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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!


impressions, thought and something I noticed.

*The graphics are not jaw dropping good. The game looks a bit blurry by excessive use of DOF and this game's AA solutions. The game might be rendered under 1080p...I don't know. I wouln't surprise if someone thinks zero/kiwami look better.

*The framerate of this demo is not good and I feel the input lags.

*I feel the combat becomes more simple button mash type brawler. You actually have to mash the buttons more than before.

*No loading screen is good but you can't fast forward dialogue or skip the event scenes at all. It is like Max Payne 3.

*Even if you are in a combat. You can move freely in the map. I provoked a fight in front of Donki and I could move to Tenkaichi street.

*You can manipulate camera more freely than ever but it's still not better than today's standard for third person games.

*The dev needs to reconsider the health bars above enemies. They are kinda boosting about it in the nico live so it is not unlikely thought.

big spoiler!! Simle burger has a second floor!!

some environments are destructible (the objects disappear as soon as they hit on the ground though)

New look of New Serena



Saddly, no godzilla


Decided to go back and try to get all the trophies for Yakuza Zero. A Japanese guide I find said that playing on Easy difficulty (which I did first lol) then playing legend difficulty is the quickest way. Can I complete everything on Easy difficulty (substories, levelling, Amon) then new game plus to Legend difficulty?

Also, how the hell do I win a Catfight? lol
Decided to go back and try to get all the trophies for Yakuza Zero. A Japanese guide I find said that playing on Easy difficulty (which I did first lol) then playing legend difficulty is the quickest way. Can I complete everything on Easy difficulty (substories, levelling, Amon) then new game plus to Legend difficulty?

Also, how the hell do I win a Catfight? lol

You can do an easy then a Legend playthrough, but keep in mind you can't carry over stats etc. on Legend. You start back at level 1.

You can do all the mini games, side stuff etc. on easy but I'd personally play it on Hard. Its not an amazingly hard game, but that's just my opinion (you can drop the difficulty at any time and that shouldn't invalidate any trophies, just make sure there isn't a "clear game without dropping difficulty" trophy).

As for Cat Fighting. There is a post on Gamefaqs that really goes into how its apparently not completely random but from my experience its completely random. Choose the blond girl with glasses (has best stats) and then just mash the circle button when prompted (or like me - mash circle button and read/watch something on your tablet to multi task) and eventually you'll fluke enough wins to get the trophy.
The idea behind the game is when you get either a tie, or choose the correct attack you'll have to mash the circle button to power up your rock/paper/scissors attack. If you power it up to either a red or rainbow attack you'll deal serious.

Remember that for a win to count you need to beat 3 characters consecutively. Also remember when your betting on this game (for the minigame completion reward required to 100% the game) save the game in Theatre Square and then bet an obscene amount on the mini game (bet the maximum). It'll probably take a few tries but you'll manage to get a huge payout and complete all challenge list related items for the mini game in one try. Then you just need 9 more tourney wins for the trophy.


You can do an easy then a Legend playthrough, but keep in mind you can't carry over stats etc. on Legend. You start back at level 1.

You can do all the mini games, side stuff etc. on easy but I'd personally play it on Hard. Its not an amazingly hard game, but that's just my opinion (you can drop the difficulty at any time and that shouldn't invalidate any trophies, just make sure there isn't a "clear game without dropping difficulty" trophy).

As for Cat Fighting. There is a post on Gamefaqs that really goes into how its apparently not completely random but from my experience its completely random. Choose the blond girl with glasses (has best stats) and then just mash the circle button when prompted (or like me - mash circle button and read/watch something on your tablet to multi task) and eventually you'll fluke enough wins to get the trophy.
The idea behind the game is when you get either a tie, or choose the correct attack you'll have to mash the circle button to power up your rock/paper/scissors attack. If you power it up to either a red or rainbow attack you'll deal serious.

Remember that for a win to count you need to beat 3 characters consecutively. Also remember when your betting on this game (for the minigame completion reward required to 100% the game) save the game in Theatre Square and then bet an obscene amount on the mini game (bet the maximum). It'll probably take a few tries but you'll manage to get a huge payout and complete all challenge list related items for the mini game in one try. Then you just need 9 more tourney wins for the trophy.

Can I carry my stats over to Hard difficulty? Does that include my substories/challenges/real estate/hostess stuff?

