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Xenoblade |OT| Sorry I Kept You Waiting!


Unconfirmed Member
Ah, the memories... glad I had figured out Thunder by then.

The thunder combo was the other tactic I was planning on abusing, especially if I could get topple plus gems relatively early on to make it more reliable. Don't remember where or if II or III rank gems are available for that though.

But I don't think that would save him against some of the group mobs there and beyond.


The thunder combo was the other tactic I was planning on abusing, especially if I could get topple plus gems relatively early on to make it more reliable. Don't remember where or if II or III rank gems are available for that though.

But I don't think that would save him against some of the group mobs there and beyond.

What, Thunder was actually useful? I never even bother with it since it sounded like it was powerful but way too hard to land.

I think I overleveled by mistake, because I didn't have any problems killing almost anything on my normal playthrough barring two bosses (
Telethia & High Entia assassin and that dragon before the final point of no return
). I did fight almost all enemies I came across, but I didn't do many quests except for the basic ones you'd get upon first entering a town, and I ended the game at level 78.

The closest I came to grinding was spending a long time in
looking for collectables so I'd be allowed to get some special reward...
too bad the whole town ended up getting obliterated mere moments later


Unconfirmed Member
You can do a pretty crazy combo with Dunban for a solo break+topple+daze, which is decent for taking a break from enemy attacks, but probably more important for breaking vision tags when you don't have anyone else to do it. But it requires a lot of arts in succession.

Gale Slash (to set up) -> Electric Gutbuster (break) -> Steel Strike (topple) -> Tempest Kick (turns Dunban around when the animation finishes) -> Thunder (daze).

And on top of all of that, it requires you to have an aura active, but that's usually not a big deal because if your Dunban is not using an aura you're doing something wrong.

It's not all that reliable though without Topple Plus, I couldn't reliably get Thunder/daze in before topple wore off since Tempest Kick has a kind of slow animation.


Neo Member
Chaosblade: That order works better with higher level enemies, yes, since topple is the only way Dunban has to compemnsate for his Ether accuracy. If the enemy is the same level or nearby, it might be better to inflict Daze first, should he resist break.

Regarding Topple and Daze Plus: I think the only gem below rank IV is a 10% topple plus incrustated in a shieldlance, then IIRC there's a rank IV on restoration. There's more, but all are post Mechception.

Thunder has four things that make it situationally, but utterly useful:

1-It forces Daze directly, making it one of the only five arts that can completely break a vision by itself (the other ones being the three sleep arts and Peekabo!).

2-Though behind you, it's still a cone AoT, so it can stil be useful against hordes, specially if pulled just before a chain attack (you can use it during one if there's at least one enemy behind you).

3-It's the only way to Daze most topple immune enemies (all feathered birds, flying telethia, Fortress Mechon... I think the only exception might be Mechception, who can only be dazed once and by plot events (applying Thunder before the plot-induced Daze wears off results in IMMUNE).

4-I haven't noticed otherwise, but if if it's not immune to Daze, it's 0% resistant to Daze.

Its only drawbacks would be the fact than it's basically a fart, so you need to use it right after Tempest Kick (because thunders only come during tempests) if you want it to hit the enemy you've locked onto (and such combo won't work either with the AI nor in chain attacks), and that its Ether nature doesn't make use of Dunban's agility to hit higher leveled enemies. You can't really call Thunder's fault, but as you will see from the enemy not entering his toppled animation, you'll still need a Break or Topple status underneath for break-to-topple arts to inflict topple.

Basically, it's the best counter-measure to Titan Stomp. My first victory against Naeborius, 2 levels below him, was with Sharla and Riki to provide sustent and basically Dunban set up with higher ether defense to counter all his arts save Titan Stomp (and saving Spirith Breath to clear Black Matter's Eth Def down, in case he decided to follow it up with a laser) which I would negate at the last moment, 100% of the time, with Thunder Kick (that's how I call the combo).

