Here's the thing with that.
I come from an actual research background. Not an 'internet research' background. An actual, clinical research background. Your 'research' is no such thing. It's you reading stuff you find on the internet that confirms whatever stupid idea you've been fed by twitter. Your 'questioning' has about as much value as insisting that people diagnosed with late stage cancer should be 'questioning and researching' their prescribed treatments. At some point, it would do you, and the rest of the anti-vaccination cultists, a moment of humility in recognising how utterly out of your depth you are with the opinions you are holding, and how dangerous you are with the misinformation you spread.
I know, I know. The internet makes you feel like you're the smartest person in the world and everyone else is a blind sheep being raped by the media, and that makes you feel so powerful and strong. I understand. But, you're an idiot. A dangerous idiot spewing dangerous, ignorant opinions, led by other idiots with agendas. But, we both know, you absolutely do not know what the fuck you are talking about.