Yeah a bit of save scamming goes for the casino gambling games now if you wanna keep the momentum going. For me its play, hope to win big and if I do, save and keep playing and if I start losing just reload my save and since you could save anywhere that's not in a battle or battle area which makes it easier than running back and forth to a save point but in general I do really well at them to not reload saves much.
The Japanese gambling games were no problem except for Mahjong and dealing with Yui who, is the hostess at Jewel and loves Mahjong and is always constantly an opponent you play against at the parlour. For me she either declares riichi or double riichi right off the bat or has a hand ready and gets you with ron or last tile ron, which was pretty frustrating trying to get hands to win for the cp requirements. For making points to buy the weapons and armor with in the gambling den I played Cho-han though its all 50-50 and can be risky if you decide to keep playing against the house to rack up points and Chinchirorin which was better but how many chips you went with decided how many your opponents would have(eg: go with 1000, everyone would have 1000 also) with Koi Koi rounding it a bit.
Thanks for the tips I actually had few to no problems with Mah Jong, its probably ended up as the gambling side mission that I can clear most consistently now. Yesterday I was playing some for fun and somehow managed to win 75%ish of my matches fairly easily (luck must have been on my side, always getting the exact tiles I needed!). For some reason that game has just clicked with me on a basic level. I still can't understand the more complicated hands which require the east, west, north, south etc. tiles but I can at least make enough different hands to stand a decent chance at winning, and finally get some decent scores.
I think what hurts some of the gambling in this game for me is that you have really low betting levels - Baccarat was a pain because it wants you to get 20,000 chips where the payouts are shit - betting on banker and player get you almost nothing back if you win. I basically got insanely lucky by just betting for a tie a couple of times which paid off.
Oh, and one day I hope to understand Shogi. Its completion requirements are always very fair, but I just can't wrap my head around that game at all. I really should sit down one day and really try to learn it, then again I suck at regular chess as well which doesn't help.
Gotta hand the series some credit though, I don't ever tend to spend this much time on any other mini games in other open world games!
I agree. The later games really nailed down side stories to a tee - having them marked on the map and getting rid of any silly fail states where later missions wouldn't then unlock were the two best things they did in this regard. It really pissed me off in 1&2 mainly where you'd accidentally select the wrong option and then unintentionally block off entire bits of future content. So glad Kiwami fixed this for the original Yakuza, now just give me that remake of 2 next year Sega!
Ok, the credits have rolled and I'm now onto post game content on Kiwami.
Personally in terms of enjoyment and how much better the remake is compared to the base game I'd put this right behind the Gamecube version of Resident Evil in terms of "best game remakes" list. Its not perfect (I'll get onto those points in a moment) but Kiwami has rendered the original PS2 (or PS3 HD port) all but obsolete to me.
+ The newer fighting engine based on 0 makes the game much more pleasant to play. No more broken lockon shit which make certain bosses (looking at you Komaki and Majima) insanely difficult to fight
+ Fighting styles carried over from 0, not only a nice little nod for continuities sake but the game just feels more fun when your using 4, really distinct awesome fighting styles. The rush and heavy fighting styles are brilliant fun in this game and have some awesome moves and heat moves associated with them.
+ 60FPS. Its not a locked frame rate as there are tiny drops at a couple of points but those are really infrequent. The fighting feels so much better because of the smoothness 60FPS gives you. The other games in the series really need to get a PS4/PC release so that they can run in glorious 60FPS (it was super jarring playing 5 earlier this year with the lower frame rate. I still loved it to pieces but I really missed a stable, smooth frame rate).
+ Lots of "new" content. By "new" I mean "this wasn't in the PS2 version". Most play spots return so there is far more content on offer compared to the original PS2 version. With that said though even with the new content its still one of the shortest Yakuza games I've played. It only took me 50 odd hours to finish with a 92% completion rate, while for example Yakuza 5 took me 140 hours on the dot to finish 100%. I'm still working on a couple of odd bits that will no doubt add a few hours onto the completion timer.
