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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


any one else have problem with wired xb360 controller on the pc version? Whenever I click to change from mouse to xb360 controller I get message "Please reconnect controller or press ESC to continue using mouse" and massive slow down in game.
RIP Dudley, you were such a gentleman by taking that explosion from the burning car.

My main man Tizoc got a promotion and now I need to decide whether to give him bullet swarn or holo targeting. Any ideas?

Holo targeting has been nice for me thus far, especially with a sniper around. Should be even better now that I have Suppression. (Get well soon, Chavez.)


Just went through my first full wipe. Holy balls that mission was going so well. And hooooly baaalls that mission went to shit fast. All because I figured I could just bumrush the last enemy in the mission, a Thin Man, for an easy stun. Nope! One missed taze, followed quickly by one dead Assault dude later, I realised that the Thin Man wasn't *actually* the last enemy in the mission. The massacre which ensued was grisly. I'd completely let the team's guard down.

I had my first strong problem with a game system choice after the squad wipe too. I love that you get to keep the equipment from fallen X-Com troops. I really appreciate that. However, I found it really jarring that I still got to keep all my equipment after a full squad wipe. I mean, thanks for the handout game, but shit. I should lose that stuff. I deserve to lose that stuff. I fucked up and lost a full roll-out of troops in enemy territory. No-one was able to walk around that site picking bits up.


Okay, Ironman mode is no good. I've had two game-freezing bugs that just occur no matter what you do when you load.

One was during the tutorial, so no biggie, but this last one fucked my game.

My skyranger was en route to an abduction mission, and during flight i discovered a ufo in flight, so i sent an interceptor.

The skyranger landed first, so i did the mission. Upon completion, the interceptor is supposed to attack the ufo, but the game just hangs on the world map.

So beware, fellow commanders.


so difficulty level also affects starting bonuses it seems, right?

had 1 satellite and no officer school in classic but 2 satellites and one officer school when I restarted in normal difficulty.



Biff O'Malley (Ireland)
Dick Ironwood (USA)
Slate McBryant (UK) ---qualified for my cloning program because of 'boss status'
Juan Guerrero (Mexico)
Makov Drago (Russia)
Daniel M'Mburugu (Nigeria) -- name based of guy that killed leopard with bare hands.
Usain Bolt (Jamaica)
Pierre Jean-Claude (France)
Okay, Ironman mode is no good. I've had two game-freezing bugs that just occur no matter what you do when you load.

One was during the tutorial, so no biggie, but this last one fucked my game.

My skyranger was en route to an abduction mission, and during flight i discovered a ufo in flight, so i sent an interceptor.

The skyranger landed first, so i did the mission. Upon completion, the interceptor is supposed to attack the ufo, but the game just hangs on the world map.

So beware, fellow commanders.

Looking back I probably should have just used manual saves and never reloaded unless I had to, but it's too late now.


Game is awesome...haven't had this much fun since TFTD as a kid. Spoiler'd cause I'm still doing the tutorial..ironman

--Ok let me preface this by saying the tutorial at the begining makes 3 of your guys die... thankfully that was before I named any of them...

First Contact

The UN got reports coming out of Catamarca, Argentina of "satilights" falling in the city and citizens panicing. The UN sent in the first responders after members of the Argentina Scorpion group failed to respond to communications. All but 1 perished following contact with, what our newest recruit called grey men. From here on out, this is XCOM's war.

3/1/15 1:39
Operation Driving Fist: Dallas, USA

After the first contact with the aliens it had been quiet with no sign of them for almost 5 months, until 2 reports came in almost simaltaniously. We recieved reports of alien abductions in both Dallas, US and Beijig, China. With only enough plans and recruits to cover one site the US was choosen based on their promise to send some additional scientists to help our beleagered research department.

Ariving on site at 3:21 our team was lead by the lone survior of the UN disastor (luckyly I was able to purloin hum from the UN as he was the only living person with experience fighting these aliens, and his experience would prove invaluable) Squadie James Walker, our Heavy. With him were 3 raw recruits. Recruit Robert Becker, Recruit Scott Smith, and Recruit Jeb Brousseau.

Mission Objectives

Sweep the abduction site and identify threats
Neutrilize all hostile targets

Mission Brief
Alien abduction in progress. Site is clear of civilans and multiple hostiles present. Collateral damage is not a concern.

After clearing the buildings surrounding the landing site, Squadie Walker took the high ground to scout out potential threats, and startled 2 grey men. While Recruit Smith locked them down with covering fire, Squadie Walker managed to take them both down with a single grenade. That blast unfortunately brought in the reenforcements, with two more grey men quickly bringing us under fire, and Recruit Brousseau teaching the other recruits a valuable lesson that day... When your cover gets destroyed, do not seek cover near something on fire that also contains gasoline like a forklift because it will explode and kill you. I've asked the drill sergents to add this to their training regiment.

