Xbox Series X was pulling a Don Mattrick Xbox One.
Sales for PS5 just went up.
Sales for PS5 just went up.
Oh sorry...??? Xbox live is $60 a year bro. You've got to keep up. That viewpoint is soooooo yesterday.
I wouldn’t call that likely but they’ll have to keep the games multiplat in order to pay for the acquisition. That’s not something they’ll be able to reverse when pressuredI wonder...
If MS realise they can’t nickel and dime their customers to pay for Bethesda, will they pull out of the deal?
Seems likely.
Their games are already multi-platform. PC, Xbox, and xCloud. I don't see that changing because of this.I wouldn’t call that likely but they’ll have to keep the games multiplat in order to pay for the acquisition. That’s not something they’ll be able to reverse when pressured
Oh. Then why would anyone need an Xbox if they can just get a PC? And he said MS. Not Xbox. But nice tryTheir games are already multi-platform. PC, Xbox, and xCloud. I don't see that changing because of this.
I wouldn’t call that likely but they’ll have to keep the games multiplat in order to pay for the acquisition. That’s not something they’ll be able to reverse when pressured
I wonder...
If MS realise they can’t nickel and dime their customers to pay for Bethesda, will they pull out of the deal?
Seems likely.
Pretty soon you’re gonna need a subscription for just being born. Oh wait, we do, select overbearing taxes.Oh sorry...
This thread just reminds me that my whole life is pretty much subscribtion based.
Relax what happened fortunately did not last even 24 hours ... but I'm curious to hear your position on the horrible pricing policy of the ps5 exclusives and remasters. curious to find your post so heated about it .... in a pandemicI've been saying this for ages. The enterprise part of the company is running the show. Like always, Phil made a deal with Nadella in making xbox come in line with what the rest of the company was moving towards which is a service company. Windows is a service now, office is a service now, server's are now offered for a service without needing physical hardware on the customer side. They just get access to use azure servers.
Xbox is now a service based platform. No need for a box.
Only way phil was getting the influx in cash to invest in xbox was to go this route. Which sucks because it looks like they are calling the shots. I also have to blame phil for how long they have been charging to play F2P. That should have gone away a long time ago. Sony's policy for F2P has been in place since the beginning of last gen.
It took a PR fuck up to push them towards this, regardless if it was in the cards for them to get rid of live at some point. I think the bigger question is, outside of pushing people to gamepass ultimate, why would they want to make it that expensive for a service that's just for online access? Only explanation for this actually being voted on and going to retail, was they are trying to makeup a deficit from all the spending.
Though they have a fairly good install base on gamepass something like 15-20 million, with all the spending and exclusive deals, operating costs must be super high.
It aint cheap to keep a high profile game they dont own on their service, hence why third party titles like red dead 2 dmc v and the likes leave.
Would not surprise me if we here some shuffling going around similar to whats happening over at Sony job title wise.
It took a big fuck up like this for them to talk about removing F2P barrier. Thats the bigger conversation, regardless if there were talks internally of getting rid of that paywall for F2P. It shows how tone deaf they are in a pandemic.
Relax what happened fortunately did not last even 24 hours ... but I'm curious to hear your position on the horrible pricing policy of the ps5 exclusives and remasters. curious to find your post so heated about it .... in a pandemic
Quite the opposite.Honestly this tone deaf move, that now has forced them to backtrack other policies, shows how they have learned nothing.
Quite the opposite.
They learned that they still have to be competitive to survive in this market and pissing off potential customers is just bad business.
I'm glad it only took them 24 hours to react because this was a terrible decision not only for gamers but for Xbox sales as well.
At least they are bringing down that pay wall. Even though it took a potential price increase to show XB management the errors of their ways at least they admitted they were wrong and corrected.My issue is it took this for them to get rid of the paywall for F2P.
