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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!

Just got to the Akiyama part in Yakuza 5. Slowly making my way through it. I've been clearing out most sidequests as I come to them, but I'm considering making a beeline for the story from now on.


So thinking about the new trailer for RGG6 and how this is the end of Kiryu's legend, we don't see any other of the familiar characters besides Haruka and Date, so I'm wondering storyline wise(not playable) if this is something he would be dealing with on his own without help from anyone else who, I hope aren't inconveniently taken out of the story for dumb reasons.
So thinking about the new trailer for RGG6 and how this is the end of Kiryu's legend, we don't see any other of the familiar characters besides Haruka and Date, so I'm wondering storyline wise(not playable) if this is something he would be dealing with on his own without help from anyone else who, I hope aren't inconveniently taken out of the story for dumb reasons.

Quite possibly. But then again I still can't see Sega ignoring the popularity of other characters so I'm sure they'll turn up, we might see more from them in the TGS trailer (I'm assuming RGG6 will get a big blow out at TGS again like usual).

Taking bets now - judging by the trailer (and assuming they pull another
Yakuza 3/5 twist where Kiryu gets well again
) who do you think is gonna die in this game? With this apparently being the last game with Kiryu in I can see them either killing him at the end, or at least forcing him into retirement forever (or, shock twist - he dethrones Diago as Tojo Clan Chairman because he's sick of him always screwing up).
The trailer sort of hints at Haruka being in serious danger, I can see her story going either way (I want a happy ending, but after Yakuza 5's ending, and the way the trailer showed little bits of her story she doesn't have a sunny outlook :( ).

I can see Date taking a bullet for Kiryu, which would be a shame as I'd never get my Detective Date side game I've wanted for years, but he's not really had much screen time for a few games now.

As for Majima, can't see him not showing up again, if the story does focus on the end of Kiryu, I cannot see how they would not have one final showdown against each other. But I doubt they'd get rid of Majima since he's so popular as well, so they'll probably keep him around for future games.

Also, Amon - even though the clan has gone up against other fighters in the last two games, he's mainly got a personal vendetta against Kiryu, and if this is the last Kiryu game... will they retire Amon as well?

I'm just pulling stuff out of thin air here, but I really can't help but wonder where they will go with the story. Can't wait for December that's for sure!


Well I'm hoping they give Kiryu and Haruka, a happy ending with them moving far away from everything with no one to ever bother them. While some may like having Kiryu die, I don't think he should nor do I want him around as the new "Komaki" but rather have Sosuke take over for his grandfather, with Tanimura maybe coming back as the new Date and other characters shuffled around. Kage should remain as he is, since he's the "eyes of Kamurocho" and the one to bear witness to the events that happen in town, Akiyama would still be around running Sky Finance and Elise and thanks to the events of 5, he's become a new local legend.

Initially the plan was for Kiryu to become a wanderer after the events of Y2 but that changed but we could have Saejima as the one who does so now with him being a problem solver should any local trouble start. Majima could go back to his construction business or hanging out in Purgatory fighting in the underground arena and Shinada becoming a baseball/little league coach or even a manager.

The character that I want to change the most is Daigo who, has been nothing but an inconvenience to everyone before and after becoming the 6th chairman, for him to change I wanna see him actually take charge and change things on his own without dragging anyone else into stuff or he could just die and have that be the end of him(maybe its he who dies?).

As for the Amon situation, I think he should still be around unless he feels like since Kiryu isn't here then he doesn't have a purpose anymore as he's trained to be the strongest but could never beat Kiryu and thus his reasons are now gone. A new Amon could take his place if we get a brand new protagonist or it could be a passing of the torch situation like in Zero with his father and him.

As for who could be the new lead? We could have Tatsuya roll over from the Kurohyo games, he would be great or could have someone entirely new with Akiyama returning and maybe some other new people.
Yeah, best scenario would be for Kiryu to become the master figure for future games. That way he can still turn up and be badass without having the entire game focus around him. Plus it makes more sense rather than to kill him, since a) its the easy, lazy way out and b) it'd probably anger a portion of the fanbase since he's one of the most popular characters in the series. Plus I'd rather he live and retire - proving that he's the strongest there is!

I really need to play through Black Panther 2 to get a feel of how Tatsuya is in that. He was an asshole for most of the first game but he did mature slightly at the end of the game and become more likeable. Assuming they continued that trend in the sequel and he isn't so hot headed if they use him again he'd be a formidable protagonist.