Thanks for the Catfight tip, I didn't think amount max betting. I mainly just want to earn enough cash to level up my abilities.
I believe you can take a completed game save and take your stats over to Hard mode. I believe side quests carry across as well? I know the challenge list (the main obstacle to you 100%ing the game) doesn't carry over so its worth doing that on your first playthrough.
The challenge list governs all the side missions and such progress - like defeating X number of foes with each style, getting certain hands in Mah Jong, earning certain amounts of money in the Batting Centre, Darks, Pool as well as getting top scores in the Sega Arcade games etc.
On the bright side, that list is far less monotonous to complete compared to Ishin, which had you do these painfully boring tasks 100-200 times... man that games plat is the very definition of the word "grind"!

To get as much money as possible quick you want to do the following for Kiryu and Majima:

Kiryu - Use the Real Estate Side Mission to generate tons of money. Once all shops and districts are purchased and levelled up to S rank you should be getting serious cash. Now use the right managers on each district (the managers are unlocked via completing Real Estate Story missions and random side missions) to increase your money further.

Also, using CP points at the shrine you can increase the amount of money enemies drop, and increase the damage you do with heat moves. Now purposely lose to the extortionist enemies (huge dudes that are encountered on the game map that hit really hard). Losing takes a chunk of money, but if you lose to them several times then beat them you get a large payout (all your money back and then some!). Do the above and you'll be laughing.

Majima is tougher. You can't do the same as Kiryu to get lots of money from extortionists and his side mission (Managing the Club) pays out far less than the Real Estate side mission.

Best thing to do is complete the side missions that allow you to transfer money from one character to another and just send excess Kiryu money to Majima. That was by far the quickest method for me to level the main styles up.


Just started up Yakuza 1 but gotta get something straight. I see all of these families are affiliates of the Tojo Clan, so I take it, a clan is higher ranked than a family?

And if you are a soldier of a family, you are in other words like a bodyguard to that family? Like Kiryu Kazuma is? And if you are Captain, you are in other words the Boss of the family?

So you can both be a lieutenant of the Dojima family and a Captain of your own? Is that because you have close ties between those two families?

And Oyabun is just a saying, like san and chan right?
Just started up Yakuza 1 but gotta get something straight. I see all of these families are affiliates of the Tojo Clan, so I take it, a clan is higher ranked than a family?

And if you are a soldier of a family, you are in other words like a bodyguard to that family? Like Kiryu Kazuma is? And if you are Captain, you are in other words the Boss of the family?

So you can both be a lieutenant of the Dojima family and a Captain of your own? Is that because you have close ties between those two families?

And Oyabun is just a saying, like san and chan right?

I'm not 100% sure, but the way I always understood it:

Footsolders - The lowest rank members. They do all the dirty work for their boss - collect payments, rough up those that don't pay blah blah.

Heads of Family - There is always a head of each gang (or family). So for example in the original game the main families are: Kazuma (or "Fuma" in the western version. Kiryu's fathers group), Shimano (the tall bold dude), Nishiki (your former best friend) and Dojima (RIP). The heads of the family are basically the bosses who dish out the orders. They answer to the chairman himself.

Lieutenants - Families often have trusted second in command Lieutenants - they rank above your average foot soldiers but still take orders from the head of the family. The best example in Yakuza is Shimano's Lieutenant - Majima Goro. He's a feared Yakuza that has foot soldiers at his disposal, but Majima himself still takes orders from Shimano.

Chairman - The highest ranking Yakuza who rules over all the families within the Tojo Clan. In Yakuza 1 this is a dude named Sera.

So basically, from top to bottom you've got the following in order of rank/importance:

Chairman: Sera

Family Heads:

Majima (Shimano family)
Kashiwagi (Kazuma family)

Foot soldiers:
All the low level Yakuza goons you beat up during your stay in Tokyo!

I hope that makes some kind of sense...


Just watched The Yakuza Papers Vol. 1(Battles Without Honor And Humanity). Kiryu'd be right at home in that world. I bet Nagoshi's a fan, the plot was just as convoluted as a Yakuza game(if not moreso).


Managed to get the Yakuza movie from the library. As a Kiryu story, woof.

But everything else is wonderful. Majima, Date, Kamurocho, Stardust, even Haruka and her dog. It's fan service city.


