that low, what's the point in debating? You'll be happy with anything. Which I guess should be good for you guys. It's just not very interesting for critical analysis.

there are tons of issues with the UI, but to claim it doesn't work with the controller is silly to me. I've used it with Kinect disconnected before and didn't have issues. Sorry voice controls don't work for you? Personally, I prefer designing a new UI from the ground up to support the best way to control various interactions -- and IMO, what's there works very well, the issue is that a lot is entirely missing -- than sticking to an old format and trying to tag voice controls onto that, which probably wouldn't work.

The problem with "critical analysis" is that everyone thinks their opinion is that. From my perspective, people coming in deciding they hate kinect as a concept prior to using it, unsurprisingly leads to a bad experience. The current UI isn't built that way, and I wouldn't recommend it for people who feel like that. I use the controller and voice commands, and it works great for me.

Complaining that it is "complete garbage" with a controller isn't true based on my experience, and complaining that it's not as good with just a controller seems like pointing out the obvious. Most cars aren't as good if you take off one of the wheels -- the XB1 needs kinect and if you don't want it or it somehow doesn't work for you, your experience will suffer.


I have not tried it, no. I did watch my friends girl try it out a bit, but it did not seem particularly unique from other fitness games/programs I've seen with motion tech

But it is. It also actively measures how much you use your muscles, so there is no bullshitting the system. I´m not aware of others that do it, and I think its a game changer, as it takes the interactivity to a whole new level.

But I do think if we're being honest here we would say that's not what's going to be the gaming hit on a hardcore gaming forum for most of us, and that there have been a million fitness programs and games before this one and it's not showing us anything markedly different than what we already know Kinect is capable of.

This reads a bit like moving goalposts to dizziness. K2 uses full body range movements and thermal data (Fitness)? Not hardcore. K2 uses part body movements, even while sitting down (Sports Preseason)? Not hardcore. K2 adds convenience in an unobtrusive way in a hardcore title (BF4)? Pointless.

Do you legitimately think for most people right now that the fitness and the slight conveniences of voice commands (which, I must once again stress, should and could be done entirely with a headset) for some are spurning on the sales here?

I wasn´t aware this is now a sales discussion. But if you go down that route, I´d say that many people who saw a well setup X1 system are going to want one. Not necessarily as a pure gaming machine, but as the entertainment hub for their living room. And Kinect is an integral part of it, that makes it convenient to use.

I mean it doesn't surprise me some think this. People spent years trying to convince me Kinect 1.0 was some special game changer and in the end it was years of wasteland territory for games, and I always used my controller over the voice because I cannot stand things that are not 100% reliable. I have no desire in regression.

I cannot comment on that, as I never owned a Kinect 1.

I can see conversational nuance is not your strong suite here. ;)

I´m not a native speaker, so please allow some leeway for not getting your nuances.

As I said, I am pretty sure they didn't actually do it to be dicks. But that's just the end result of how it feels. Your analogy is absurd because the 360 UI and PS4 UI and most other UI actually works wonderfully for controllers most of the time. The Xbox One UI for controllers is actively worse than pretty much any other major system's UI for that purpose. They didn't baseline, they actively regressed if you are a controller user. Your TV analogy would only work if after they released the remote control, they then set about changing the way the buttons on the front of a TV work so that it's a completely unintuitive and confusing system that works significantly worse than when buttons did before remotes were invented. In actuality, just like remote controls have improved navigating for TVs, the button system without a remote didn't regress. In most cases, that itself also improved alongside TV remotes. TV remotes are still preferable, of course, but nothing regressed.

But my analogy works perfectly. Before remote controls, you had a plethora of buttons on your TV, to get to all settings and menus. Afterwards you didn´t, as they simply weren´t necessary anymore. If I had a hatred for remote controls, I´d be hard pressed to calibrate my flatscreen. But with the remote it works easily like a charm. Might need some getting used to, but once you did there is no turning back.

