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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
TitanFall has vehicles?

There's dropships that you can supposedly shoot from the side of from like choppers in Battlefield, but for the most part no other than the obvious not-mechs. It's just fanart. (S)he has drawn quite a lot of it.

I'm pretty sure she's a Japanese westaboo since she likes other shooters, South Park, and American blockbusters like Terminator 2 lol. It's pretty awesome. Behold: http://graffitibox1143.tumblr.com/


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

not sure. i have it unplugged since my room is too small to use it. im waiting for some good indie kinect games.


Junior Ace
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

Seems absolutely pointless to me so far.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
You will be using the kinect every day and enjoy it features if for just voice control only.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

Necessary; After using the Kinect with my XB1 for the OS, voice commands in games like Ryse, and controller motion in DR3 I've been thinking about picking up the camera for my PS4.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

I really enjoy it and I only really use it for navigating the OS. It's certainly not necessary but it makes the whole experience a hell of a lot better.

I've said it before, but having it switch the xbox, my tv and sound system on then log me in with just "Xbox On" is damn cool.
I keep getting an "installation stopped" error message when I insert dead rising 3. Any ideas as to what is going on? Thanks in advance.

I've said it before, but having it switch the xbox, my tv and sound system on then log me in with just "Xbox On" is damn cool.

I still haven't figured out how to have it turn on all three devices. Settings are on to do so.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

I'd say opinions are mixed, but its much better for menu navigation then the previous Kinect. I for one have gotten quite use to saying Xbox on, sitting down, it saying 'hi Nathan', and telling it what game to start. I wouldn't say theres a killer app for it yet, but its a nice convenience. I also don't think they'll drop the Kinect anytime soon, its too important to them and their goal of devs knowing everyone has one. If sales go bad, I see them slashing $100 before dumping Kinect.


Ah really? The order status tells me it will be delivered either the 27th or 28th of december, hope that is the right one.
Says between the 24th and 27th of December, as Christmas is right in between. I wouldn't worry, so far I don't have any negative experience dealing with Amazon+International shipping.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
Necessary: but you must be open to it. There's currently four Kinect only titles (Zumba, Just Dance, Xbox Fitness and Fighter Within) and almost every other title has Kinect integration. The total package that Kinect already offers shows me why MS insist on bundling the Kinect with every Xbox One.

Kinect 1 and Kinect 2 are in totally different leagues. The motion control is near perfect and the input lag is greatly reduced.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

It is still optional at this point. MS needs to make a better case for why it is required.

Having said that, I don't think the previous Kinect is anything to base your judgment on. After initially trying it out, I never used the old Kinect to control the OS for the 360, and outside of Dance Central I wasn't impressed with it for gaming either. I use the new Kinect for controlling the OS on the XB1 all the time though. I think it's definitely worth it and have been consistently impressed with it, except when trying to use it while others are talking. For gaming, I've only tried KS Rivals but it seems vastly more responsive there than the older model.

So I wouldn't go as far as to say it's necessary, but I am happy to have it and I use it anytime I use the system.


I keep getting an "installation stopped" error message when I insert dead rising 3. Any ideas as to what is going on? Thanks in advance.

I still haven't figured out how to have it turn on all three devices. Settings are on to do so.

Have you went into the Xbox one guide settings and have it send out signals to get your TV's signal?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

After messing with it yesterday I think it should definitely be optional. I will be very surprised if it's not unbundled by the 2014 holidays. I'm not saying Kinnect 2.0 is bad, though, Xbox Fitness and the voice navigation is pretty awesome. And I'm looking forward to Sports Rivals.
With Kinect, I'll simply put it this way, it in no way hurts the experience. And yes, I do love touse it and do use it myself .

Have you went into the Xbox one guide settings and have it send out signals to get your TV's signal?

I'll check that out right now. Thanks. Just got my receiver to work.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
If only for the auto sign-in then yes.
The console doesn't automatically sign you in when kinect isn't connected.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

Necessary. Since we still have DirecTV, having it running thru the Xbox has changed the way we watch stuff in the living room.

The voice commands are mostly spot on once you get the hang of it. Being able to switch between the various apps and tv and game and back all by voice is killer. It makes going all digital much easier.

I seem to hear from people that if they have both Xbox and ps4, the Xbox gets more use. Simply because its more centrally integrated.

Also, Xbox fitness is bad ass. The Kinect apps will come.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
I absolutely love it.Wouldn't navigate without it

Rat Salad

For the overall experience I think the new Kinect is great. What i like about it is its not forced into the games we play,it only compliments them,and thats all I ever wanted really. And when I can use it to get around my dashboard and control my electronics it just kicks my ass all the more. Rare's Sports Rivals is really fun though,and it totally uses the Kinect,but doesn't feel forced or gimmiky. Something about the way it responds to your motions that makes it pretty freakin amazing how I can tilt my body and lean left to right to get sharper turns in when I need to. Kinect gives this console a personality,it enhances all the stuff I use to take for granted on a gaming console. Sony should throw in a camera in a bundle and try to integrate it into all their apps and games,but again only to compliment them,like Microsoft have done. It really does take gaming and entertainment to new areas and for someone who likes to do something other than just game all the time,I like that.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
I am on a few day trip and brought my Xbone but left my Kinect because I didn't wanna mess too much with my setup...
I really, really miss it. I expect to be able to turn it on with my voice and have it recognize me and am disappointed that it can't.
I've said several voice commands, only to be disappointed when I realize I don't have my Kinect.
But I've still been playing games.

You don't need it, but it makes the experience so much better.


