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Xbox One X Enhanced Games - Full List of Titles and Details


So is FFXV going from 720p on Xbox One to checkerboard 4K on X?

Clearly X can do native 4K and I'm sure Pro can too but devs choose to go checkerboard so they can bring extra graphical bells and whistles and I'm good with that.

The dev of Metro may be targeting native 4K for X but I don't think it'll happen.

1080p60 seem more realistic, but I'm cool with that


If a game isn't "Xbox One X enhanced", will it still benefit in any way from being played on the One X? Will any aspect of the game just be naturally better?


So is FFXV going from 720p on Xbox One to checkerboard 4K on X?

Clearly X can do native 4K and I'm sure Pro can too but devs choose to go checkerboard so they can bring extra graphical bells and whistles and I'm good with that.

The dev of Metro may be targeting native 4K for X but I don't think it'll happen.

The resolution was variable up to 900p and as we don't know what the actual reason for that was (yes, GPU but not really why because that depends on how their rendering pipeline works).


Gold Member
If a game isn't "Xbox One X enhanced", will it still benefit in any way from being played on the One X? Will any aspect of the game just be naturally better?

see below
This is a list of games receiving Xbox One X specific updates/patches. Games without an Xbox One X update/patch, incl. 360 BC titles, will receive the following benefits:

  • Improved framerate stability
  • Games utilizing a dynamic resolution will hit their max resolution more often/all the time.
  • 16xAF texture filtering will be automatically applied.
  • Forced v-sync
  • VRR compatibility (if you have a compatible display)


Wow, that's a big difference. I had no idea how blurry the image quality gets due to checkerboarding but it makes sense, I guess. The grass is on a whole new level of clarity on Scorpio. The feathers are more refined. The overall impression is not that much better because of the massive depth of field going on and the blurry foreground textures, but damn, if that's the result of native 4K over checkerboarding the latter can go to hell.
But there's no comparison between the pics though, they're both XBONEX shots....Also, FF15 is 2160CB on XBONEX whilst 1800CB on the PRO, the difference in sharpness is because of that.....

FYI, checkboard does not blur the image like you're saying...FFXV is just a blurry game by and large, it's AA solution, the PP used and some low resolution textures all contribute....Perhaps it's wise to expand the shots when viewing them in your browser...1800CB looks pretty sharp in Watchdogs and still I have not seen the 1800CB shots you're comparing....


But there's no comparison between the pics though, they're both XBONEX shots....Also, FF15 is 2160CB on XBONEX whilst 1800CB on the PRO, the difference in sharpness is because of that.....

FYI, checkboard does not blur the image like you're saying...FFXV is just a blurry game by and large, it's AA solution, the PP used and some low resolution textures all contribute....Perhaps it's wise to expand the shots when viewing them in your browser...1800CB looks pretty sharp in Watchdogs and still I have not seen the 1800CB shots you're comparing....

The link has both XBX and PS4P shots.


There's now some doubt as to whether pCARS 2 is native 4k/60 on XOX - we are awaiting confirmation from SMS themselves.

I guess my question/assumption have finally been answered from page 5...by the dev no doubt....I was always suspicious of the translation from the page cited and thought PC2 is doing a bit too much to run at native 4k 60fps...In any case, we have to be careful how we quote persons who mention that their game is running at 4k. I'm sure all games will have a 4k mode on XBONEX, but not all will be native.. We have to remember Ubisoft said at the MS presser, that they're running AC-Origins at 4k and people thought that it was native too...So perhaps we should wait for the count or read between the lines, on some of those quotes...

The link has both XBX and PS4P shots.
Ahh ok thanks.....The shots are not like for like, generally a tad sharper on XBONEX however, but I'm not seeing a huge disparity between the screens here as mentioned by Dark Instinct...It's still CB on both ends...and FFXV is doing it's fair share of blurring the image....If anything, I'm more interested in how the 60fps version of XBONEX compares to the competition...It barely run above 45fps on the PRO as it is.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
Ark: Survival Evolved - 1080p/60FPS

I'll believe it when I see it...

Honestly, the XBOX ONE X could be a liquid nitrogen-cooled military grade super-computer and I swear to god ARK would still tank frames at the first sign of foliage...


Wow, that's a big difference. I had no idea how blurry the image quality gets due to checkerboarding but it makes sense, I guess. The grass is on a whole new level of clarity on Scorpio. The feathers are more refined. The overall impression is not that much better because of the massive depth of field going on and the blurry foreground textures, but damn, if that's the result of native 4K over checkerboarding the latter can go to hell.

Native all the way and that is what developers should be pushing for with the X. Really not seeing any reason AC shouldn't be native either at this point. The HP is there.


I am totally fine with downsampling atm when it looks like this.



Downsampled and its even from 1440p

Any reason why RS:Seige is not on this list? I mean Ubi has For Honor and Wildlands on there, and didn't they patch The Division for Pro support. What gives?
If a game isn't "Xbox One X enhanced", will it still benefit in any way from being played on the One X? Will any aspect of the game just be naturally better?
From what I understand, games that are not enhanced will potentially receive any combination of the following improvements:

* Faster load times
* Better framerate (e.g. if a game 'targets' 60fps but can't quite maintain it)
* For games with variable resolution, the target resolution will be achieved.

That's about it. You won't see anything more substantial than this without a patch. Things like bumping framerate and resolution from 30fps to 60fps or 1080p to 1440p/2160p are only possible with a patch.