With the raw recruits under heavy fire, Squadie Walker made great use of that rocket launcher he recived after promotion to get both aliens (and most of the trailer they were hiding in). I see another promotion in his future.

At 3/1/15, 21:28 Alpha team returned for base for debriefing, and subdued celibration.

--The squad managed to piece together 2 grey man corpses and 2 sets of their ruined weapons for the science team to research.

The scientists were over joyed with their haul, and immediately started research on the xeno-biology. It's crucial that we gain a thorough understanding of the alien physiology in order to develop weapons and tactics better suited to combating them. In typical scientist form, the "grey men" term was not clinical enough for them, so they have been renamed Sectoids...however I will not impose that name on the troops.

Engineering has finally come on line, but only with enough engineers to build out one schematic. Difficult choices had to be made, but with no soldiers currently surviving a single shot of the alien weaponry I elected to have new S.C.O.P.E. technology be built out to hopefully give us a little more accuracy from further out instead of the medkits.

3/5/15 17:40
Target extraction: We've incercepted a signal indicating that an abductiee was able to escape alien captivity, and there is a limited window of oppurtunity to attempt an extraction. By the time the troops are on the ground Central should have our complete intelligence report available.
Operation Cryptic Stranger: Sydney, Australia

Misson Objectives

Find the target
Escort the target safely to the extraction point
Protect the target at all costs

Mission Brief
A high value target requires an escort for evacuation to HQ. However, hostile units are in the area on high alert, and will attempt to counter our extraction team.

--I've asked Squaddie Walker to allow the others to experience some action as well...I hope I don't live to regret it

Walker and Smith paired off to begin the search on the East quadrent, with Becker and Olden moving to cover the West. First contact was made almost immediately after Walker and Smith had moved into possition with Becker startling the alien by running quickly to cover just out of the dropoff point. It was an alien we have never seen before, with Becker getting dibbs on the name by screaming out "It's a Thin Man, jumping 10 feet for cover...ALIEN SPOTTED ALIEN SPOTTED". With that tip of, Walker immediately turned from his cover to catch him before he made cover, taking him down and by his own words "exploding him, leaving a cloud of poisonus looking stuff", before our scientiests even were able to come on the com asking for it to be taken alive.

With first contact going to us, both groups began moving down their streets, and almost simaltaniously Walker and Olden calling out hostiles spotted, with Walker immediately coming under fire. Once the alien broughts it's sights to Smith he immediately paniced and ran to the nearist non-explosive cover (at least they had tought them that much), but managed to take a shoulder wound and almost hit Walker with his paniced shooting.

The West path at least went a little better, with Olden heroicly drawing the hostiles fire allowing Becker to perform a flanking manuver and take it out with a well placed shot. Thankfully they were only facing sectoids and not another "tallman".

With Smith getting his stones together after Walker's repeated calls for him to "Stop @#$&ing shooting at me", he finally managed to throw a grenade in the general direction of the alien with the shrampnal taking it out, and unfortunately drawing another.

After moving down to the cross street Becker was able to get a bead on it... and the extraction target. He managed to wound the creature enough to send it scurring for cover, and bringing it to the crossfire of Walker, Olden and Smith, with Walker taking the kill shot again.

With that done, Smith and Olden moved in to grab the target with Becker and Walker taking covering positions.

As soon as the target started moving to the extraction site with all units covering her "Thin Men" closed in from both sides with Olden's quick reaction shot taking one down as soon as it leapt to roof of a schoolbus. Unfortunately we lost sight of the other one in all the confusion.

Continuing toward the extraction point Smith spotted the missing alien mulling about the extraction point, but unfortunately had forgotten to reload and unneccarily the rest of our unit had to take risky action to protect the target. Rookie Becker ran through a barrage of fire from the alien to a covered vantage point and managed to take it out. Regrettably this covered our path in a poisonous looking cloud forcing Alpha Team to move across open ground... thankfully uneventfully.

8:36 Extraction complete, In route to base for debreifing.

Field Report
Walker has been promoted to Corporal
Smith has been promoted to Squaddie, and assigned to the sniper group (Out 11 days due to injuries)
Olden has been promoted to Squaddie, and assigned to the assualt group
Becker has been promoted to Squaddie, and assigned to the support group

3 Thin Men corpses (After a little nudging, and some grumbling the scientists agreed to keep this name)
3 Sectoid corpses
4 pieces of alien tech

With the additional resources we have been getting from the UN we have been able to get a satilight over central asia, and an interceptor has been sent out to the Bejing outpost to patrol. Hopefully this will calm the populance.

