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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]

Seriously debating picking up an Xbox One, have about 400 dollars of gift cards at Gamestop and was eventually gonna buy one so I am thinking why not take the plunge now. I already own a PS4, does anyone who owns both think it's worth picking up right now? Only real game I'm interested in playing right now is Dead Rising 3 and giving a Ryse a spin.

I'd weigh up the pros and cons.

Pros: You want to play DR3, which is a fantastic game, but isn't as challenging or as long as past entries and Ryse can be finished in a couple of sittings too. DR3 does offer some replayability in that you can unlock more in game content if you replay on nightmare as well as unlocking more blueprints, etc.

Cons: You'll have two consoles that don't have a great many games out for them yet. One will inevitably end up being somewhat neglected as you focus on the other...the X1 is still a little undercooked and has a lot of annoying quirks and missing features that need still need to be patched in, etc.

I'd go for it, but then I've always been a multi-console gamer, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask.


For a while I was mainly jumping between BF4(disc) and FIFA 14(digital). It was really nice to just launch between them without swapping. I borrowed DR3 from a friend and have been switching between Blu-ray and DR3 and BF4 and at this point digital really is looking to be the way to go. I really like the idea of only going near the disc drive for movies. So yeah, really wish MS had of stuck to their DRM guns. I love owning physical but the benefits of digital might just make me go that way. Obviously borrowing DR3 is an anomaly as I would have to switch it regardless, but it gave me a flavor of what's to come.
Same here. Although the DRM will never come back, atleast to this console. I still hope that MS will allows us in the future to purchase the digital license at a discounted price if we have a physical copy in the disk drive. I'd be totally down for that. At the moment I'm simply waiting for the second-hand prices to drop so I can still own a physical copy without paying 120$ for the same game.
Digital is really nice but it feels empty not having those gameboxes on my shelf.

Is upload studio/GameDVR really slow for everyone else? I've got 88 clips in it and it takes for every to load upload studio and it takes just as long to watch a clip.


Seriously debating picking up an Xbox One, have about 400 dollars of gift cards at Gamestop and was eventually gonna buy one so I am thinking why not take the plunge now. I already own a PS4, does anyone who owns both think it's worth picking up right now? Only real game I'm interested in playing right now is Dead Rising 3 and giving a Ryse a spin.

Id say go for it. I own both and really love both. Im thinking ps4 for multiplats and the xbone for exclusives and kinect games for my wife.


3 for 3 Deal on Xbox One



I have turned off notifications in my settings but I'm still getting them, any help?
Also when I set HDMI audio to stereo it reverts to 7.1 next time I turn the console off.
Please hurry with the update MS, this should be great but it's not. Something is wrong at MS HQ, definitely.
You need to purchase three of those between December 26th and Jan 1st. So if you bought them, even if you bought just one, before the 26th you won't get those 3 months Gold :(

No, it specifically says that it's also available to people who bought one or two of the games beforehand, and then buys enough to total three during the time period. So if I already own two of the games, I just need to buy one more this week. The person who already got three of the games also needs to buy one.

My problem is, the Xbox comes with two weeks of Live Gold, and these three months don't arrive until January 20, so if I take the offer I'll be sitting around with no service for a couple weeks.
Got my xbox one last Thursday, how long do I have to buy the microsoft warranty? Also, is it worth it you think?!

Manufacturer warranties are usually between 1-2 years and your in store/place of purchase warranty is usually a year too.

You don't really need to buy any additional warranties for the first year...


No, it specifically says that it's also available to people who bought one or two of the games beforehand, and then buys enough to total three during the time period. So if I already own two of the games, I just need to buy one more this week. The person who already got three of the games also needs to buy one.

My problem is, the Xbox comes with two weeks of Live Gold, and these three months don't arrive until January 20, so if I take the offer I'll be sitting around with no service for a couple weeks.
Ah my bad. Stopped reading after the between date.


Yup that's exactly what I'm doing. X1 is the exclusive/entertainment box and PS4 is my hard core gaming console.

Yup. I feel guilty because I was dedicated to xbox 360 last gen but I decided to get both this gen. I bought and sold ps3 multiple times and really regretted it when it came to a good exclusive I wanted. This gen though im really liking the ds4 controller better. Not all multiplats will go to the ps4 for me though. The cod games for example will be xbox one for me because most of my friends are diehard xbox fanboys.

Oh well i get to enjoy both!!


What's up with the "use a different payment" error message in the shop? A family member of mine wanted to buy me a few things digitally today so we added their credit card as a payment option, bought/downloaded two things, went to get a third item and I received this error message. Is it some sort of security thing? Bank or Microsoft related, perhaps?