Is there some reason why the UI had to be designed to function worse than it did for 360 and PS3 and PS4 and Wii U? Did Kinect cause some design malfunction that I don't know about? Shit, they could have a UI that functions as well as 360 did with a controller and still have the exact same improvement in Kinect voice functionality. So, do you have an answer as to why it got worse?

I don´t think it got worse that much. It could use a little more organizing, but in the end with voice commands I can get anywhere directly within a second, and that's much faster than it ever was for me on the 360 with the controller. And while we´re at the 360: compare the launch dashboard with the EOL one. I think we´ll see the same with X1.


They should wait. Absolutely. This is where the nuance of this discussion comes into. Someone said "you're missing out" to another user who said they didn't use Kinect until the games start coming. I disagreed, saying until they have compelling flagship software, nobody is really missing much. Some quaint conveniences with Kinect and (for some here) that fitness thing. I think that alone is a pretty good and fair position to take. So I was basically saying WHEN Kinect Rival Sports comes, that is when I think conversation and its importance to the system itself will start to be a real factor for the larger market. I think - but maybe I'm wrong! - that most people would at least agree it is software that is going to be needed to sell the device to people.

yeah atleast there are good games to play on xone while on ps4 you have ... knack and killzone. id say get a xbox one now and wait for games on ps4.

But, we don't even need to utilize my opinion.
am i doing it right ?


It works perfectly fine for me, I'd like to see this list as I haven't heard of it before. Also I consider it a success purely because it's cool.

Does party chat work perfectly fine for you as well? What about tv navigation with a controller?

Here, Check out this website that extensively details many of the UI's current problems (also by the way details PS4 and Wii U's UI problems). Nelson even said they saw it and hear us.

Why can Nelson and Microsoft appropriately take criticism and understand things need to seriously be fixed, but others want to plant their head in the sand right now about such inoffensive claims as 'this shit is demonstrably worse with a controller than the 360 was. This is a huge regression in that regard.' For me, it is garbage with a controller because it's such a step back from what we had before for that purpose. That for me is a real problem, enough to call it 'garbage.' The language itself seems to always be the issue. Focus on the actual jist of the point, not how severe I think the point deserves to be. The severity of the problem is obviously just a personal issue, but it has been reported by endless gamers who actually have the system and evaluated it far more extensively than I. So it's not just empty complaints.

I mean, you're a consumer. The experience will be improved for you as well as me if you also make the push to fix these basic problems.

Also why is this guy unbanned again?

If something can be a success for an individual with virtually no software to actually support the wild claims that it makes, and just off the back of doing something they could have done (with the exception of fast select profiles) with basic headsets, then those standards must by definition be low. How is this a wrong descriptor? How much lower of a baseline would be required for you to admit it would NOT be worth $100 extra dollars and the expense of technical prowess? Would it have to injure you or something? This is a hobby about games, and I am evaluating it from that perspective.

Also, backseat modding is actually the ticket to be banned. For the record. Not calling something that is a low standard a low standard.

yeah atleast there are good games to play on xone while on ps4 you have ... knack and killzone. id say get a xbox one now and wait for games on ps4.

But, we don't even need to utilize my opinion.
am i doing it right ?

Just again to show how people don't actually want to read the full nuance of a conversation. This is me just a few posts above you:

Amir0x said:
I have been positive about the things i love - like Xbox One's superior launch offerings and its positive 2014 look in games - and negative about the things I don't

I consider XBO's launch offerings to be vastly superior to PS4's launch offerings, although I am never happy with launches in general. Similarly, based on what we've seen of 2014 at this moment, I would also say XBO's offerings are more appealing overall. I just won't make that proclamation since Sony has approximately 8 (I think it's 7 now after UC4 was revealed) unannounced games for PS4 in 2014 (or so they say), so it'd be an incomplete judgment.

One day people like you will understand it's just purely about making a better environment for games and gamers. System wars shit is for fanboys.


Started Xbox Fitness earlier.

