I did it out of order to see if they customized the storylines depending on who you had with you at the time.
A few random thoughts about the story:
- I also did not like the fact, that Majima and Mokoto never spoke to each other again. Yes it is a lot of drama, but that she did not recognize him, come on that felt too forced.
Yeah, not recognizing him (though she kinda did) was silly. She recognized Oda's voice almost immediately, yet she couldn't tell Majima's? Of course Majima's actions didn't make much sense, either. He obviously had fallen in love with Makoto, but he chose the yakuza life instead of her? I guess they couldn't do much with his story since his future was already set though.
He actually never said a word to her in their final encounter
I'm pretty sure she heard Majima speaking to the punks though...
Yeah, not recognizing him (though she kinda did) was silly. She recognized Oda's voice almost immediately, yet she couldn't tell Majima's? Of course Majima's actions didn't make much sense, either. He obviously had fallen in love with Makoto, but he chose the yakuza life instead of her? I guess they couldn't do much with his story since his future was already set though.
It selling less than major titles does not mean it sold poorly, it probably met Sega's expectations, maybe even beat them too.
People thinking this title was going to sell 500,000 in the West didn't pay enough attention to what the previous titles did. You just don't get a massive jump from 100,000 to 500,000, but a moderate increase to 150,000 to 200,000 is much more likely and believable.
The series is still niche, but before it was a bomba niche that even stuff like Neptunia and Shin Megami Tensei could easily outsell, now it's probably on their level, growth is always a good thing!
Nope! He just beats their asses without saying anything. If anything shoulda been suspicious it would be the fact that Majima has only one eye. How many one-eyed yakuza could there be, Makoto?
He didn't say anything to her at the end so she wouldn't have recognized him that way, but I still think she should have been able to connect the dots. There aren't many tall, slender dudes with high cheekbones and missing an eye walking around. Although, if she really wanted to she could find out Majima's name if she got in touch with Sera.
I saw it as him trying to protect her. He can't be with her without putting her in danger. Even if he got out of the Yakuza, there could be someone in the future that will try to get to him through her for whatever reason. The Yakuza doesn't seem like an organization that will leave you completely alone if you leave.
Not sure if I should go for the plat, seems like there's too much to do! I'm about done with Majima's Cabaret storyline though, it's pretty fun.
Anyone feel like either encouraging me to do it or advising me not to
In Yakuza 5 for example I did all the sidestories (hunting, dancing, etc) and most substories but didn't plat
Completed climax battle. Some were infuriating, but overall not that bad. Time for Legend playthrough and 100%. No cheat items so I gotta learn how to play mahjong.
Also where's my reward for completing climax battle? They always gave one before
My major blockers off the top of my head before I got platinum:
[*]Getting Car Parts from DreamMachine
I don't think this is necessary though... got the 100% trophy without all the parts. I think there are enough to fulfill the CP requirements from the part store.
Agree with your top 3 though! I'm also struggling a bit with the ultimate battles.
Man, reading ZhugeEX's tweets regarding Yakuza 0 Sales in the West has been really depressing...
This game had the best chance to succeed with it being a prequel and all the great receptions it's gotten by major YouTubers and gaming medias, but nope... despite all that it still sold poorly. I guess this series is forever doomed in the West.
Did you mainly stick to one style/moveset for the last 6 ultimate battles (for each character) or did you use a wide range?
Screw the negative sales angle, i'm hoping it at least sold more than all the other West released titles. since reviewers are making gamers aware, more will be on board in the summer.
Yakuza will break through!
Eh. We're still getting Kiwami and 6, that's enough for me. As long as it sells enough to break even and we get more, that's what matters.
I've already come to terms with this generation not wanting good games.
I just wish Kiryu chan didn't have to suffer for it.
Eh. We're still getting Kiwami and 6, that's enough for me. As long as it sells enough to break even and we get more, that's what matters.
- I also did not like the fact, that Majima and Mokoto never spoke to each other again. Yes it is a lot of drama, but that she did not recognize him, come on that felt too forced.
Eh. We're still getting Kiwami and 6, that's enough for me. As long as it sells enough to break even and we get more, that's what matters.
In Europe at least, this game sold out at launch. So it's obviously sold more than they were expecting.
In Europe at least, this game sold out at launch. So it's obviously sold more than retailers were expecting.
- I did not really buy this "friendship" between Sagawa and Majima. I was waiting each chapter to beat Sagawa to death, because of the things he did to Majima. I like Majima in Yakuza 0, but I don't really understand his motivations and the way he acts.
- I did not really buy this "friendship" between Sagawa and Majima. I was waiting each chapter to beat Sagawa to death, because of the things he did to Majima. I like Majima in Yakuza 0, but I don't really understand his motivations and the way he acts.
