So after that little excursion where the only four guys I had with any experience missed every shot in the mission and were wiped out, I had to rely completely on rookies for the next few missions.
The next three missions, every single shot fired was missed. Literally every single one, and there were at least five attempts at shots per mission. And it's not just me trying to shoot people with a 7% chance of hitting, I don't fire unless I'm 50% or above, opting instead for Overwatch (OW shots don't count in my "at least five" since that's just the nature of OW, but for the record every one of those missed too). So I have no money for further research because I have to hire troops, I have no supplies coming in because I can't win missions, I can't win missions because I can't get troops who aren't rookies. The poor get poorer
But all those missed shots were just unlucky, not unfair.
I got my first terror mission and of course had to send a group of four greenhorns. Surprisingly, everything was going well, except for one rookie who got put in critical condition, but couldn't be stabilized because I didn't bring a medikit (I expected this to be a suicide mission lol). I was making sure not to fire unless I definitely had a shot, and I was bringing down enemies without spamming grenades.
Then I encountered my first Chrysalid. What. The. Fuck. It was hidden in a dark corner, and spent its first turn sprinting right up to one of my guys behind cover. I shot it, of course it didn't die, so that's one guy down and turned right there. Next I moved my other two guys into position, one took fire at the other aliens baring down on them. The other guy fired at the Chrysalid and hit it, but it didn't die, so it ran right up to the guy who fired and turned him too. NOOO! This put him right next to the final guy, who fired upon the Chrysalid, hit it, it still didn't fucking die. Guy was turned, mission over.
What?! Does the Chrysalid have literally zero sense of self-preservation?! It doesn't back up when it's taken massive damage and is on its last bar? Obviously the move paid off for the aliens but it just seems like there was nothing I could have done the moment I alerted the Chrysalid, seeing as I hit all three shots and still lost an entire squad to one enemy.
Even when I'm losing I'm having a good time, but I'm really thinking now I need to just start again on Normal, because as it is I don't even feel like I'm just getting my ass kicked, I feel like I don't have the tiniest chance no matter how well I position my troops because they'll miss, miss, miss, panic, and then get one shot vaporized from 300 yards away.
Hopefully after playing Normal a little bit I can figure out some better tactics and a build order for the base. Losing is fun, but like Risk, it's just no fun for your 15 troops to lose invading a country with one defender just because you rolled a one 42 times in a row. Although it is absolutely hilarious if a friend is watching!