I recently bought Yakuza 1-4 + Dead Souls because I really want to give this series a try. I got 1 and 2 for PS2 but forgot I don't a PAL PS2 here, only NTSC and my games are PAL. I do have a 60GB backwards compatible PS3 though. Anyone know how playable the first game is on that? I read somewhere about a freeze in chapter 3 but others claimed to have a smooth experience.


I recently bought Yakuza 1-4 + Dead Souls because I really want to give this series a try. I got 1 and 2 for PS2 but forgot I don't a PAL PS2 here, only NTSC and my games are PAL. I do have a 60GB backwards compatible PS3 though. Anyone know how playable the first game is on that? I read somewhere about a freeze in chapter 3 but others claimed to have a smooth experience.

Is your PS3 a PAL?

I haven't tried Yakuza 1 on PS3 but I have played Yakuza 2 (the original multiple disc version) and it ran fine on my 20GB fat PS3.

The best option is to get a 1 & 2 HD remake for PS3. It's Japanese only but you can enjoy 牛丼(並) with that version. Having a 牛丼 rather than a beef bowl makes the game ten times better ;p


Is your PS3 a PAL?

I haven't tried Yakuza 1 on PS3 but I have played Yakuza 2 (the original multiple disc version) and it ran fine on my 20GB fat PS3.

The best option is to get a 1 & 2 HD remake for PS3. It's Japanese only but you can enjoy 牛丼(並) with that version. Having a 牛丼 rather than a beef bowl makes the game ten times better ;p
Yeah, probably should've mentioned that. It's a PAL.
By some coincidence I was at my parents' house yesterday and I picked up my PAL PS2 there so if I run into any freezes I can play that part on my trusty old PS2 and then continue on the PS3. Luckily I already have a memory card adapter.

I think I'm between N2/N3 level Japanese so I was kinda torn whether I should go with the PS3 remakes or not. I was afraid that a lot of Yakuza specific lingo would go over my head (I'm already lost with the various titles characters have in English) and it would sour my experience. Yesterday I played a little already and I was delighted to find a Yoshinoya/Matsuya-ish place (do those places even have a specific name?), but yeah it was kinda disappointing having to read "Beef bowl (L)" :p.

I think I'll stick with the PS2 games for now so I can get to know the system in a language I'm more familiar with and then maybe import Kiwami and the other titles that haven't made it over yet.

Btw I really love the game so far and I've only played for an hour. The English voice acting is really grating but something I know I'll only have to put up with for this game. I loved going into a conbini and finding out you can buy fucking Natchan :D.


If you like it, it's a good idea to get a JP Kiwami. It will be a good material for learning the language. You can read the dialogues at your own pace in this series and the game has natural speaking language more than any other Japanese games.

BTW, those gyu-don restaurants are replaced by 松屋 in Yakuza 4.
I'm half tempted to start Kiwami once I'm done with 5. I thought I'd give it a breather first before jumping back in but I'm really not bored with the series one bit!

I'm currently sitting at 92% completion on Yakuza 5. Its mainly the fighting arena that is left undone, it'll take me a while to do Akiyama's and Shinada's runs. That said I've made excellent progress with my two weakest mini games (Kamuro Batting Centre and Pool). Credit goes to the dev team really. I can't think of one other game that has mini games in an open world game that are so well designed and fun (well a couple of mini games in the series aren't great but those are the exception).


If you like it, it's a good idea to get a JP Kiwami. It will be a good material for learning the language. You can read the dialogues at your own pace in this series and the game has natural speaking language more than any other Japanese games.

BTW, those gyu-don restaurants are replaced by 松屋 in Yakuza 4.
Thanks, I'll import a copy once the price drops a bit. I still got plenty of Yakuza games to keep me occupied anyway :).

Please tell me they have Calpis in one of the games? It's my one true love.
So for those already playing Kiwami - couple of quick questions. Looking over the Japanese wiki it looks as though they've taken out the harsh fail states for side stories, as well as moving some of the coin locker keys so you no longer need to find them in certain sections that can't be revisited later.

Can anyone confirm if this is the case? As it'd be very handy to know whether I need to be extra careful on these sections when I play the game through myself soon.
Finally got around to trying that RgG6 demo. Man it feels really rough. This game is targeting 2016 right? I almost wish they keep it in the oven a bit longer.

