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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!

I got that list from a post on gamefaqs. Pachinko has been in more than a few Yakuza games so I just assumed.

Ah ok, that list is slightly incorrect in that case. Slots is not included in 0, I was beginning to wonder why I wasn't remembering doing any of that grinding on those darn mini games in 0 (they were a pain to complete in 5).
Oh, yeah. I did that in Y4 and man it was such a pain. Stuff that I liked were great like batting center or bowling but the slots.... ugh!

Good to know that they won't be Y0 :)
10 hours put into Yakuza 4 in two days.
Yep. This game is something special. I don't usually put that many hours in two days into a game unless it's damn good.

Glad to see that you are enjoying the game. Don't hesitate to ask any questions if you had any.

I really hate how 3 is the odd duck out. 1&2 you can easily emulate. Or you can play 0 then the 1 remake, and they'll more than likely do 2. 4&5 have digital downloads so the prices are more fair there/5 was just given away recently with PS+

But 3 for whatever reason isn't even available digitally. So the second hand prices all stay above $20 just for the disc, and no GameStop near me carry it. I think I'm just gonna skip it and play the series out of order.

4-5-0-whatever they translate after that
It's great to see that you are interested in the series, Jaw.

lucebuce already covered the important stuff, so yeah feel free to start with Y4. Not only it's a great entry point (and starts off with the GOAT character) but it also has recap videos of Y1-3 in its menu so you can watch those to catch up with the story of Kazuma Kiryu if you want.

Now we have different opinions in community about whether you should watch those, since the story in Y4 is more focused on other protags than Kiryu. But I personally recommend you to watch them. Especially if you wanna play Y5 afterwards.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.


Hi guys! I just got into the series back when Y5 was put on PS+. I downloaded it, played a few hours and fell in love immediately. I even bought Y3, Y4, Dead Souls and even pre-ordered Y0 due to how much I liked what I played of Y5. I put Y5 on hold and just finished Y3 last night and it was fantastic. I liked it a lot and I'm excited to dive into Y4 sometime soon.

I'm hoping we get a localization announcement for Kiwami or Y6 at PSX!
Hi guys! I just got into the series back when Y5 was put on PS+. I downloaded it, played a few hours and fell in love immediately. I even bought Y3, Y4, Dead Souls and even pre-ordered Y0 due to how much I liked what I played of Y5. I put Y5 on hold and just finished Y3 last night and it was fantastic. I liked it a lot and I'm excited to dive into Y4 sometime soon.

I'm hoping we get a localization announcement for Kiwami or Y6 at PSX!

Welcome to Tojo Clan!

It's always great to see more people get into Yakuza. I'm glad that you are going all in and even bought and enjoyed Y3.

Can't wait to hear your impression from later titles. If you liked Y3 then I think you'll love Yakuza 4 :)


Hi guys! I just got into the series back when Y5 was put on PS+. I downloaded it, played a few hours and fell in love immediately. I even bought Y3, Y4, Dead Souls and even pre-ordered Y0 due to how much I liked what I played of Y5. I put Y5 on hold and just finished Y3 last night and it was fantastic. I liked it a lot and I'm excited to dive into Y4 sometime soon.

I'm hoping we get a localization announcement for Kiwami or Y6 at PSX!

Wow that's awesome, glad you enjoyed it so much!


got a new shirt!

also, my dog boney wanted in on the yakuza-love



haha, i (kinda) wish! that's a sleeve, it was a promo item i got for yakuza: dead souls. thought about getting something like it down the road, god knows the colors'd work on my pallor skin, haha

and thanks! he's a mad dog, but a good boy.


also: yakuza 3 - i'm in premium game, at the coliseum & can't get past Twin Dragon GP (the 2nd tag team option available), i've beaten it 7 times & the next one just won't open! any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
also: yakuza 3 - i'm in premium game, at the coliseum & can't get past Twin Dragon GP (the 2nd tag team option available), i've beaten it 7 times & the next one just won't open! any ideas what i'm doing wrong?