Pretty great, but really shows how out of shape I am. Was dripping with sweat from doing a 10 minute, low impact session.


That shit... I can't even begin to do that, even after my lost weight. That shit kills me in regular form. Does the Xbox Fitness version like tell you to call the hospital if you're about to die when doing P90X? lol
Couldn't find an OT, but man is Dead Rising fun! Just finished it up (roughly 14 hours of playing it). Can't wait to get into nightmare mode. Game pleasantly surprised me :)



That shit... I can't even begin to do that, even after my lost weight. That shit kills me in regular form. Does the Xbox Fitness version like tell you to call the hospital if you're about to die when doing P90X? lol

P90X is only available in longer training sessions. The 10 minute ones are pretty basic.
and still killing me :(


Couldn't find an OT, but man is Dead Rising fun! Just finished it up (roughly 14 hours of playing it). Can't wait to get into nightmare mode. Game pleasantly surprised me :)

Dead Rising 3 Official Launch thread.

Now off to NYC to go museum browsing with my nephews and nieces. Yay :D

Edit: Before I go, again guys, I am not trying to just be combative with you. I genuinely believe there are real problems which are fairly obvious, and I believe it would benefit all of us if we work together to push for improvements. I am as aggressively on point about any subject and any company, Sony and Nintendo fans can tell you. It's just a passion and drive to want to see gaming improved for everyone.

no angel

I think garbage is a strong descriptor for the xbone's UI. There are definite regressions from the 360's but just because it's not as good doesn't make it garbage. Disappointing maybe, sub-optimal definitely but when you throw strong terms like 'garbage' around you have to expect some push back on your posts.

As far as voice control goes I would disagree with your assumption that you don't miss out by leaving kinect disconnected. Although you may feel that it could be achieved just as easily with a mic as with kinect as there is (currently) no mic only option so that's a fairly disingenuous comment. Voice control elevates the xbone's UI from pain-in-the-arse to manageable and plenty of elements are far easer to navigate with voice than with the controller. People who leave kinect in the box are missing out IMO, or at the very least making their experience with the console far more awkward than they need to.

For what it's worth I'm enjoying the console and although the UI isn't perfect it's serviceable. I've had plenty of nat and voice chat problems but that's about it. Can't comment on tv though as I live in the uk.


That list you posted earlier is bang on point though, agree with all of it.


Does party chat work perfectly fine for you as well? What about tv navigation with a controller?

Here, Check out this website that extensively details many of the UI's current problems. Nelson even said they saw it and hear us.

Why can Nelson and Microsoft appropriately take criticism and understand things need to seriously be fixed, but others want to plant their head in the sand right now about such inoffensive claims as 'this shit is demonstrably worse with a controller than the 360 was. This is a huge regression in that regard.' For me, it is garbage with a controller because it's such a step back from what we had before for that purpose. That for me is a real problem, enough to call it 'garbage.' The language itself seems to always be the issue. Focus on the actual jist of the point, not how severe I think the point deserves to be. The severity of the problem is obviously just a personal issue, but it has been reported by endless gamers who actually have the system and evaluated it far more extensively than I. So it's not just empty complaints.

I mean, you're a consumer. The experience will be improved for you as well as me if you also make the push to fix these basic problems.

If something can be a success for an individual with virtually no software to actually support the wild claims that it makes, and just off the back of doing something they could have done (with the exception of fast select profiles) with basic headsets, then those standards must by definition be low. How is this a wrong descriptor? How much lower of a baseline would be required for you to admit it would NOT be worth $100 extra dollars and the expense of technical prowess? Would it have to injure you or something? This is a hobby about games, and I am evaluating it from that perspective.

Also, backseat modding is actually the ticket to be banned. For the record. Not calling something that is a low standard a low standard.

I'm not saying there aren't issues but to say it is garbage is silly. At most they are minor annoyances which can be fixed with a patch. However at a basic level navigation with a controller works fine. There are also lots of improvements.

