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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


anyone finds the movements in this game less than smooth? I'm using a hd 7870 and can play dishonoured and bl2 on max (mostly) at 60fps... but this game stutters quite a fair bit. I especially when moving the camera around the mp


I'm done for the day. I've waged about as much war as I can take for now.

  • I've stormed
    the Alien Base.
    In there, I lost one of the best soldiers I had. Captain Ernst 'Smokes' Meyer didn't have the best aim or the most will but he had more guts than most. As a Rookie, he captured a Thin Man on his 1st field mission. What earned him his nickname however was the capture of a Muton and an Outsider at the same time, while under the cover of a Smoke Grenade. He was ripped apart by a Chrysalid during his last mission.
  • I've used some of my best soldiers-changed them forever to make them Psi-troops. Dr. Shen voiced his reservations but we needed them in the field. On their first mission, Operation Stone Bell, they proved their worth. Captain Martha 'Rogue' Fisher and Colonel Shen Gao used their new-found psionic abilities to confound and confuse Elite Mutons and Armored Floaters alike. Captain Fisher is currently resting in the infirmary, a little worse the wear from her encounter with a
    Sectoid Commander
    . However, inside her mind, her abilities have expanded and our Rookies will have a little less to fear the next time out.
  • The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, India, Japan and Australia have all withdrawn from the Council. Now only the loss of one country separates me from complete failure.
  • Satellites, upgraded with the best stealth technology that humanity can muster, monitor the skies above the remaining free countries of the world. Waiting to pounce on any UFOs that enter that airspace are 5 Raven Interceptors, newly minted Plasma Cannons at the ready.
  • 12 Soldiers have lost their lives but, in doing so, these troops have bought us time. In exchange for their lives, they have allowed us to upgrade our fighting force with the latest advancements in armor mirroring that which exists on the hulking Mutons and handheld plasma weaponry. Rest in peace.
    • Major Roberto 'Shadow' Fernandez
    • Capt. Ernst 'Smokes' Meyer
    • Sgt. Lewis 'Richter' Evans
    • Cpl. Angela Hendersan
    • Sq. Maria Morozova
    • Sq. Maria Kozlova
    • Sq. Kanyakumari Mehta
    • Sq. George Wood
    • Rk. Dakarai Muthelezi
    • Rk. Vasily Sidorov
    • Rk. Ernst Braun
    • Rk. Seung Kim
Wait a sec, I'm having a MINBLOWN moment. This part:

This means that if you can flank your opponents cover, you can increase your chance to hit, as well as gaining the exposed debuff which increases your chance to critically hit the target by 50%. Low cover (half shield) grants a -20% chance to hit and high cover (full shield) grants a -40% chance to hit.

Default Aim is 65 (65%), factor in low cover and I get 45% to hit which is what I was getting before.

Does that mean distance to target has no effect on chance to hit?!?


Depends on the weapon. Shotguns begin to decrease chance to hit after 4 squares. Snipers actually have inverse chance to hit, where chance to hit is lowered the closer enemies are to the sniper.


It's friday baby!
I played until 2am this morning and I'm suffering a bit from it today, but now that the weekend starts means that I'll be able to finish the game on normal then replay it on classic and finally classic ironman maybe.

I'm still amazed that Firaxis actually caught the feeling from the original game, not spot on, but close enough.
I keep messaging my friends, thanking them for being good soldiers or yelling at them for being bad, so I'll not be too surprised if I get a visit from a psychologist soon :)


First encounter with Mutons. Also, forgot about a burning car.

4 vets six feet under. Lost 2 to the car.

Mutons carry grenades. Never forget.



When you go to select a facility to build, it'll tell you want resource your missing. Maybe alloys then?

You have to research experimental warfare. Makes sense, I guess. But, the descriptions are kind of vague.

edit: anyone try pushing out to 3 labs relatively early on? Now that I'm on normal, I'm swimming in money. I guess I could save up until I have the elerium and UFO parts for the really expensive stuff.
I wish you could purposely target stuff that blows up like cars. It would be nice to explode a car the fucking Mutons were hiding behind to damage them and also destroy their cover.


I wish you could purposely target stuff that blows up like cars. It would be nice to explode a car the fucking Mutons were hiding behind to damage them and also destroy their cover.

You can. Grenades and Rocket launchers. They also have the added effect of causing the explosion instantly iirc. That's partly what their there for.
I somehow managed to injure nearly ALL of my 20 soldiers and wasn't paying attention to the numbers actually fit for combat. I ended up having to do a mid game terror mission with just four men, two of whom were shitty rookies. I barely survived with everyone intact, but two people were injured, one of whom was my surviving high ranking assault guy and the other a crap rookie. It was five days till the end of the month and still no money for new guys, so I just had to hold out till then. This was an iron man game, so this was an incredibly precarious situation.

Then one day before the new month I got a council escort mission.

I had exactly two people left in service: my pro sniper woman who is at max rank and survived every single mission so far and is a total monster on the field, and a single shit sniper rookie woman. That was it. Defeat was certain, but I desperately needed the money so decided to do it anyway.

