Watching videos of Kiwami reminded me how crazy Majima was. They sure soften him up in Yakuza 4-5, it's like two completely different characters.
Very true.
Watching videos of Kiwami reminded me how crazy Majima was. They sure soften him up in Yakuza 4-5, it's like two completely different characters.
Man give me this game now!
Decided to go back and try to get all the trophies for Yakuza Zero. A Japanese guide I find said that playing on Easy difficulty (which I did first lol) then playing legend difficulty is the quickest way. Can I complete everything on Easy difficulty (substories, levelling, Amon) then new game plus to Legend difficulty?
Also, how the hell do I win a Catfight? lol
You can do an easy then a Legend playthrough, but keep in mind you can't carry over stats etc. on Legend. You start back at level 1.
You can do all the mini games, side stuff etc. on easy but I'd personally play it on Hard. Its not an amazingly hard game, but that's just my opinion (you can drop the difficulty at any time and that shouldn't invalidate any trophies, just make sure there isn't a "clear game without dropping difficulty" trophy).
As for Cat Fighting. There is a post on Gamefaqs that really goes into how its apparently not completely random but from my experience its completely random. Choose the blond girl with glasses (has best stats) and then just mash the circle button when prompted (or like me - mash circle button and read/watch something on your tablet to multi task) and eventually you'll fluke enough wins to get the trophy.
The idea behind the game is when you get either a tie, or choose the correct attack you'll have to mash the circle button to power up your rock/paper/scissors attack. If you power it up to either a red or rainbow attack you'll deal serious.
Remember that for a win to count you need to beat 3 characters consecutively. Also remember when your betting on this game (for the minigame completion reward required to 100% the game) save the game in Theatre Square and then bet an obscene amount on the mini game (bet the maximum). It'll probably take a few tries but you'll manage to get a huge payout and complete all challenge list related items for the mini game in one try. Then you just need 9 more tourney wins for the trophy.
Just started up Yakuza 1 but gotta get something straight. I see all of these families are affiliates of the Tojo Clan, so I take it, a clan is higher ranked than a family?
And if you are a soldier of a family, you are in other words like a bodyguard to that family? Like Kiryu Kazuma is? And if you are Captain, you are in other words the Boss of the family?
So you can both be a lieutenant of the Dojima family and a Captain of your own? Is that because you have close ties between those two families?
And Oyabun is just a saying, like san and chan right?
Yeah, that's exactly how I imagined it. What are these footsoldiers called in the game? Just yakuzas?
I recently bought Yakuza 1-4 + Dead Souls because I really want to give this series a try. I got 1 and 2 for PS2 but forgot I don't a PAL PS2 here, only NTSC and my games are PAL. I do have a 60GB backwards compatible PS3 though. Anyone know how playable the first game is on that? I read somewhere about a freeze in chapter 3 but others claimed to have a smooth experience.
Yeah, probably should've mentioned that. It's a PAL.Is your PS3 a PAL?
I haven't tried Yakuza 1 on PS3 but I have played Yakuza 2 (the original multiple disc version) and it ran fine on my 20GB fat PS3.
The best option is to get a 1 & 2 HD remake for PS3. It's Japanese only but you can enjoy 牛丼(並) with that version. Having a 牛丼 rather than a beef bowl makes the game ten times better ;p
Thanks, I'll import a copy once the price drops a bit. I still got plenty of Yakuza games to keep me occupied anywayIf you like it, it's a good idea to get a JP Kiwami. It will be a good material for learning the language. You can read the dialogues at your own pace in this series and the game has natural speaking language more than any other Japanese games.
BTW, those gyu-don restaurants are replaced by 松屋 in Yakuza 4.
ive been playing Yakuza 4, trying to get the platinum. The freaking hostess minigame is so awful and boring, idk why they made so many revolving around this. Idk if I can continue. Ive been doing it for over an hour and a half and I am nowhere close to finishing up the first girl
Thanks, I'll import a copy once the price drops a bit. I still got plenty of Yakuza games to keep me occupied anyway.
Please tell me they have Calpis in one of the games? It's my one true love.
So for those already playing Kiwami - couple of quick questions. Looking over the Japanese wiki it looks as though they've taken out the harsh fail states for side stories, as well as moving some of the coin locker keys so you no longer need to find them in certain sections that can't be revisited later.
Can anyone confirm if this is the case? As it'd be very handy to know whether I need to be extra careful on these sections when I play the game through myself soon.
Yes, the sub-stories system is pretty much the same as in RGG0. And there isn't any miss able locker keys like placed in the tower or Tojo HQ.
Do you mean dating the hostess girls, or Akiyama's managing hostess club side mission. If its the dates, it might be worth using a guide to speed things along as there are quite a few in 4 and it can really drag... 2 and 3 was pretty bad as well, so many darn hostess side missions to complete (I swear 2 had around 10 to complete, that really dragged!)
Thankfully they switch things up for 5 so that this part of the game becomes far more fun (in my opinion).
Anyone else see Digital Foundry's video on Kiwami? Thought it was pretty good.
managed to get the platinum in 4. People told me that 3 was a much harder platinum than 4. Other than mini game master(which i dont even know if I would classify as being "hard") I completely disagree. I think 4 was a MUCH harder game. Its probably my least favorite game in the series so far, but it wasnt terrible.
So I'm playing 2 and I'm like
"Hey, this Kaoru girl is pretty cool, but it doesn't seem the kind of girl Japanese players usually go for"
in 3Then I find out she's put on a buss and forgotten
Mini Game Master still stops me from plat'ing Yakuza 3. I can't do the last batting centre difficulty where they take away the batting reticule for you. 4 doesn't really seem that hard to plat in comparison, a tad unfun with some of the hostess club trophies but that's all (from my experience).
There was a trick for that last batting center thing. Go on a lower difficulty and just place a dot on your screen where the reticle is. It will be in the same spot for the one where the reticle is taken off. Makes it very easy....well, kind of...you still need to get the timing and stuff down.
I thought 4 was just overall a much more difficult game. 3 seemed to have a very exploitable combat system. The shoulder ram thing could be spammed against pretty much every enemy in the game including bosses. It made the hard difficulty stupid easy. Sure, it made the game boring, but it was very easy. 4 seemed to ramp up the enemy difficulty by miles and they could actually counter stuff like that. I actually had to git gud
You could also do the old tape trick, looking where the reticle is on a lower difficulty, then place a piece of tape or something that can stick on your screen on the reticle and then play it on ex hard.
I'm playing Yakuza 1 right now and I am really enjoying it! The only problem I am having is parts of the combat. I don't understand how to dodge. I keep trying it and I just don't get it.
Also, how the hell do you counter the people who dodge your attacks by stepping to the side? I just flail about hoping to catch them again.
Thanks for that. Yeah it sucks but I will put up with it!Dodging