I quite like how you conviniently ignored half my post detailing why I think it's a success. It's not the individual features but the experience taken as a whole which makes it so good. Also claiming that we could only possibly like the new system if we had very low standards is ridiculous. Everything is subjective and just because you have seriously negative bias towards Kinect doesn't mean other people who like it have low standards.

It's like saying "You like X game that I don't like? You must have low standards" can you see how ridiculous that sounds?


Ok I've got this weird problem with updates. Everytime a game has an update it prompts me as it should. And stats searching for the update, during the first try it fails everytime regardless of the game. And when I click "Try Again" it directly finds the update and starts installing.
It's not really a problem but it's strange that I need to search twice for an update before it starts the install.

Anyone else also have this?


Just for the record: I´d like to see improvements in the UI too.
But not concentrating on controller use, as this is pointless with Kinect. But for the Kinect use, like adding more voice commands, or giving the possibility to add your own commands, stuff like that.

Captain N

Junior Member
I was just thinking about Arkham Origins coming to Xbox One. I think it would be cool, but at the same time I could see them releasing the Arkham Trilogy on Xbox One. Thoughts?


I'm not saying there aren't issues but to say it is garbage is silly. At most they are minor annoyances which can be fixed with a patch. However at a basic level navigation with a controller works fine. There are also lots of improvements.

I quite like how you conviniently ignored half my post detailing why I think it's a success. It's not the individual features but the experience taken as a whole which makes it so good.

I wasn't ignoring it at all, it's just I already addressed this issue. Most people who disagree with me say the same as you... they simply do value the few seconds here and there voice commands save as a rule, and they have the idea that things like leaning or whatever are 'enough.' If that is 'enough', then our value judgments are incredibly different. I evaluate it on the way it actually improves games. For me, just like Kinect 1.0, the little stuff added to the games frequently makes games worse from a gameplay perspective (leaning in BF4 with the Kinect, for example, was demonstrably less efficient and reliable than a simple button press would be. Shaking for Ryse would be less effective and reliable than a simple button press, and I say the same thing actually for SixAxis use in that way). And, even allowing for Fitness, we have Fighters Within, a sequel to one of the worst games of last gen also being the worst rated game of the new gen or Just Dance 4 as actual full Kinect games right now. I think Zoo Tycoon has the best use of Kinect from my experience, but it's not very broad or impressive. How can this not be considered a failure of strategy when Kinect is so central to their vision?

My entire point was that because of how important Kinect is to the system, because of how they emphasize it and because of the added cost and trade-offs that occurred because of it, was it worth it? That was my point and why I criticize it. Was it worth, for example, most XBO games being at 720p because the hardware is significantly less powerful so they could get the system out at the price it is? Or the endless ways in which that extra hardware power could have been used? Are the little conveniences worth the losses, in other words? Because there were trade off due to it.

Which brings us back to where the conversation started: Most people are not yet missing out on much if they decide not to use Kinect, because these are games consoles and it does not yet have a really compelling library of Kinect software, really at all. I was responding to someone saying another gamer was missing half the experience by not using it until a compelling game comes out for it. My point was when that software started coming, then I think that's when we can discuss if that statement of 'missing out' would be true for most people.

I don't know why anyone would think this is an unfair assessment.

Also claiming that we could only possibly like the new system if we had very low standards is ridiculous.

I don't know why this point is offensive to you (and it's just Kinect, by the way) - having a low standard for something is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, you may value voice commands so much - as you apparently do - that this was all that was ever required for you to be happy, regardless of if it could be done with a headset or not. That would be a low standard, but it wouldn't be a negative. The reason I put it that way is simply because we are having a discussion for which either side tries to persuade the other of their points. If someone has a standard which is considerably 'lower' than others, than criticism would not ring strong for such a person in general. By definition, they'd always find it confusing that others have such problems. They would call such things 'nitpicking.'