I don't exactly remember which unlocks next, but out of habit I just clear every GP 3 times which 9/10 unlocks the next GP's. Unless of course its based on coliseum reputation. Might be worth checking ThePatricks GameFAQs guide if you've not done so already, that's where I go to get all my info.


I don't exactly remember which unlocks next, but out of habit I just clear every GP 3 times which 9/10 unlocks the next GP's. Unless of course its based on coliseum reputation. Might be worth checking ThePatricks GameFAQs guide if you've not done so already, that's where I go to get all my info.

odd, he seems to imply rep isn't the biggest part? ive got like 5 stars there, and no new opponents after GP tag team 2 has been beaten 10 times, haha.

i'm only missing one partner, and now im kinda stuck cause he won't show up until i can beat this sidequest asshole 2nd stringer at the batting cages, which doesnt seem to be happening soon, sadly!
but yeah, if that's not it i literally have no idea why the next tier won't open up for me. i'm in premium adventure mode or whatever, it's not like i can advance the plot further & try back later.
odd, he seems to imply rep isn't the biggest part? ive got like 5 stars there, and no new opponents after GP tag team 2 has been beaten 10 times, haha.

i'm only missing one partner, and now im kinda stuck cause he won't show up until i can beat this sidequest asshole 2nd stringer at the batting cages, which doesnt seem to be happening soon, sadly!
but yeah, if that's not it i literally have no idea why the next tier won't open up for me. i'm in premium adventure mode or whatever, it's not like i can advance the plot further & try back later.

Premium Adventure mode shouldn't affect it, I always tie up stuff on Premium Adventure and I've never hit a brick wall. Very strange... (then again the last time I played 3 I played the Japanese version to experience the entire game, so maybe they tweaked the requirements on the English version?)


Finished Yakuza 4 yesterday and started Y5. Immediately I noticed all the little changes they've made and love how much they improve the game. The aesthetics look so much more streamlined, the menus alone are soo much better to use now.

Cant wait to get more into the game. Just started it up to see where things are after 4. Love that they started this one with Kazuma. Liked all the the new characters from 4 but Kiryu really got the short end of the story in that game and I really wanted to spend more time with him.

That being said, I cannot wait for Ishin to get here and 0. Really want to play these games on PS4.


okay Sparda & co, so about our primer thread: I heard back from John Hardin (Sega/Atlus) and he said:

Our big thing is making sure people don’t see it as a GTA/Mafia clone that just happens to be set in Japan. A lot of newcomers still make that connection (myself included when we first inherited Yakuza 5 from old Sega), and we’ve identified differentiating ourselves from that as our #1 priority.

so yeah, i definitely wanna work on that section, moreso than the Shenmue one. my issue is showing those differences as a positive - i.e., there's minigames and small sandbox stuff, but it's more compelling/etc rather than focusing on linearity too much. any ideas here?


I'd recommend explaining the series as a action JRPG set in modern day Japan. Like a river city ransom JRPG.

Edit: it has all the traits of an JRPG. Random encounters, a level system with an ability tree (especially with 0 having a sphere grid lol), crafting, and a hefty story with long cutscenes. Yea there's an open world but it's really small and densely packed. There's a main quest but also tons of side quests.

The Next favorite series videos on YouTube did an amazing job explaining and selling the series to me.


I'd recommend explaining the series as a action JRPG set in modern day Japan. Like a river city ransom JRPG.

right, that's definitely the angle i'm going with for feel/pedigree, maybe i should emphasize that in the section though? that its more River City Ransom than GTA/mafia, in spirit and gameplay?
Finished Yakuza 4 yesterday and started Y5. Immediately I noticed all the little changes they've made and love how much they improve the game. The aesthetics look so much more streamlined, the menus alone are soo much better to use now.

Cant wait to get more into the game. Just started it up to see where things are after 4. Love that they started this one with Kazuma. Liked all the the new characters from 4 but Kiryu really got the short end of the story in that game and I really wanted to spend more time with him.

That being said, I cannot wait for Ishin to get here and 0. Really want to play these games on PS4.