Satilight has picked up a small, fast moving object over German, and an interceptor was sent out to investigate. After coming under immediate fire, and returning fire the interceptor managed to shoot down the alien saucer, and satilight photos show it to still be intact. A sweep and recovery mission has been initiated.

3/15/15 3:18
Operation Falling Line: Black Forest, Germany

Mission Objective

Locate the crashed UFO
Sweep the area for surviving crew and neutrilize them
Avoid additional damage to the craft if possible; Some components may be recoverable

Mission Brief
Xcom interceptors have splashed a UFO. Intel indicates some surviving crew. Exercise caution when engaging the enemy. The craft may contain usable salvage.
--to be continued


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I think this run is a write off.

As I mentioned earlier it was going pretty good for the first few missions. Then I was called in to rescue some military guy and lost one soldier to a bug and another to the inability to get him out of the line of fire without taking two reaction shots to the face. No problem, I still had a decent sniper and my assault + completing the mission gave me another good sniper.

Very next mission is a TPK. It was pretty bad. I ended up fighting 2 thin men, 2 floaters and 2 sectoids all at once. They appeared in that order as I was fighting the previous groups. The rookie was the first to go down. Concentrated fire took out the wall he was hiding behind leaving him right out in the open for the second shot. My assault was flanked by a sectoid and critically wounded while my first sniper was critically wounded by a long range plasma shot from one of the floaters. My remaining sniper was able to avenge his sniper comrade, but on the next turn he missed a 73% shot with a pistol against a 1HP floater that turned around and shot him in the face.

Next mission is a crashed UFO. It's a medium ship and I have to take it on with a fresh set of 4 rookies. Very first turn I trigger two floaters. Every shot missed, but so did his. It took 3 turns to take them out, but I managed it with the use of one grenade and didn't take any damage. In addition there were 2 thin men and 2 sectoids also outside the ship. One of the sectoids got off a lucky shot on one of my troops in high cover, but he survived with 1HP. The rest of the mission was a tense affair of careful cover hopping to and through the enemy ship. We found the last alien inside the control room. We set up just outside the door to the room with 3 troops on overwatch (would have been 4 but I misjudged the cover and had to move to draw the enemy out). Unfortunately 2 of the 3 troops missed and on paid with his life for that error. 2 of my guys ranked up to support squaddies, one of which was the gravely injured guy so he's out for 11 days.

Third mission was an abduction mission and like "RealDeadOne" a few posts back it was a mass of missed shots. I had one rookie miss two consecutive 73% shots on a floater in addition to 13/15 missed shots at 45%. The first shot that hit managed to just injure the floater who took off and wasn't seen for another few turns. The second shot was my very last action after the injured floater came back for his revenge, killing a rookie, leaving my last trooper flanked by a full health floater, surpressed by a thin man, poisoned by a second thin man and taking fire from the injured floater.

So here I am, in April, with 4 countries that have pulled their funding, 4 more countries at 4 panic, a minimum of money and 2 troopers, one of which has another 10 days of healing to go. Sorry Earth, but it looks like you're boned.
Nooooooooooooooo my only sniper. Survived 9 missions only to get critical hit out of nowhere. :'(

Also my medic has the nickname Vita. Say something funny GAF. You know you want to.


Damn, it's 3am. I really should get some sleep before work tomorrow :)

Just playing through on normal, finished the tutorial and let it carry on. I'm feeling the lack of resources and things just took a turn.. So a good place to stop for the night I think


If a country pulls out is it gone for good? After getting mauled on Classic Ironman I've decided to go with a Classic "Man of Bronze" run instead (I allow myself 3 reloads per mission), it seems to be working out so far, even if the urge to reload after you lose a high ranking soldier and have used up all 3 "lives" is near mind bending at times.
If a country pulls out is it gone for good? After getting mauled on Classic Ironman I've decided to go with a Classic "Man of Bronze" run instead (I allow myself 3 reloads per mission), it seems to be working out so far, even if the urge to reload after you lose a high ranking soldier and have used up all 3 "lives" is near mind bending at times.
Yes, countries do not return and may have alien bases in their territory, if it's like the first Xcom.


Keep losing my 2 rookies every mission. Tizoc is a badass that is now a seargent and has wasted a good 13 enemies. Ken Masters is a great sniper that I was actually expecting to die violently at the beginning of the tutorial missions,(partially because I hate Ken in SF so I pretty much made him a scout to die first if the aliens see us) but hes wasted a good 5 enemies and is now a corporal. He got gravely injured in the final tutorial mission so he'll be outta action for 19 days. My own character onemic died on his first mission(the last tutorial mission) too bad onemic is eternal and will just live on vicariously through another Canadian soldier.


