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Xbox Series gonna win the next generation - and I'll tell you why

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I'm propably one of the few that read all of this. Amazing story. Very familiar to mine and many other of my countrymen here in Poland. Although with one difference that sony has much stronger presence here, in minds and hearts of people than microsoft (mainly due to microsoft screwing us over and treating like third world country) but this is changing slowly and this gen, microsoft may become much more popular than it was. Btw funfact: in the begining of '90, piracy was literally legal here due to lack of proper law (country just released itsefl from communist regime and in communism you re supposed to not have any property) so you could see every weekend a police officers buing pirate copies of a games and having no problem with that. When someone had original psx game with black disc this person was a hero or a rich punk. 30 years later and everything changed 180 degrees. Yes, piracy is still there but mainly on pc and not so big anymore. We made a huge leap forward in legal software and people's minds. Now with cheap consoles (xss, ones) and gamepass piracy is even not worthy anymore. And in regards to OP's "giving back", i myself had a story when i owned only cheap pc at a time and was in my teens and pirated a lot and i have downloaded stalker soc game and i liked it so much that after two weeks i bought the original because i felt that the devs deserved it. It was my first legal purchase of a game.
My hope was finding mates with similar stories. Just a heads up: Brazilian "mercado livre", an online store, has a shitload of pirated PS2s for sale. They work exactly like the original. Same can be said about many other consoles.


Amazing story but ROTW sales make up around 5% of global sales for Sony. Gamepass isn't staying R$1, even after you get it I believe.


Why does everyone still think this is about selling consoles? It seems Sony(and their fanboys)are the only ones who are still stuck to that business model. If Sony continues down this console only road, the Playstation division will suffer by the end of the generation. "BuT ThEy SoLd 100 MiLiOn Ps5S" Ok, Microsoft's customer base is over a billion. The fanboys on either side need to wake up to see where the industry is going.

I imagine by the end of the 9th generation, Sony will be relying on their own studios for content, and scrambling for third party, as MS will probably own about half of the major third party studios by then.
Yeah, this bullshit again.

”it isn’t about console sales. It’s about a nebulous ecosystem.“

it just happens to not be about the thing MS are almost guaranteed to lose at. Console sales 🙄


If sales numbers are what you are using to decide which one wins, then I think you are wrong. I believe XBox will gain market share this generation, but I do not see them over passing PS5. There are too many Sony fans for them to be dethroned right now. In the PS360 gen, Xbox a year head start along with a bad start to the PS3. Even with the favorable start, Sony got the lead in sales at the end.

I am an Xbox first gamer, and I hope it does better this generation, but I do not see sales numbers passing Sony's.


I really laughed out loud in the middle of the Night xD


it was stupid of microsoft to create a console with half the power, at half the price... because if the Series S is more popular that the PS5, it will not matter. But if it is several times more popular than the series X, it is horror show for Xbox series X games... because the studios will not design for the series X then retard the game for Series S... they will make the game for the series s, and then “bling” it up for the series X
they could double the frame rate for the series X... but they did not do that for the xbox one vs ps4 (xbox one could have done that IMO 60fps at 720p, vs 1080p30 for the ps4)

this is all moot for the ps5, different company console... and different game studio teams. studios IMO generally have one team per company console... (xbox 1/ series S X vs ps4/pro, ps5... could explain why Mark Cerny went with same the CU number (36) compared to ps4pro, just 2x faster for the ps5, to make it easy on the studio teams)

the Series S xbox just shows that microsoft has given up on competing in the console space... (yes they have the “best” in power console (series x) BUT they put themselves at risk that the WEAKEST new console Series S will be popular, thus “killing” off the series X.

the series S can not compete with the Series X... if it can, why buy the series X. people asked (i kinda did, but I will admit that i bought the ps4pro for the vain reason it is “pro” lol, not that i am pro) that about the ps4pro vs ps4... is it turns out answer is because it is version the ps4.5 (get it?, same number of CU’s as the ps5, but a ps4, thus a ps4.5 and the missing 0.5 is the ps5’s 2x RAM, super-plaid-speed storage, 2x speed CPU )

well this is all moot, buy the xbox one series S for 1080 gaming, and the xbox one series X for 4k gaming... problem is the digital version of the ps5 is 100 dollars less than the series X. meaning do you really think the series X can do 4k60 gaming, and the ps5 NOT?

and i think microsoft ripped off all the people that trusted Microsoft by buying the xbox one x at 500 (the ps4pro was 100 dollars less. ) microsoft discontinued the xbox one X. why? it is NOT weaker the the series S...
IMO ps4pro = xbox one X.
(xbox one X same price as xbox one series X, but the xbox one x = ps4pro)
microsoft blighted the world with the weak xbox one, causing the ps4 to never use its true potential... (until now, with the ps5, and the ps4pro (ps4.5 lol) the future looks good for the ps4, ps4pro, and ps5... because ps4 is half of a ps4pro, and a ps4pro is half of a ps5...