Anyway, I REALLY have to run now. Just didn't want to leave without giving you the respect to respond, since you spent the time responding to me.

Hammer24 said:
But not concentrating on controller use, as this is pointless with Kinect. But for the Kinect use, like adding more voice commands, or giving the possibility to add your own commands, stuff like that.

You can do both. Not doing both, however, would actually be a disservice to all their customers.
Dead Rising 3 Official Launch thread.

Now off to NYC to go museum browsing with my nephews and nieces. Yay :D

Edit: Before I go, again guys, I am not trying to just be combative with you. I genuinely believe there are real problems which are fairly obvious, and I believe it would benefit all of us if we work together to push for improvements. I am as aggressively on point about any subject and any company, Sony and Nintendo fans can tell you. It's just a passion and drive to want to see gaming improved for everyone.

I get that mate but to me it seems more often your approach is "I am right and you are wrong and here are some things that mean my subjective view is a fact".
My opinion for what it's worth is that if you approached it as "I disagree because..." instead of "Everyone except me is factually wrong because..." then maybe you'd get a better response.


My entire point was that because of how important Kinect is to the system, because of how they emphasize it and because of the added cost and trade-offs that occurred because of it, was it worth it? That was my point and why I criticize it. Was it worth, for example, most XBO games being at 720p because the hardware is significantly less powerful so they could get the system out at the price it is? Or the endless ways in which that extra hardware power could have been used? Are the little conveniences worth the losses, in other words? Because there were trade off due to it.

The point is, that many people (just read this very thread) after using the X1 for a while just don´t see this "tradeoffs". At least not the way you do.
"Most X1 games being 720p" is one of those exaggerations. A couple of rushed ports are, but many others are not, and right now its hard to say what the situation will look like in a couple of years. For me personally, I´d take a game with 900p and the eye candy of Ryse any day.
But I think one can´t evaluate the X1 as a games machine alone. Its also an entertainment hub, used for watching TV, listening to music, movies on demand etc.pp. And Kinect is, IMO of course, the integrating factor that brings all this together in a convenient way, that's makes it also usable for the non-technophile (like my wife). She´d never run around the house with a headset. But the voice commands she picked up immediately, and its now the only way we watch TV (disclaimer: I´m not American, but European). Its also the very first time my wife actually plays with one of my consoles. And I can´t contribute this to anything else then the convenience of using the Kinect controls (not just voice, but gesture too).
So, to answer your question, Yes the X1 is worth it to me and my family. Even the way it is right now, with the UI as it is, and the very small game collection.


So I cracked and bought one yesterday to sit next to my ps4 and Wii u, thoughts:

- I still would have preferred a Kinect-less sku, but Kinect 2 works much better. Being able to turn on my amp and tv automatically is a really great touch
- I didn't like the controller initially but I am warming to it. The new triggers are much, much better.
- The ui is awful with a controller. Navigating by voice makes it much nicer, and once Microsoft fix a few flaws it'll be a great interface. I really love the new gamer pics.
- Dead Rising 3 is good fun, enjoying it a lot more than I did killzone. Crimson Dragon is excellent too

I still think the ps4 is the nicer pure gaming machine, but once TV support comes to the UK I think the Xbox will get more use in my household.. which was Microsofts strategy. Be interesting to see where things fall in a couple of years.


There are issues ofcourse but im sure these will be ironed out, and what has been delivered is enough to offset some of the dissapointment. MS has shown it will dedicates lots of time and effort with their dashboard looking back at 360, continually integrateing and tweakong so im not worried. Alot of drama was caused prior to release and now we can sit back and see there wasnt much to worry about.
Weird DR3 seems to have started updating on it's own. Noticed my internet got slower and when I turned on the console it was already almost done.
They need to make this stuff more reliably. BF4 update was out for a whole day and when I came back I manually had to start it.