+ Actual new content. There is also a nice amount of new content that is brand new to this game - there are several new side missions - some of which carry on continuity wise from Yakuza 0
the pocket circuit side missions are excellent, so cool to see the gang grown up
. Haruka gets a couple of extra side missions also, plus there is a nice amount of new story FMV segments (that take place at the beginning of each chapter) that shows Nishikiyama's decent into evil. I felt that they could have done with doing 1 more FMV as
they show up to the point where he flips, but it'd have been nice to see one final FMV where he really starts rising up in the ranks further, as they kind of left him as a fairly lowly gang boss, while present day Nishiki is right up there trading blows with Kazama and Shimano
+/- Majima Anywhere System - really not sure what to make of this one. As I do love the addition of more Majima, as well as the game getting full use out of his fighting styles not to mention his various bizarre scenarios you partake in, but they force you to fight him way to many times, even after I'd SSS ranked him I was still fighting him frequently. Plus I felt his constant appearances hurt his story appearances as I'd fought him so many times that it took away what is usually special about a Vs Majima fight.
+/- Dragon of Dojima Style - again, not sure where I stand on this. This fighting style is useless in the beginning of the game. Its pathetically slow and weak and the only way you'll level it up is through grinding out Majima battles and the fighting arena (and to be fair, the fighting arena doesn't take much time when you figure out how to get tons of points quick from it. Eventually it'll level up into the best fighting style, with counters that decimate the toughest of bosses, with lightning fast attacks and your normal variety of awesome moves. But it requires a lot of dedication to get that far, I probably only used it in my last 20% of the game, it was at that point where I felt it truly was powerful enough to use in battles.
Jingu's battle
is still a pain in the ass. Easily the weakest bit of the game for me, as he's a real twat to fight and his self res'ing goons really make the final bit of the battle a complete slog to complete. I just got no enjoyment from it, and its almost as janky as it was in the PS2 original (thankfully your fighting styles do help to elevate it from being a complete nightmare).
- (ending spoilers)
really annoyed that when the Millenium Tower goes boom you don't see Akiyama scooping up some of the money raining from the sky. Really odd choice considering they retconned him into being present at this point in the games story. Just seems like a really odd omission
- the arcade sucks in this game. The only arcade game you get is a fairly substandard rock/papers/scissors game that is ok, but isn't something I ran out to play every second I could. I really wish they'd have just either put VF2 or 4 playable in this, or even just Space Harrier/Fantasy Zone/Outrun/Super Hangon again. I'd not have minded them reusing them, I'd have definitely played the heck out of them.
- changes to Casino gambling completion goals. I just did not care for the completion goal changes for the Casino games. Some were far too much of a grind, and not to mention immense luck on top of that. Even with cheat items they are still a pain. Weirdly though I've had no issues with the Japanese gambling games - maybe because the payouts are better, or the goals are lower? Either way, this is one thing I don't want to be made any worse in 6.
So all in all its a brilliant remake that was sorely needed. I'm now working on the usual post game stuff (couple of side missions, Haruka's Trust and Ultimate Arena Challenges). The challenges especially are fairly hard. The first challenge is a scary wake up call - you have to do the boat fight again without falling down (its harder than it sounds!). Thankfully all the Majima challenges were fairly simple though.
^awesome review! feeling doubtful this one'll make it over, so just like with Isshin, i'm gonna check back when i can find it super cheap & KHH subs has good walkthroughs up (granted, this one needs it less since ive played it, but it's been forever so it's always a nice option)
^awesome review! feeling doubtful this one'll make it over, so just like with Isshin, i'm gonna check back when i can find it super cheap & KHH subs has good walkthroughs up (granted, this one needs it less since ive played it, but it's been forever so it's always a nice option)
Not sure if KHH is going to be doing a guide for this one. I think he posted on his site that he'll be skipping over it for now since its a remake of 1, and because he wants to focus on the English translation patch for Black Panther 1 for the PSP.
