I kind of want to watch you play just to figure out what you do all day. At 110 hours I was at the end of the game with every sidequest up to that point done along with every optional fight.
I'm not as good at not dying as you guys are... but I am not sure if when I allow the screen to pause or hit the home menu if the clock is still not running because I walked away for hours doing other things without shutting off the game - still I would only take 15 hours off if that was the case
but I think the hours are legit... I have hard times with quests I can spend a good 3-4 hours on a search quest for example I this the historian thing where I had to find 4 red lights in this huge place I got stuck a few times even went to a wiki to look it up because I gave up but the guide was still not clear I went the wrong way... because I saw the "!" on the map right where I was standing but did not see it anywhere so this meant it was above or below me so it took lots of exploring to pinpoint where that damn thing was...
I go to the mine to find two of those little dudes who went to play a game found one but searched another hour in the cave and still did not find the second.
then there is a quest to beat a broken mechonis I go to the area fight a huge number of those bots but I could not find this one I guess its a UM I'll have to look it up so this is how I trend through this game
the most shocking thing to me is the story quest with the big ass <!> billboard sign you can see from miles away... just because you can see it does not mean you know how to get to it or you don't have tons of things that can kill you before you even touch it... maybe I suck at the game but yeah I enjoy the challenges
I have to bomb pieces I need to get to move my story forward but I've been getting killed trying to reach them last 10 times I went after them so you add all of this time wasting stuff up I got a good 70% on my quests done - at least the ones I unlocked
another time waster is running from check point to checkpoint without using a warp, I love running around this world
did anyone just go back to
after it was done? there is nothing to be done there but I went back just to look around I can tell be the layouts there is more to the place so the story will return there at some point is my guess also other areas I can see maps for but no paths. And many LOCKED huge ass doors in areas I have no clue what they are for
If I don't hustle I'll hit 150 hours before my first playthrough is done