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Xbox version of Doom 3 "almost done"

source: Impreza from the IGNXGB


POSTED: 10/8/2004 12:51 AM

Game Informer Online got a chance to chat a bit with Vicarious Visions' CEO Karthik Bala today wherein he dropped a casual bomb on us by slipping us the news that Doom 3 for the Xbox is "almost done."

Months ago, the company announced that they planned to release the game around two to three months after the PC version, which according to Bala's statement to us, seems to put the Xbox version of the game right on schedule. While Bala was reluctant to spill any more details about the game, he did say that the cooperative mode will be "awesome."

We'll bring you more details as soon as they become available.
... and nobody cares. Hmmmm...

I would think it would be huge if this game actually were to make it out this year. I know this isn't any confirmation of release dates, but it opens up the possibility. I know everything is clearing out of Halo's path, but to me that's even more reason to release it in late November/early December if possible.

Q1 & Q2 2005 are absolutely freakin loaded with Xbox FPS'.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
goodcow said:
People would care if Doom 3 didn't suck ass.

Well, to be fair Doom 3 does do some great atomospheric work, however when you take away the cutting edge graphics that the PC can do and strip it down for the xbox you end up with a painfully average game.


People always come out and hate high profile games like Doom 3. I could understand some people disliking it, but in general, the vast majority of people and reviewers who have played it agree that it's good.


The game isn't really that good. It has a _killer_ graphics engine and they showed what they could do with it. But it's severly lacking in the gameplay department. Especially later on as it's the same as the first part.

Kinda funny how I've almost put more time into CS:S than in Doom3


Doom 3 is a great FPS. Fantastic visuals, very polished, with a great atmosphere. I found it to be a very compelling game overall, but lets face it, people love to rag on something that is popular.

I'll bet if it had vehicles everyone would be singing its praises.



SaitoH said:
Doom 3 is a great FPS. Fantastic visuals, very polished, with a great atmosphere. I found it to be a very compelling game overall, but lets face it, people love to rag on something that is popular.

I'll bet if it had vehicles everyone would be singing its praises.


Doom3 was scary for about 15 minutes. Then everything became predictable and repetive.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
meaning you played it for 15 minutes and assumed the rest? That or you found out how to enter cheat codes.

I take great pride knowing I don't have the mundane tastes I see everyday here at GA.


Bregor said:
I forget, is there an Xbox version of Half Life 2 being worked on?

But I think the smart money is on HL2 launching alongside Xenon next year. Sure people will get a year old game, but if Xenon got HL2, HL: Source and CS: Source out of the gate -- it'd be a nice launch title for people like me who havent played the original and CS: Source would be a good XenonLive title along with Crimson Skies 2 and PGR3 which I'd expect as Xenon launch titles.


SantaCruZer said:
Doom3 was scary for about 15 minutes. Then everything became predictable and repetive.

I felt the game was tense rather than scary. I was quite impressed at how paranoid I became while playing it. I mean, you KNOW something is going to pop out of a monster closet, or teleport in, but I was always on edge because of that. That's what I found compelling. I would actually shut the game off from time to time because I was freaked out.


open_mouth_ said:
Kind of like the Doom 3 haterz...

not really. I played Doom1 and Doom2 back in the days on my 386 33mhz computer.

Doom2 was the first game I ever played with a 28k modem vs a friend. I loved those games, but doom3 was a disappointment for me. Great graphics doesn't singlehandly make a game great. I mean id worked for 4.5 years on this game.
Does anyone remember the first initial release date for Doom 3 (PC) and what the reason was for it getting pushed back?


DopeyFish said:
they never said a release date... "when it's done" is as far as they've gone iirc

Not really. They had a huge banner at E3 2003 which said Doom3 2003.


open_mouth_ said:
Kind of like the Doom 3 haterz...

I actually was a doom fanboy back when it wasn't released. I would tell people how all the old id games had great gameplay so it would be great. The quake games were awesome. Fast action paced gameplay. Who cares about repetive gameplay if it plays that good.

Then there was doom 3. They took out the speed and action. And finding a key/button/door in a slow dark game isn't that great.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sjoerd said:
I actually was a doom fanboy back when it wasn't released. I would tell people how all the old id games had great gameplay so it would be great. The quake games were awesome. Fast action paced gameplay. Who cares about repetive gameplay if it plays that good.

