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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!


I put 150+ hours on Dead Souls between my Japanese and Euro copies. I don't hate the game, but it has its fair share of issues that soured my opinion on the game, mainly the controls and shooting. Thankfully the awesome Binary Domain improved things a lot.

That said, it has Majima, all the usual Yakuza mini games and side missions, Ryuuji, Hayashi and still manages to be insanely addictive...

I see it as a run n' gun game. Best played on Easy and would GREATLY benefit from a better performance if it were released on say, Steam.
I'd actually bother fixing my PC if it meant Yakuza games came to Steam with decent AA and a solid 60FPS frame rate along with a variety of resolutions to choose from.

I can see how Dead Souls would be much better played on easy, it works much better as a fast paced game for sure. Unfortunately should I ever want to plat the game I have to clear it on the highest difficulty levels... Not looking forward to that!


After playing Ishin I gotta say.
60 FPS RgG/Yakuza is something else.

Speaking of which someone photoshop Kiryu's face from here

And slap it on the Banderas.jpeg
After playing Ishin I gotta say.
60 FPS RgG/Yakuza is something else.

Too true. Going back to 5 after playing 0 and Ishin was initially pretty jarring in regards to the frame rate. I don't have a problem playing 5 at 30FPS, but I do really miss how incredibly smooth the PS4 games were especially in battles.

Now 6 will be interesting, as I have my doubts that it'll still be 60FPS what with all the extra graphical flair the game has.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I hope in Yakuza 6 they just replace all the boss fights with QTEs because they can't keep getting away with this shit. It's been god awful forever and it just keeps compounding on itself. Fighting geeks/goons is no problem, hell, it's fun.

But bosses are a bullshit RNG animation priority spam fest that rely on you carrying more items than anything else because there's zero strategy involved and it's more of either exploiting one move nonstop(komaik tiger drop) or just hitting a brick wall(a brick wall that counters you nonstop) that you have to brute force your way through with items which is easily doable but the complete opposite of fun.

Something's gotta change in 6.


I just finished Yakuza Dead Souls...that was a really bad game. Early on I was enjoying it in spite of its rough controls, the characters were still great and I thought the zombies encroaching further through Kamurocho as the game went was a cool concept. But every time the game added a new special zombie, the combat just got more and more frustrating. By the end of the game, you'll regularly get knocked down repeatedly in a corner until you get juggled out when facing multiple close range special zombies. This really killed my excitement for what should have been the coolest final section in the series. Ryuji is one of my favourite characters from the mainline series so the thought of him teaming up with Kazuma was so exciting. But by the time I reached that point I just wanted the game to end. The substory format also got incredibly tired by the end of the game, almost all of them required you to run in and out of the same Quarantine Zone route to kill a specific pack of zombies (or God forbid, chase one) rinse and repeat 60 times. Even though the character interactions were still fun, they just weren't as satisfying to discover when you knew it would be the same mission structure.


preview article in jp.playstation site

*Nishiki's story (while Kiryu was in jail) will be revealed piece by piece throughout the game. You will learn why he has changed and feel for him. He will be your favorite character when you finish Kiwami.
*demo will be available on January 28 around noon.

poor Nisiki...prepare for cry (´;ω;`)
cant seem to find a straight forward answer anywhere, but I will keep looking. How do you change the time of day in Yakuza 4? I have a side quest that needs to be completed at night time and I cant seem to figure it out. I think its something in Sky FInance, but I cant find it

Edit: aaaaand I find the answer right after posting. Has to be in Premium....LAME.


cant seem to find a straight forward answer anywhere, but I will keep looking. How do you change the time of day in Yakuza 4? I have a side quest that needs to be completed at night time and I cant seem to figure it out. I think its something in Sky FInance, but I cant find it

Edit: aaaaand I find the answer right after posting. Has to be in Premium....LAME.
you can do that in the last chapter as well.
preview article in jp.playstation site

*Nishiki's story (while Kiryu was in jail) will be revealed piece by piece throughout the game. You will learn why he has changed and feel for him. He will be your favorite character when you finish Kiwami.
*demo will be available on January 28 around noon.

poor Nisiki...prepare for cry (´;ω;`)

That's handy to know. I was wondering at what stage you'd get to see that extra content. Can't wait to see how they flesh out his character further, he was easily one of my favourite characters in 0 just because getting more of his backstory and seeing him interact with Kiryu more was badass!
I got a working PS2, so I could finally play Yakuza 2!

I just finished the first chapter. How long is the game on average? I've already finished the other 4 Yakuza games on PS3.
I got a working PS2, so I could finally play Yakuza 2!

I just finished the first chapter. How long is the game on average? I've already finished the other 4 Yakuza games on PS3.

If your just planning to do the main story its probably around 20-30 hours long. If your going after the secret bosses then probably closer to 100ish hours (maybe less, but there's a ton of stuff to do to fight Amon in this game).