Doing the same with his big bro, I took him down at the first try, two levels below too. Monado Armor my thundering ass.

Chris R

So yep, this is a top 5 game of the generation for me, even though I'm only 25 hours in. Would be #1 but it is still kinda busted in certain areas, but still very very solid. If X can fix the problems I've had with the game so far I'll probably end up buying a WiiU just for it.

I kinda wish WKC wasn't so broken, since this game is kinda similar, but better in every single way but one (graphics, but I've kinda taken care of that by playing it in Dolphin).


I shot people I like more for less.
I'm loving this game. Soundtrack is god tier. Anyone want to give me an idea of how far I am? I just
fought Mumkhar and am about to enter Sword Valley


Well guys...just beat it and I thought I'd post some final impressions.

Overall, just a great, great game. I'd been playing Xenoblade off and on over the last couple of weeks and
was fortunate that
my wife was out of town over the weekend so I told myself I wasn't going to bed Saturday until it was finished. In the end, I sat down around 1:00pm and went to bed at 5:30am. It was the longest single-day gaming session of my life.

The sense of scale and adventure is the game's strongest point; I don't think I've ever been so willing to get lost in a world before. I can totally understand how and why some people are slaves to MMO's after playing something like Xenoblade - the world just suffocates you. When I wasn't playing, I was thinking about playing. I've forgo'd my time at the gym and walks with my dog because of this fucking thing. A game like this is dangerous for someone like me, which is why I've stayed the hell away from MMO's for so long. In fact, Xenoblade was so good, I'm going to pass on X.

The game wasn't challenging until the difficulty spike in the final couple of hours. Even though I never had any problems leading up to them, I had a bitch of time with both
. Between the both of them, I probably died 30+ times. Honestly, I think it's my lack of truly understanding the battle system despite having logged some 64 hours. As much as I liked it, I'd love to see a simpler, more straight-forward version in X.

The music was really good throughout. Some location and boss themes are just incredible, my favorite probably being the
Mechonis Field

Some of the textures are pretty bad. Some of the animation is worse. I can get past the visuals because the art direction was great, but some of that character animation...yeesh.

Overall, just a really great experience. The length and depth of the game was easily my biggest worry going in, and while I probably won't ever play another game that's quite so long or dense, I've never been so completely addicted to a game. I'm so glad I decided to play it.


Neo Member
Well, some of us really liked tge depth the combat system can reach, which is the true reason someone like chaosblade is around here.

Speaking of you: Would you mind posting Abassy's agility and dodge level bonus? I'm curious wether Shulk's back attack accuracy skill (50% bonus) is worth removing a NV, since the latter doesn't increase Ether hit rate (and Shulk-7th-Riki needs some of them cyclones).

Since I finally found Heat Gaze's advanced manual, I maxed it and gave it a try, and it proved surprisingly useful. Even if with a double-critical build and Spirith Breath you can auto-attack your party gauge up quicker, its role is building up the party gauge during the chain attack itself, and oh boy does it fill up. Was fun topple-locking Abnasy this way for the whole fight, and Reyn would get the most aggro anyway.

This time I finished him with a Demon Slayer, only for the chain attack to automatically target Marcus next... well, that was two superbosses in one chain attack.

I think next time I'll try soloing Abassy with 7th without divine protection nor debuff resist, only with some Ardis boots as countermeasure.
In fact, Xenoblade was so good, I'm going to pass on X.
You need to have more confidence in yourself.

I too stray away from MMO's for similar reasoning, but the main actual reason for doing so (and the fear of being addicted) steams from the fact that human beings are tied to beginning middle and end, stuff with no closure is often not good enough hence keeps you in loop. MMO's strike for that balance of keeping you in the middle... for years.