I'd definitely like for Seijima to return again. I know most people seemed to hate him in 4 and 5 but I really like him - especially in 5. Akiyama I'd like to see get more screentime as well. He's a cool character but I felt his part in 5 was hampered since he seemed to get less screentime compared to the rest of the cast (sharing a chapter with Haruka). I did love how his story wrapped up at the end of 5 though and think they might continue to build up his legend in future games.

As for Daigo - yeah. Hard to believe he's still alive since he seems so darn inept most of the time -
he gets schooled by Ryuuji many times in 2, is taken out of commission early in 3 (ok, his reveal at the end of the game was badass), he was a complete tool in 4 (selling out Majima, who seemed to just forgive him?) and while he was smart enough to have a (convoluted) plan to flush out the Tojo mole in 5 he completely drops the ball by not actually finishing off the Omi chairman when he has the chance (ok, that might be because he was trying to prevent a war, but seriously he still goes down like a chump).

As I said above, he either needs to be replaced or grow a pair of balls and kick serious ass in 6. Kiryu won't be around to save his ass forever!


from the streaming,

*About the time of the year, they have plans for the next RGG but they don't have any this year.
*Kiryu is the only playable character.
1 playable character is a good thing. Should keep the story tight (I hope), I was half hoping for 2 characters, just because I liked how well 0 did it.

With them not planning another Yakuza game though... I wonder if they are waiting to see how the game does on just the PS4 before greenlighting another game in the series? Or maybe they just want to take a year off to do a new Binary Domain game in 6's engine? (oh boy that'd be nice!). Still, with all the effort put into improving the engine for 6 (graphically and technically) I can't seem them not doing another game in the series. Makes me wonder if that means we aren't getting Kiwami 2 next year though :(
end of yakuza 6 haruka decides to stop trying to escape her ties to the yakuza and follows kiryu's footsteps becoming the next series protagonist let's go
i think kiryu would have a stroke if haruka started fighting lol

hesitant about kiryu being the only protagonist but hopefully they either give him a real lot to do or really deliver on the story/writing front. i'm a bit fearful of a significant portion of side content being dropped in the generational transition.


end of yakuza 6 haruka decides to stop trying to escape her ties to the yakuza and follows kiryu's footsteps becoming the next series protagonist let's go
i think kiryu would have a stroke if haruka started fighting lol

hesitant about kiryu being the only protagonist but hopefully they either give him a real lot to do or really deliver on the story/writing front. i'm a bit fearful of a significant portion of side content being dropped in the generational transition.

It would be the best thing ever. We're not that lucky.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I'm a junior so I can't, but would someone make a lttp: thread for Yakuza 5? Me and I'm sure loads of others want to discuss it since its free on PS+ now

I'm not even like an hour in and its already blowing me away. fucking
car heat moves


So I haven't seen an OT for Yakuza Kiwami, so I will ask it here.

How does that aura mechanic work when the enemies appear vulnerable ?

I figured it's some kinda of special attack and you have to select the same style as the colored aura. So if it's blue, you use the thug style and so on. I am at the beginning of the game and I still haven't been able to use. I already have 1 red bar of heat.

Do I need some kinda of training to use those moves? Or to unlock them on the level up screen ? Or it's just press triangle when the enemies are vulnerable ?


To use the "Kiwami" heat actions, you unlock them each on the first grid(which is the heart grid) for 3 points each, on the second row going down there are 4 spaces with 2 to 4 being the Kiwami heat actions. Yes these heat actions require you to change to the style depending on what color the enemy is glowing as to have it trigger but you can also use other heat actions that are context triggered in close proximity like having a knife or holding weapons in thug style while having heat, later on using other context sensitive actions up close would be more better than the Kiwami ones except the one you can do for the Dragon of Dojima style which deals massive damage.
The implementation of the aura moves was kind of botched in Kiwami, since you get to use it at the end of chapter 1 (in jail) just fine then they steal it away, and since you have to level up several times before you can unlock each, its very possible that you'll face 2-3 bosses before acquiring that power. As SGBlues mentioned they need to be unlocked, and I'd recommend unlocking those particular moves very early on, as they are very useful.

Also, somewhat related but I'd strongly recommend doing all the Majima Anywhere training as you go, so that by chapter 10 (ish) you should be well on your way to having the Dojima style usable again. Once powered up (speed, power, and counters) you'll be practically unstoppable.


Thanks for the help. Does this game mark on the map side-quests ?

I think they only did that for Yakuza 5 and Ishin and it was really useful. I just finish the
break in into Sera's funeral
so I am not sure if I already missed side quests.


Thanks for the help. Does this game mark on the map side-quests ?

I think they only did that for Yakuza 5 and Ishin and it was really useful. I just finish the
break in into Sera's funeral
so I am not sure if I already missed side quests.

