- where does he hide himeself for the last battle? "settle the score with maxima"
Batting Center.
- how do i trigger more fight in mesuking minigame with him? (did three with pocket fighter, was excepting the same considering the dialogue at the end of the first fight)
Have to beat Idol Majima twice... it's the end point of the Rank S path upgrades
- i'm missing some abilitiies hidden under nishida's email... but i already did all the one he sent to me, and he's not sending new ones (considering my first question, i'm obviously rank SSS)
There's a video which spells out all the email locations here:
- How can i trigger Idol Majima? Since i beat him once, he should now appear in the streets, but that's never the case
These are rnd street encounters - I'm not "sure" that one is more likely to find the difft. versions of Majima near where you had the rank up battles, but that has seemed to be the case for me. So, NW side for Idol Majima.