PC Gaming will tell you that you are wrong. Look at how many people have a 2080ti or any other highend card, yet they still make features in games where you need one of the top of the line cards to fully take advantage of them.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
If we take what happened when Xbox 360 was winning the last-gen? Sure, Ps3 lower its costs, brought back its Classics via digital download and backward emulation via software, and consolidate it when Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2 then 3, The Last of Us etc came out....then they win the gen. Bring that Sony back......
They don't have to "win" but yeah I want and need the old Sony back.
The best that an objective person could say so far is Microsoft has avoided any major screw-up, while Sony is screwing up slightly, but nowhere near XBox 2013. The PS4 saves not migrated to PS5 is a big deal.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I don't have time to read the entire thread at this juncture, so forgive me if I'm saying the obvious.

Microsoft can win if they change the paradigm. If they allow Sony to dictate the paradigm of the business, they(Microsoft) will never win.
Xbox plus gamepass are the right choice this time. As soon as all exclusives from MS studios will be released, there will be very few reasons to own a PS5, which can be bought at the end of the generation saving money for the console, and also for its esclusives worth to play.
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Just saying that you can buy the low cost Xbox SS (which is the one for the low income people without 4k tvs) at most retailers in Brazil right now... and that you can't find PS5s (digital or disc) anywhere at msrp... Nice theory though.
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I don't think you really understand how the industry flows. Each generation is not a Super Bowl where you play one game and the winner takes all. It's a bit more like a Stanley Cup where you play up to seven games and, win or lose, the points you scored are carried over and divided into the games you play in future Stanley Cups. When you're already down, it takes major mistakes from your competitor or perfect storm situations to gain serious ground in one generation and possibly "win". The industry has seen some surprising things happen but if I were you I'd bank more on what Xbox accomplishes next generation because their current moves are not going to bear much fruit until the latter half of this one.


I don't think you really understand how the industry flows. Each generation is not a Super Bowl where you play one game and the winner takes all. It's a bit more like a Stanley Cup where you play up to seven games and, win or lose, the points you scored are carried over and divided into the games you play in future Stanley Cups. When you're already down, it takes major mistakes from your competitor or perfect storm situations to gain serious ground in one generation and possibly "win". The industry has seen some surprising things happen but if I were you I'd bank more on what Xbox accomplishes next generation because their current moves are not going to bear much fruit until the latter half of this one.

That depends entirely on what games recent and newly purchased studios have in the oven ready to go soon... don't count them out just yet everyone may be shocked by the momentum they gain this year and next.


That depends entirely on what games recent and newly purchased studios have in the oven ready to go soon... don't count them out just yet everyone may be shocked by the momentum they gain this year and next.
Oh I'm sure they've got stuff coming over the next few years. Just that it's not going to be enough to gain any serious ground. Their competitors are not sitting still and that ZeniMax acquisition is not going to start paying for itself any time soon. Too many contractual obligations and the big gains (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom) are a very long ways off from providing. That's why I tell people that they're better off looking to the next generation. That is when all these ducks Microsoft picked up will be in a row.


Gold Member
Just saying that you can buy the low cost Xbox SS (which is the one for the low income people without 4k tvs) at most retailers in Brazil right now... and that you can't find PS5s (digital or disc) anywhere at msrp... Nice theory though.
So Microsoft is shipping hardware to Brazil and Sony is not?


Neo Member
I am brazilian too and I agree with the post, i am mostly a playstation guy and I own a ps4, but i am moving to xbox series x, and among so many reasons to do it, the most important reason is the affordability of game pass. The ps5 games are really expensive for us right now, any new game costs 400 reais, thats half the minimum wage.


No they're not gonna win, but I do think they'll do a lot better this generation. Extending their games to PC in combination with gamepass will allow them to take more risk with the kind of games they can offer. And that's what will bring more people in their ecosystem.
Edit: meant to say gamepass
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So Microsoft is shipping hardware to Brazil and Sony is not?
Stores here receive news of new batches of PS5 arriving in 20-30 days weekly... so you can buy it if you keep looking at retails but they will delivery in 20-30 days.