There are issues ofcourse but im sure these will be ironed out, and what has been delivered is enough to offset some of the dissapointment. MS has shown it will dedicates lots of time and effort with their dashboard looking back at 360, continually integrateing and tweakong so im not worried. Alot of drama was caused prior to release and now we can sit back and see there wasnt much to worry about.

There is a solid foundation there, most of my problems are minor but they add up to make things frustrating compared to the ps4 ui. I am sure they will be ironed out in the coming months though as the interface isn't fundamentally flawed. The voice commands work great until then.

I am really tempted to pick up ryse too, but it doesn't seem like a full price title to me, especially as I know all the launch titles will be a tenner in a few months, as usual.


My friend said he's got it to like 15% failure rate now (it was his system I was testing on), he said he owes most of that to correctly memorizing some of the excessively specific command phrases you sometimes have to use for some apps and the like.

It would probably go to 1% or 2% if he memorized ALL of the specific commands. There is no generalities here unless doing Bing searches.

Amir0x said:
Here, Check out this website that extensively details many of the UI's current problems (also by the way details PS4 and Wii U's UI problems). Nelson even said they saw it and hear us.

You consider that extensive? lol Most of those things are nitpicks.


It will be very interesting in the kind of software MS make for Kinect this gen. They still have big plans for the device no doubt, but I don't think the usual dance related games will work. That being said, Phil Harrison being in charge of software is the best move MS could have done. The guy just gets family gaming like no one else.


There is no generalities here unless doing Bing searches.
It amazes me how natural you can speak against Bing and it will still find what you're searching for. You can basically say it anyway you want it and Bing still recognizes what you mean. Pretty amazing tech.
Wow we managed to go sooo long without the usual negativity in this thread. Hope it goes back to being like that soon.

I would by a t-shirt of almost every Xbox One gamerpic. I love them.

I would happily frame them and put them on the wall. The art work is really beautiful. I want to know who made them.

Does anyone know where MS published patch notes for these updates to apps. Everytime I turn the system on 2-3 apps have been updated. The only way you even know is it push's them to front.

For instances Xbox music and video and upload studio just got updated.

Also anyone start to hear their fan out of no where? Its not annoying but since launch I heard nothing then this time I powered on I can hear it.

Edit...Nevermind. May have been updating no noise again. Whew :)

I also would like some patch notes. Having them would also help for publicity as news sites could use the notes to spread word.

That said, its actually similar, but slightly better than windows 8 apps. They update in the background but youd literally never know because it never tells you.

MS have a learning curve here I presume.

nah...it's a game changer for me. controlling my entertainment system and entire entertainment experience including dash and games is addicting once you are used to it.

i find myself walking into any room with a tv and having a moment of disappointment when I realize I need to go back to the old fashioned way. snapping and jumping directly to a task or feature is cool as hell in a , I never want to go back kind of way

This! I now have an urge to make sure every TV in my house has an XB1 connected to it!

Im actually starting to hate the idea of switching inputs and segregated experiences. now that I can have it all in one.

You know, you are not the only one saying stuff like this. There are some people IRL and here on Gaf that have both the PS4 & Xbox One and it is those people that are constantly saying the same thing and that is that they use the Xbox One a lot more than the PS4. I own both systems and I maybe turned on the PS4 2 times a week since getting the system, whereas my Xbox One is on to watch TV, gaming etc.

Same here and I have a strong feeling that thus trend will grow exponentially. Last gen, the only time a console ever got constant attention from me was when a new game released. Once I was bored of the game, console use dropped dramatically. Like once a week or less. Or not at all.

This time around I own both new xbox and ps at launch for the first time and there is only one console that has been able to transcend the "turn me on to play games/netflix, turn me off when youre not" idea.

I said it a million times before launch (to the obvious type of reaction youd expect from much of the community) and ill keep saying it.

Having a console designed to be turned on every waking second that your television screen is showing a picture (and being successful in doing so) is not something to take lightly. If next gen is about services, having a platform that gives service providers unprecedented amounts of visibility is a very good thing indeed.