The good news is, bar the new Nishikiyama scenes the main story remains the same, so its one of the easier ones to follow. The only other new content is the new side stories and the new dialogue the characters get when they are walking about town together. So its at least possible to pretty much enjoy the main story with the existing guides available.
I do hope a proper English release, or Kiwami translation guide turns up one day since there is a decent amount of new dialogue and little story bits here and there. I just fear that due to all that new content, plus the odds of Sega just taking the old English script for 1 is low (as the dialogue is pretty damn bad in places), they'd actually need to put a proper effort into re-translating it. I wonder if they cut their losses and go for 6 instead?
I hope for both, but with Sega you just never know
Almost done on the challenge mode now. Just 5 left which I assume are just the boss rush battles as with every challenge mode. Challenge 10 from the second set of challenges was well tough - you have Kiryu who is not leveled up at all going through a shorter version of the funeral fight backwards - plus you have to fight two bosses from 0 (big spoilers from that game):
Sera and Kashiwagi
. That was an unexpected surprise, both were fairly dangerous fights thanks to Kiryu being so weak...
Not sure if KHH is going to be doing a guide for this one. I think he posted on his site that he'll be skipping over it for now since its a remake of 1, and because he wants to focus on the English translation patch for Black Panther 1 for the PSP..
I really need to get a CFW set up on my PSP (or just get a newer, better model PSP) to play it in English. I played it back in the day in Japanese and really enjoyed it, the boss battles were pretty intense in that game.
I believe all the story translation in complete now, and the team are working on all the other bits in the game (side stories, mini games etc.). A long ways off, but fingers crossed the sequel gets the same treatment one day.
I love Kiwami as its not only a great Ryu ga gotoku/Yakuza game but as a remake that does the original more than enough justice, it has updated, added and retconned a lot of stuff that keeps things new even if you've played the original. But you really got the feeling the team had RGG6 as its main priority and Kiwami didn't get as much presentation as the previous games like Zero and Ishin, so there were a lot of missed opportunities that could have made this great game even better.
Here is a few things I thought could have been in:
1: With the Majima everywhere system, you'd think there would be a karaoke sing off battle with him but sadly no and I know it would have been awesome if they had it.
Nishiki's sister, Yuko remains a phantom character who, is talked about and is a major factor in Nishiki becoming who he is during Y1 but is never seen. I always figured they could have shown her during Zero when she was in better health and then in Kiwami, show her in the hospital interacting with Nishiki would have done more to have you sympathize with him since its said she never wanted him to worry about her and to always think about his own well being and bettering himself, which is why when she died, Nishiki thought he had nothing left(with Yumi disappearing and Kiryu locked up) but his ambition and that's what allowed him to become ruthless.
3: The lack of games at the Sega arcade, with Mushiking being the only "new" addition with the ufo and print circle games making up the rest, I wished they had included the previous games from Zero just to pad things out, plus would have been cool to have Majima challenge you to beat his hi-score or something in Outrun or Space Harrier or just have Haruka cheer you on as you as you play Fantasy Zone would have been cool. Also weird how in the original game you had pachi-slot and 7 hostesses but now no pachi-slot(not that I'm complaining much) and only two hostesses, plus ads for boxcelios and no boxcelios is a tease but I did like how the Virtua Fighter 4 Machines are the Final Tuned versions as opposed to the VF4 Evolution they were in the original.
I love Kiwami as its not only a great Ryu ga gotoku/Yakuza game but as a remake that does the original more than enough justice, it has updated, added and retconned a lot of stuff that keeps things new even if you've played the original.
Very well said. As someone who owns every release in the entire series (both Western and Japanese releases and many duplicate copies) I was totally thrilled with Kiwami. It's such a great example of how to do a proper remake. As much as I hate to say it, it essentially renders the original game superfluous. Even the damn good RGG 1+2 HD Collection is hard to go back to, which is a testament to how much these games have continued to improve and build upon its foundation. How RGG6 is handled is yet to be seen. I think they're going to mix it up quite a bit from the early demo we played a while ago. Either way, I'm there Day 1 (or at least the soonest it can be imported!)
