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Xbox version of Doom 3 "almost done"


Mzo said:
Doom 3 was not a very good game at all.

The level design is nowhere near the first 2 Dooms. I understand they were going for something different, but it's one of the most linear FPSs I have ever played. It's too cramped, too slow paced, and quickly grows old and boring. The "too dark to see" gimmick was more hampering than atmospheric.

The engine itself is gorgeous but can't handle more than four enemies on screen (compare this to some rooms in Doom 2) so it'll instead stream them. It also couldn't handle any open areas (see my first point). The enemies were brick dumb and not much fun to fight against (and I played Far Cry, mind you). The AI here was worse. There was no positional damage, so shooting a monster in the head is the same as shooting his foot.

The weapons have crap sound and feel to them. Try out Half Life to see what a machine gun should sound and feel like... it's not thup-thup-thup.

I really hope nobody tries to bring up the "story" as a saving grace. It was pretty sad.

I could bring up other points, but why? I really wanted to love it, but it's really not that good a game. It's the very definition of mediocrity, more a showcase for an engine than an engaging gaming experience (which should be the goal in mind). Like Unreal, basically.

The first 2 dooms were groundbreaking. It was at a time when 3D games hardly excisted. The pace was awesome. Quick and full with adrenaline.
I would've cared about Doom 3 more if Chronicles Of Riddick didn't steal all of it's thunder last summer (and on a console no less). Let's see:

Normal mapping = check
Better story and acting = check
Real-time lighting you can shoot out (can't in Doom 3) = check
More gameplay (stealth, gun-play, hand-to-hand, + mini-mech play) = check

Overall, CoR is a much better game utilizing all of the technology ID's been boasting about for years, beating them to the punch. Doom 3 is a solid shooter with some cool moments but CoR was a much better ride for me all around.


I think he's referring to the plasma rifle shots and rockets not creating light sources. Though I downloaded a mod to fix that. At least that's what I'm assuming ...


Ps. Mzo had the best negative review of Doom 3. Sounds like he actually played it and didn't like it at all. Schafer on the other hand ... wow.
teepo said:
um yes you can...

not all the lights but a majority of them you can.
huh? I've tried shooting out plenty of lights with various weapons, all having no effect. I think the only thing that affected lights were explosives. I'll go back and try it again and will fix my previous post if I am wrong (about the lights only :p)
Okay, I went back and loaded up some previous save games in Doom 3 and was 100% unsuccessful when attempting to shootout any light sources. Any and all light sources were unaffected by my shots and any large ceiling lights, had some grating supposedly protecting them from my shots. So yeah, my original post still stands and you all are on crack :p If there are some lights that can be shot, they're too few and far between to care and have yet to experience any of them at about 6 hours into the game.


I wanted to like Doom 3 so bad. I was such a massive Doom 1 & 2 fanboy back in the day, and have liked most of id's games since then. But I can't even bring myself to finish Doom 3, it is just so painfully average. Everytime I try to play it, I just wish I was playing something else.
People seem to conveniently forget how bad the FPS aiming was in Riddick. even with auto-aim it never felt like you were shooting anyone. Doom 3 is alot more satisfying in that respect.
For the right price I'll be picking this up for XBL play. That is if it's a decent enough port. I'm not overly concerned with the graphics aspect.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
m0dus said:
Wow. No tactics? you never had to take cover? Shit, then what game were you playing? I mean, seriously, your solution to walking into a room with 3 or 4 marines--who tend to dodge, take cover behind crates/desks, and attempt to flank you, was running forward with mouse1 held down? fuck, no wonder you didn't like the game--doesn't sound to me like you really played it. You do realize you can duck, sidestep, strafe, and whatnot, right?
I mean really, just because you have no sense for tactics doesn't mean the game didn't encourage them :). Seriously, though, If you are SO befuddled as to why the game has an 88% at GR, then maybe you need to reconsider the elements you used to form the basis of your opinion--you should consider the very real possibility that you, simply, did not give it a chance.

Did not give it a chance, I finished the stupid ass game. You are definitely exagerating the Marine AI, they may duck, but the easiest way to kill them is charge with a shotgun. As for ducking, there was rarely anything to duck behind, especially since they CONSTANTLY spawn enemies behind you making any attempt at utilizing cover futile at best. Its a shit game with pretty graphics, it offered absolutely no compelling gameplay whatsoever.


The zombie marines had some fairly basic duck n' cover tactics (probably not much better than Quake 2's enemies), but you are almost never fighting the zombie marines.

Mostly you are fighting imps and the mutant marines (guys with the chainguns or the tentacle-arms). The mutant marines don't do anything tactical.....just run up and blast them with a shotgun.


DopeyFish said:
LOL if you can't find keys or doors or buttons... i have no idea what to say. Unlike Doom 1&2, the locations of everything made sense and were in extremely predictable areas. If you did not find this out 20 minutes in the game... /me cries for world.

Pfiew I didn't mean that at all!

I meant that the objectives of the early id games didn't really matter because of the great action.
It's not that Doom 3 is a bad game, it's just that with the amount of time and talent they had working on the game it should have been so much better.
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