It's great to see them finally move beyond a PS2 mindframe in terms of the interaction with the game world. But it feels like they've taken 3 steps forward and 4 steps back. Combat is sluggish and movement feels terrible. It's neat to get to go in more buildings but I don't know that it's actually any fun. Fighting in the conbini is kinda rad though.

I feel like this is likely to be another Kamurocho-only game, and i worry the interiors will be like the roofs and underground of Yakuza 4--that is, neat on paper, but in reality not enough to make it not feel like we're trapped in Kamurocho. If it is Tokyo only, I hope we at least get some additional streets around shinjuku.

I think RgG0 and Kiwami look better, even with the screen tearing and lack of fancy visual effects.
ive been playing Yakuza 4, trying to get the platinum. The freaking hostess minigame is so awful and boring, idk why they made so many revolving around this. Idk if I can continue. Ive been doing it for over an hour and a half and I am nowhere close to finishing up the first girl
Almost done with the Arena in Yakuza 5 now. Only 1 battle left for Shinada which I'm hoping won't be too bad... Then its just a couple of fights with Akiyama left before I'm done on that side of things (unfortunately, those will be very hard!)

ive been playing Yakuza 4, trying to get the platinum. The freaking hostess minigame is so awful and boring, idk why they made so many revolving around this. Idk if I can continue. Ive been doing it for over an hour and a half and I am nowhere close to finishing up the first girl

Do you mean dating the hostess girls, or Akiyama's managing hostess club side mission. If its the dates, it might be worth using a guide to speed things along as there are quite a few in 4 and it can really drag... 2 and 3 was pretty bad as well, so many darn hostess side missions to complete (I swear 2 had around 10 to complete, that really dragged!)
Thankfully they switch things up for 5 so that this part of the game becomes far more fun (in my opinion).


Thanks, I'll import a copy once the price drops a bit. I still got plenty of Yakuza games to keep me occupied anyway :).

Please tell me they have Calpis in one of the games? It's my one true love.

You like Calpis? I heard Gaikokujin san don't like it because it sounds cow piss in Japanese pronunciation.
And no, Calpis isn't in Kamurocho. Suntory is the only beverage company sponsored for soft drink in the game and every soft drink is suntory stuff like Boss (Tommy Lee Jones coffee), Iemon (green tea). I guess that is why Suntory's whiiskey is the highest priced liquor in the game.

So for those already playing Kiwami - couple of quick questions. Looking over the Japanese wiki it looks as though they've taken out the harsh fail states for side stories, as well as moving some of the coin locker keys so you no longer need to find them in certain sections that can't be revisited later.

Can anyone confirm if this is the case? As it'd be very handy to know whether I need to be extra careful on these sections when I play the game through myself soon.

Yes, the sub-stories system is pretty much the same as in RGG0. And there isn't any miss able locker keys like placed in the tower or Tojo HQ.
Yes, the sub-stories system is pretty much the same as in RGG0. And there isn't any miss able locker keys like placed in the tower or Tojo HQ.

That's good to hear. I'd hate to start a 100% run and screw myself out of it by missing something like a locker key in Tojo HQ!
Do you mean dating the hostess girls, or Akiyama's managing hostess club side mission. If its the dates, it might be worth using a guide to speed things along as there are quite a few in 4 and it can really drag... 2 and 3 was pretty bad as well, so many darn hostess side missions to complete (I swear 2 had around 10 to complete, that really dragged!)
Thankfully they switch things up for 5 so that this part of the game becomes far more fun (in my opinion).

I mean Akiyamas managing mission. I am specifically going for fashionista(buying all types of outfits), and then the one for getting all business cards. I played for quite a long time last night and I only managed to get the first girl to all S ranks, but I still can't get her to the number 1 rank hostess. I think I need a certain amount of money in one session to get her there, which I was nowhere close to. I'm not sure how to do it, because I have presets for cute, beautiful, and conservative that I just pick depending on what customers want....and I wasn't really close to the amount you need. I'm not sure what else I can do to get her to rank 1
So at the recent Winter WonFes, GSC showed off the prototype for the upcoming Majima figure:


Looks pretty good. hope the final version turns out great (plan to buy him and Kiryu).
Majima's head/face looks so much better than the head Kiryu ended up with. Between that and the ugly elbow joints it put me off pre ordering Kiryu (ok, that and I have no room to store figures!).