Yeah, Kiryu gets a more fleshed out reason for being in Yaykuza 5, he felt more like a fan pleasing inclusion for 4. Then again, his fight against Daigo is still the epic high point in 4 (in my opinion). Kiryu gets some awesome sections in 5 though, his third and fourth chapters contain some of the best battles in the series. Glad to see your enjoying the series :)
I just started Y5 too and all the loading screens are annoying me. It's been so long I had to look up the ending to 4. I forgot Kiryu went back to the clan lol
Vic_Viper said it. We have to concentrate on the fundamental differences that Yakuza has (gameplay wise) from those said titles.

Yakuza is first and foremost, an action brawler that takes place in a much small yet denser sandbox environment. And the game has lots of JRPG elements. Those are things that differentiates the series most from GTA/Mafia titles. I think we should concentrate more on those.

Maybe providing some examples would be the way to go about it? Like, have you seen those side by side images about "Dante is" and "Dante is NOT" that Ninja Theory showed after DmC?

Maybe we could do something similar for Yakuza?

Like for example:

Yakuza is NOT *insert picture of GTAV's character stealing a car* / Yakuza is *insert picture Kiryu slamming someones head into the wall*


I just started Y5 too and all the loading screens are annoying me. It's been so long I had to look up the ending to 4. I forgot Kiryu went back to the clan lol

It's funny the things we forget about the PS3 after being on PS4 for so long. The saving is what gets me the most. I never really had a problem with it before but now that it's not an issue on PS4 going back I can't believe how bad it was.


Vic_Viper said it. We have to concentrate on the fundamental differences that Yakuza has (gameplay wise) from those said titles.

Yakuza is first and foremost, an action brawler that takes place in a much small yet denser sandbox environment. And the game has lots of JRPG elements. Those are things that differentiates the series most from GTA/Mafia titles. I think we should concentrate more on those.

Maybe providing some examples would be the way to go about it? Like, have you seen those side by side images about "Dante is" and "Dante is NOT" that Ninja Theory showed after DmC?

Maybe we could do something similar for Yakuza?

Like for example:

Yakuza is NOT *insert picture of GTAV's character stealing a car* / Yakuza is *insert picture Kiryu slamming someones head into the wall*

I believe in Y5 one of the revelations is a car themed heat.


Question about Yakuza 5

Am I able to get back to do the rest of Kazuma's side stories and taxi missions after it switches to one of the other characters sections? Not sure how the game progresses and I don't want to miss out on anything. So if there's a no turning back point let me know.


Question about Yakuza 5

Am I able to get back to do the rest of Kazuma's side stories and taxi missions after it switches to one of the other characters sections? Not sure how the game progresses and I don't want to miss out on anything. So if there's a no turning back point let me know.

Yes, but not Haruka's.

Worse case scenario you can do it from the Premium Adventure after beating the game.


Yes, but not Haruka's.

Worse case scenario you can do it from the Premium Adventure after beating the game.

Do you switch back and forth with the playable characters or is it like 4 again where you do the persons story then switch and never get back till the very end?


Watched the videos on Yakuza 4 about the prior games. Has me excited to jump into Yakuza. Plan on doing so sometime this month, but want to make sure it's the only game I'll be playing. Seems it deserves that.
Glad to hear that you are following through with your Yakuza plans, Jaw.

Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts when you play it.
...this is really good. we should absolutely do this!
Yeah, I probably forgot about it since NT did an awful job with those Dante pics. But now that I think about it, it could be very useful.

What I'm thinking is that we do 3-4 comparison pictures like that to show the key fundamental differences between Yakuza and other OW games. Now, the following are all just me throwing ideas around as examples so we can change/replace them however we like. (they are not in any orders either)

1. Something similar to what I said in my earlier post.
2. Yakuza is NOT *picture of Mafia MC buying guns & ammo* / Yakuza is *picture of combat upgrade menu / sphere grid*
3. Yakuza is NOT *picture of Just Cause MC flying/jumping out of a jet* / Yakuza is *one of the arcade mini-game pictures, maybe something like this*
4. Yakuza is NOT *something very GTA/Mafia/JC like* / Yakuza is *Kazuma singing his heart out in karaoke*

Yeah, so something along those lines to get the message through that Yakuza is not just another GTA/Mafia clone and is its own thing.