Enjoy Yakuza 2 :) Ryuuji is such an awesome antagonist in that game. No sequel has managed to top him so far.


I own Yakuza 3, 4 and Dead Souls. I'll buy 5 soon.

I am guilty for the fact that I started Yakuza 3 and never played far. I just finished Xenoblade Chronicles X over the weekend 181 hours.

But here's my predicament. I want to start Yakuza 3 but I also have Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold steel which I want to play. I'm torn between Yakuza 3 and LoH. So come at me convince me why I should start Yakuza 3 again!!!
Kiwami comes with a demo of RGG6? Someone please upload some videos asap.

Demo is next week. Would love to get some more info about the game before then, but I'm setting my expectations for "the demo is just Kiryu running around Kamurocho to show off the visuals and new traversal mechanics."

Still stoked to see anything at all from the game, lol
Demo is next week. Would love to get some more info about the game before then, but I'm setting my expectations for "the demo is just Kiryu running around Kamurocho to show off the visuals and new traversal mechanics."

Still stoked to see anything at all from the game, lol

I think there is supposed to be some combat in the demo as well, but yeah I'm pretty much expecting the demo just to be Kiryu exploring a small portion of Kamuracho with a little taster of combat as well.
Kiwami comes with a demo of RGG6? Someone please upload some videos asap.

I'll be live streaming it on Twitch, IF the devs haven't blocked PS4 social streaming as they usually do with Yakuza titles (at least until you complete the story.) I imagine others will be showing videos from it too.


Hey I've been away for 3 weeks taking care of family business and whatnot, only checking the front page on Gaf for news every so often but I got back this evening and I was wondering if anyone was gonna make OT for Kiwami? I figured with all the new fans and old ones renewing their love for the series, people would be jumping in to make it. Was just wondering.


Hey I've been away for 3 weeks taking care of family business and whatnot, only checking the front page on Gaf for news every so often but I got back this evening and I was wondering if anyone was gonna make OT for Kiwami? I figured with all the new fans and old ones renewing their love for the series, people would be jumping in to make it. Was just wondering.

Parakeetman probably will, he did 0's import OT.


Almost done with Yakuza 1. While I enjoyed my time with the game, the last two chapters hit a bump story-wise.
wall of exposition in chapter 11 was kinda "meh", and everything regarding
felt very weak, his power-trips came out as hilarious more than anything.
I'm so happy
Funk Goes On
has a remix in this game, but I think they got something a little backwards.
Before prison, Kiryu uses the Yakuza 1 fight style, with Yakuza 1 music. After prison, he uses the Yakuza Zero fight styles with new music. This seems... backwards to me.
I was looking forward to using the Yakuza 1 style again. :/
I'm so happy
Funk Goes On
has a remix in this game, but I think they got something a little backwards.
Before prison, Kiryu uses the Yakuza 1 fight style, with Yakuza 1 music. After prison, he uses the Yakuza Zero fight styles with new music. This seems... backwards to me.
I was looking forward to using the Yakuza 1 style again. :/

That does seem a little strange, you'd have though the time in prison would have
weakened his fighting styles, so he'd need to train all over again to relearn all his moves etc. he'd lost in the 10 year period

Any word on if they've "fixed" the side stories for Kiwami? In the original game you could fail a side story and lock yourself out of the Amon battle completely, I'm hoping that's not the case in the remake.
Being in akiba at the moment, i picked up ishin, zero and kiwami all on the 21st. Really happy with kiwami as i got it for 5700 yen at a bookoff.

Yodobashi was selling it for 6900 lol.

Diskart for kiwami is soooooo goood.


played for 15 hours and I'm in chapter 6.

Dokodem Majima is kind of fun but it's terrible overall. RGG studio failed to translate Majima in zero to Majima in the main series miserably or they even didn't try to do that. I know he is the most popular character but it doesn't mean he has to be stared in every game.

+Ishin's save system is back
+Doujima no Ryu (堂島の龍) style got a shortcut key (down). You don't have to bring a menu screen.

-Doujima no Ryu (堂島の龍) style is usless. I guess you need hundred hours of level griding first.
played for 15 hours and I'm in chapter 6.

Dokodem Majima is kind of fun but it's terrible overall. RGG studio failed to translate Majima in zero to Majima in the main series miserably or they even didn't try to do that.

Yeah, there was zero transition from Majima's character in Zero to the Majima in the rest of the series. Their idea of the transition seemed to just be Majima going "Whelp... Look out, world! I'm gonna be wacky now!"

The Majima stuff in Kiwami is a bit funny at times, but it too is very awkwardly done.

Yakuza 1 mid-game spoilers:
It's very easy to go from one scene where Majima is hiding under a big traffic cone, to him kidnapping Haruka and taking a knife to the gut, immediately to him dressed up like a gaudy hostess.

I don't think the developers really know how to handle Majima at all.