The demo on Steam. Is it the full game with you just limited in what you can do or really just a demo?

It's pretty large at a 5gb download with a 14gb install I believe. I wouldn't want to download the large demo and the turn around down the full game which is even larger.





He was my capture specialist too...


I've already experienced this mechanic with Fire Emblem, but losing your comrades in battle permanently is a truly gut wrenching experience. For me at least. Especially since, to ramp up the tension, I named my squad members after my best buddies.

GOTY for me so far.


Unfortunately it's a bloated demo for no reason

Damn :( I was hoping this wouldn't be the case.

On another note how has the PS3 version been? I can run the PC version looking at the requirements but might prefer this on my larger TV if I do get it at some point.


Fuck the bomb mission. Dear God. Over a dozen Thin Men, all with near-perfect accuracy and a 90% crit chance rate. My kill squad before that not only survived their first terror mission, but utterly annihilated it - chrysalids and all.

I love this game but Classic is just madness. I don't even want to contemplate what Impossible is like.


They crit for 9. My highest hp soldier, an Assault Captain, had 10.

They died in droves but when you have 5 soldiers vs. over 12 of them, especially when you're on a time limit to defuse a bomb (thus you can't just sit back and camp)...

Saaaaad day.



I need help understanding the story/mission structures. Is there any way to level up your squad without advancing the story line?

The advice I've been given is to research armor and plasma weapons as quickly as possible or else the later missions will become too difficult, but im having trouble gauging where I stand in terms of story progression.


Fuck the bomb mission. Dear God. Over a dozen Thin Men, all with near-perfect accuracy and a 90% crit chance rate. My kill squad before that not only survived their first terror mission, but utterly annihilated it - chrysalids and all.

I love this game but Classic is just madness. I don't even want to contemplate what Impossible is like.

If you lose your entire squad does it just let you train more rookies or is the game completely over?


You don't lose until you lose support from all council nations.

I just don't know if rookies can handle the horrors of the game's current time line. Not without support from any higher-ups.


I need help understanding the story/mission structures. Is there any way to level up your squad without advancing the story line?

The advice I've been given is to research armor and plasma weapons as quickly as possible or else the later missions will become too difficult, but im having trouble gauging where I stand in terms of story progression.

Anything marked "PRIORITY" will advance the storyline in some way, basically
You don't lose until you lose support from all council nations.

I just don't know if rookies can handle the horrors of the game's current time line. Not without support from any higher-ups.
Actually it's just 8, or half the council. Best to let some fall to protect other nations
Ugh, so I wimped out of Ironman Classic and went for a game of Ironman Normal. I'm just breezing through it taking minor injuries. I'm sure it's just because it's early in the game, though.

I just feel "guilty" playing on a difficulty this easy. Maybe next week I'll make a few more attempts at Classic.
I would have preferred Normal difficulty with less HP for the soldiers. That extra pip lets them live too often!

I wish there was a difficulty that kept the AI and HP from Classic, but just had the aliens headshotting my covered guys from two hundred yards with one hand less often.


I haven't played any XCom game before, so quick (maybe dumb questions)

Are the missions basically 'get to a place and fight some random set of enemies' or are there more involved objectives/linear areas/bosses? Also, are they random at all or the same each time? I could pick one of two for my first mission (US and China), so I wasn't sure

Also, once I beat the game can I just keep doing random missions?

Loving the game so far, but it seems a little finnicky, like my guy won't move to a place or shoot until I click on something else and back (on PC)
I would have preferred Normal difficulty with less HP for the soldiers. That extra pip lets them live too often!

According to Jake Solomon, Normal and Classic are specifically balanced around the fact that something which won't kill your redshirts in Normal will oneshot them in Classic.

Would have been perfect if they had Canadian soldiers...fuckers. : /

They do. All nations on the Council contribute soldiers to XCOM. It's random though, so you might not see a specific nation you want until you've recruited enough new rookies.


Lost a Lt. but damn was it glorious. His entire squad got taken out and I had this mofo holding off waves of Sectoids and Thin Men. Took down like 5 before he went down. I could just picture some emotional and brutal scene in a R-Rated scifi-war film. The brave Lt. loses pieces cover with every enemy shot. Black Hawk Down-esque, depressing music plays in the background as he has flashbacks of his family back in Nigeria. Suddenly he starts taking enemy plasma hits from all directions as his flesh and muscle tissue literally melt off all over his body. He lets out war-cries of agony as manly tears run down and then he's reduced to a bloody pulp seconds later. YOU WILL BE AVENGED.
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