Then there was doom 3. They took out the speed and action. And finding a key/button/door in a slow dark game isn't that great.

LOL if you can't find keys or doors or buttons... i have no idea what to say. Unlike Doom 1&2, the locations of everything made sense and were in extremely predictable areas. If you did not find this out 20 minutes in the game... /me cries for world.


I don't think Doom 3 was great, but it was certainly a good game.

In any case, just look at the people acting as haters. You'd be surprised if they didn't hate on it.


And even i am moderately surprised
Doom 3 does for Doom pretty much what the RE4 demo seems to be doing for Resident Evil.

The same old game (with some mild alteration) and real nice graphics.

Yet i see the people all over resident evil are the ones bitching out Doom 3.... interesting stuff.


And even i am moderately surprised
... closet monster basher?
... or secret RE4 lover?

and you appeared after my post, so you don't count!

How comes games that are "overhyped" have to be utterly amazing, or else they suck?

Doom 3 isn't the best game in the world, but it's still a damned good game. Okay, it didn't live up to the fanfare, but to say it "sucks" ?? Surely that's a bit OTT?


I think they picked the wrong classic Doom elements to include. Monsters in closets, but no monsters attacking each other due to friendly fire? Which of these elements seems more appropriate in a modern FPS game?


I might get it just for the co-op. (There is co-op, right?) I need a good co-op game, and I'm about to beat Xmen Legends.


DCharlie said:
... closet monster basher?
... or secret RE4 lover?

and you appeared after my post, so you don't count!

Yeah, he cheats!


The closet monsters are indeed sucktastic. I just didn't think it made the game bad. I thought it wasn't nearly as good as some people would want to make you believe (e.g. the overrating reviews everywhere) but neither nearly as bad as some here are stating.


they call me "Man Gravy".
DCharlie said:
Doom 3 does for Doom pretty much what the RE4 demo seems to be doing for Resident Evil.

The same old game (with some mild alteration) and real nice graphics.

Not really.

The "classic" Dooms (1&2) and Doom 3 are about as different in gameplay as you can get. Doom 3 is a slow-paced "frightening" FPS and Doom 1 & 2 were all about fast-paced shooting. I would say the old Dooms were more fun for their time, but that certainly doesn't make Doom 3 a bad game.


Ehhhh, the hype on this game has pretty much died....gameplay is too dull and too dated for the title to really catch on with the community. No excitement, just key hunting in repetitive corridors. Perhaps a nice game if you are scared by an unending series of monster closets filled with unthreatening, easily-killed imps.

I'm kind of interested to see if the Xbox version will make it out this year.....I think Holsenhead already admitted that we wouldn't see it until '05. Halo 2 and Unreal Championship 2 will probably crush it if there's a Christmas release.


DCharlie said:
Doom 3 does for Doom pretty much what the RE4 demo seems to be doing for Resident Evil.

The same old game (with some mild alteration) and real nice graphics.

Yet i see the people all over resident evil are the ones bitching out Doom 3.... interesting stuff.

lol man why are you so quick to compare re4 to doom3? It doesn't make any sense.


border said:
I'm kind of interested to see if the Xbox version will make it out this year.....I think Holsenhead already admitted that we wouldn't see it until '05. Halo 2 and Unreal Championship 2 will probably crush it if there's a Christmas release.

Unreal Championship 2 isn't coming out til early next year.


And even i am moderately surprised
"lol man why are you so quick to compare re4 to doom3? It doesn't make any sense."

i'm comparing the criticism/praise , not the games themselves.


DCharlie said:
"lol man why are you so quick to compare re4 to doom3? It doesn't make any sense."

i'm comparing the criticism/praise , not the games themselves.

We have only played the demo of RE4 so far. I would wait to judge RE4 until it's done and out. Hopefully the rest of the game is really good.


Doom 3 really isn't much like the other Doom games though. Doom 1 & 2 had varied environments, and tons and tons of monsters. You weren't forced to do any boring log reading, and when you got to a new level you were excited because it was going to be this awesome new place.....not Research Station Beta that looks exactly like the Research Station Alpha stage you just left.