I believe in Y5 one of the revelations is a car themed heat.
A car based heat move would make that comparison even more amazing. It's like saying "this is how we use cars in Yakuza!". I love it!

Though, I don't remember how that heat move exactly plays out. Cause it needs to be very clear that Kiryu is not beating the dude to steal the car, and instead he is just using the car as a weapon.


A car based heat move would make that comparison even more amazing. It's like saying "this is how we use cars in Yakuza!". I love it!

Though, I don't remember how that heat move exactly plays out. Cause it needs to be very clear that Kiryu is not beating the dude to steal the car, and instead he is just using the car as a weapon.

Y5 Heat Move Revelations spoilers:

God Revelations are SO Yakuza.


^goddamn, yeah i love revelations but i forget how brutal kazzy can be, that's some s01 daredevil kingpin shit. when you said car based heat move i was thinking of the races in the Taxi missions!

sparda - exactly that, i even like the example of the screenshot you showed! i would, however, like one of the "Yakuza is..." type shots to show a brutal HEAT action like you cited earlier too, though. we gotta push the mini-games & wackiness along with the hardcore gangster shit too!


6. Yakuza is NOT *insert old GTA strip club*
Yakuza is Y3 Revelations Spoiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO7dsZgcnTI

On a non-Revelations, on-topic note, you can also take the "IS NOT" theme in a sarcasm direction, aka IS NOT A RHYTHM GAME -> Show Kiryu fucking jamming karaoke, IS NOT A RACING GAME -> Show (Y5)
Kiryu Taxi Drifting
Yeah, going sarcasm route would be amazing as well. But we probably shouldn't do that in the introduction part since people might think that the whole section is sarcastic.

We could add those at the end of the OP though. At the end of Q&A we can add a new question and then answer it with these sarcastic "Is NOT"/ "Is" pictures.

Y5 Heat Move Revelations spoilers:

God Revelations are SO Yakuza.
Damn, that's an amazing fit! Now we just need to find a pic of Kazuma actually doing that a poor soul. Would be great if the pic was from 1:53 when Kazuma is smashing some poor punks head with the car's door.

^goddamn, yeah i love revelations but i forget how brutal kazzy can be, that's some s01 daredevil kingpin shit. when you said car based heat move i was thinking of the races in the Taxi missions!

sparda - exactly that, i even like the example of the screenshot you showed! i would, however, like one of the "Yakuza is..." type shots to show a brutal HEAT action like you cited earlier too, though. we gotta push the mini-games & wackiness along with the hardcore gangster shit too!
Yeah. We could do a bunch and then share them here and decide on final ones that we want to put in the introduction section. Now we just need to find the right pictures and have someone do the "Is NOT" / "Is", banners for them.

cj_iwakura, do you think you could do the "Is NOT" / "Is" banners?


IIRC, I read a post by a JRPG gaf like JRPG crowd could be a potential audience for the series but it didn't have enough kawaii/moe stuff...

So jut give up ;p

Joking aside, it is often said that zero is a good entry point because it is a prequel but I think the beginning of the zero's story is very confusing and hard to follow. As soon as the game started, Kiryu is put in the middle of Dojima family's internal conflict and you hear a lot of characters & families' names without any explanations. I think adding a story explanation video like Yakuza 1 (or 1-5) in 10 minutes or something would be great. And adding characters relation map and Tojo clan's hierarchy map would be helpful.

RGG6 pre-order Bonus revealed.