I currently await my Kiryu figma. I also ordered these from Play-Asia which I think will compliment the figma quite well! What do you think?
Each arcade unit is approx 105mm tall, same as Kaz - so that kinda works out pretty well I think! And you better believe I'm going to be on that Majima figma the moment it becomes available for pre-order.
Those mini arcades look awesome Please post some pics when you get them and your Kiryu figma.
Glad to see others enjoy Kiwami as much as I did. I do believe this was a smaller scale/smaller budget effort, but even with the asset reuse which made it easier to remake, I do have to comment the team for managing to make such a good remake of the game that looks, runs and plays excellently while oh so often remakes or even just remasters of last gen games are rushed and poorly ported.
Sgblues - I was also surprised at the lack of a sing off (or even better, a duet) between Majima and Kiryu in this game. I kept waiting for it to happen, but it never did. I agree about the arcade score attack idea as well. They already did that for the friendship stuff in 0 and that rocked so it would have made sense to do it again with Majima in this game.
. Yeah, it would have made sense to have her appear in the story, or in 0 in some capacity to give Nishiki more backstory. I get the feeling if they had more time/budget with this game they'd have fleshed out Nishiki's backstory evenfurther and given him a playable chunk of the game - between the intro and chapter 2 rather than just giving you cutscenes at the beginning of a few of the chapters.
Regarding 6 - is there any new news about it? I've not really heard that much of anything about it for some time now. I'm hoping we get some news soon, else I'll be waiting until TGS for another look at the game (and I really don't want to wait that long!)
I have the Kiryu figure ordered and the little arcade machines well so I can pose him playing them haha.
Yeah there hasn't been any news on RGG6 yet even though its suppose to come out this year still?
Well I'm not expecting them to rush it but take their time as they are making a lot of new things for this one and they should try to get them right but hoping they don't go too overboard in overhauling everything.
Agreed, I'm looking forward to seeing just how overhauled things are in 6, but I hope they don't strip away what makes the games so great (I'm still not sold on the combat changes, though the demo was of such an early build with few to no moves unlocked I'm certain the final games combat will be better.
The last news I saw on 6 was them announcing the hostesses for the game, so things are ticking along. I also saw RGG6 mentioned as a 2016 game in Sony's recent "40 million PS4's sold" press release from Japan so it sounds like its still coming this year.
Speaking of hostesses, I'm actually glad they chopped the number of them down in Kiwami to just 2. I do like this segment, and I especially like the changes they made to it in 5/Kiwami compared to all previous games. However having to do the same stuff 7 odd times did get old after a while, so I'm glad they kept on reducing the number. If 2 gets remade I hope they do the same thing again - how many did 2 have? I could have sworn the number is somewhere between 7-10 hostesses? I remember it being far too many that's for sure!
Also, a plus point I missed on my initial "review" of Kiwami - one change I loved - The way side missions either can't be failed, or are far more lenient in fail conditions. So its no longer a pain to fight Amon since you missed a side mission, or chose the wrong option down the line.
Likewise for the locker keys - it was nice that they changed up the locations so it was impossible to miss any, like in the original game. I really appreciate those changes.
Yeah I understand having to go through with dealing with hostesses when its like a bunch of them, personally I don't mind much since its pretty standard for me to blaze through it quickly especially now with the "buy the most expensive or near expensive drink to get the pass level" so even if you messed up on a question they asked, you're still beyond the pass mark so you rank up regardless. Since before in the other games you had to take into account what a girl liked, some of them didn't like to drink so getting orange juice was something they liked, others didn't like hard liquor like whiskey and others didn't care what you got and actually preferred if you didn't overspend on them which was nice.
Yakuza 2 had 10 hostesses, 9 regular ones and a hidden girl that shows up after you deal with the others, so if they do decide to make a Kiwami 2, I figured maybe 3-5 is good.