The only things that Doom 3 shares will its predecessors are the monster closets and inane key-hunting objectives.


m0dus said:
Wow. the people posting "Doom 3 sucks" really need to sit down with a SHIT fps for about an hour. Really, you need to humbled, because you're talking out of your ass at this point. In fact, I'd say you need to be strapped to a chair and forced to play Daikatana at gunpoint for a good long while, because your perspective has been skewed to hell.

it's one thing to be let down by your expectations--you really have no one to blame but yourself. But the quality argument is pretty pointless when it comes to Doom 3-- the game is very well put together, and it did what it set out to do, as far as I'm concerned. It's amazing how fanboys become haters when a little nostalgia is thrown in to gloss over their memories of playing the antecedents of a game series way back in the day.

Doom 3 is an excellent game, definitely one of the best corridor FPS's released this year, if not in the past several. as far as calling it "the same old game," such statements do little more than highlight your ignorance: The game was far from the mindless point A to point B shooter the original was; The storyline had some actual value to it (reading the emails and logs from personnel's PDAs was a nice touch, and a good vehicle for telling the story behind the events you witness firsthand); it had a penchant for both rewarding and punishing the player for exploration, and for making you absolutely mindful of EXACTLY how much ammo you had to spare in each gun you had on hand, and the atmosphere it achieved should be a new highmark for games in general. Yeah, I found the 'zombie/monster behind hidden panel' bits a little annoying myself, but it succeeded in making me paranoid enough to look over my shoulder and do a quick sweep with the shotgun every time I walked into a room. :)

Very well said.


DCharlie said:
Doom 3 does for Doom pretty much what the RE4 demo seems to be doing for Resident Evil.

The same old game (with some mild alteration) and real nice graphics.

Yet i see the people all over resident evil are the ones bitching out Doom 3.... interesting stuff.

I feel the same way about the 2 games. Kind of excited, but if they never saw the light of day it wouldn't hurt my feelings. They just don't have the same impact as they used to.


jedimike said:
I feel the same way about the 2 games. Kind of excited, but if they never saw the light of day it wouldn't hurt my feelings. They just don't have the same impact as they used to.

you mean impact on these boards. Doom3 has sold very well.


Doom 3 had exploration in it? ;) I was never that conscious of my ammunition, though maybe that's because I wasted all that time finding the codes to the damned lockers in all those text files. I usually checked to make sure I wasn't running low, but it was never something like Halo.....where I would be flipping out because I only had 12 shells left in the middle of The Library.

The Xbox release will be amusing. Already you have Xbots who made fun of all the scanning in Metroid Prime saying how "cool and immersive" it is to sift through pages and pages of dull e-mails and audio logs, all of which essentially say the same thing ("Something funny's going on, everybody is frightened"). The story didn't seem like much of a story at all....it was just one plot-point belabored for the entire game. Interesting background details (like the reserach notes done on demon corpses) were cool, if few and far between.

To say they "accomplished what they wanted to do" is almost a back-handed compliment.....they set the bar very low and then stepped, not hurdled, over it. The game is still a bit schizophrenic in some respects, though. At the very beginning, you can see that they were trying to take some lessons from Half-Life (NPC interaction, tram ride, 1-2 actual puzzles that didn't involve finding a key). At some point I think they were actually planning on making the game more than it is now, but they gave up and turned it into Imp-fest 2004.

It isn't completely terrible, just utterly mediocre and unimaginative. Yes, it's better than bottom-of-the-barrell games, but when there's so much more good stuff out there I don't think there's anything special about it....without the graphics, I don't think anybody would really say it's worth the money.


they call me "Man Gravy".
border said:
It isn't completely terrible, just utterly mediocre and unimaginative. Yes, it's better than bottom-of-the-barrell games, but when there's so much more good stuff out there I don't think there's anything special about it....without the graphics, I don't think anybody would really say it's worth the money.

I think the term "unimaginative" is pretty relative. I mean, I think Doom 3 is better than almost every cookie-cutter, "unimaginative" WWII-shooter we have (or Vietnam-shooter, or Black Hawk Down-type shooter, etc). It was a fun little game in its own right that did everything it set out to do very well. I think any rational person got what they expected out of Doom 3.