If you use these apps with alerts you will be alerted of new PS5 every week for delivery in 20-30days.

5 days ago we had stock at Americanas, a week ago on Ponto Frio... all at MSPR (R$ 4699).
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If they have xbone, xbone X series, and x5 and game pass and sony does the same and it’s cheaper? Worse hardware? I don’t think so yo. It’ll be neck and neck wit Sony in the lead or Sony higher. Depends on the games. Is ps5 even going to sell well? Are consoles dying? I think covid will hurt any x5 push.
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Lol xbox is tracking below xbox one numbers, u know that right, its gonna be last place finish again, don't think they are ever going to win a gen. I think they know, that's why they are trying to find their own place with the gamepass thing, its a big risk, lets hope they succeed. Im a gamer used to love the 360, they were trying to be steam of console gaming, did not work, now they are trying gamepass, right now there is not enough good games on gamepass for me to care about it, they need killer apps and quick.
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TL;DR: Cheapest console + LATAM Support + Gamepass

Every start of a generation is an amazing Cold War, where information and hype are practically directly converted into money.

The company that keeps their hand hidden for the longest and keep the image of being the owner of the answer about what's the best console to play is the one that takes the lead on the generation. Whoever gets the lead gets the priority of the small and medium gamedevs, since their resources are scarce to invest on all platforms at the same time, thus generating small exclusives that may or may not become the next Rocket League. Or, like now at the end of the current generation, Fall Guys.

Being known as the company that discovers the best games is ludicrously profitable. It generates memes like "non-PlayStation consoles", so desperate that gaming websites get to put keywords that pull the attention from the public, and their clicks, be it in favor or against.

As a matter of fact, the true winner would be Nintendo, but there's something like 3 generations that it decided to start the race by itself and keep running alone. The Switch is a money-printer (after the failure of WIi U) that fits alright to this argument, but let's be honest, it's not part of the Console War anymore.

That being said, we're in a race with two plastic opponents: Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, either side champions. Virtually we have Google Stadia and Amazon Luna, but no one really knows if their investment gonna have any success, or if it's gonna be the next Zeebo (old console that had two buyers and a raffle over there in Rio de Janeiro. The winner complains about the prize to this day).

but there are some new elements to this next generation. So that their champions can show their true power, their Sargeants must go first and battle for the same point, obsessively. It's the troop's success that's gonna define the success of the monsters in performance.

Console War: Artistic reproduction

At this aspect, the Playstation 5 driveless is technically ahead, since it has the same hardware as the drive-included edition. Compared to the Xbox Series S, also driveless, it has more than double the performance, not even considering the PS5's super-mega-atomic-quantic-SSD

But then let's talk about History

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Sega Saturn had just announced their western release price, US$399. The lack of communication with western retailers made some companies even refuse to sell the console. If it wasn't enough to stumble with their own legs, here comes Steve Race, Sony representative, speaks "299" and leaves the stage, thus setting the any% speedrun record for destroying your opponent's hopes and dreams.

The consoles were pretty much technically equivalent, but the Saturn was pricier to produce. Sony's strategy was simple: facilitate games licensing at most on Playstation (Epic's doing the same thing, but that's for another article). This technique helped in vaporizing the Nintendo 64, by the way.

Moving Forward: Playstation 2 vs Dreamcast vs Xbox.

Xbox was by far the most powerful console, but Playstation 2 was still the home for new games. Hell, even to this day it's still the biggest game library that ever existed and that's why there are pirate copies of PlayStation 2 being sold at Brazil's Mercado Livre like new consoles

Next generation: Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360

PS3 took a beating the entire generation, no questions asked. It took the leadership at the end of the race, but whoever lived at the time saw the 360 strength and how fun were the wars.

And finally, we come to the main point of my argument: Playstation 4 vs Xbox One

Of the 26 years that I game, I think that this generation was the most lukewarm. I lived by the "PlayStation side", and I only saw the price of the console being justified when I got Bloodborne. The console in November 2013, the game in March 2015. The first AAA kinda cool before that was Infamous Second Son and the fabulous Knack BAYBEEEE

Xbox, aside from being on this same lukewarm period, still had the insignificant detail of hearing everything that you said and registering what you were doing with your hands late at night. After all, privacy is for normies.

But there's a point that never left my mind, at the time. The then Sony CEO, Shuhei Yoshida, gave an interview to Eurogamer (I've read on gamesindustry), saying that he didn't have the slightest idea of why that plastic thing almost without games was selling roughly one million units per month

From here on out is my proposal for the answer that they couldn't get in 2014, and it's just one word: Piracy.