At least they are bringing down that pay wall. Even though it took a potential price increase to show XB management the errors of their ways at least they admitted they were wrong and corrected.
the constant hatred that I read even after the step back and especially after the already rumored "real for" for f2p games ... it is harmful for the whole industry. What do gamers really want? Ms was making a fatal mistake and his community (yes because that's what ms listened to) raised their voice loudly ... and they (ms) realized it wasn't the best thing to do. Nintendo Sony and Ms are there to make money ...and none of them are your friend ... and they will always try to make more money. Nintendo does it by selling hw not very powerful at an incredibly overpriced of 300+ euros.. it does ms (yesterday they had 1 example) and Sony does it with the various remasters ... indeed probably if the Sony community would have raised their voices as the Xbox one did yesterday ... probably they would have apologized for the horrifying price increase of the exclusives. Now go gaming ita all end guys
well ms was shitting in the bed again but recovered even before only 1 person had paid the new price .. apologizing and finally granting the f2p. so we will admit that after all it is simply a process of intentions. Let's understand not I'm justifying ms, I was the first yesterday to write to Phil, Aaron and all the others (as many other users have done) .. but let's give Caesar what is Caesar's .. after a bad news we only received one good one. Returning to the price increase on the contrary there was no 180 I did not see any bombing of their official Twitter ... no article written in full anger in 5 minutes and published in a rush by no outlet, only the usual news announcing a price increase. You will understand for yourself that increasing the cost of exclusives by 10 euros for each AAA exclusive significantly increases the cost in the gen... and instead of listening to what is happening in the world during the pandemic Sony went away with Jim Ryan saying that he thinks that the price is more than correct given the hours of entertainment given ... now other rumors circulate where they think they will raise to 80 euros. Now come back to be upset about the unfulfilled intentions of the in-service price increase that was in declineGames will go down if people dont buy them. And if you looked not all are 69.99. Miles morales by itself was 49.99, sockboy was 59.99, third party vary in price. Games go down in price over time, subscription services went up, and continue to go up over time. Also $10 though not ideal, is not the same as doubling the price of what you pay per year to have online access to multiplayer, let alone F2P. IT TOOK them fucking up to finally comment about charging for F2P games for almost 7 years.
Everyone also spoke about these higher prices on games, youtubers, gaf all yelled at sony. And looking at sales for games on PS5 , destruction all stars is free on plus now, and godfall iv seen on sale all over the place since it bombed and people spoke with their wallets.
Not going to cover for sony, increasing prices is something I think that they could have tried to work on alittle more. But it's not like prices wont go down if the game doesnt sell, and they still seem to take each title on a game by game basis in terms of pricing.
sure as is correct to doThey showed their true self again. Will everyone forget about it all over again?
well ms was shitting in the bed again but recovered even before only 1 person had paid the new price .. apologizing and finally granting the f2p. so we will admit that after all it is simply a process of intentions. Let's understand not I'm justifying ms, I was the first yesterday to write to Phil, Aaron and all the others (as many other users have done) .. but let's give Caesar what is Caesar's .. after a bad news we only received one good one. Returning to the price increase on the contrary there was no 180 I did not see any bombing of their official Twitter ... no article written in full anger in 5 minutes and published in a rush by no outlet, only the usual news announcing a price increase. You will understand for yourself that increasing the cost of exclusives by 10 euros for each AAA exclusive significantly increases the cost in the gen... and instead of listening to what is happening in the world during the pandemic Sony went away with Jim Ryan saying that he thinks that the price is more than correct given the hours of entertainment given ... now other rumors circulate where they think they will raise to 80 euros. Now come back to be upset about the unfulfilled intentions of the in-service price increase that was in decline
that could also be said of the hypothetical price increase .... "people will vote with their wallets". Sure ... Ms would not have taken the money directly from people's wallets eh.People will vote with their wallets. If it starts to impact sales of software they will revert. Issue is people still bought the shit out of their console. And they also didnt try to slip this by like Microsoft did.
We know as a fact that Sony games go down in price over time. So a price hike just means waiting a little longer before you buy.that could also be said of the hypothetical price increase .... "people will vote with their wallets". Sure ... Ms would not have taken the money directly from people's wallets eh.
thats a recipe for suckerdomsure as is correct to do
Stop. Just stop.
Bethesda games are not coming to PlayStation. Or at least not until Sony allows Xbox GamePass on PlayStation.