For the substory changes its good and bad for me, good in that you didn't have to overthink on what to answer correctly to get the pass requirement for them which took off some pressure when you didn't know what to respond with but its also bad since you can pretty much just hammer the circle button through everything and don't have to worry about messing up unless with one of those substories in which there's a yes and no option to someone demanding money from you and you kept hitting yes to give them money. Also it kinda takes away the challenge of making it to Amon since now everything is getting more simplified whereas in past games you had to get all the substories completed and not finished, all the training done, all the arena done and all the extra stuff done just for him(and his brothers for some of the games) to even show up.
I do agree with the locker key change and having them be in areas you can always go to find them in as opposed to having them in chapter only areas like
Tougenkyou/Shangri-la or Terada's boat/the dock area
was much needed since in the original game if you missed any you had to either play the whole game over or talk to the two guys wearing shades in front of millennium tower to buy the chapter only area keys for 10k each in adventure review mode.
I forgot you could purchase missed keys in adventure review mode, still glad you don't have to go through that faff though to get them in later games.
I do agree with your point about Amon though. Even though I don't like the fail state for side stories, I do miss the feeling of doing everything in the game in order to unlock Amon. 2 will still be the pinnacle of the series in that regard for me since I remember having to do so much stuff like:
All the training (and there were lots of little events here and there to unlock moves, like watching a cat or visiting a massage parlour)
All the side stories
All the heat moves (that was a tricky one, especially as some were only available in certain levels). Doing all of them unlocked 1 or 2 fighters for the...
Arena mode. Having to fight everyone was so fun, I'm really disappointed they took away that completion goal, as it was cool going up against all 50 odd characters.
Getting all locker keys...
Probably missing a few requirements. It took ages to get all this stuff done (the heat moves were the most worrying point, as random battles stopped spawning if you over level, and you had to nail all boss fight heat actions) but it rocked as you got 4 Amon boss battles to enjoy.
I'd definitely not be against them putting up harsher requirements to fight Amon in 6 (or the remake of 2 should that happen) as that has gotten a tad bit easy for my tastes.
Just when I thought I was done with Kiwami, turns out the game does still force you to grind for weapons - only this time it forces you to play lots of gambling and fighting arena to get exclusive weapons, instead of grinding for materials...
Thankfully it won't take me too much longer to grind for weapons/armour but I'm a bit annoyed that a couple of weapons were tied to certain choices in side stories that I didn't choose. Plus there are a few tied to the Mah Jong tournament that is an enormous time sink ! I think I might be able to scrape by ok, I've got 92/100 weapons and around 50 pieces of armour, and I should be able to get the remaining ones from the arena, casino and gambling house.
On the bright side I managed to finish the Haruka's Trust side stuff. Thankfully they lowered the difficulty significantly on the batting centre (no more hitting 20 home runs for me!), billiards almost caught me out - the count up mission took me a few tries since I'm not the greatest at billiards but thanks to all the time I spent playing it in Yakuza 5 I persevered in the end!
Just when I thought I was done with Kiwami, turns out the game does still force you to grind for weapons - only this time it forces you to play lots of gambling and fighting arena to get exclusive weapons, instead of grinding for materials...
Thankfully it won't take me too much longer to grind for weapons/armour but I'm a bit annoyed that a couple of weapons were tied to certain choices in side stories that I didn't choose. Plus there are a few tied to the Mah Jong tournament that is an enormous time sink ! I think I might be able to scrape by ok, I've got 92/100 weapons and around 50 pieces of armour, and I should be able to get the remaining ones from the arena, casino and gambling house.