Hence, I avoid them. A game like Xenoblade, as extensive as it is, is certainly not dangerous. Plus you've spent 64 hours on your first playthrough, that's cute, I've spent 300 completing all sidequests and skill tree's I could get, and still haven't maxed affinity between all playable characters. Still, huge game, not something that enslaved me and kept me from doing other things.
2 questions. So just finished up the Ether Mines, and now moving onto the marsh.

1) Are drops the main source of equipment? In that case, how important is to update your equipment regularly (from zone to zone)? I dont know how many times i'll be able to farm each area to deck out my party

2) Sidequests at this stage have been a case of quantity over quality. Do they get any interesting later on? Do you get any decent rewards out of it, or is constantly xp/money?


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of you: Would you mind posting Abassy's agility and dodge level bonus? I'm curious wether Shulk's back attack accuracy skill (50% bonus) is worth removing a NV, since the latter doesn't increase Ether hit rate (and Shulk-7th-Riki needs some of them cyclones).

This is the level adjustment table.


Unfortunately some of the info isn't all that useful without a translation of some of the formulas to figure up the actual hit rates and stuff. All that is here:


I tried to work them out despite not knowing Japanese, but you're better off getting someone who actually knows the language to translate it. Machine translators completely screw up the formulas and even if you translate piece by piece it's hard to tell what refers to what. If you really want to see what I got out of it though, my post is here.

2 questions. So just finished up the Ether Mines, and now moving onto the marsh.

1) Are drops the main source of equipment? In that case, how important is to update your equipment regularly (from zone to zone)? I dont know how many times i'll be able to farm each area to deck out my party

2) Sidequests at this stage have been a case of quantity over quality. Do they get any interesting later on? Do you get any decent rewards out of it, or is constantly xp/money?

Drops are the main source of equipment, it's not worth buying armor except for a couple specific points in the game. Killing unique monsters, assuming you're about the same level they are, will provide you with the best equipment you can get at that point in the game. And they always drop gold chests, which is nice, and give great experience.

Keep in mind you can farm chests, if you save and reload the contents of the chest will be different.

Unique monsters are really an interesting part of the game, since you can basically run through the game on those alone as your source of equipment and experience. You might end up short on AP without other kills mixed in though, never tried a UM-only playthrough.

As for 2, quests are absolutely quantity over quality. There are some quests in the "post-game" that shed some light on the world and tell you some history, and one somewhat important NPC gets a quest that gives some details about a party member and her family.

There are quests that give your party members additional skill trees which are pretty important if you do want to tackle post-game content, but unfortunately they tend to require high affinity with various areas in the game, meaning you have to do a bunch of quests just to be able to do those.
1) Are drops the main source of equipment? In that case, how important is to update your equipment regularly (from zone to zone)? I dont know how many times i'll be able to farm each area to deck out my party
Yup, drops pretty much contain everything you need.

As for the importance of doing so, it's like in every other RPG, if you're feeling any kind of difficulty you should look at equipment first then grind after. But if you're doing all sidequests you're pretty much grinding away hence changing equipment becomes mostly optional.

2) Sidequests at this stage have been a case of quantity over quality. Do they get any interesting later on? Do you get any decent rewards out of it, or is constantly xp/money?
They get better.

The quests involving skill tree's, the giant's secret and a few others are pretty amusing. Most of them are the "damsel/guy tied up in distress" type though, comes with the territory.


Neo Member
Thanks chaosblade, this means that Shulk'll have a 90% ether accuracy as long as he attacks from behind, no NV required. Checks out with what I've experienced when he's the toppler (can't really rely on 7th to inflict it first, so it's fine by breaking for him).

BTW, INT(W/4) means integer, probably by rounding down. And we're supposing that the "Agility" value used in the formulas is the final value after all modifiers, including the weight value penalty, right? This means weight has a somewhat bigger impact on evasion that I imagined. I'm also curious as to which is the enemy block rate; I remember reading somewhere that it was the same as the dodge rate, but I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere else.