Phil said basically noXbox CFO himself said they would lol
we know that we all find lots of deals to buy ps+ ..gamepass .. gold and basically every other services cheaper . this don't justify what ms was TRYING to do ..and what sony IS doing.We know as a fact that Sony games go down in price over time. So a price hike just means waiting a little longer before you buy.
A price hike in Gold, however, means unsubscribing. And once you leave it is harder to go back.
I doubt most people will ever know it happened. When they see the same charge they always see on their statement they literally won't care.Well, damage was done. Almost all gaming and a few news outlets ran with the story yesterday and now most people think Gold price has doubled, and few now know it was cancelled. Damage done.
Doing what?we know that we all find lots of deals to buy ps+ ..gamepass .. gold and basically every other services cheaper . this don't justify what ms was TRYING to do ..and what sony IS doing.
This is a perfect example of what I was pointing at ....
Marketing for game pass is you don’t have to buy a fresh new game at full price. There still a possibility put Bethesda games on Playstation and be selling at full price and MS knows they will be bought at full price on the PS store.. MS wants more people to buy their new console and purchase game pass they will keep big titles off the PlayStation console.Stop. Just stop.
Bethesda games are not coming to PlayStation. Or at least not until Sony allows Xbox GamePass on PlayStation.
To those stating ms is losing money from the games division and are ready to quit:
That's complete crazy sauce. They had revenue of 11 billion dollars last year, and they just made a new investment in the division for 6.5 billion. Once they hit critical mass on gamepass, there's no stopping them.
Thry see this and they are still actively looking for more studios to buy.
If your goal is to drive people to gamepass, you need exclusive content still, those games will not be multiplatform. (Other than pc)
Ms knows this, its why they bought Bethesda to begin with.
the point is that when you talk about Sony you don't talk taking the sides of the players but you do when you talk about Ms. I can't give a damn about sony sell less games and get less money by turning up the prices (as she decided to do and is doing). I'm interested in those who decide not to buy a game they wanted because it has now crossed the line of "too expensive" and btw if people buy fewer games the result will be the same as you highlighted in multiplayer ..less fun for those who play . And no, it doesn't matter that the games have discounts or cost less over time ... because the discounts and continuous deals are also available on services from the 1 euro deal to discounts where you can accumulate years saving a lot. As I have already written Ms was making a fool of himself thinking of raising the prices but luckily no one has ever had to pay that price.Now I wait to see what the Sony community will do. They will punish Sony by snubbing the exclusives at 70, 70+ euros or he will go sheep by paying happily and getting angry only about what happens in the rival platform?Doing what?
The fact is games are charged as much as the market could take. Sony thinks it should be 70 dollars? If they are wrong they would just make less than they would at 60. This isn't right or wrong, no one is missing out on games.
On the other hand, if MS double the price of Gold, they lose subscription and cause a collapse of players. And the thing with multiplayer, is that the less people play in them, the less fun for anyone who stayed behind and the population empties. This is why multiplayer in Stadia is so sad, despite being physically serviceable. A multiplayer game with low player count would enter a negative feedback loop where as players decline, the less the Gold is seen as desirable or necessary.
You try to talk about morality to me, but i find that pointless. We are talking about buying and selling products, with producers and consumers. And part of a market is about "price discovery", to find the sweet spot where the customer is willing to pay and the producer4 is willing to sell.
Clearly, Sony is not mandating PS5 game prices. Anyone can sell a $500 PS5 game if they want. And if they means they get no customers that is on them. And same with doubling the price of Gold, which would almost certainly kill off Gold entirely had they kept it. You can change the price of the product, but the consumer is the ones deciding if they are willing to pay. No more and no less. Especially for non-essential luxury goods, which has multiple competitive suppliers.
