MS probably sold 500-700k consoles in the US. I think its a bigger story that Sony outsold them here tbh.
Also when will the US get a new batch of PS4s?
1 million worldwide vs. 1 million in US in 24 hours for both
Has anyone yet mentioned that 1,000,000 units divided by 13 territories is 76,923 per territory. Until we see the hard data, this isn't impressive.
Has anyone yet mentioned that 1,000,000 units divided by 13 countries is 76,923 per country. Until we see the hard data, this isn't impressive.
You're half right. Demand is a factor as the one with the biggest demand sells the most. In this case, its the PS4. If people can't find an Xbox One this holiday for their kids, guess what they'll buy? A PS4.That's premature. Supply is the only meaningful variable at this point. Demand is a non-factor.
Some of the 13 launch countries are essentially completely negligible in terms of units sold. They're just there so Microsoft can say they were there and the few fans that exist in those countries can be rightly satisfied. Most sales would come from US, Canada, Germany and France
that's not the point. the point is they sold as many as they could, and that amount was equal for sony and microsoft.
Statements like this are lol.
When it's one console manufacturer,awesome!
When it's the other, fuck them, they're not as good as the other company.
Just be glad both companies are doing really well. It will work best for gamers in the long run.
Xbox 360 has always been cheaper than the PS3. That hasn't changed and it never will.I think both console will sell out this year at current price point in the US. who knows what happen next year.
Remember, the 360 had been outselling the ps3 in US for the whole last gen, even after the ps3 had dropped the price to 360 level. There had been data about the avg selling price of 360 > that of the ps3 in the US
You're half right. Demand is a factor as the one with the biggest demand sells the most. In this case, its the PS4. If people can't find an Xbox One this holiday for their kids, guess what they'll buy? A PS4.
Call it limited supply or low demand.....PS4 seems to already have won this holiday and at $500 its unlikely Xbox One will fly off the shelves in the months after.
How big can nov 29 sales be for the PS4? Over 1m?
Also when will the US get a new batch of PS4s?
Has anyone yet mentioned that 1,000,000 units divided by 13 territories is 76,923 per territory. Until we see the hard data, this isn't impressive.
1 million is a good number. I hope both consoles sell well enough that cross gen games die out quick.
Has anyone yet mentioned that 1,000,000 units divided by 13 territories is 76,923 per territory. Until we see the hard data, this isn't impressive.
Good joke.
Who would be able to prove them wrong?
1 million worldwide vs. 1 million in US in 24 hours for both
Regardless of which console is selling better, both are record-breaking in their own way. Hopefully this means companies like EA and Activision can move on exclusively to next-gen sooner than they thought possible.Happy to see both consoles doing well.
Didn't realize that 24 hours had passed yet here in NA. It's 8:30 on a Friday here for me.
How big can nov 29 sales be for the PS4? Over 1m?
Also when will the US get a new batch of PS4s?
1 million is a good number. I hope both consoles sell well enough that cross gen games die out quick.
Let's not forget the UK please.
Pretty much. US and Canada1million In 13 territories? So Sony has reached that mark In only the us?
By this logic, when Sony has launched in twice the territories and sold even more, their sales will be less impressive.
Sony sold 1 million PS4's first day in NA alone.
Or it means Microsoft shipped about 1 million and most of it sold out pretty quickly.That means the real number of SKU sold in 24h should be even bigger, that means At least 1.5 million in less than 24h.
This is great news imo. People said console gaming was dead and how ipads and pc would kill console gaming because wii u bombed....
Great launch by MS
I'm somewhat more skeptical of any "sold out" claims, although I don't know what the situation is in the US. It seems readily available here in, it was always going to be outsold - they didn't ship near as much as Sony in NA, and so obviously they cannot match Sony's numbers even if they wanted to.
I mean of course Sony has more demand and would have sold more anyway, but I'm just saying I don't think this result is actually revealing. Once we see how it does in Europe and combine the totals in each of the same 13 launch countries, we can have a better comparison.
I'm somewhat more skeptical of any "sold out" claims, although I don't know what the situation is in the US. It seems readily available here in AU.
I'm somewhat more skeptical of any "sold out" claims, although I don't know what the situation is in the US. It seems readily available here in AU.
I'm somewhat more skeptical of any "sold out" claims, although I don't know what the situation is in the US. It seems readily available here in AU.
All you idiots crowing about the PS3 selling more in NA realize they both sold out completely and Sony has not launched anywhere else at all right?
I'm somewhat more skeptical of any "sold out" claims, although I don't know what the situation is in the US. It seems readily available here in AU.
What is this? Maths.That means the real number of SKU sold in 24h should be even bigger, that means At least 1.5 million in less than 24h.
As a console gamer I absolutely LOVE that both of these machines moved over a million units per launch. I don't care about the semantics of the numbers, I don't care which one sells more I'm just absolutely thrilled that over the past 2 weeks a message loud and clear has been sent.
Yup same. Console gaming rocks. We need great competition between Xbone and ps4Exactly I may not own one but I definitely want console gaming to stay alive and kicking and two viable consoles is a great thing.
Many members of CanadaGAF are also spotting unsold units, especially in Ontario.
So you're just going to ignore the fact that the PS4 launched in one region, and is releasing in another 32 regions next week?
We are talking about launch sales right?