Yea, there are two Majimas in the game. The one is from the original, Shimano's maddog Majima and the other is the one from rezo, a funny Goro chan...it ruined the first battle with him at the batting center.


I started playing Yakuza 4 last week and played for 2 straight hours. I'm loving it. When the first Yakuza launched on PS2, I also played that one but I never completed it. So now I'm playing it through a PS2 emulator on my computer, and I'm loving it all over again. This time, I'm looking to complete it one by one.

But oh is it so hard remembering the characters' names. :(
In Yakuza 4, at which point should I be going for Fashionista? I looked up a guide and it said while playing as Akiyama, I should receive a call about recruiting more hostess'. That definitely never happened in Part 1


Do I have to write down all of the characters' names and titles in their organizations, to figure out everything? Because as it is now, I can't remember the names of anyone, or even which family they work for, and which families work together.
Do I have to write down all of the characters' names and titles in their organizations, to figure out everything? Because as it is now, I can't remember the names of anyone, or even which family they work for, and which families work together.

The games should actually have that information in the pause/status screen for each game (I know the later games do).

But don't worry, I'm the same way and it does sink in over time. It gets somewhat easier as you play through more games since they have many characters return in subsequent sequels and build on their plotlines. Its one of the reasons I love the series so much.
Yakuza 6 guys.



Stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv246183577

Saw Kiryu take on like 100 guys in a street battle with a gang of 5 backing him up, also the reactions of the general population too, this game looks amazing :O

Hehe, well, not everything. In fact, the game itself looks very similar to the others.That's a good thing though - we wouldn't want them to drastically change the format now, would we? *cough*Dead Souls*cough*

Very happy with the improvements they have made, though. I love this series, but one of my biggest gripes from day one was the loading. Sure, it has gotten better over the years, but it feels like nothing has changed all that much with the way battles, transitions and cutscenes work since Yakuza 3 (or even Kenzan!) They made big improvements from 1 up until that point, but it hasn't progressed much since.

I think this is a much needed update. It's good that the world looked prettier in Zero, but the engine and the way the world worked and loaded felt dated. 6 seems to be taking quite a leap forward, in terms of that stuff.

I really like the dynamic events as well, such as the Yakuza dangling that guy out of the window. The transition was good, and it felt well intergrated into the world. It kind of reminds me of the revelation stuff with the way it works - I hope more story and cutscene triggers are presented in this manner.

The heat actions were one of the best aspects of the previous battle system. It's about time they updated it, but I hope it still keeps all of those crazy moves (such as Saejima rolling baddies up into a giant snowball, slamming them into the ground, and making them into a snowman.) Pure insanity, but it would be fun to pull off these sort of moves differently for a change.

Looking forward to trying the demo myself later this week! I think what we will see from this demo is more of a proof of concept. I'd expect another demo to come out to Japanese PS Plus members closer to release. Good start, though!

One critique I will give it, though. The enemy AI still looks a bit robotic. During the battles, they're just wandering around aimlessly, for the most part, just waiting to be hit. That's kind of disappointing, hopefully this will change.

Here's my updated collection (including Kiwami and some duplicate buys because why not?) I'd love to own the strategy guides and OST's, but they're so expensive. However, my biggest wish would be for the Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 white PS3 console. That looked soooo cool. It's a pity that the slim RGG5 console looks like butt.


On another note, does anyone know where I could find some fan cover art for Yakuza 5. Just feels incomplete without it somehow.

Good to see you on here, man! (It's Lee from Twitter.) :)
I just finished Ishin. I played 5, Kenzan and Ishin in 2 months. What a trip. I didn't enjoy Ishin as much as I would thought. Sure the game is gorgous and super fluid god bless the 60 fps, but I found the 4 styles of combat lacking making battles boring, a shame for a RGG game ! I couldn't find a single satisfying style. Sword was to slow, wild dance was to... random, pistol was the most effective and reliable but so boring to play and hands to hands felt like going back to RGG 2 or something...

But the systems, min games, maps, all were amazing in Ishin, it's just that the period is a bit more boring and less colorfull than Gion from Kenza so I was less in aw from the costumes and maps.

Now I wait Y0 in the west haha


I wish Yakuza 1 had Japanese voice overs. I will start up a fresh game now, and do my utmost to complete it. Yakuza 1 is super interesting.


Any tips for the combat system in kiwami? I feel like I'm just mashing square and triangle through out the fights and not really learning how to properly play.


I'm actually really enjoying Yakuza 1, and the fights are nice and simple. I'm just glad there's a lot of cutscenes and story, does this trend continue in the sequels?
I'm actually really enjoying Yakuza 1, and the fights are nice and simple. I'm just glad there's a lot of cutscenes and story, does this trend continue in the sequels?

Yes, it does. The story gets even better in 2, imo. They also improve loading times by a huge amount. Plenty of story, and good cutscenes too!


Watching videos of Kiwami reminded me how crazy Majima was. They sure soften him up in Yakuza 4-5, it's like two completely different characters.
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