I know I'm probably late to this, but I just realize you can "cast" Youtube video straight to Xbox One from your computer, phone, tablet the same way you can with a Chromcast. That was my reason for still having the chromcast hooked up, but now that not necessary. They need to make it work with Netflix too though. Been watching 1980s commercial from youtube this morning on my tv. Feels like a time warp.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I know I'm probably late to this, but I just realize you can "cast" Youtube video straight to Xbox One from your computer, phone, tablet the same way you can with a Chromcast. That was my reason for still having the chromcast hooked up, but now that not necessary. They need to make it work with Netflix too though. Been watching 1980s commercial from youtube this morning on my tv. Feels like a time warp.

The only problem is the YouTube app picks up any talking as a voice command without having to say Xbox first, it's really annoying.
I have no idea why I find that process so magical but I do.

It's so impressive because it's actually instant. When you scan a QR code with your phone, it takes a second, you can see it focusing on it, then it reads it.

I swear the Kinect as already read the code before I've fully lifted it up in front of the camera.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

I think it shouldn't be in the box to be honest. I don't even use the thing. I have no idea why they are so focused on it. They really should offer a Kinectless SKU along with the current one. Outside of the minor gripe, I love my XO. Not to disrespect the PS4, but I play my XO a lot more than my PS4.

I know it's hard to shake the fact that you are paying for an accessory that you are not going to use much, but I looked at the current game lineup and it's just better IMO.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I think it shouldn't be in the box to be honest. I don't even use the thing.

Try using it, then you'll see why it's necessary. I elevates the whole console. Just this morning my gf and I are waking up in bed.

"Xbox On"
"Kinect signs me in automatically"
"Xbox Bing"
"Christmas Music"
"<Album Name>"
"Play album"

I didn't have to reach for or find the remote for the TV, then have to put that down and find the controller. I was just lounging in bed and petting the dogs.

It's great. And no, I don't want to keep a headset next to the bed to do the "same thing".


Try using it, then you'll see why it's necessary. I elevates the whole console. Just this morning my gf and I are waking up in bed.

"Xbox On"
"Kinect signs me in automatically"
"Xbox Bing"
"Christmas Music"
"<Album Name>"
"Play album"

I didn't have to reach for or find the remote for the TV, then have to put that down and find the controller. I was just lounging in bed and petting the dogs.

It's great. And no, I don't want to keep a headset next to the bed to do the "same thing".
This is why you should use it, once you do you will see what MS are trying to achieve.
Also is anyone using their ios devices less now that next-gen has arrived?
I know in our house that the ipads are being lifted a lot less and the kids have stopped asking for the latest apps since our PS4 and xbone arrived. It's true that last gen run for far to long.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
Totally necessary for me, but I make pretty good use of its features daily.

I'll never get bored of my television personally greeting me when it sees me or having my profile automatically switched to when someone passes me the controller.

Or walking into a room while getting dressed/stuffing my face with food and starting up a movie/playing music with my voice while I have my hands full doing other stuff.

Or using smartglass on my phone to control the volume of my TV/Amp even if I'm in another room. Good for when using the xb1 as a jukebox. Can also search for music/movies to play on you phone tablet with smartglass and hit "play on Xbox one" once you've found what you want.

Kinect is about much more than gaming this time around. Its an every day accessory for me now.


For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

I mean overall I think it's a better decision to pack it in with the system since it causes the device to be in a better position for support but overall I'm pretty indifferent to whether I feel it should be necessary or optional since either way, I would have one.

The ability to say "xbox on" and have your whole a/v setup come on with your game ready in less than 30 seconds is enough for me to keep it plugged in. It's one of my favorite features of this gen and brings back console gaming to its instant nature during the days in which games were on cartridges.

The Flash

For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.

I don't think it's necessary to use but it helps to use it in conjunction with the controller. I use it daily and I can attest that it is a lot better than the first Kinect.
Try using it, then you'll see why it's necessary. I elevates the whole console. Just this morning my gf and I are waking up in bed.

"Xbox On"
"Kinect signs me in automatically"
"Xbox Bing"
"Christmas Music"
"<Album Name>"
"Play album"

I didn't have to reach for or find the remote for the TV, then have to put that down and find the controller. I was just lounging in bed and petting the dogs.

It's great. And no, I don't want to keep a headset next to the bed to do the "same thing".

Alright, I'll use it a bit more than I have. I've never been sold on it, but I will give it another change. I'll use it exclusively for searching, signing in, etc. I'll let you know in a week what I think.


My wife never saw the point of kinect 1 but she now loves sitting down and saying xbox on.
I honestly think that when it breaks and needs replacing she will miss it.


It wouldn't surprise me if it's something specially made for MS/XB1. I mean they practically use it as their theme song.
For you XB1 owners, do you feel the Kinect is necessary or should it be optional? I can't convince myself to purchase a XB1 because of the previous Kinect. I never used it outside of one game that I didn't play much.
I'm sincerely at the point where it disappoints me that I can't say, "PC, on" or "Toaster, go to setting five. Toast". Might sound dumb but once you get to navigating around the thing with Kinect it's really hard to to go back. You get the odd thing which is faster to do with the controller, like when the last game you played is already in the main tile ready to go. But for the most part it's better to use Kinect and most importantly, it's accurate. Which makes for a genuinely compelling reason to use it. Between voice and SmartGlass I only lift my controller when I actually play a game.
Try using it, then you'll see why it's necessary. I elevates the whole console. Just this morning my gf and I are waking up in bed.

"Xbox On"
"Kinect signs me in automatically"
"Xbox Bing"
"Christmas Music"
"<Album Name>"
"Play album"

I didn't have to reach for or find the remote for the TV, then have to put that down and find the controller. I was just lounging in bed and petting the dogs.

It's great. And no, I don't want to keep a headset next to the bed to do the "same thing".

Why doesn't "xbox on" work on my console?
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