Yeah which is why I talked about the gambling games I played for points to get the weapons and armor they had. For me Cho-Han being the best but yeah 50-50 odds can be both exciting when you're winning and disheartening when you lose, I think I was like 17,280 playing against the house at one time and guessed wrong and lost it all, so I tend to try to win 7000 to 10000 and quit to be safe. Chinchirorin is good too and its funny to try not to get hifumi or see the opponents get hifumi or roll their dice out of the bowl like idiots, I'm usually good at getting shigoro with the occasional pinzoro to win big. Koi Koi is decent with its pay off but you have to win big against your opponent to score good and I don't recommend Oicho-kabu since at most you lose more than you win and plus the payout is bad.
On the bright side I managed to finish the Haruka's Trust side stuff. Thankfully they lowered the difficulty significantly on the batting centre (no more hitting 20 home runs for me!), billiards almost caught me out - the count up mission took me a few tries since I'm not the greatest at billiards but thanks to all the time I spent playing it in Yakuza 5 I persevered in the end!
Yep it has been made so much easier that's why I figured they took out pachi-slot from Kiwami so you wouldn't have it as a requirement for Haruka's trust and the batting cages are of course so much easier which were the toughest parts to get SSS rank in the original game and for the trophy in the HD collection. The hardest(if you wanna call it that) part for getting her trust to SSS is getting 950 on her trademark karaoke song "Otometaru my life" or "Maiden Color my life" which I had gotten a 930 first try on then 980 after 4 tries.
Yeah, the karaoke song was surprisingly hard, my issue was more down to my pathetically bad timing - as I was getting scores like 800-850 a couple of times, when I switched up my timing I went from missing notes or getting "bad" ratings a lot of the time to getting 980's and 990's in songs. Its amazing how much better I did by just pressing the button a half second earlier!
I think other than Billiards (which was hard because I'm really not that great at it), it was the Casino games on the Haruka Trust missions that caused me the most grief - it seemed like you needed incredible luck at times, didn't help when Poker seemed completely rigged against me!
Thanks for the further tips on the gambling games. I'll leave that bit until last, as long as I'm patient I should be able to get the points needed. Thankfully with the payouts being better when I do manage to win on the games, I should still have a much better time of getting the points needed. Thankfully through the time I spent slaving over the casino stuff earlier I had all the points needed to get those weapons! As for money, I found the easiest way (other than grinding at the arena) was to just sell the weapons I didn't want back to the shop! I didn't get all my money back, but I still made a good chunk back. That'll come in handy for when I have to purchase a couple of insanely expensive weapons!
And done... 100% get! Amon was pretty much as difficult as I expected (on hard mode). First phase wasn't too bad since he used moves that I could counter easy. Second phase was far more dangerous since he dealt insane damage in 1 hit/combo. Glad I had my lightsaber and healing items to hand!
Without a doubt the most fun I've had with a game this year (though Downwell is right up there). Its been a heck of a ride reliving the first Yakuza game. Now I'll give the series a rest for a few months while I work through my backlog (and wait for news on Yakuza 6!)
And done... 100% get! Amon was pretty much as difficult as I expected (on hard mode). First phase wasn't too bad since he used moves that I could counter easy. Second phase was far more dangerous since he dealt insane damage in 1 hit/combo. Glad I had my lightsaber and healing items to hand!
Without a doubt the most fun I've had with a game this year (though Downwell is right up there). Its been a heck of a ride reliving the first Yakuza game. Now I'll give the series a rest for a few months while I work through my backlog (and wait for news on Yakuza 6!)
Yay alright congrats! Yeah Amon wasn't super hard but he did have his moments, I beat him like 4 times doing different strats, the first was a tiger drop run but I did get hit a few times so decided to try over, the second was with using Komaki-style unbeatable reversals(Genbu, Seiryu, Byakko and Suzaku) and the Komaki deflect(the slapping heat action), being drunk with the bloodied sarashi(for attack boost) and in rush mode, almost every dodge gave me a full meter in heat which I then switched to Dojima style and countered him during the first form and during the second it was mostly the extreme folding arm heat action(the knife attack counter), with the unbeatable reversals when he's doing his wakeup head spin and Komaki-deflect to take him out no problem.