From what I understand, games that are not enhanced will potentially receive any combination of the following improvements:

* Faster load times
* Better framerate (e.g. if a game 'targets' 60fps but can't quite maintain it)
* For games with variable resolution, the target resolution will be achieved.

That's about it. You won't see anything more substantial than this without a patch.

This you get. Next to loadtimes.

This is a list of games receiving Xbox One X specific updates/patches. Games without an Xbox One X update/patch, incl. 360 BC titles, will receive the following benefits:

  • Improved framerate stability
  • Games utilizing a dynamic resolution will hit their max resolution more often/all the time.
  • 16xAF texture filtering will be automatically applied.
  • Forced v-sync
  • VRR compatibility (if you have a compatible display)
I know Prey isn't on any of the improvement lists, but I'm really hoping that gets some decent loading time improvements. I put about 10 hours into the game and at this point I'm considering holding off on the rest until November.
Give 'em time we're still months away from the console release.

I get this, but this is the one title I double dipped on because I have friends on PS4 and X1. Very disappointed it didn't get a Pro patch. Maybe the X1X competition will change that.
Fantastic job on keeping the list updated but here's my two cent. Could you include a new section in the OP which displays the lastest game(s) added to either of the lists? Every time I open the thread I first check when the OP was edited for the last time and then look for the new addition
Thanks anyway!
I most certainly can start doing this! Very nice suggestion


From what I understand, games that are not enhanced will potentially receive any combination of the following improvements:

* Faster load times
* Better framerate (e.g. if a game 'targets' 60fps but can't quite maintain it)
* For games with variable resolution, the target resolution will be achieved.

That's about it. You won't see anything more substantial than this without a patch. Things like bumping resolution from 30fps to 60fps or 1080p to 1440p/2160p are only possible with a patch.

Don't forget the free 16x AF

Also, if a game has an unlocked frame rate and is GPU bound then you will get improved frame rates. In some cases where a game is CPU bound (like Just Cause) it will benefit from the higher clock speed and improve the frame rate. Just don't expect a huge jump in that scenario.


Don't forget the free 16x AF

Also, if a game has an unlocked frame rate and is GPU bound then you will get improved frame rates. In some cases where a game is CPU bound (like Just Cause) it will benefit from the higher clock speed and improve the frame rate. Just don't expect a huge jump in that scenario.
16xAF is for BC, no? And it is not free... it takes GPU resources.

Probably dynamic resolution and unlocked framerate games with take advantage without patch like the Boost Mode on Pro.


16xAF is for BC, no? And it is not free... it takes GPU resources.

Probably dynamic resolution and unlocked framerate games with take advantage without patch like the Boost Mode on Pro.

Free in the sense it comes with no additional resource allocation by your game and is handled automatically by the implemented hw pipeline of the GPU which will by default cast 16AF on any output frame. Not free in the sense it takes no resources. But there are reserved dedicated resources for this.
You would think that with all the extra power the X offers the differences in FFXV could and should be more. But let's wait and see for the final results.

Naturally I hope all developers will use the extra power. The AC thing is probably because of the previous ones as well.


Free in the sense it comes with no additional resource allocation by your game and is handled automatically by the implemented hw pipeline of the GPU which will by default cast 16AF on any output frame. Not free in the sense it takes no resources. But there are reserved dedicated resources for this.

You would think that with all the extra power the X offers the differences in FFXV could and should be more. But let's wait and see for the final results.

Naturally I hope all developers will use the extra power. The AC thing is probably because of the previous ones as well.

Well the one thing that I think ppl are overlooking is that all of this is being done on unfinished dev kits that devs only have a month of experience with. They have lots of time to get more familiar with it and squeeze out as much performance as they can. So I think the final results could still surprise us.


You would think that with all the extra power the X offers the differences in FFXV could and should be more. But let's wait and see for the final results.

Naturally I hope all developers will use the extra power. The AC thing is probably because of the previous ones as well.

I think it basically because the Xbox One X is the new kid on the block and the PS4 Pro was the only console to handle anything above 1080p. So they reused just the pipeline they already had together for the PS4 Pro. The game we saw was Alpha which also gives it room for improvement on the Xbox One X. Maybe MS can convince Ubisoft to try out a 4K render pipeline with dynamic resolution. We will see and hear when the game releases.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
"We don't like the term 'locked'. It would put us in first party territory where chest beating is more important than a great experience."

This is the most fabulous quote i've ever read from a dev.

Wow. Just wow. So he's saying a locked 60fps doesn't create a better experience? And only first party games get locked frame rates?

Well the one thing that I think ppl are overlooking is that all of this is being done on unfinished dev kits that devs only have a month of experience with. They have lots of time to get more familiar with it and squeeze out as much performance as they can. So I think the final results could still surprise us.

I think it basically because the Xbox One X is the new kid on the block and the PS4 Pro was the only console to handle anything above 1080p. So they reused just the pipeline they already had together for the PS4 Pro. The game we saw was Alpha which also gives it room for improvement on the Xbox One X. Maybe MS can convince Ubisoft to try out a 4K render pipeline with dynamic resolution. We will see and hear when the game releases.

That's true but I guess I'm some cases for some reason thwre won't be many differences. Didn't Ubi pretty much already state that about ACO? A shame if that's the case though. But then again this happens with Unity too while PS4 was the more powerful one. But yeah, let's wait and see.
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