And also,

Kiryu the Best 桐生一馬 Karaoke All Time Best Collection is coming on the same day as RGG6
01.本日はダイヤモンド【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
02.hands【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
03.Like A Butterflly【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬 feat.沙希&りおな
04.BRAN-NEW STAGE【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:ひかる&えりな with 桐生一馬
05.Y字ロード【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:SORA with 桐生一馬
06.TONIGHT-restart from this night-【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
07.ばかみたい-哀愁‐【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
08.意地桜2000【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
09.JUDGEMENT-審判‐【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
10.MachineGun Kiss【Full Spec Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
11.神室純恋歌【Special Duet Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)&花(平野綾)
12.ばかみたい【Taxi Driver Edition】 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
13.神室雪月花(Original mix) 歌唱:桐生一馬(黒田崇矢)
16.Like A Butterflly(karaoke)
17.BRAN-NEW STAGE(karaoke)

(All the songs Kiryu sings in the games included as full version)



Really glad they changed up the formula for 0 and have the characters switch back and forth. I really dont like how 4 and 5 are set up, more so in 5. 4 was good becuase it felt like each character got their own full fledged story that then tied into the next and so on. But in 5 I fell like im going to wish I was still able to go back to someone else and catch up from time to time. If anything id like to see them do a GTA V style story where you can switch back and forth at will. This is something they should think about if they do a Y7. I hope they do some more prequels or at the least do a remake of 2 and release it and the other remake here.


The what is Yakuza thread needs a gif of this:


Few things exemplify the series as much as a manly man punching a bear.


Really glad they changed up the formula for 0 and have the characters switch back and forth. I really dont like how 4 and 5 are set up, more so in 5. 4 was good becuase it felt like each character got their own full fledged story that then tied into the next and so on. But in 5 I fell like im going to wish I was still able to go back to someone else and catch up from time to time. If anything id like to see them do a GTA V style story where you can switch back and forth at will. This is something they should think about if they do a Y7. I hope they do some more prequels or at the least do a remake of 2 and release it and the other remake here.

yeah 4 was a bit more seamless, i dug what 5 was going for personally and am a little bummed that 6 looks just like kazzy's story
Guys I have some bad news. Gravity Rush 2 has been delayed to release just 4 days before Yakuza 0.

Man, that's gonna make it harder for us to sell the game to other people who like niche Japanese games.

Anyway, I hear you guys. Gacha-pin, I think we had a similar idea before and it's a solid one but the undertaking is a little too big for us right now. I mean, thus far it's just me and Irish who are actually working on the contents of thread and I don't know about Irish but I'm not really good with Photoshop and stuff like that, which will be needed to put something like that together.

Also, it might look a little intimidating for newcomers so see all the connections and characters at once and it might scare them off.

And yeah, we'll put a nice amount of gifs in the thread. Though I was initially thinking about just using Y0 gifs, I guess we could do a few from other entries to show what Yakuza is all about. That punching bear one will surly make it in :)


I think Ishin might end up being my third favourite of the Yakuza games, I mean it certainly helps that I keep bumping into old faces so the fan service is there but the biggest change is just how much more I'm dying now.

Granted it's probably because I still don't know a lot of the moves you could use but the boss fights seem tougher and enemies (Especially the club wielding ones) do a lot more damage in groups.
Guys I have some bad news. Gravity Rush 2 has been delayed to release just 4 days before Yakuza 0.

Man, that's gonna make it harder for us to sell the game to other people who like niche Japanese games.

Tell me about it... I wont be able to afford both since I'm also getting Persona 5 so being forced to choose is killing me since I really want to support both. Fucking hell. They're just all too close to each other.
Already decided to skip RE7 and Horizon.
Nier is a must though.
Shit's just insane.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really rage when playing but trying to plat Yakuza 5 is something else xD.
Good lord I'm just about done with the Akiyama Coliseum part but that was something else.
Not sure what went through their minds with all the super armor, stun hits and what not.
Goddamn cheese fest not really using any of his combos to fight in a fun way. 2-3 kicks dodge step every time....

Truly frustrating like people that say dark souls can be cheap don't really understand how much worse it can be.