On the brighter side, I had a revelation today doing Akiyama's Arena run in 5 and now only have one tournament left before I'm done with this section for good!
My bitching about awkward Majima in Kiwami came back to bite me. The dude up and disappeared on me. This is annoying because these encounters are tied to the progression of the 堂島の龍 fighting style which made the last boss fight super obnoxious.

Spoilers for the Yakuza 1 boss fight:
Not having encountered Majima enough times to unlock the 超スタイル heat action for the 堂島の龍 style. This is what is needed against Nishiki as it's the only 超スタイルの極み he is susceptible to, so everytime he goes into that pose, I just had to watch him regain a full health bar. 20 Minutes in and 5 recharges later I was ready to chuck a controller.

Overall, the game was a nice visit back to the episode that started it all. It really highlighted how little the game has changed (or evolved) in the 11 years since. It shows how ahead of it's time the series was in 2005, and how dated it's grown in the years since. I'm nervous how successful they'll be with 6, but it's nice that they're finally taking some steps to evolve, but I wish they'd done more gradually over the past few years than try for one big hail mary a decade and a half later.


I've just finished all the komaki's training but the style is still kinda useless. The training itself was dull too. meet komaki, go to battle cage, back to komaki and repeat. Getting Majima's SSS rank must be super tiresome. Just let me 堂島の龍 already.
Anyone else see Digital Foundry's video on Kiwami? Thought it was pretty good.

Its a really decent write up of the game technically. Also shows off a few aspects of how good of a remake it is. Their Yakuza 6 demo write up was decent as well:

Found it interesting that the game was running currently at 900p. I've played the demo a couple of times and thought it looked really sharp in terms of resolution.. Maybe that was just down to better texturing and all the signs actually being readable this time. That doesn''t really bother me that much though, after playing Kenzan!, 3, 4 and Dead Souls which all run at a sub 720p frame rate I know I'll put up with 900p should Sega not manage to improve the res any further. I'd love the frame rate to be a tad more stable though, but since that demo is practically a tech demo and I'm sure the game will grow and improve in the coming months.


Well the platinum for kiwami is in the bag, I could have finished it faster but had so much stuff in real life to deal with that I didn't have time for any games but I didn't want to slack on finishing up stuff like I did with DMC4SE also with SFV coming out that was another reason to get it done in time.
managed to get the platinum in 4. People told me that 3 was a much harder platinum than 4. Other than mini game master(which i dont even know if I would classify as being "hard") I completely disagree. I think 4 was a MUCH harder game. Its probably my least favorite game in the series so far, but it wasnt terrible.


So I'm playing 2 and I'm like

"Hey, this Kaoru girl is pretty cool, but it doesn't seem the kind of girl Japanese players usually go for"

Then I find out she's put on a buss and forgotten
in 3



managed to get the platinum in 4. People told me that 3 was a much harder platinum than 4. Other than mini game master(which i dont even know if I would classify as being "hard") I completely disagree. I think 4 was a MUCH harder game. Its probably my least favorite game in the series so far, but it wasnt terrible.

Well yeah its mini game master that does stop a lot of people from getting the platinum in Y3 but I think Y4's platinum is easier than Y3 but then in the JP versions there was the "answer x answer" mini game, which is pretty daunting if you know little Japanese and really hard if you don't and don't know any of the answers for it.

So I'm playing 2 and I'm like

"Hey, this Kaoru girl is pretty cool, but it doesn't seem the kind of girl Japanese players usually go for"

Then I find out she's put on a buss and forgotten
in 3


Well hopefully we can see her return in Kiwami 2, maybe playable but I wouldn't expect it like how the rumor of playable Nishiki started for Kiwami 1 got some people hyped up.
Mini Game Master still stops me from plat'ing Yakuza 3. I can't do the last batting centre difficulty where they take away the batting reticule for you. 4 doesn't really seem that hard to plat in comparison, a tad unfun with some of the hostess club trophies but that's all (from my experience).
Then again, I absolutely loved getting the 100% completion trophies on 5 and 0, I think they both hit the difficulty curve pretty much perfectly (bar having to do that damn arena 4 times in 5).
Ishin wasn't so much a hard plat as a bloody boring repetitive chore at points (grinding for dragon items in battle dungeon, performing menial actions 50/100/200 times etc.)