Although I think it was a fine example of creating tension through ammo scarcity, I probably shouldn't have mentioned The Library, since that level has too many other nasty connotations. Consider something like the beginning of the second part in Truth & Reconciliation, where you are forced to hold position in the Covenant ship's hangar for 5 minutes with a constant flood of enemies entering through 4 different corners of the room. The time and sequencing of enemy entry is totally random -- you can't just learn the pattern and know what to expect.....everytime you die and re-load the experience will be different. To make matters even worse, there will be 3-5 Gold Elites entering at random times....sometimes one right after the other! In Legendary, the only quick and effective way to take them down will be either a sticky grenade or 2-3 sniper rounds. Even if you conserved ammo in the first part of the mission, you will have (at best) a dozen sniper rounds and 4 plasma grenades. It's a situation where you'll be heavily aware of how much ammo you need, and very worried about running out. To me, that's how you create scares and tension. Through random-frights, ammo scarcity and very difficult foes that require particular skill to take down.

Something like that doesn't happen in Doom 3. First of all, the game is heavily scripted....monsters always appear in the same place at the same moment. Beyond the first time, there's no surprise. Second, the commonly used enemies are just too easy. Almost all of them will go down with a point-blank shotgun blast and since their ranged attacks aren't terribly effective -- you just strafe-run at them and blast away. The pinkies were actually pretty tough, but for some reason they disappear about halfway through the game. I never worried about ammo because it was pretty much enough that I could get 1-2 shot kills on most enemies, and if I was even running low on shells then I just switched to another weapon for a few minutes until I found some more. If you were worried about how many bullets you had left then I'm not going to imply that you were wasting them or that you were a bad player, but I am going to point out that it's possible to play the game in such a way that ammo is a non-issue. It certainly isn't as important as in survival horror titles (supposedly the inspiration for this game) or something like Halo. If one of their goals was to make ammo an issue, then they pretty much killed it by throwing in all those ammo locker codes.

When I say that they "set the bar low", I mean that in terms of design objectives rather than overall quality. Their goals were not to do anything new or ambitious in terms of gameplay. They wanted to make a totally straightforward "Find the key" FPS, full of unintelligent enemies and text logs. They did. I dunno how much praise they really deserve for that, considering that any other game without Doom 3's graphics or pedigree would get torn to shreds at worst, or a bunch of ho-hum "7.5" reviews at best. And I still think that their original objectives were somewhat compromised (Half-Life elements appear and mysteriously disappear) ;)

I didn't mean to imply that m0dus specifically was bashing Metroid Prime....it's just my sense that a lot of MP's big critics have suddenly decided that reading logs isn't so bad after all =)

And yes, I would probably rather play Doom 3 than any of the tactical military Clancy crap.....so at least it's got that going for it.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Doom 3 is really immensely crappy. The combat has zero finesse, you fight nonstop in hallways so thin that you cant dodge, so all it is, is run straight while shooting, no dodging, no tactics, no cover, just run forward with mouse_1 held down. They fully support this gameplay by placing health powerups every 6 inches.

Fuck what a stupid game, I can't believe it has over 80% at gamerankings.


Doom 3 was not a very good game at all.

The level design is nowhere near the first 2 Dooms. I understand they were going for something different, but it's one of the most linear FPSs I have ever played. It's too cramped, too slow paced, and quickly grows old and boring. The "too dark to see" gimmick was more hampering than atmospheric.

The engine itself is gorgeous but can't handle more than four enemies on screen (compare this to some rooms in Doom 2) so it'll instead stream them. It also couldn't handle any open areas (see my first point). The enemies were brick dumb and not much fun to fight against (and I played Far Cry, mind you). The AI here was worse. There was no positional damage, so shooting a monster in the head is the same as shooting his foot.

The weapons have crap sound and feel to them. Try out Half Life to see what a machine gun should sound and feel like... it's not thup-thup-thup.

I really hope nobody tries to bring up the "story" as a saving grace. It was pretty sad.

I could bring up other points, but why? I really wanted to love it, but it's really not that good a game. It's the very definition of mediocrity, more a showcase for an engine than an engaging gaming experience (which should be the goal in mind). Like Unreal, basically.
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