Now I was venting but still I really love this game or else I wouldn't try to plat it.
Next up Shinada from there it's a cakewalk with only Saejima left + ExHard mode run.


yeah im slowly trying to convince myself to plat yak 3 but man it's slow going, im moping stuff up before mini game master but i still need a few quests done before amon too, right now there's an asshole i can't beat in a competition at the batting cages

5's plat comparatively looks far kinder
5's plat is just time consuming for the most part, especially the bloody arena forcing you to do that grind 4 times (its the worst designed arena in terms of the grind, made even worse by having to do it 4 times). Also, Shinada and Akiyama really aren't arena material, as mentioned above Akiyama's moves are mainly useless on the heavy hitters thanks to supper armor and no juggle while Shinada has to rely on little hits here and there along with the heat > health healing move. Kiryu and Seijima have no problems, it really should have just been those two in the arena (that said, I did really like the arena side mission storyline).

3's plat demands balls of steel on some of those mini games, I've still not managed it, one day I'll go back and try again but its the last one I'm aiming on doing since its so demanding... Yakuza 1's plat is also a nightmare since I'm 1 task away from doing it - but hitting 20 home runs in a row for Haruka is beyond my skill :(
If I ever get round to it though, I'm sure I can plat all the other games, for 0, 2, 4, 5 and Kiwami I just need to do an EX Hard run. I might be able to do Dead Souls as well, but I've heard bad things about the EX Hard run on that game (the turret section).


Unconfirmed Member
5's plat is just time consuming for the most part, especially the bloody arena forcing you to do that grind 4 times (its the worst designed arena in terms of the grind, made even worse by having to do it 4 times). Also, Shinada and Akiyama really aren't arena material, as mentioned above Akiyama's moves are mainly useless on the heavy hitters thanks to supper armor and no juggle while Shinada has to rely on little hits here and there along with the heat > health healing move. Kiryu and Seijima have no problems, it really should have just been those two in the arena (that said, I did really like the arena side mission storyline).

3's plat demands balls of steel on some of those mini games, I've still not managed it, one day I'll go back and try again but its the last one I'm aiming on doing since its so demanding... Yakuza 1's plat is also a nightmare since I'm 1 task away from doing it - but hitting 20 home runs in a row for Haruka is beyond my skill :(
If I ever get round to it though, I'm sure I can plat all the other games, for 0, 2, 4, 5 and Kiwami I just need to do an EX Hard run. I might be able to do Dead Souls as well, but I've heard bad things about the EX Hard run on that game (the turret section).

Yeah definitely everything is pretty doable but the act of doing it is so full of frustration.
I mean like with the arena grind. Makes just no sense. I fight the best fighters with the most points several times I get 3 points max(cause I already grinded some of them down to 300 and below) but the frustrating thing here is those fighters don't lose points after every fight like they should cause they lost to me no sometimes I check and they somehow gained points after losing to me. Add insult to injury their winrates shown in the rankings do not reflect their matches against me ~_~...
Like why??? xD If they would properly lose points it would make the grind so much less demanding cause the fighters that you do after that would need less points to get to fourth place.

Or like with Akiyama certain enemies being kind of immune to his entire skillset with parry, super armor, grip resistance, launch strike immunity, etc etc. It just makes arena 0 fun when you can only square square enemies before they punish you hard and put you into 3-4 second stunlocks where you can't even dodge step out of.

Like everything just feels lopsided against you. It's just not very well designed. That said after I finally get Shinada out of the way it's back to having fun especially looking forward to the Hard Ex run.
Yeah, the grind in itself to unlock all fights was plain silly. I remember not exactly liking the old system of - complete each GP 3 times to unlock the next etc. but this was way worse. It just seems bizarre that at no point did anyone at Sega step back and realise that it was a terrible idea.

It made the arena just no fun. And usually the arena is one of my highlights, I always get hyped to do the arena side stuff but 5 just pissed me off. Thankfully I really enjoyed 0's and Kiwami's fighting arena... Ishin's was a strange thing, as the difficulty was cranked all the way up and damage output by the AI was nuts on hard mode, I had to drop it to easy (huzzah for adjustable difficulty at last!) to complete those optional goals.


Just got Ishin in the mail! Can't wait to check it out, wish I had checked the mail before having to leave for work. Between Mafia 3 and Y5, my week is stacked.