Substories start when you get back to Kamurocho in Chapter 4 and yeah they are marked.
With side missions, you can acquire an item from Bob (the clown that hangs out at the entrance of Kamuracho) that marks all side missions on your map. Otherwise the only side missions that turn up will be the ones you've started.


With side missions, you can acquire an item from Bob (the clown that hangs out at the entrance of Kamuracho) that marks all side missions on your map. Otherwise the only side missions that turn up will be the ones you've started.

Thanks. I just got two side missions while walking and was wondering if they would show up after I did something in the story.

It's cool to have them appear out of nowhere, but I don't want to miss them too.
Yakuzafan has some cool Yakuza 6 translated interviews:

Fleshes out some details that we were already aware of (they really are pushing hard that this'll be the final game in Kiryu's story) plus a few other interesting bits of information - apparently after the events of Yakuza 5
Kiiryu ends up getting arrested... thankfully though the game starts out AFTER your released from prison. Not sure how people would have reacted with three games in a row having prison segments in the games!

Thanks. I just got two side missions while walking and was wondering if they would show up after I did something in the story.

It's cool to have them appear out of nowhere, but I don't want to miss them too.

Thankfully unlike the original Yakuza 1 (on the PS2) you can't miss side stories by progressing too far in the story anymore!
Don't like the Premium Adventure/carry over to NG+ change in Y5. I now feel like I have to do everything I can constantly before progressing the story.
Don't like the Premium Adventure/carry over to NG+ change in Y5. I now feel like I have to do everything I can constantly before progressing the story.

Yeah, really wish they didn't change that from 5 and up. Ishin especially was a pain, as I spent all that time grinding out for the best weapon in Premium Adventure only to find you can't carry that stuff over (luckily I kept a separate final chapter save file so I could carry over most my stuff.


I searched everywhere but where the hell do I buy a dog ration ?

The part where you help an injured dog

EDIT: Found everything. It's absurd they though this part was a good idea

So I didn't get to post this last week, but on my way up to Classic Game Fest I stopped by a game store in New Braunfels and they had this, sealed... I was doing some trade ins so I got it as part of their buy 2 get 1 free sale. :D
Finally finished yakuza 4, and holy shit that ending..... fuck the amount of style this series has. So now I'm trying to decided if I should jump to 5 or play dead souls. I know 5's canon and dead souls a little rough, but still i don't know if I should just jump back into the story or have that fun, stupid break.

Either way I'll end up playing them all, after playing the four in a row I'm not nearly done. Still I do feel like I hit the half way point, considering (assuming 6 one day gets localized) I got 4 games left to look forward to.
So I didn't get to post this last week, but on my way up to Classic Game Fest I stopped by a game store in New Braunfels and they had this, sealed... I was doing some trade ins so I got it as part of their buy 2 get 1 free sale. :D

Congrats on getting my favourite entry in the series. Its a pity that Kenzan! was Japan only as, in my opinion I think its absolutely brilliant. The combat is deep with tons of heat moves for each style, there are some really hilarious side missions (without spoiling it, there is one with a cow late in the game that cracks me up) and the story and fights are brilliant. I was sorta disappointed that while Ishin was good, it just didn't feel as awesome as Kenzan! was. That and it took forever and a day to unlock all the good moves in Ishin...

Finally finished yakuza 4, and holy shit that ending..... fuck the amount of style this series has. So now I'm trying to decided if I should jump to 5 or play dead souls. I know 5's canon and dead souls a little rough, but still i don't know if I should just jump back into the story or have that fun, stupid break.

Either way I'll end up playing them all, after playing the four in a row I'm not nearly done. Still I do feel like I hit the half way point, considering (assuming 6 one day gets localized) I got 4 games left to look forward to.

Dead Souls is ok. but its really janky controls and camera wise. If you can get past that, and only go in expecting a brainless zombie shooter game (with badass Yakuza characters) then you may not be disappointed. I enjoyed the game for what it was, but its definitely the weakest of the series. That said, Majima and Ryuuji are the high points for me, both are really badass.
Dead Souls is a fairly short game though unless you try doing absolutely everything, so you can probably shoot through it fairly quick.
About saegima.

