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Xbox sales triple following UK price cut

Waits for BeOnEdge's inevitable - it has begun post


Rob Fahey 16:26 07/09/2004

Drop to UKP 99 stimulates sales, as Chris Lewis moves up to head up EMEA operations

Sales of Microsoft's Xbox console tripled in the UK in the week following its price-cut to UKP 99, according to sources in the UK retail sector - bringing weekly sales of the system up to around the 15,000 mark.

The boost to sales of the console is expected to continue through the coming months, as Microsoft and its publishing partners roll out a strong software line-up for the Xbox - which should find a more receptive audience among consumers thanks to the lower price point.

Microsoft UK today declined to comment on the retail reports of its sales success. No information is yet known about the impact of Sony's similar price cut to the PlayStation 2, which came into effect late last month.

In a related story, Microsoft today announced that Chris Lewis, formerly UK Northern and Eastern Europe director for the Home and Entertainment Division, which includes the Xbox project, has been promoted to regional vice president of the division for the EMEA territories.

Lewis will replace former incumbent Eduardo Rosini, who is to move to Singapore as Microsoft's new regional vice president for the Asia Pacific market. Neil Thompson, who is currently the division's regional director for Central and Southern Europe, will be stepping up to fill Lewis' former role.

"We're very pleased to welcome Chris to his new role within the Xbox and Home and Entertainment Division EMEA team," according to Mitch Koch, coporate vice president of the division. "He has led the success of these businesses in the UK, where Xbox enjoys a market share in 2004 to date of 25 per cent, as well as in Northern Europe, which has a market share in 2004 to date of 50 per cent."

"Since he has been closely involved in the success of Xbox and the Home and Entertainment businesses in Europe we'll benefit from a smooth transition," he continued. "We're also confident Neil, another Xbox veteran with regional management experience, will build on the successful track record of Xbox and the Home and Entertainment Division in the UK and Northern Europe."

Sho Nuff

"Well, it's obvious that the only way they can sell consoles is via a price cut. Typical desperate Microsoft action."

Copy and paste the above into your own post for fanboy fun!


So you mean to tell me, that sales actually go UP after reducing the price of an item? *slaps forehead* IT WAS ALL SO OBVIOUS, I SEE THE LIGHT!


Hilary Duff is pleased by this news.



Koshiro said:
So you mean to tell me, that sales actually go UP after reducing the price of an item? *slaps forehead* IT WAS ALL SO OBVIOUS, I SEE THE LIGHT!

Well it seems to work for non-Nintendo consoles these days.
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