Pre-ordered Yakuza 6 the other day. Between VF 5 and the combat in the game I think this is the game I've been waiting for. Time to learn Japanese in 2 months.


5's plat is just time consuming for the most part, especially the bloody arena forcing you to do that grind 4 times (its the worst designed arena in terms of the grind, made even worse by having to do it 4 times). Also, Shinada and Akiyama really aren't arena material, as mentioned above Akiyama's moves are mainly useless on the heavy hitters thanks to supper armor and no juggle while Shinada has to rely on little hits here and there along with the heat > health healing move. Kiryu and Seijima have no problems, it really should have just been those two in the arena (that said, I did really like the arena side mission storyline).

Or like with Akiyama certain enemies being kind of immune to his entire skillset with parry, super armor, grip resistance, launch strike immunity, etc etc. It just makes arena 0 fun when you can only square square enemies before they punish you hard and put you into 3-4 second stunlocks where you can't even dodge step out of.

oh man, ya'll are not making 5's arena sound fun, damn. guess everyone has to do it, like an amon fight?

3's plat demands balls of steel on some of those mini games, I've still not managed it, one day I'll go back and try again but its the last one I'm aiming on doing since its so demanding... Yakuza 1's plat is also a nightmare since I'm 1 task away from doing it - but hitting 20 home runs in a row for Haruka is beyond my skill :([/QUOTE]

holy hell that sounds bad - yeah, for me it's clearly the minigame master that might break me (EX hard can't be so bad with a golden gun, haha - assuming that carries over?), im just mopping up the easy ones now, got environmentalist and tag hoarder last night. the pool, darts etc ones look doable but im wondering if i should focus on them at the same time as minigame master? gonna go look into that

If I ever get round to it though, I'm sure I can plat all the other games, for 0, 2, 4, 5 and Kiwami I just need to do an EX Hard run. I might be able to do Dead Souls as well, but I've heard bad things about the EX Hard run on that game (the turret section)

god yes, that's literally the last thing i need in Dead Souls, and honestly it's that turret section & the final fight that are putting me off of wanting to get it done...sucks dropping all your items/stats etc but i think i can make it work if i don't get mobbed! turret was only doable on hard for me when i realized it was affected by what armor your wore, still gonna be a bitch though.

Just got Ishin in the mail! Can't wait to check it out, wish I had checked the mail before having to leave for work. Between Mafia 3 and Y5, my week is stacked.

congrats! still seeing Ishin for $34 at the cheapest, wanna jump in but i'm waiting on KHH to get more of that guide done!
So the arena in 5 is like this:
Unlocking arenas now is heavily weighed on your reputation alone. You have to climb up the ranks from (I think) 100 to the top 4 (4th place is where the last arena battle unlocks). Problem is that getting rep is a pain, as you get next to nothing for a win against low level enemies, you have to beat higher ranked opponents to rank up, and eventually unlock more battles. As you zero in on the top spot you'll find that beating low level enemies basically gets you 0 rep, so the only way you can rank up is basically playing the same fight (cage match - as its one battle and you can go for a quick ring out) and you have to make sure that fight is against a high ranked opponent (you can see who you'll fight before you actually start the battle, so just keep selecting the battle until you get the one you want, then start and hopefully win).
Now that's done, your one character has beaten all the GP's. It was tough, but your happy. Check your completion list, notice how its only 1/4 done? Yep, now do it with the other 3 characters. But what is this? All those arena GPs you unlocked are now locked again? And your new characters rep is down at the bottom so you have to do everything all over again, and again, and again. So yeah, its a grind alright!

Regarding Yakuza 3 - yes the Golden Gun works for EX hard, so that's my secret weapon! For Yakuza 1, thankfully Kiwami changed up the Haruka requirements for baseball so its easier. Bad news is that a couple of the gambling requirements are so insanely luck based that all that rage will come right back! That and the Billiards requirement is fairly tough, that one took a few tries as if you give the opponent an opening it can be fatal. But hey, that's the completion list in Yakuza for you, there are always a couple of bits that prove to be very challenging no matter the game! I'm still amazed I managed to 100% the last few of them.
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