Since you have a second Xbox One are using the same Gamertag and just redownloading the games you have on your main system? How is that working? Any Issues? My fiancée I believe bought a 2nd one for Xmas and I just want to make sure that everything will work with the same gamer tag as our primary console.

Thanks for any input!

Yep everything works exactly the same. When you log in on the second console during setup, it brings over everything except the installation files. Your pins, the layout of your pins, colour scheme etc.

if you have a lot of games already it might take a while to install them all again especially if theyre all digital, but no problems.
Max: The curse of brotherhood is awesome. You guys should be playing that. Beautiful game and some fun puzzles. Final boss is a pain because it isnt clear on wbat to do. The checkpoint system saves them lol. Overall a great experience.


Max: The curse of brotherhood is awesome. You guys should be playing that. Beautiful game and some fun puzzles. Final boss is a pain because it isnt clear on wbat to do. The checkpoint system saves them lol. Overall a great experience.

Yeah, I picked it up last night. Really like it so far.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
It will be very interesting in the kind of software MS make for Kinect this gen. They still have big plans for the device no doubt, but I don't think the usual dance related games will work. That being said, Phil Harrison being in charge of software is the best move MS could have done. The guy just gets family gaming like no one else.

A $10 downloadable Kinect drinking game would be brilliant. It would combine various minigames that use the voice and motion sensing and would fill it's niche. It would be a frankenstein of Mario Party, Warioware, Buzz, and Kinect Sports.


I wasn't ignoring it at all, it's just I already addressed this issue. Most people who disagree with me say the same as you... they simply do value the few seconds here and there voice commands save as a rule, and they have the idea that things like leaning or whatever are 'enough.' If that is 'enough', then our value judgments are incredibly different. I evaluate it on the way it actually improves games. For me, just like Kinect 1.0, the little stuff added to the games frequently makes games worse from a gameplay perspective (leaning in BF4 with the Kinect, for example, was demonstrably less efficient and reliable than a simple button press would be. Shaking for Ryse would be less effective and reliable than a simple button press, and I say the same thing actually for SixAxis use in that way). And, even allowing for Fitness, we have Fighters Within, a sequel to one of the worst games of last gen also being the worst rated game of the new gen or Just Dance 4 as actual full Kinect games right now. I think Zoo Tycoon has the best use of Kinect from my experience, but it's not very broad or impressive. How can this not be considered a failure of strategy when Kinect is so central to their vision?

Because, just like you said, that is your opinion. For others (myself included) these are great little features which all add to the experience. Individually they seem very small, however as a whole the Kinect adds enough that I'd say it easily warrants the extra cost.

My entire point was that because of how important Kinect is to the system, because of how they emphasize it and because of the added cost and trade-offs that occurred because of it, was it worth it? That was my point and why I criticize it. Was it worth, for example, most XBO games being at 720p because the hardware is significantly less powerful so they could get the system out at the price it is? Or the endless ways in which that extra hardware power could have been used? Are the little conveniences worth the losses, in other words? Because there were trade off due to it.

Which brings us back to where the conversation started: Most people are not yet missing out on much if they decide not to use Kinect, because these are games consoles and it does not yet have a really compelling library of Kinect software, really at all. I was responding to someone saying another gamer was missing half the experience by not using it until a compelling game comes out for it. My point was when that software started coming, then I think that's when we can discuss if that statement of 'missing out' would be true for most people.

I don't know why anyone would think this is an unfair assessment.

The thing is this isn't just a games console, it's not being marketed as such and those who are buying it know this. It's designed to be a system which encompasses all of your living room entertainment. This is tied all together with the Kinect. If you read through the thread you'll see that a lot of people who were previously skeptical turned out to be pleasantly surprised. If you are buying this system purely for games then yes, the Kinect may not be worth the extra cost. However if you have bought it, it's still worth using because it does make the whole experience better. Stuff like "Xbox, Record that" is fantastic, being able to turn your Xbox, TV and sound system on with two words is really, really cool.