When he appeared in Y4 , i gave him a chance , there was a mistery to his backstory and his fighting style was different , he was no near cool as akiyama or kiryu but overall , in Y4 his chapters were ok.. there was the escape from prison, the duel against kiryu and so on ... in Y4 he was fine

In Y5 ? I can't roll my eyes enough at what they've done with him ..i haven't beaten Y5 yet but considering i've enjoyed kiryu , haruka and akiyama parts SO MUCH , i can't believe how messy his chapters are in Y5 ...
The prison part was lame as heck , but i've tolerated it because i thought i would quit that place fast , but they knew it would take time to get to the city , so they padded those 2 flashbacks in the middle.
The escape didn't do it this time ..great on paper , the pacing was off , the race in the snow left me bored to tears and while i enjoyed the bear fight quite a bit , the part in the village was just boring. When you reach the city , it's padding after padding ... We need to enter that casino , oh we need a pass , oh how many homeless were they in 2012 ( WTF ?? ) ... The substories bored me to death ..i can't find one i've liked they were either bad or average ... There was the little girl selling matches that was decent and maybe ..... the santa hunters ?

So far it's the only section were i was bored by the story AND the substories .. everyone else so far had much better things to tell and experience.

As for the end of saejima storyline, the reveals were predictable and ok ? But certainly not on the level of kiryu reveal , or haruka end of chapter 2 where you feel "oh shit"

I can't believe i'm saying this , but that section with saejima is probably the most BORED i was EVER while playing a yakuza Game.. hunting in the snow sucks, the prison sucked , the city was fine but most of the substories were trash. I don't even feel any upgrade to his fighting style.

I loved the village part in 5. That and the city right after it Sapporo were probably my favourite new areas in the game. Then again, I love Seijima as a character, and loved his story in 5 (though the prison bit should have been shorter) so I'm clearly the exception since I'm well aware most people hate his section.


I swear, Yakuza 6 better have every single character wearing peripheral vision sunglasses, because if one more guy gets shot from behind ever again...
Whoever ends up getting shot in Yakuza 6, I blame Daigo. Heck, he's so inept as Tojo Clan's chairman that he'll probably accidentally shoot himself!


Whoever ends up getting shot in Yakuza 6, I blame Daigo. Heck, he's so inept as Tojo Clan's chairman that he'll probably accidentally shoot himself!

He's charismatic and definitely matured over Y2, but he's kind of an idiot.

Maybe (Y5 spoilers)
the Omi chairman is right. Charisma doesn't cut it if you can't be ruthless.
He's charismatic and definitely matured over Y2, but he's kind of an idiot.

Maybe (Y5 spoilers)
the Omi chairman is right. Charisma doesn't cut it if you can't be ruthless.

Oh definitely, I like him as a character in 5, for the most part. His story arc is actually one of my favourite bits of the game, and his square off against Kiryu at the end of 4 was the most epic bit of the game (and one of the best in the series) in my opinion. He just seems really bad as chairman, especially in 5 where
he's smart enough to see the mole coming, come up with a ridiculously elaborate plan to flush them out and take them out.

Only he didn't follow through with the last bit and gets shot for his troubles instead. I'm guessing he didn't kill the Omi chairman partially because it could well provoke a war between Tokyo and Osaka gangsters but then getting taking out by Kanai was a chump mistake. And its not like not taking him out would have prevented a war either...

Then again, apparently the Omi didn't see that one coming either somehow, Kanai totally being trustworthy without the slightest hint of ever stabbing anyone in the back ever ;) I loved Kanai's interactions with Akiyama though, wish Akiyama got more story in 5 than he ended up getting. He just felt under developed compared to the rest of the cast, even if his ending hinted that he has potential in the future as a more central character.

Re-reading the above interviews for Yakuza 6, I find it promising that apparently we can expect better image quality for the final game. The demo in Feb was only 900p (or there abouts), could it be that they've managed to push the game up to 1080p? (without a Neo patch?), wonder if they can at least stabalise the frame rate at 30FPS while they are at it?

I also really like the sound of Hiroshima - not being a red light district, and instead more like Okinawa is a nice comparison, and the promo shots for the town look really nice. Roll on TGS for more info!
I couldn't finish dead souls, I couldn't even go very far in dead souls. You would think it was the gameplay that got me but it wasn't, i am just so sick of zombie content that it's killing me. So I jumped to 5, I know people are pretty mixed on it but I'm going in with an open mind. But considering it's the final game until 0 comes out, I think I'm really gonna take my time with it. Do all the side content.


Played bits of several games since PS2 era, but I wasn't properly playing until now. Just got to 賽の河原 (the homeless place with the abandoned station that's been transformed) in RGG1 HD. Very into it. I really loved the 0 demo when it first came out, and that was the final push to make me feel like I absolutely had to check these out. I am glad to find the Japanese isn't as hard as I thought it would be.


Hmm since the Jingweon is involved, hopefully
comes back or is mentioned even
a mention of Ryuji or maybe he's not really dead and has been hiding out all this time haha.
Strange. They have new info (translated) for new characters, but there has been old info (no translation) on the first set on characters since the PV has been released.
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