Straight away I got flanked by two thin men, one of whom nearly crit killed my elite sniper on the second turn. I'd given the crap sniper a medkit so used that to heal her up. It was clear this wasn't going to work with two characters who need a whole turn to set up, so I just used the crap sniper as bait while Ms pro cleaned up. Crap sniper proceeded to die two minutes later. I'd have to use my most precious and most vulnerable unit in the entire game alone for the entire mission.

I worked through and got to the hostage running and gunning with a plasma pistol (someone was asking about the point of the sniper pistol perk; this is it, it basically turns a sniper into a fast moving deadly accurate regular soldier). The game dumped in more thin men so I just decided to run past their flanks at the edge of the level to avoid them. Killed a couple on the way, and got to the evac point. At this point Ms pro sniper had been shot to fuck and had three health left. Then just as I got to the evac point she got hit by thin man poison. It was ok though, the hostage escaped! Only of course that wasn't the end of the mission. I still had to kill the remaining aliens. I reasoned that it would be ok to abort the mission now, as the civilian was safe, but the message box made it clear I was going to fail If I didn't take out the remaining enemies as well.

She had three health left, and was poisoned, so she only had three turns left to live.

I rushed towards the nearest known enemy. It was one I saw go into overwatch previously. He was STILL in overwatch 10 turns later, and immediately opened fire on her completely in the open. She was doomed. He missed! Two health left and standing completely out of cover, I just used the rest of her turn to return fire with her plasma pistol (oddly she had a 100% hit rate even though he was miles away and in cover) and ended the mission, the very last member of XCom still standing. The whole thing was pretty jaw dropping (she single handedly killed about 12 aliens) and I even got the Valkyrie achievement to boot.


I somehow managed to injure nearly ALL of my 20 soldiers and wasn't paying attention to the numbers actually fit for combat. I ended up having to do a mid game terror mission with just four men, two of whom were shitty rookies. I barely survived with everyone intact, but two people were injured, one of whom was my surviving high ranking assault guy and the other a crap rookie. It was five days till the end of the month and still no money for new guys, so I just had to hold out till then. This was an iron man game, so this was an incredibly precarious situation.

Then one day before the new month I got a council escort mission.

I had exactly two people left in service: my pro sniper woman who is at max rank and survived every single mission so far and is a total monster on the field, and a single shit sniper rookie woman. That was it. Defeat was certain, but I desperately needed the money so decided to do it anyway.

Straight away I got flanked by two thin men, one of whom nearly crit killed my elite sniper on the second turn. I'd given the crap sniper a medkit so used that to heal her up. It was clear this wasn't going to work with two characters who need a whole turn to set up, so I just used the crap sniper as bait while Ms pro cleaned up. Crap sniper proceeded to die two minutes later. I'd have to use my most precious and most vulnerable unit in the entire game alone for the entire mission.

I worked through and got to the hostage running and gunning with a plasma pistol (someone was asking about the point of the sniper pistol perk; this is it, it basically turns a sniper into a fast moving deadly accurate regular soldier). The game dumped in more thin men so I just decided to run past their flanks at the edge of the level to avoid them. Killed a couple on the way, and got to the evac point. At this point Ms pro sniper had been shot to fuck and had three health left. Then just as I got to the evac point she got hit by thin man poison. It was ok though, the hostage escaped! Only of course that wasn't the end of the mission. I still had to kill the remaining aliens. I reasoned that it would be ok to abort the mission now, as the civilian was safe, but the message box made it clear I was going to fail If I didn't take out the remaining enemies as well.

She had three health left, and was poisoned, so she only had three turns left to live.

I rushed towards the nearest known enemy. It was one I saw go into overwatch previously. He was STILL in overwatch 10 turns later, and immediately opened fire on her completely in the open. She was doomed. He missed! Two health left and standing completely out of cover, I just used the rest of her turn to return fire with her plasma pistol (oddly she had a 100% hit rate even though he was miles away and in cover) and ended the mission, the very last member of XCom still standing. The whole thing was pretty jaw dropping (she single handedly killed about 12 aliens) and I even got the Valkyrie achievement to boot.

Yeah you're gonna want to be subbing in Rookies on the regular to level them up along with regularly recruiting. Just in case some thing goes wrong. You want something like a go to A team, and then enough decent soldiers for a B and C team that you can mix and match based on who's injured.


XCOM:Enemy Unknown is a damn good game. My time just wiped out i couldn't get to the bomb to defuse it in enough turns.


I'm still busy with playing on Insane(started with it).

For the people who finished it on Classic/Insane - will you play it again? How is endgame?
I kinda feel dull about replaying X-Com once I have beat it. My problem for the most part is the base building. Unlike a game like Civ 5 you'll allways follow the same pattern, once you have figured it out ofc ;).


rocket bazooka always requires a lockon? seems lame..i couldnt blow up a wall with an alien behind it that everyone saw cept the rocket dude. just shoot the wall dummy!


rocket bazooka always requires a lockon? seems lame..i couldnt blow up a wall with an alien behind it that everyone saw cept the rocket dude. just shoot the wall dummy!

