Also, CoD is a fucking chore to play after playing Titanfall. UGH it's so slow.
EDIT: Also, I fucking LOVE being able to change the volume more in the settings when saying Xbox. volume up/down.
This proves to me how quickly they can release and deploy, it's nothing like the 360 days where this type of update would happen rarely. Quick and vast. I reckon we'll get another post e3 conference. They'll probably announce a bunch of partners (sky app please!).
This proves to me how quickly they can release and deploy, it's nothing like the 360 days where this type of update would happen rarely. Quick and vast. I reckon we'll get another post e3 conference. They'll probably announce a bunch of partners (sky app please!).
Really? I was under the impression Sky didn't want to use the integrated TV stuff, but an app to stream sky programs wasn't out of the question.I'd love a sky app. Don't think Sky are up for it though.
Have they added back notifications for when friends (or even just your favourites) come online?
I really miss the option to have those.
Awesome; I didn't know if those were public yet, hahah.It's for the headset adapter. Also congrats on going gold!
Sticks should be good as of the Feb update, automatically. If there's a new USB-required update, then that's for something else.
Really? I was under the impression Sky didn't want to use the integrated TV stuff, but an app to stream sky programs wasn't out of the question.
And yes, Plex app is a must! I have it on my Samsung smart TV, but I'd rather hop to it by saying "Xbox, go to Plex"
I didn't know the Feb update had the changes to the sticks. I thought that would be in the March one. Do I need to plug my controller via usb to get updated?
Stick update happened automagically.
The only cable based update you need to do is in the March dash and its purely for the Headset Adaptor, its in the settings menu.
This proves to me how quickly they can release and deploy, it's nothing like the 360 days where this type of update would happen rarely. Quick and vast. I reckon we'll get another post e3 conference. They'll probably announce a bunch of partners (sky app please!).
It's not working for my surround sound receiver either.
Does your reciever regocnize if you switch from DTS to Dolby etc.? Because that's coming through for me. It's just mute though :/
They both have a signal just no sound.
Ah thanks, good to know it's not just me then, I will let them know on the forums - was looking forward to use my turtle beach again...
so, I have a problem....
I updated my controller, BUT I HAVE NO TITANFALL to test it with!!
how about doing something for this microsoft??!
f my Bravia TV is already on and I then start the Xbox One, it turns the TV off as part of the start-up process. It's seemingly not clever enough to check if it's on or not.
Not sure if anyone else had this problem...but I'm wondering if the update has resolved it.
If my Bravia TV is already on and I then start the Xbox One, it turns the TV off as part of the start-up process. It's seemingly not clever enough to check if it's on or not.
That's still happening for me after the update.
Course not. Its just an IR command for power.
Looks like quite a few of us are having issues. Not sure what is going on.So is Dolby Digital via optical surround systems working now?
Not yet, if you have the update though you can look if internal Microsoft testers are streaming right now. Looks good imo!Is Twitch streaming in this update? If it is I'd love to see a testers stream quality.
I thought it was doing something fancy through the HDMI.
Not yet, if you have the update though you can look if internal Microsoft testers are streaming right now. Looks good imo!
Can we have voice play through our tv's and headsets?
Not yet, if you have the update though you can look if internal Microsoft testers are streaming right now. Looks good imo!
Shamelessly stealing these from Reddit, but both of these look like nice features.
Ability to change Kinect to go in multiple increments for volume control
Ability to disable Kinect gestures when watching video
The Kinect gestures were never a huge problem, but every now and then when someone leaned over to get a drink on the table it would think they were trying to do something, so I'll be using that feature for sure.
One major criticism I have still is that when I opened up a party and joined a BF4 game, it still came up with the little pop up saying 'Game found for your party' and does not go away until you open it. That should not come up until you are invited to a game, seems the party system still does it automatically.
Not yet, if you have the update though you can look if internal Microsoft testers are streaming right now. Looks good imo!
So you can only watch Xbox One twitch streams from an Xbox One? Not via the website?
Can you give a couple gamertags?
You don't need to open it. Just say Xbox Decline and the notification will go away.
It's always turned on when you said xbox turn on"As a side note, I just said "XBox Turn On" and it worked. Since when has it worked with that? I said it then remembered that was wrong but it turned on anyway.