Then the third try was using the mr. random strat, mr random is a gun that as its name implies does a random effect each shot, with it either burning, shocking or poisoning an opponent to which Amon is vulnerable to but the strat requires you to have weapon repair kits which you can buy at Ebisu pawn but they are very expensive or try to farm by saving nerdy looking guys from being beat up, they would usually give them as a reward, luckily I had a lot of them saved up. So you just get drunk first, and then shoot away at Amon, he will try to dodge but isn't fast enough at times and you get full heat with almost each shot so you can unequip the gun and stomp on him or use one of the unbeatable reversals or Komaki-deflect and just repeat and repair when you're getting low on uses. However when he goes into heat mode you can no longer knock him down with mr. random but can still build heat, unequip and counter him like before and the reversals cause him to squirm on the ground for a few moments allowing you to reposition yourself or reload mr. random.
And the last fight was with tiger drops and Komaki deflects but with no health so I had the "dragon's secret" activated which gave me a damage boost and regening heat, plus being drunk with the bloodied sarashi and champion's ring which made very short work of him.
Yep I'm waiting on news from RGG6 and what new direction the series will turn to, whether or not things would get a complete overhaul or some changes(hopefully for the better) is exciting and I can't wait to play it.
You don't have any video's of those runs do you? I'd love to watch them That's what I love about the items and combat in the Yakuza series, there is a surprising level of depth there if you take the time to unlock everything and experiment. Sure you can play it more like a button masher if you want to, but I usually try to use all the different techniques/styles and heat moves where ever possible for maximum fun.
Speaking of items, when I was getting ready to fight Amon I accidentally equipped the charismatic photo (sorry, I forget the exact item name) and then wondered why groups of enemies had gone into a rage! Made the game way harder, so I decided that for the sake of fighting Amon it might be more worthwhile to unequip it!
That said, on the second phase of Amon it may have helped, might have forced him to attack more aggressively making him easier to counter? I did find it really useful that when he fell down in his second phase he'd do that spinny kick move as he was getting up - actually really useful since its so easy to parry for massive damage > build heat gauge > repeat...
Sounds like there will be 5? hostesses in 6. Makes me wonder if we are getting more than one city - or if we are getting something like 2 Jewel hostesses, 2 Shine hostesses and 1 Elise hostess.
Still, glad to see things progressing on that front. Going by past Yakuza games, once all the hostess stuff is revealed we usually start getting game updates 'soon'.
Looks like Nagoshi is finally going to present Yakuza at E3! Atlus' schedule is up and he's hosting a presentation with Yakuza 0 for Tuesday June 14th.
Looks like Nagoshi is finally going to present Yakuza at E3! Atlus' schedule is up and he's hosting a presentation with Yakuza 0 for Tuesday June 14th.
I finally decided to give the series a shot, and I've started from scratch. Finished the first game, and I just started the second. Thank god they worked on the combat, the first games was pretty stiff from what I played. It still feels like there's gonna be alot of me doing "square square square triangle". Maybe I just need to unlock some more moves but there's still alot of "this one guy is a bitch to hit, I can't aim my attacks properly" feelings.
Also don't hate me when I say this..... English vo was fine. Still super glad to have the sub for the rest of the series though. But it's weird to get used to voice actors and then have them all switch on you.
I finally decided to give the series a shot, and I've started from scratch. Finished the first game, and I just started the second. Thank god they worked on the combat, the first games was pretty stiff from what I played. It still feels like there's gonna be alot of me doing "square square square triangle". Maybe I just need to unlock some more moves but there's still alot of "this one guy is a bitch to hit, I can't aim my attacks properly" feelings.
Also don't hate me when I say this..... English vo was fine. Still super glad to have the sub for the rest of the series though. But it's weird to get used to voice actors and then have them all switch on you.