Think of Sagawa as more of a lousy parent who ultimately means well for their child but expresses it horribly and you can see why Majima ultimately ended up respecting him in the end. And you gotta feel bad for the guy at the end, he did what he thought was right but ended up being manipulated by everyone else, like a cautionary tale if Majima ended up doing nothing but following orders.
While agree with some notions of this, I have no sense of Sagawa havnig this like urge of friendship at all, I do sense sympathy however. I see Sagawa having that previously mentioned sense of disappointment around him simply due to the positioning of Shimano. Shimano commands one of the top families in the Tojo, and is one step away from having the entirety of the Tojo at his beck and call as well as having the Omi backing. On the other hand, Sagawa, Shimano's sworn brother, is just another Omi patriarch in the line of the "outclassed by Tojo Omi" and not only that, Sagawa knows he just another pawn in the chessboard for the other commanding pieces to move at will. He has to sit there in this shitty Sotenbori doing shitty jobs for Shimano and take care of his shitty dog, and in this Sagawa feels the same pains and expendability as Majima, but Majima is something different. Unlike Sagawa, Majima takes his position in stride, he hates making money and having this simple life of simply making cash money with the simpilist means in the Yakuza world, but he does everything to the very-T for his sworn brother and just to have even a tiny little space in the Tojo for Majima's goals. Sagawa can't understand this, it's an anomaly, why go this far, for money? obviously not. for pride and honor? Majima doesn't give a shit he sits in his cabaret club licking customers shoes for approval. Sagawa doesn't understand why a pawn like Majima would do all this self depricating shit just to continue to be a Tojo lapdog, this especially being prevelant because of the stark contast between the relations shit of sworn brothers, Sagawa's relationship, and Majima's.
HeAbout Chapter 1 -
Can someone explain why Kuze cuts his little finger off at the end of Chapter 1? Is it because he expelled Kiryu? Or did he disobey Dojima for some other reason?
Hemade a serious decision without consulting the head of the family. And Dojima is not the forgiving type. said:Most yakuza violence involves gang rivalries, and sometimes, the conflicts explode into full-on gang wars. Such was the case in 2006, when a group of 500 men from the Dojin-kai broke off and started a new gang called the Kyushu Seido-kei. The split stemmed from a disagreement about leadership. After the Kyushu Seido-kei broke off, they affiliated themselves with the Dojin-kai's rival, the Yamaguchi-gumi, and this new affiliation led to war.
The war lasted seven years. The most volatile time was in August 2007, when a member of the Kyushu Seido-kei killed the leader of the Dojin-kai. Beyond that, there were over 45 violent incidents, which included crimes like bombings, grenade tossings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and the murders of 14 people. At least half of those 14 deaths, which included one civilian, were from gunfire, which may not seem like a lot until you consider how many gun deaths typically happen in Japan. For example, in 2006, there were only two. In 2007, there were 22 deaths, and it was a national scandal. By 2008, the number of deaths dropped to only 11.
The war came to an end on June 11, 2013, when members of both gangs went to a police station. They announced that the war was ending and that the Kyushu Seido-kei was going to dissolve. They also publicly apologized for all of the problems that they caused.
Think of Sagawa as more of a lousy parent who ultimately means well for their child but expresses it horribly and you can see why Majima ultimately ended up respecting him in the end. And you gotta feel bad for the guy at the end, he did what he thought was right but ended up being manipulated by everyone else, like a cautionary tale if Majima ended up doing nothing but following orders.
My interpretation of Sagawa in Y0:
i interviewed to be an account manager for a real estate website. over a month later i get a call saying i didn't get the job
but if i did get it, i would've put on facebook that i started working for tachibana real estate =]
the interview was in person, i just didn't hear back from them till a little over a month laterShould've gone in person
At least you would've gotten a cab fare that way
the interview was in person, i just didn't hear back from them till a little over a month later
There are currently 4 Yakuza games available on the PS4 in Japan, but only 1 for the West right now.Are the other Yakuza games this good? I'm about 20h in and it's...phenomenal!? Any other Yakuza game that runs on PS4?
i don't think it was a scam bruh..It takes a long time to figure out if a prospective hire is actually just scamming them out of cab fare.
there is a spinoff yakuza game that was a launch title in Japan, that's it. the remake of yakuza 1 retitled Kiwami is coming here in the summer, I think augustAre the other Yakuza games this good? I'm about 20h in and it's...phenomenal!? Any other Yakuza game that runs on PS4?
Intro to chapter 3 got a little over the top though.
They're referencing the Kiryui don't think it was a scam bruh..
I love you guys.
ohhhh ahahh, i should have known this was an in game reference. i must have missed this substory or just clicked the fuck through to get through it and not paid attention to the dialogue.They're referencing the Kiryusubstory where you have to interview potential job applicants for your business and try to figure out if they're good candidates or just trying to scam you.