2 is easy-ish to do if your careful. As long as you don't miss coin locker keys or specific heat actions on levels you only need to do a 100% playthrough to fight Amon, and an EX hard playthrough.

1 is bastard hard. I'm one single action short of getting the plat, but that action is scoring a perfect batting centre game for Haruka's Trust SSS rank. And its damn annoying!


WOW, what kind of drug were the writers on during Yakuza 2 chapter 12.

Because I've seen a lot of game going to normal to battshit crazy, but this chapter takes the cake.
Mini Game Master still stops me from plat'ing Yakuza 3. I can't do the last batting centre difficulty where they take away the batting reticule for you. 4 doesn't really seem that hard to plat in comparison, a tad unfun with some of the hostess club trophies but that's all (from my experience).

There was a trick for that last batting center thing. Go on a lower difficulty and just place a dot on your screen where the reticle is. It will be in the same spot for the one where the reticle is taken off. Makes it very easy....well, kind of...you still need to get the timing and stuff down.

I thought 4 was just overall a much more difficult game. 3 seemed to have a very exploitable combat system. The shoulder ram thing could be spammed against pretty much every enemy in the game including bosses. It made the hard difficulty stupid easy. Sure, it made the game boring, but it was very easy. 4 seemed to ramp up the enemy difficulty by miles and they could actually counter stuff like that. I actually had to git gud
There was a trick for that last batting center thing. Go on a lower difficulty and just place a dot on your screen where the reticle is. It will be in the same spot for the one where the reticle is taken off. Makes it very easy....well, kind of...you still need to get the timing and stuff down.

I thought 4 was just overall a much more difficult game. 3 seemed to have a very exploitable combat system. The shoulder ram thing could be spammed against pretty much every enemy in the game including bosses. It made the hard difficulty stupid easy. Sure, it made the game boring, but it was very easy. 4 seemed to ramp up the enemy difficulty by miles and they could actually counter stuff like that. I actually had to git gud

Thanks for the tip on the batting centre. The next time I'm doing a Yakuza 3 replay I'll give it a shot. I'd rather play the Japanese version (more extra content) but AnswerXAnswer is borderline impossible so I'll never 100% that version.

I really need to replay Yakuza 4, my lasting opinion on that game was that the enemy AI was dumbed down compared to 3 - especially in random battles they seemed almost too scared to attack. I remember the first 3 games having more aggressive AI in that respect.
Then again I only ever played 4 once around launch so its been years since I've touched it, I think its about due for a replay.


You could also do the old tape trick, looking where the reticle is on a lower difficulty, then place a piece of tape or something that can stick on your screen on the reticle and then play it on ex hard.
You could also do the old tape trick, looking where the reticle is on a lower difficulty, then place a piece of tape or something that can stick on your screen on the reticle and then play it on ex hard.

That's a good idea as well :) I wonder if I have my old Yakuza 3 save file kicking around from way back... I'm tempted to give it a shot tonight.


I'm playing Yakuza 1 right now and I am really enjoying it! The only problem I am having is parts of the combat. I don't understand how to dodge. I keep trying it and I just don't get it.

Also, how the hell do you counter the people who dodge your attacks by stepping to the side? I just flail about hoping to catch them again.
I'm playing Yakuza 1 right now and I am really enjoying it! The only problem I am having is parts of the combat. I don't understand how to dodge. I keep trying it and I just don't get it.

Also, how the hell do you counter the people who dodge your attacks by stepping to the side? I just flail about hoping to catch them again.

Dodging should be executed by pressing any direction and the X button. However you need to unlock the move first. I forget exactly how you get the dodge move in the original game. Its either an upgrade you get when you level up or you need to do Komaki training in the hobo area (fairly certain you get it from Komaki).

Annoyingly you don't get the move from the beginning of the game, the first few games in the series were pretty bad in terms of making you severely underpowered at the beginnings of Yakuza 1-3...

If an enemy dodges your attack in Yakuza 1 you'll need to stop attacking and lock onto him again. This is my huge hate for the first game, lock on sucks terribly and you can often miss an enemy and get smacked in the back of the head (it gets really bad on the last arena battle).

I don't really have any advice for this, its one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to playing the remake so much, as they completely overhaul the battle system.
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