On sidequests: better quests become avaliable the more affinity you have with an area, and the main way of getting area affinity is by doing sidequests (getting new affinity chart connections from talking to named NPCs also rises it), so the generic quests are the passage to named NPCs' quests, which will also reward you with gear (better than shops too) and gems (some of which are unique in their rank and thus point in the game).

I think yesterday I finished the affinity chart. I just need to talk again to the late-game refugees during the 8 time periods to confirm it.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks chaosblade, this means that Shulk'll have a 90% ether accuracy as long as he attacks from behind, no NV required. Checks out with what I've experienced when he's the toppler (can't really rely on 7th to inflict it first, so it's fine by breaking for him).

BTW, INT(W/4) means integer, probably by rounding down. And we're supposing that the "Agility" value used in the formulas is the final value after all modifiers, including the weight value penalty, right? This means weight has a somewhat bigger impact on evasion that I imagined. I'm also curious as to which is the enemy block rate; I remember reading somewhere that it was the same as the dodge rate, but I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere else.

I figured out the int thing later. I really should have known what it was immediately though, I feel kind of dumb for that comment.

And yeah, agility should be your final agility total, which is why I said I was confused since that formula seems to use weight twice. Once in your base agility, then again once it calculates accuracy/evasion.

That page has the guard rate formula on there, but I guess I didn't make an effort to pick it out when I was doing that. Or I intended to get back to it, but I was so unsure about what I was doing that I never bothered.


Neo Member
That page has the guard rate formula on there, but I guess I didn't make an effort to pick it out when I was doing that. Or I intended to get back to it, but I was so unsure about what I was doing that I never bothered.

Seems what I read was correct, block rate is the same as the evade rate, squaring your chances of getting a debuff-capable attack in.

BTW, do you get more EXP/AP/SP if the enemy has Awakening on when it dies? I'll have to test it too.

(lold at google translating Maiden's Power as "Virgin Power").


Quoting myself from the Eu thread:

Question: is there a general strategy to beat mobs that are way stronger than you ? There is an achievement I really want to get and I assume you unlock it by beating a monster 10+ level above yours.
My main problem is that my accuracy is simply too low in those battles and although I figured out that putting enemies at sleep is a clever trick, Riki always falls asleep when he casts his spell making his Bite ability useless. Can anyone help with that ?
I must add, I tried tricks like crafting high ranked Agility/Aggro gems in addition to above to raise my chances but it's basically useless, nothing works.


Quoting myself from the Eu thread:

I must add, I tried tricks like crafting high ranked Agility/Aggro gems in addition to above to raise my chances but it's basically useless, nothing works.

I haven't had the need to use them just yet, but I'm pretty sure Night Vision gems are what you want, and then fight the monster at night.


I haven't had the need to use them just yet, but I'm pretty sure Night Vision gems are what you want, and then fight the monster at night.
Interesting, they would give me more of a boost than Agility gems and fighting at night would penalize the enemy as well ? If the answer is yes, then I'll leave this to Dunban.


or just use melia with summon wind (+10% agility). Together with gems and skill links, you should have plenty of agility to hit anything.


Neo Member
Enemies don't recieve any penalty during nightime, it's just that Night Vision gives you up to a 50% bonus to accuracy only during the night. Beware that it won't increase your dodge rate like agility would though. If you're not endgame skilled Dunban, you'll need both NV and Agility Up if you want to hit anything physically.

It's easier to hit with Ether moves, but only NV and a late-game skill from Melia (and I believe that back accuracy from Shulk too) can increase the accuracy given a certain art level. Check the table chaosblade just posted to give you an idea of how much you need to compensate.7

Personally, the first 10-level difference monster I defeated was Canyon Valencia, that one named Last Roghul where the Son's piece of equipment on the Leg. Dunban saved the day, and controversally twice with Thunder.