Some of the English voices were fine, I didn't particularly hate them but I just much prefer the Japanese voices for the main cast. Combat wise things do get better - the lock on issue is solved in 2 thankfully, and I forget exactly when you get better combat variety, but I think that is 2 as well (there are plenty of moves at your disposal but especially in the early games you probably won't get them until the later half of the game) - thankfully combat wise they just keep improving things, so by the time you'll hit the later games you'll have a much better moves list (quickly) compared to the earlier games.
Some of the English voices were fine, I didn't particularly hate them but I just much prefer the Japanese voices for the main cast. Combat wise things do get better - the lock on issue is solved in 2 thankfully, and I forget exactly when you get better combat variety, but I think that is 2 as well (there are plenty of moves at your disposal but especially in the early games you probably won't get them until the later half of the game) - thankfully combat wise they just keep improving things, so by the time you'll hit the later games you'll have a much better moves list (quickly) compared to the earlier games.
I'm quite surprised, given some of the games optional content. Not only is it very foreign to us Westerners, culturally, but knowing how picky and sensitive our censorships can be, I'm glad to read we'll get Yakuza Zero fully unedited.
Not sure how newsworthy is this but apparently there is going to be an upcoming (June 20th) livestream featuring not only Nagoshi, but guest starring Hideo Kojima (most likely an interview):
Posted this in the Yakuza E3 2016 Trailer thread, but might as well update it here too:
I'm quite surprised, given some of the games optional content. Not only is it very foreign to us Westerners, culturally, but knowing how picky and sensitive our censorships can be, I'm glad to read we'll get Yakuza Zero fully unedited.
Not sure how newsworthy is this but apparently there is going to be an upcoming (June 20th) livestream featuring not only Nagoshi, but guest starring Hideo Kojima (most likely an interview):
That'd sure be a nice time to show off a little more of Yakuza 6, but I'm keeping my expectations in check.
Glad to see 0 get some attention at E3 this year though, the new trailer rocked and has me hyped to replay the game next year whenever its released. Glad to hear that they aren't censoring anything either, not that I can think of many things they'd want to censor (the side story with the child wanting
an adult magazine
was pretty funny though. I guess that means Cat Fighting is still in though. Can't wait to read all the posts in the future Yakuza 0 thread of people hating on it (justifiably), I think the 10 tournament win trophy for cat fights will frustrate people even more so than the comedy routine did for people in 5!
Edit* forgot about the intro song, that's probably going to be cut as usual? Pity, as I've been listening to it quite a bit lately and really liked it.
"Bubble" is definitely getting cut, as is the ending theme "Crimson" since they're both done by the Japanese band Shonan no Kaze, not sure about the rest since I don't know how they're utilized (I've yet to play 0 outside of the Japanese demo)...I know I was disappointed when they took out all of Kyosuke Himuro's music, but I accepted as necessary cost cutting measure to bring 5 over. Reign is staying since it was done in-house.
Maybe Kojima will make an appearance in 6 like Suda51 did for Yakuza 2, heh.
Seems like Famitsu is hinting at an info dump (for 6) the same day.
Veeeery curious about what's up with 6, so I'm really eager for this info. Feels like it's basically been silence since the demo. Need to see the playable characters and extra activities, lol
Seems like Famitsu is hinting at an info dump (for 6) the same day.
Veeeery curious about what's up with 6, so I'm really eager for this info. Feels like it's basically been silence since the demo. Need to see the playable characters and extra activities, lol
Yeah, it has been silence since the demo. So I'm also thinking a re-reveal of the game is due soon.
I'm most interested to hear about the fighting system changes, as the combat in the demo while obviously unfinished was quite different to the last few games (more button mashy), hopefully they further detail how heat works, and hopefully confirm that environmental weapons like traffic cones and bikes are still in the game.
Yeah, it has been silence since the demo. So I'm also thinking a re-reveal of the game is due soon.
I'm most interested to hear about the fighting system changes, as the combat in the demo while obviously unfinished was quite different to the last few games (more button mashy), hopefully they further detail how heat works, and hopefully confirm that environmental weapons like traffic cones and bikes are still in the game.