Piracy is so ingrained and part of gamer culture as console wars, no matter which official statements being made.
But what I'm about to tell you comes from the perspective of a poor black young male, that didn't even see himself as black because he believed the term would only be applied to people with the darkest of skins.

I was born and raised in Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My father left the family when I was 6 years old and he only left me one thing: a Master System that was gave as a birthday gift, with Sonic at the memory. I loved that and it was by far the game that i've finished most times in my life. Never had money to be part of the Mega Drive / Snes generation without being visiting the house of the neighborhood rich kid. Didn't know who Zelda was. Spent my time drawing Lemmings digging through the different surface structures in geography lessons. I was the youngest of a family of 5 brothers, from different fathers.

Skipped the Mega/Snes generation. My older brother entered the army and a year later took a course to graduate as a career Sargeant. Gave me a Nintendo 64 because I was getting straight A's. Then I was formally introduced to miss Zelda and spent more time in Hyrule than at home.

My brother got transferred to Recife, Pernambuco (still Brazil). My grades kept being A's. He gave me a Playstation

And then my life changed.

Before that, I could only have access to a few games. Two or three bought, the rest we rent at the weekend to have one more day until handing it back.

At Playstation my brother could buy games instead of renting (everything pirate, obviously). I had never been happier in my life

We came back to Rio. Me still with my PlayStation. I started working in a small lan-house of the neighborhood (like those that have different consoles for you to play). Earned R$1 hourly. Worked from 7pm to midnight. Took a test for a preparatory course and got 90% discount from my grades. My biggest pride was paying my course with my own money.

All this still completely neck-deep in piracy. The lan house didn't have a single original game. But it was there that I've played PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast. Hundreds of titles that I would never reach. It was working there that I improved my English learning and writing, that I've learned by played videogames, and I've started my learning of Japanese, that I still study.

Then it was my turn and I did like my brother. Enlisted, but didn't enter. Took the course for Sargeant, entered the same school as my brother, almost 10 years after him. My first paycheck with the first bank account that I ever had. Didn't have the slightest idea on how to use a debit card.

For a year and a half, along 332 mates and friends, I've got through the experience of becoming a professional. First São Paulo, then Minas Gerais. You know the value of your friends when you starve with them.

Graduated, came to Campinas (Sao Paolo). First thing I did with my Sargeant paycheck?

Bought a Playstation 3. Used, but works to this day. Created my PSN ID. Created two, by the way. One Brazilian to record trophies, that still didn't have PS Store, and one US to buy games.

That was 2010. Playstation 3 was released in November 2006, 4 years before. And 4 years later it still didn't have a Brazilian PlayStation store. It was released one year later. And didn't change much. It was the only store that copied the same Plus games from US. I bought used games from Ebay, once I was already at the middle of the generation and had an immense backlog to play. But it was the first time that I was in the generation. Playing everything original, with case and manuals (I miss them)

One thing that was common practice, not just mine but with all my gaming friends, was to buy games that I finished pirate copies at the past. My PSN is full of PSX games for this exact reason. Many I didn't even open on the ps3. But we feel the need to give something back, even being so ridiculously late, to games and franchises that gave us so much joy.

2012 I've married the woman of my life. We ordered our first son to the stork (not necessarily in that order).

2013 my boy was born. A mini version of me. We ordered our daughter

2014 my little girl was born. mini mother. Bought my Playstation 4 at the gray market, Santa Efigenia, because Sony thought it would be funny to release the console for R$3.999 (roughly $2000 at the time)

If you can't see what happened, I can repeat: piracy is a temporary state. As you improve your life, the tendency is to legitimize your pastime with more commitment

K, cute story told. What that has to do with the title?



Support, warranty, local factories, games localization, you name it.

Enters Gabe Newell

Think about this my story as a cycle. Something that has been happening since Pong got released. Brazil is the country of Piracy. And yet officially it's the fourth major consumer of games of the world. What this means is that while generations come and go and new consumers enter piracy, those who started on piracy and grew choose which is going to be the legit platform that they'll adopt.

Videogame is already an absurdly hard hobby to have when you're poor.

and then enters the differential of this generation: the driveless.

With the cheaper version of the consoles, you won't have the option to buy used games. Either you buy at Store price (that Sony just raised to the base price of R$300), or you won't play.

And guess which one of the platforms has a service that has an initial signature cost of R$1 and 100+ games?

