Eppy Thatcher
God's had his chance.
So this is how I have my consoles set up as of now, had it this way for a while. I've been a little worried about if this is damaging my Xbox One or not. I'm not that concerned if my PS4 over-heats/gets damaged from this (I have a warranty for the PS4, and it doesn't seem to be the one under stress/nor getting much heat from the vents), but I'm worried about my Xbox One's disc drive being under stress, or if I'm blocking any necessary vents. From what I've seen, my Xbox One hasn't been extra hot or anything lately, so it doesn't seem to be hurting anything, but I'm just wondering if anyone has tried stacking systems like this, and how it worked for them.
My room is really small, and unless I reorganize my room, it isn't possible to give them the space they need. :/ I do plan on re-organizing my EVENTUALLY, but as of know this is the only place they can go without obstructing my entrance into the room, and without being on the floor. As of now, whenever I buy my Wii U my plan is too stack it ontop of the PS4 haha.
Dude stacking them isn't an issue but you have to have space behind them. like... have to. Just pull the whole stack forward a bit so they line up with the front of your dresser/tv stand whatever that thing is and get a lil air behind them bad boys!
no good meng. recipe for bads. get a Dyson fan while your at it!!