Chaosblade can manage a level difference of more than 60, but he's a bad example.
Drops are the main source of equipment, it's not worth buying armor except for a couple specific points in the game. Killing unique monsters, assuming you're about the same level they are, will provide you with the best equipment you can get at that point in the game. And they always drop gold chests, which is nice, and give great experience.

Keep in mind you can farm chests, if you save and reload the contents of the chest will be different.

Unique monsters are really an interesting part of the game, since you can basically run through the game on those alone as your source of equipment and experience. You might end up short on AP without other kills mixed in though, never tried a UM-only playthrough.

As for 2, quests are absolutely quantity over quality. There are some quests in the "post-game" that shed some light on the world and tell you some history, and one somewhat important NPC gets a quest that gives some details about a party member and her family.

There are quests that give your party members additional skill trees which are pretty important if you do want to tackle post-game content, but unfortunately they tend to require high affinity with various areas in the game, meaning you have to do a bunch of quests just to be able to do those.
Yup, drops pretty much contain everything you need.

As for the importance of doing so, it's like in every other RPG, if you're feeling any kind of difficulty you should look at equipment first then grind after. But if you're doing all sidequests you're pretty much grinding away hence changing equipment becomes mostly optional.

They get better.

The quests involving skill tree's, the giant's secret and a few others are pretty amusing. Most of them are the "damsel/guy tied up in distress" type though, comes with the territory.
Guess I was pretty much spot on with my intuition, by just sticking with the sidequests hoping to score enough gear to arm my main party.

The game just feels kinda overwhelming at times due to the combination of content (the endless side quest chains) and various mechanics constantly introduced.


Neo Member
Also: sidequests are a good source of affinity too. There's a chance your leader's affinity with one of the active companions will increase when accepting and when finishing (only from named NPCs) a sidequest. Some quests can even give you a full combat party affinity bonus if you have a particular setup and leader, along with an interactive conversation between the four.


I really want to start a new game + of this but it's just not the right time, I figure. I'll give it a year or two. :p

So do I, but I think I'm going to
rebuild Colony 6, find the five Monado replica's
, and do what I can before I give it another go.


Unconfirmed Member
This is a game that I really feel does NG+ wrong, because it's basically pointless.

There's not really anything to do in NG+ except experience the story again and breeze through side quests, but the side quests aren't very interesting for the most part and the story isn't something that's going to be fresh and exciting a second time though since there aren't really any choices to change the outcome.

Add the fact the post-game stuff will have to be unlocked again, meaning you have to get almost all the way through the game just to have anything interesting to do, so you're better off just continuing from the point of no return than starting over. Or, if you do want to start over, doing a standard new game will be more fun since combat won't amount to 1 hit KOs for a large part of the game.


Neo Member
Yeah, it's on that premise that I haven't started a NG+ yet. My intentions right now are getting a varaible number of megaheated rank VI gems of all qualities, then do a NG+ to get a slotted Ledios Arms and Retrieved Boots (and tie a few loose neds with the exploration AP and SP), and then maybe some more quick playthroughs to get more affinity coins.

Maybe then I'll do a final 100% playthrough, store the save, and leave the game until my little sister is functional enough to play it.

IMO, one of the most direct and simple ways they could've enhanced NG+ was by keeping everything like it is byt getting you back to Lv1 and reducing a lot the EXP gain from monsters less than 5 levels above you (if the EXP gain from monsters more than that above you were to be reduced too, then you'd practically need to hunt for on the 15+ level, and you'd be screwed if you didn't bring some NV on NG+).

It could also add more resistances to all monsters. Replacing each resistance r with (2+r)/3 would suffice, and it'd be interesting to see Topple and Daze resistances.

Oh, and the keyblade is too OP. I think I'll just use Dolphin to get back my precious container II.
Imagine a NG+ where Fiora is saved during the colony 9 attack and the game then ventures into a different path from that point on, an alternative path for maybe just 10-15 hours worth of gameplay. Would be absolutely amazing imo.


Unconfirmed Member
Difficulty options could have made NG+ so much better. Could have used 3 different ones.