Sony's trying it's best with the Plus Collection, but the cheaper version of the service is R$24,99 for a month. And that's for a console that's already US$100 more expensive.

LATAM gamers fidelity with PlayStation brand grows thinner every time that word of mouth tells how well treated Microsoft consumers are

Everything that the Xbox Series S, and subsequently X need to do to win the generation is to deliver whatever good games that the 23 Studios from XGS are producing. The disposition to run under the wings of the brand is already there.

Source: SavePoint

I sincerely hope English is not your first language. I couldn't make it past the first three paragraphs.


Yeah I'm from chile and game pass and series s are really tempting right now. For one, you can actually get a series s/x here, whereas ps5s are, both model, sold out everywhere. You can get one for like $2000 online if you are dumb enough.
But I simply can't left my whole digital library and live services games back. I'm not a multi console gamer. I once was and realized that inevitably I ended up game waaaay more in one console than the other. It's just impractical.


Xbox plus gamepass are the right choice this time. As soon as all exclusives from MS studios will be released, there will be very few reasons to own a PS5, which can be bought at the end of the generation saving money for the console, and also for its esclusives worth to play.
can't that same logic be applied the other way around? you can just wait until the end of the gen to get a Series console at a lower price & then play all the exclusives that have finally released by subbing to Game Pass for a few months


But by the time I'm done reading the OP, next gen will have passed, revealing all secrets anyway through lapse of time. So this isn't really useful.
can't that same logic be applied the other way around? you can just wait until the end of the gen to get a Series console at a lower price & then play all the exclusives that have finally released by subbing to Game Pass for a few months
I would think so except for the caveat that Xbox offerings tend to be multiplayer focused versus Playstations mostly singleplayer ones.

You'd preferably want to get in on the multiplayer games early, to get advantage of not only the early playerbase, but also to be able to learn the game and increase your skill alongside the others. For example, if you were to jump into Rainbow 6 Seige today for the first time, you'd get crushed in game after game. You'd always be behind the curve.

Singleplayer games don't have that issue. You'd also get whatever map expansions or whatever dlc released for it at once.

Not written in stone or anything, but that's what I'd think would be preferable.
Xbox have been slowly but steadily making a lot of great changes with hardware, services, and (eventually) games that will if not win them this gen, then at least end stronger than they started. Which is great, because the better everyone does, the more we'll all benefit.


Xbox plus gamepass are the right choice this time. As soon as all exclusives from MS studios will be released, there will be very few reasons to own a PS5, which can be bought at the end of the generation saving money for the console, and also for its esclusives worth to play.
Good tactical bump neo member!


I would think so except for the caveat that Xbox offerings tend to be multiplayer focused versus Playstations mostly singleplayer ones.

You'd preferably want to get in on the multiplayer games early, to get advantage of not only the early playerbase, but also to be able to learn the game and increase your skill alongside the others. For example, if you were to jump into Rainbow 6 Seige today for the first time, you'd get crushed in game after game. You'd always be behind the curve.

Singleplayer games don't have that issue. You'd also get whatever map expansions or whatever dlc released for it at once.

Not written in stone or anything, but that's what I'd think would be preferable.
fair point, that's definitely relevant for things like Halo & Gears if you want to focus on the MP

presumably things like Fable, Avowed, and Bethesda's output (largely) will be more SP focused though
Latin American support is nice and all that, so I’m happy for you folks in the south that can enjoy cheap gaming. Game pass is a neat idea, although I don’t like how you basically need to subscribe to get value from Xbox. It would be like PS5 only being worthwhile if you subscribe to PSNow.

I also enjoy my gaming on the PS5 and am willing to pay any premium that it entails. It’s well worth the extra cost if it means I get to play absolute masterpieces such as Ghost of Tsushima and God of War, both current and future.

Even Playstation Plus has redeemed itself with this generation. I could hardly justify the cost on the PS4, but since the PS5 launch, every month brings a new game that I actually want to play. I don’t know if I’ve bothered with any PS+ free games for years. Hell, Final Fantasy VII Remake is free with PS+ next month.
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This gen? the ps5 will win in number of hw sales. Ms will earn more money (gamepass + pc + xcloud sales). The consoles will end up much closer than what happened between ps4 xbox but ms after shifting his focus on services and retrieving users from other platforms seems to give a great fu*k about beating Sony in the number of consoles sold.. The gen after this one? Sony as today seems not to have a chance in a console agnostic future

op. don't know what you expecting from gaf about this thread .
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