Nope! Make sure the wall is in the explosion radius and double click the ground. All you need is a clear line of sight.


Nope! Make sure the wall is in the explosion radius and double click the ground. All you need is a clear line of sight.

I find myself targeting the walls with grenades/rockets a lot. The amount of cover it blows up is really generous, so it helps out the snipers and generally works to my advantage on maps with a lot of interior space. Also, I've noticed that the enemy AI is not too bright when it comes to staying next to burning cars, at least on normal(I never got an environmental kill on classic).


Does anybody have any tips for base building? Should I get on it early, or can it wait?

Build and when you can, build
Does anybody have any tips for base building? Should I get on it early, or can it wait?

It most definitely can't wait. Try to get a Satellite uplink asap and build some Satellites before it (they take 20 days, but if you order more then once they take the same 20 days so do that)



I was so, so, so close to a perfect game of Classic Ironman. SO CLOSE. Three months in, no countries had pulled out, have nearly everything covered by satellites...first blow when my team gets stomped on by three mutons in a small alley while we were skirmishing with some Thin Men...second blow came during bomb disposal mission with some very, very lucky Thin Men :(

A couple of days later I had a council meeting, and India decided to leave (fair enough, no satellite), but Russia left also, even though it had a satellite AND it's threat level wasn't at maximum :(

So close...
Shame it takes 1 satellite to cover North America but three for the UK, France and Germany. Well, it was never supposed to be realistic was it?
Also, what's with the lack of UFO's? I am late inthe game and 12 nations have satellites but days can pass with no ufo contact. In the original Xcom you'd have mltiple ufo's at once. Maybe the devs don't want you collecting too many resourcs?
The US alone isn't a continent and you wont get the bonuses. It's US+Canada+Mexico
I just mean the area the satellite covers. The US is bigger than central europe but only needs 1 satellite. I know the game mechanics demands a satellite per nation, but 1 satellite could cover all of Europe if it covers all of the US.
I'm just being pernickety.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
So... I'm in the tutorial, just got to the part where I got the first soldier promotion. Went into the customization options and lo and behold... no Flat-top hair. So I guess I didn't get the fucking soldier customization pack? ...........................................
I just mean the area the satellite covers. The US is bigger than central europe but only needs 1 satellite. I know the game mechanics demands a satellite per nation, but 1 satellite could cover all of Europe if it covers all of the US.
I'm just being pernickety.

Oh. Yeah you are :p

Anyone else having crash to desktops after the last patch?

Funky Papa

Sooo...after 20 days of absolutely nothing happening and me running dry on resources, a "small scout" UFO ship lands nearby. Since I don't really have a choice, I take it out. How bad can a "small scout" UFO be, really?

10 Mutons and 3 Sectoid Commanders worth of bad. Sigh.



As for my play, the UK suffered a
terror attack
so I decided to go in with my best soldiers just to avoid losing the country from the XCOM council. I knew it'd be hard, but those were real badasses even if I still had to upgrade their weapons and armour. It was an absolute disaster. The mission was fine and dandy at first, but then
some Starship Troopers-like bugs
came out of nowhere and raped my entire squad. I tried to retreat, but my last trooper was slaughtered 300 metres away from the Skyranger.

Terror increases all over the planet
UK is now out of the council
All my best men were KIA
Not a single artifact was recovered
Massive financial loses.

Fuck me.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Great I got fucking jipped... if anyone have their DLC code I'll happily buy it from ya. So fucking pissed right now.


Just had a massive win for Xcom troops, my researcher said it wasn't over which I knew.
All of a sudden get hit by a terror mission.

Enemies all have a shit load more hitpoints than usual and I loose civilians 2 every turn. My vets don't have any upgraded weapons. In a day I am about to launch for 5 satellites which would pay for the upgrades.

I am playing Ironman and my squad are all named after my friends. I purposefully crashed out as soon as I saw a squad of Chrysalids come at my squad. Only 1 of those things took full reaction fire from my entire squad and did not even die.

I am about to loose it all, I have managed to keep everyone in the coalition but after this fuckup I can see losing at least 3 nations because of panic :(
anyone finds the movements in this game less than smooth? I'm using a hd 7870 and can play dishonoured and bl2 on max (mostly) at 60fps... but this game stutters quite a fair bit. I especially when moving the camera around the mp

i have a 5870 and its been smooth as silk for me. but i have not tried mp yet.

goty contendor

no doubt. just finished the game a while ago, got 30 hours in (feels like more).

only quip i would have is that there isn't enough female soldiers given. the entire game i don't think i even had five. so it really hurt when i lost my "wonderwoman" character :(

oh and booo for no new game+. i was really hoping i could redo the campaign with all my upgraded and leveled up characters. especially because i really wanted to use
Psionic Rift
alot more ; _ ;


Don't be too concerned if you lose a few countries. It's bound to happen especially on the higher difficulties. It's just not something you want to allow to get out of control.
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