Normal, which would be the current NG+.

Enhanced, which would be balanced for a level 80-99 party.

Hard, which would be balanced to require a maxed out level 99 party and megaheated gems, with pretty much every enemy being level 100+.


you may want to put that in a spoiler tag...

Imagine a NG+ where Fiora is saved during the colony 9 attack and the game then ventures into a different path from that point on, an alternative path for maybe just 10-15 hours worth of gameplay. Would be absolutely amazing imo.


Just replace it with this.

Well, I bet those 4 arts (which hae the same animation in pairs) could get their manuals then, and somehow have a bigger increase past lv IV.

I was hoping NG+ would've done that, but I knew it would've meant too much extra content, since too many things would have no reason to happen otherwise (you know, like motivating the party to ever leave Colony 9, for one). One thing that did catch me off-guard was
Mumkhar using his mechon armor during the prologue


Neo Member
Oh, that's because everyone doeos conserve their equipped stuff through the whole playthrough during NG+. One of the most funny things is having Dunban start with a Forma Spear; its "Monado Spear" effects during the prologue are hilarious, and totally block Dunban's face during his speech.


Imagine a NG+ where Fiora is saved during the colony 9 attack and the game then ventures into a different path from that point on, an alternative path for maybe just 10-15 hours worth of gameplay. Would be absolutely amazing imo.
It's not what happens ? Bummer.

I got to kill a enemy 13 levels higher than me (the enemy who keeps the High Entia Emblem) thanks to hints on GAF. Thanks !


Actually, I think I might play it a second time later using my NG+ file, just for the sake of exploring the lv 75+ areas I didn't care about in my previous game, as well as trying to get the party's extra skill trees. Playing normally just isn't worth it when what I want to see and do are either quests or post-game areas.

Spoiler question:
By the way, how much should I stick in Alcamoth doing quests before the point of no return? Are there any interesting rewards for doing them all (I don't want specifics, just give me a general answer)?

Deku Tree

Does any good come out of doing all the timed
sidequests from Alcamoth? Seriously that was such a huge giveaway in the game to make every single sidequest from Alcamoth timed. Ok I know they will destroy Alcamoth later on even though it hasn't yet happened in my game. So is there any good reason for me to do every one of these sidequests?


Does any good come out of doing all the timed
sidequests from Alcamoth? Seriously that was such a huge giveaway in the game to make every single sidequest from Alcamoth timed. Ok I know they will destroy Alcamoth later on even though it hasn't yet happened in my game. So is there any good reason for me to do every one of these sidequests?

I would also like to know this. I'm right at the point before it happens. The main thing I'm worried about is getting everyone's skill trees. I have everyone's 4th, and it doesn't actually look like you need high affinity here for any of the 5th ones, but I'd like to make sure before I progress further.


Unconfirmed Member
There is a prerequisite quest there, but there is an alternative prerequisite if you don't do it in time (and that quest is otherwise not available, so if you want to do all the second-option quests on a different playthrough you need to skip the first available option).

I don't think any of the skill trees are missable.


Cross posting this from another forum, does anyone know if The Brave Protectors achievement is bugged?

I found a few old topics regarding this, but nothing conclusive; does anyone know if this one is missable? I'm at the endgame ~120 hours and going for all achievements, and if I've missed this one I'm going to be pretty ticked. The previous topics stated that these are the soldiers you need to talk to for it:

Dorothy (day)
Emmy Leater (day)
Miller (day)
Raoul (day)
Kantz (day)
Arnaut (night)
Monica (night)
Minnie (night)
Nic (night)

All of them were already on my affinity chart, but I went and talked to all of them again multiple times. The only thing is that Nic was already at Colony 6 which some people stated previously doesn't affect the achievement, but unless there's another soldier I'm missing not on this list that HAS to affect it. Anyone have any idea? I am going to be seriously bummed out if I can't 100% the achievements because of this.