Re-posting to see if anyone knows what's up with this error message. Tried to do a little Google research, but couldn't find the best results.

Also, how do you even remove a payment option? I also looked up the how-to on this on Microsoft's site and they simply say to go to the Billing and Payment section on your system and simply follow the instructions from the "Edit" option. I don't see anywhere telling/showing me how to remove a credit card from a system from there, hah!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Just bought Forza 5 for $40 off Amazon. Hope I made the right choice! Should arrive next Friday so I'll be able to play it that weekend.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Shit deal. Should have at least given you credit if you already bought one or more of those games.

You mean if already bought 3? It says the deal is also for those that bought games before the promotion. I'd just have to buy one more to get the 3months I think. Been looking at Max.. maybe I will.


3 for 3 Deal on Xbox One

Since I already bought Crimson Dragon, I was tempted to go buy Max and give its chance to Lococycle, but then...

Available only in Canada, United Kingdom and United states while supplies last

Why would they make that offer for UK and not the rest of Europe ? That's really silly.
Sorry Twisted Pixel, that made you miss a sale opportunity.

Chitown B

Since I already bought Crimson Dragon, I was tempted to go buy Max and give its chance to Lococycle, but then...

Why would they make that offer for UK and not the rest of Europe ? That's really silly.
Sorry Twisted Pixel, that made you miss a sale opportunity.

Get Max and Killer Instinct. If you don't like fighting games, get Golf. Lococycle is not good.
Is there some easy way to disconnect the headset from the controller that I am missing? I have to press down on the front of it, usually jamming in the mute button while pulling it out while grasping the back to get it out.


I'd weigh up the pros and cons.

Pros: You want to play DR3, which is a fantastic game, but isn't as challenging or as long as past entries and Ryse can be finished in a couple of sittings too. DR3 does offer some replayability in that you can unlock more in game content if you replay on nightmare as well as unlocking more blueprints, etc.

Cons: You'll have two consoles that don't have a great many games out for them yet. One will inevitably end up being somewhat neglected as you focus on the other...the X1 is still a little undercooked and has a lot of annoying quirks and missing features that need still need to be patched in, etc.

I'd go for it, but then I've always been a multi-console gamer, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask.

I have both and can honestly say it's worth owning them.

There are qualities I clearly enjoy better on each console.
They have their pros and cons.
Dead rising 3 rocks.


I'd weigh up the pros and cons.

Pros: You want to play DR3, which is a fantastic game, but isn't as challenging or as long as past entries and Ryse can be finished in a couple of sittings too. DR3 does offer some replayability in that you can unlock more in game content if you replay on nightmare as well as unlocking more blueprints, etc.

Cons: You'll have two consoles that don't have a great many games out for them yet. One will inevitably end up being somewhat neglected as you focus on the other...the X1 is still a little undercooked and has a lot of annoying quirks and missing features that need still need to be patched in, etc.

I'd go for it, but then I've always been a multi-console gamer, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask.

Very good points. I've been playing my brothers and I'm going to wait till march to pick one up. I also have a serious backlog and two PS4s. Waiting for my brother to pay me for the the PS4. I really not feeling the X1 interface compared to the 360. But I feel they can fix everything still and make me like it as much as the 360. PS4 has no games yet I want but I was bit by neogaf hype train. I wish I had waited till march on that also. 360 is still king for me.


But those games are bad. Well Max looks okay.

Que hombre?

KI is the best fighter (if you have a fightstick) out right now! Powerstar golf has had me on lock down (ask P3tRaN) trying to beat my friends records on the greens!!! Max is a fun platformer which looks absolutely gorgeous in places and is well worth the price too!

There's three for ya!
Just bought a controller, Forza, Dead Rising, and Ryse all brand new for $139 on Craigslist. Did I do good?

I haven't had to pay full price for any of my games yet. I got b2g1 for my first 3 (essentially making each one 40), then I got BF4 for 50, Forza for 40, and Ass. Creed for 30.

Was at Target this morning and they got BF4, Cod Ghosts, and Forza all 39.99 and last week they had NBA live for 45.
I'm having a blast with it, a real surprise for me given the reviews. Visuals are gorgeous too.
All I can think is the reviewers played on easy and barely tried the coop. On the hardest difficulty the combat is fun and challenging, especially trying to get your combos up high. I played with a guy the other day that got a 130 hit combo in a round. 85 is my best so far.


All I can think is the reviewers played on easy and barely tried the coop. On the hardest difficulty the combat is fun and challenging, especially trying to get your combos up high. I played with a guy the other day that got a 130 hit combo in a round. 85 is my best so far.

Online is a blast man!! The voice acting is soooo flamboyant and over the top. Cool as fuck :]
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