If i remember correctly, we are in a gaming forum that openly declare it is fine to pay 800 dollars for a next gen console. That sounds like a price hike of 10 dollars is within acceptable range. And the end result is that some people would buy the game a few months later.the point is that when you talk about Sony you don't talk taking the sides of the players but you do when you talk about Ms. I can't give a damn about sony sell less games and get less money by turning up the prices (as she decided to do and is doing). I'm interested in those who decide not to buy a game they wanted because it has now crossed the line of "too expensive" and btw if people buy fewer games the result will be the same as you highlighted in multiplayer ..less fun for those who play . And no, it doesn't matter that the games have discounts or cost less over time ... because the discounts and continuous deals are also available on services from the 1 euro deal to discounts where you can accumulate years saving a lot. As I have already written Ms was making a fool of himself thinking of raising the prices but luckily no one has ever had to pay that price.Now I wait to see what the Sony community will do. They will punish Sony by snubbing the exclusives at 70, 70+ euros or he will go sheep by paying happily and getting angry only about what happens in the rival platform?
games are today an expansive media.70 euro with them talking about raising to 80 is not being already acceptable for most families and employee especially in Europe and even more during pandemic. I can't understand how Sony hasn't taken more slaps from its userbase and media outlets for it but that's another story that I will never understand. I get what you mean but it's not honestly a speech that doesn't works very well, where is the correct time limit? is yours? what time limit have a children? why not buy an old gen then? i am sure it will be even cheaper just wait little longer not playing the game you wanted ... probably if you wait long enough you will find it free on the internet and you can play it for free on a browser as retrogame. Obviously I'm exaggerating to make it clear that no, Sony's price hike is as shitty as what ms was doing ... only that one of the two is real and the other never actually happened.If i remember correctly, we are in a gaming forum that openly declare it is fine to pay 800 dollars for a next gen console. That sounds like a price hike of 10 dollars is within acceptable range. And the end result is that some people would buy the game a few months later.
And if the price causes significant drop offs in 1st month sales, it would be corrected. I don't see it as a problem because I see it as self-correcting. If most people are happy to pay 70 dollars then Sony is right. If most people are not happy to pay 70 dollars then the price would drop back to 60 post-haste.
The price of a piece of gaming software is only fixed if we are talking about Nintendo games. The launch price of Microsoft or Sony title is hardly relevant for very long. If a game is not worth its price then it gets cut, much like how Fallout76 was basically given away very quickly. The sticker price just isn't some stubborn problem that wouldn't go away on its own. It WILL.
Much like how Microsoft ended up selling Xbox One at a lower price than PS4, because they had to and not because they wanted to.
You don't seem to understand. The price hike is self-correcting and does not need enforcement because unlike Microsoft, Sony likes money. Just as Sony realized long ago that they can make more money by making FtP games not requiring paid online, Sony would only keep the price at 70 dollars if they were right that it is fair.games are today an expansive media.70 euro with them talking about raising to 80 is not being already acceptable for most families and employee especially in Europe and even more during pandemic. I can't understand how Sony hasn't taken more slaps from its userbase and media outlets for it but that's another story that I will never understand. I get what you mean but it's not honestly a speech that doesn't works very well, where is the correct time limit? is yours? what time limit have a children? why not buy an old gen then? i am sure it will be even cheaper just wait little longer not playing the game you wanted ... probably if you wait long enough you will find it free on the internet and you can play it for free on a browser as retrogame. Obviously I'm exaggerating to make it clear that no, Sony's price hike is as shitty as what ms was doing ... only that one of the two is real and the other never actually happened.
it works exactly the same for services ...You don't seem to understand. The price hike is self-correcting and does not need enforcement because unlike Microsoft, Sony likes money. Just as Sony realized long ago that they can make more money by making FtP games not requiring paid online, Sony would only keep the price at 70 dollars if they were right that it is fair.
Sony isn't going to keep it at 70 if people stop buying at game launch. Because in the end the game price is meant to be adjusted for maximum profitability.
This does not mean raising prices; this means finding the price the customer is willing to pay. And THAT is the big difference between a 70 dollar Sony game and Gold price doubling. Anything else is you trying to confuse things.
The market would win. Sony games are either going to be worth 70 dollars, or they wouldn't be. If they wouldn't be then the policy would be dropped. Market decides the price, not your personal feelings.
I just don't how this even passed at the executive level. Where in software has a company doubled the priced out of nowhere like this?
Don't remember that ever happening to Plus or Gold in the past.
I'm wondering why they felt the need to do this?