If I'm seriously dicked out of getting 100% because of this I'm just going to go beat the story and be done with the game; for optional content I go all or nothing.

Edit: I just went back to an old save (further back than I'm willing to go though) from before I sent Nic to Colony 6, and talked to everyone multiple times again, and it still didn't pop. So I don't know what the fuck is going on here, unless you have to trigger this in the very early game before stuff happens at Colony 9? Well crap.

Edit 2:Went through the wiki, according to the wiki I'm missing the following possible connections in C9:

Arnaut x Leopold
Arnaut x Kantz
Arnaut x Shura
Dionysis x Marcia
Francoise x Sylviane
Francoise x Suzanna
Kantz x Moritz
Kantz x Suzanna
Mefimefi x Sesame
Mefimefi x Betty

I'll admit I'm pretty stumped. I just went through the entire colony both day and night and talked to every single character including NPCs multiple times, nothing new. I'm fairly sure that most or all of the connections I'm missing above are related to quest choices I've made during the game, but I can't seem to really verify that anywhere. I've completed every quest in C9 except for Friendship Tokens, but none of the characters involved with that are above so that's unlikely to make a difference. I'm also at the very endgame and have a 5* affinity with C9.

At this point assuming it's just not glitched (which seems unlikely to be fair) that you have to pop this prior to a story event, probably the attack early in the game. As I mentioned above I went back to an old save which had identical affinities (but wasn't as far plot-wise) and tried talking to Nic multiple times before he moved to C6 so I don't think that's the trigger either.

Feels bad man :(


Unconfirmed Member
I don't remember how that one unlocks, but I just checked and it's done on one of my files.

I know for sure I didn't do it at the very beginning of the game either, so it's not that.

Edit: And you need Andreas, not Arnaut.


I don't remember how that one unlocks, but I just checked and it's done on one of my files.

I know for sure I didn't do it at the very beginning of the game either, so it's not that.

Edit: And you need Andreas, not Arnaut.

Yeah, but I covered him as well. That initial list was just a copy/paste from an old topic on Gamefaqs, and this topic has been made over there a few times so either something is glitchy with it, or it has some sort of very specific unlock or timing requirement. I'm probably just going to beat the game tonight, and unless a solution occurs to me or pops up in the next day or so I'll probably just be done with the game. I'm incredibly OCD and start out from the very beginning to go for the 100%, so not being able to get it kills any desire I have to do other stuff. I'm "only" at about 120 hours which by a lot of accounts is probably only 30-40 hours over what I would normally be at by this point so I'm okay with that, but I will be really annoyed if this is broken because I spent most of my day off today grinding out deaths, revives, and affinity to try to get those bullshit achievements out of the way -_-.


Neo Member
Not sure if the achievemnt is related to the connections, but keep in mind that NPCs can have up to 8 different (pairs of) dialogues on a particular affinity level depending on the time of the day (each of the four quadrants on the two twelve hour periods). Affinity links are unlocked by particular lines, which even though will be said at least once even if you increase the affinity enough to get to a new dialogue line (or the NPC is offering a quest; in that case, you'll get the link and will have to speak again for the quest), you'll have to talk to them in that particular time period.

For instance, that adorable Entia girl near the entrance at night. Her only linnking dialogue is avaliable I believe from 00:00 to 03:00 (I could be wrong).

Of course, not everyone has 8 different pairs of lines. Most have one for three hours and another for six, some have thre over three hours each, etc.

In fact, to make sure I 100% the fuck out of my affinity chart, this weekend I'm gonna make the 8 talks with every NPC.


So NPC's can have more than the 2 distinct lines of dialogue while they're out depending on the specific time? Fuuuuuuuuuuck. After I beat the story tonight (?) I'll try giving that a go.


is there a way to get a new save file around the time we go on the other bionis ? I lend my wii to my sister and someone broken in her house and stole it... I ... lost... everything... :(
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