I don't know why this point is offensive to you (and it's just Kinect, by the way) - having a low standard for something is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, you may value voice commands so much - as you apparently do - that this was all that was ever required for you to be happy, regardless of if it could be done with a headset or not. That would be a low standard, but it wouldn't be a negative. The reason I put it that way is simply because we are having a discussion for which either side tries to persuade the other of their points. If someone has a standard which is considerably 'lower' than others, than criticism would not ring strong for such a person in general. By definition, they'd always find it confusing that others have such problems. They would call such things 'nitpicking.'

Anyway, I REALLY have to run now. Just didn't want to leave without giving you the respect to respond, since you spent the time responding to me.

I don't like it because of exactly what this guy said:

I get that mate but to me it seems more often your approach is "I am right and you are wrong and here are some things that mean my subjective view is a fact".
My opinion for what it's worth is that if you approached it as "I disagree because..." instead of "Everyone except me is factually wrong because..." then maybe you'd get a better response.

You may believe that you'd have to have low standards to like the Kinect, however that doesn't make it fact.
Why are you guys replying to Amirox? He by his own admission only played Xbox one for a day. He is a well known detractor of Xbox in general. He is just baiting you guys. He would've hated the UI and Kinect no matter what.

He is normally a great poster/contributor but dude hates Xbox.
Max: The curse of brotherhood is awesome. You guys should be playing that. Beautiful game and some fun puzzles. Final boss is a pain because it isnt clear on wbat to do. The checkpoint system saves them lol. Overall a great experience.

How long is the experience, just out of curiosity? Also, how well does the "marker" mechanic work in this game. It looks like something made for Vita and or Wii U so I am curious if it works well enough using an xb controller.


How long is the experience, just out of curiosity? Also, how well does the "marker" mechanic work in this game. It looks like something made for Vita and or Wii U so I am curious if it works well enough using an xb controller.

The marker works pretty good. It has a slight snappy aim assist to help you draw things.

The game is about 6 hours long. Took me 11 hours to get the full 1000 gamerscore. Great game, highly recommended.
How long is the experience, just out of curiosity? Also, how well does the "marker" mechanic work in this game. It looks like something made for Vita and or Wii U so I am curious if it works well enough using an xb controller.

One guy had over 6 hours. It's a great little platformer though.

I got one hour after beating chapter 1.


With Apple purchasing Primesense how will this affect MS and the Xbone if Apple decide to bring out Apple TV with kinect abilities?
How long is the experience, just out of curiosity? Also, how well does the "marker" mechanic work in this game. It looks like something made for Vita and or Wii U so I am curious if it works well enough using an xb controller.
It would definitely benefit from a stylus, but you can do everything with the controller with no problem. Length wise expect at least 6-8 hrs depending on how many collectibles you get.
It will be very interesting in the kind of software MS make for Kinect this gen. They still have big plans for the device no doubt, but I don't think the usual dance related games will work. That being said, Phil Harrison being in charge of software is the best move MS could have done. The guy just gets family gaming like no one else.

I wish Sega would make a new Rise of Nightmares game

the first one was meh to a lot of people but I had fun with it, and now it can be improved

do it Sega


Not sure whether to get the Halo game or the Max game...
Get Max. Halo SA is a fun game but not for longer play sessions. Although Max is a short game (6~7 hours) every part is fun and filled with nice visuals and creative puzzles.
With Apple purchasing Primesense how will this affect MS and the Xbone if Apple decide to bring out Apple TV with kinect abilities?
It won't. The new Kinect is build by Microsoft. Only the original one was done by Primesense. The two products will be completely different from each other. And if Apple is releasing an Apple TV with Kinect like capabilities I still don't see it having any major negative impact on the Kinect. I'd would expect it to grow a wave of positive reactions, seeing how every Apple products almost automatically get that without thought, which can only be positive for Microsoft as the public will be more open for voice/motion control if Apple jumps in the game.
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